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Subj:	Teen Deal Issue 12 pg. 1 Christmas Edition! Merry Christmas!
Date:	12/18/99 11:22:39 PM Eastern Standard Time
From:	LilFox02
CC:	II jcSwEetZ II,, Zplan2
CC:, Sunnydayvp
BCC:	Kjc2000123

Teen Deal
One of the Internet's #1 Online Magazines
Issue #12 (December)

Table Of Contents:
      Pg. 1:
               "Poetry and Song Corner"... LilFox02
               "utter ataxia"... Kjc2000123 
               "A Lil' Bit of Culture In Your Life"... LilFox02
               "Movie Reviews"...  JRDIVA1919 
               "Product Reviews"... JRDIVA1919 
      Pg. 2:  
               "Alternative Today"... Kjc2000123 
               "Music Corner"... LilFox02 
               "Beauty 101"... NikeGrl260  
               "Gift Ideas"
               "Funny Celebrity Sites"

      Pg. 3: ADZ!!!!!!!!!



	Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to y'all!! I hope y'all get what you want for Christmas! Sorry I didn't get the last issue out but only one writer got their stuff in cuz everyone was so busy! Anyway, it makes everything even now because this is out 12th issue and it is the 12th month so yippee!! This is the Christmas edition if you couldn't tell. The background is green and most of the words are in red! Well, let's get to the 12th issue of Teen Deal. Also, make sure you check out our awesome website ,  Teen Deal . 

Song and Poetry Corner
Okay. How many of you actually know your Christmas songs? I mean really know them?
Well let's quiz ya real fast okay!  "Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh"....... If you guessed Jingle Bells you were right!!!!!! Okay let's get to the song  lyrics.
Jingle Bells
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way,
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh. Hey!
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way,
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh.

Dashing through the snow
In a one horse open sleigh,
O'er the fields we go,
Laughing all the way.
Bells on bobtails ring,
Making spirits bright.
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight. Oh!

Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way,
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh. Hey!
Jingle bells, jingle bells,
Jingle all the way,
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh.

Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Hark! The herald angels sing
'Glory to the newborn King;'
Peace on earth and mercy mild;
God and sinners reconciled.'
Joyful, all ye nations rise,
Join the triumph in skies;
With angelic host proclaim,
'Christ is born in Bethlehem!'
Hark the herald angels sing,
'Glory to the newborn King.' 
2. Christ by highest heav'n adored,
Christ the everlasting Lord:
Late in time, behold Him come,
Offspring of a virgin's womb.
Veiled in flesh the Godhead see,
Hail th'incarnate Deity!
Pleased as man with men to dwell,
Jesus our Immanuel.
Hark! the herald angels sing,
'Glory to the newborn King.' 

3. Hail the heav'n born Prince of Peace!
Hail the Sun of righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings,
Ris'n with healing in His wings.
Mild He lays His glory by,
Born that man no more may die,
Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth.
Hark! the herald angels sing,
'Glory to the newborn King.' 

4. Come, Desire of nations, come,
Fix in us Thy humble home;
Oh, to all Thyself impart,
Formed in each believing heart!
Hark! the herald angels sing,
Glory to the new-born King;
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!
Hark! the herald angels sing,
Glory to the new-born King!
Joy To the World
Joy to the world! the Lord is come;
Let earth receive her King.
Let ev'ry heart prepare Him room,
|: And heav'n and nature sing, :|
And heav'n and heav'n and nature sing. 
2. Joy to the earth! the Savior reigns;
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains
|: Repeat the sounding joy, :|
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy. 

3. No more let sins and sorrows grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
|: Far as the curse is found, :|
Far as, far as the curse is found. 

4. He rules the world with truth and grace,
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness,
And wonders of His love, 
And wonders, and wonders of His love. 


utter ataxia
by: dinster

here's part one of a winter story.  part two will be found in next month's issue.  enjoy.  joyeux noel.

	The first new snowflakes drifted down from the dark sky.  They gathered on the ground and upon the rooftops.  It snowed all that night, and in the morning, the world was covered with two feet of fresh snow.  It was beautiful.  
	Michelle had always loved the winter.  It was her favorite season and waited for it all year long.  This year was no different; for weeks she anxiously awaited the first snowfall.  And here it was.  She had awakened early and was staring out at the snow-covered street before anyone came by to trod upon it.  A thought came into her head.  It was Friday, and coincidentally, the first day of Winter Break.  She wrestled with the thought in her mind for a while, but the view outside was too much of a temptation.
	She quietly opened her dresser drawers and found some clothes to put on.  She dressed quickly, yet carefully, for she did not want to forget anything.  She combed her short, auburn hair, then covered it with a hat.  She put on her coat and boots.  Then, she closed her bedroom door and locked it from the inside.  As quietly as was possible, Michelle opened her window just wide enough for her body to pass through.  She climbed backwards out of the window and down the trellis on the side of the house.
	The cold air rushed into her lungs.  She loved the feeling.  The white covered world just amazed her.  Everything was perfect.  She let a few snowflakes land on her tongue as she stood wondering what to do next.  
	A memory revealed itself to her.  There was a fairly large clearing in the woods behind her house. Five year-old Michelle ran through the trees in late spring, chasing after her kitten.  She tried to go back home, but was lost.  She sat under a pine tree, crying, for hours until her father found her.  She hadn't been back since.
	But, here she was, ten years later.  The snow-covered trees were beckoning her.  She took in a deep breath and walked over to the woods.  Fallen branches and overgrown bushes, which were now dead, made her journey difficult.  After a few minutes of climbing through the snarled jumble of twisted, lifeless undergrowth, she noticed a worn down spot.  It appeared to be a trail of sorts.  The snow had fallen lightly on the ground in the woods, with the bulk of it above on top of the stately evergreen trees.  Curiosity got the better of Michelle, so she followed the worn path.  
	What she found at the end took her breath away.  The clearing she remembered from her childhood was more beautiful than ever.  She walked to the center and looked up at the bright moon in the dark sky.  A feeling of euphoria enveloped her.  She stretched out her arms and spun about.  She began to dance in the moonlight, amid the forest dusted with snow.  She felt invincible and perfect; she was the beautiful queen who ruled over the magical land.  Her joyous laughter filled the air, and no one would hear it but herself, or so she thought.
	A rustle came from behind the trees somewhere.  Michelle jumped.  "Whowho's there?" she asked, so frightened that her words were barely above a whisper.  "Hello?" she called.  "Is anyone there?  Hello?  Hello!?"  She looked around, but saw nothing.  "It must be my imagination," she said to herself.  There was another rustle.  Michelle turned around and saw a figure emerge from the darkness and into the light.  There stood a boy, about her age.  He was thin and pale, with blond hair and brown eyes.  He clasped his bare hands together and shivered in the cold.
	"Hi," he said, nervously.  "I  I'm s-sorry to, uh, interrupt you.  But you, um, you woke me up."
	"I woke you?"  Michelle looked at the boy and decided it was safe to venture closer.  "Are you camping here or something?"
	The boy cleared his throat.  "I guess you could say that," he mumbled.  He blew on his hands to warm them and stuck them down into the pockets of his jeans.
	"You must be cold," said Michelle.  The boy nodded.  "Well, why don't you go put on some heavier clothes?  It's about 15 degrees out.  You'll freeze in that sweatshirt you've got on."  
	"This is all I have," he said, quietly, and looked at the ground.
	"Do your parents have anything you could borrow?" asked Michelle.
	"My parents aren't here," said the boy, bitterly.  Michelle looked at him, puzzled.  "I'm here alone," he said.  "They didn't want me."  There was a silence.  "Oh, uh, my name is Patrick.  What's yours?"
	"Michelle" Patrick smiled.  "Michelle, the ballerina of the forest!"  Michelle blushed and bit her lower lip.  "I admit I was watching you for a while," said Patrick.  "You're the first person I've seen in over a week" He shivered again.  
	"You've been here for a week?" asked Michelle.  "All alone?  In the dead of winter?"  He nodded.  "But where do you sleep?  And do you have food?  How do you stay warm?"
	"There's an old, abandoned cabin over there," he pointed east.  "It's been there for ages and I never saw anyone live in it.  So that's where I live now."
	"Where is it?" asked Michelle, looking around.
	"I'll show you.  Come on," said Patrick, leading the way down the path.  They stopped in front of a tiny building.  "Here it is.  I have a fire going if you'd like to come in."
	"That sounds good," said Michelle.  She followed him into the cabin.  There was only one room, and it was the size of a very small bedroom.  The furniture consisted of four crates: two were overturned, and the other two held several cans of food and some plastic dishes.  A few blankets lay on the floor in front of the fireplace.  
	"Here, sit down," said Patrick, pulling the empty crates towards the fire.  They sat on the crates and Patrick pulled a blanket over his legs.  
	"Why are you here?" asked Michelle, taking off her hat and gloves.  "I mean, why don't you live at home with your family?"
	"I told you.  They don't want me," he said. "Nobody wants me."

be sure to read the next issue for part 2 of "snowflakes"

A Lil' Bit of Culture In Your Life!
	Since a lot of you lil' chickadees probably don't know much about othe languages, I Cassi the Editor Person have decided to teach you some nice lil' Christmas phrases. Why you may ask. Because I'm just nice like that and so you can look smart for all those family members you've most likely have never seen before and they probably aren't even related to you but anyway! Here we go! The accent marks are missing though. Sorry!
Joyeux Noel...Merry Christmas
Bonne Annee...Happy New Year
Pere Noel...Father Christmas/Santa Claus/Kris Kringle
Feliz Navidad...Merry Christmas
Prospero Ano Nuevo...Happy New Year
Frohliche Weihnachten...Merry Christmas
Capodanno...Happy New Year
Well, I hope you all learned a lil' somethin' somethin'. Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee!!

There are so many movies out right now and here are some specially picked by
*-bad   **-not quite worth it   ***-it isn't must see   ****-it's good,you should see it   *****-see this movie it rox!!

LIGHT IT UP~If your old enough to see it or have a kewl parent or older sib
to take ya see this movie. It's about a group of kids (USHER is in it...yum
yum) who live in a mega-urban town. The neighboorhood is what they call "ghetto". They get in some trouble with the police and they end up hiding out in the school (it's empty of other students). Of course there's some
romance, tearfelt moments and some bad language but hey IT'S USHER!!!

Music Of The Heart~Now at first I didn't wanna see this flick but when me
and mah buds went to the movies it was the only one playing. I was prepared to be BORED but I found such a heartwarming, funny and interesting story in the movie that my goal is to buy it on tape. It stars Gloria Estefan and Meryl Streep, plus a few SUPRISE hotties. It's majorly fascinating and a tear
jerker (not enough for hankies). It is a good family movie or a movie to see with your close buds. Basically it is about a lady whose husband leaves her with two kids. She winds up moving back to her birthplace where she meets her longtime crush at a store. He tells her about a school where the might be
willing to accept her dream violin program. SO she goes to this school (badneighborhood) and the principal (Angela Basset) says NO! But with a convincing display by her sons she gets the job. The progam is soon to be cut
cuz of money issues so the teacher has to fight to earn money. BASED ON A TRUE STORY!


Basically this is a list and description of products worth spending loose cash on. If you wanna reccomend products you will get full credit and my utter thanks! E-mail them to me @

Big Lixx Lip Gloss-These Jumbo sized lip glosses by Nutratistics pack alota gloss with major nutrients for ur pucker. They provide full coverage of all lip and come in yummy flavors like Cotton Candy (the one I'm sporting), Bubble Gum and more!!!

Glitter Pack-this kit is for TEENS. It contains a kewl glittery razor, smoothie type shaving gel and a fab sparkle dedorant that's excellent
and great smelling!

Skittles-cause they just rock

Cherry 7-UP-It's da bomb, tastes good and doesn't get it's props!

Bon Bons-these are mini cosmetics packed with color! The line has cute nailpolishes, lipglosses and glitter pots!!!!

Juice BAr Fragrances-These WINDEX packaged perfums come in delish scents like Gummi Bear, Vanilla Musk and so much more. They are fab and cheap at 5.99 for a big bottle!

******** TEEN DEAL ********** ROCKS SO HARD *********** IT'S DA BOMB *********** DON'T UNSUBSCRIBE *******


Alternative Today
by dinster

This month's column is our special millenium edition of A.T.  A team of researchers (also known as random people on my buddy list...) has put together a list of the top 20 greatest alternative songs since the beginnings in the early 80s.  
This new type of rock music, called progressive, or new wave, was lighter than the heavy metal of the late 70s and early 80s.  Groups such as Poison and Ratt were losing popularity to the Cure and Madness.  The softer sound featured innovative musical techniques and intelligible lyrics.  New wave later blossomed into what is now known as alternative, and produced many different offshoots (americanized ska, grunge, punk, industrial, electronica, techno, et. al).  And now, the list...
20. "Lightning Crashes" Live
19. "My Own Prison" Creed
18. "Overkill" Men At Work
17. "It's Oh So Quiet" Bjork
16. "Losing My Religion" R.E.M.
15. "Under the Bridge" Red Hot Chili Peppers
14. "You Oughta Know" Alanis Morissette
13. "Blister in the Sun" Violent Femmes
12. "Policy of Truth" Depeche Mode
11. "Doll Parts" Hole
10. "Black Hole Sun" Soundgarden
9. "Bizarre Love Triangle" New Order
8. "Jeremy" Pearl Jam
7. "Closer" Nine Inch Nails
6. "Take On Me" A-Ha
5. "Boys Don't Cry" the Cure
4. "Tainted Love" Soft Cell
3. "Loser" Beck
2. "Come On Eileen" Dexy's Midnight Runners
1. "Smells Like Teen Spirit" Nirvana


 ee Music Corneree
by Cassi
eeeeee ~ Check it out Now!!!
eeeee ~ Awesome!!
eeee ~ Its Aight!
eee ~ Not that good
ee ~ Really bad!
e ~ Don't ever check this song out! Its horrible!!!

"This Gift"...98 Degrees...pop/R&B...album: 98 Degrees' Christmas cd
	This song is so pretty. The first time I heard this song was on Jay Leno and the guys were singing it. They have such beautiful voices! This is the love song of the Christmas season! If you could get one gift for that special person get them "This Gift" by 98 Degrees! eeeeee

"What A Girl Wants"...Christina Aguilera...pop...Christina Aguilera
	Christina is definitely a girl who knows what she wants! She has had two top 20 singles by the age of 18 ("Genie in a Bottle" & "Reflection") and her cd debuted at #1! She is so sweet and adorable. This song describes I think every girl's life because we have to take some time away from relationships to think and guys need to figure out what we girls want. I love this song so much.  eeeeee

"Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire"...Christina Aguilera...pop..."What a Girl Wants" single
	I just heard this song today and might I say Christina sings it awesome. This girl amazes me with her voice as you can see since I have 2 of her songs in my reviews! She is so awesome! eeeee

"From the Bottom of My Broken Heart'...Britney, one more time
	Okay, this song might not be out on the radio yet but it will be soon. I just want to say i'm gettin' a lil' tired of Britney. She's always wearing crop tops when she doesn't have the stomach for it. Anyway, I don't quite care for this song. All I gotta say is "Girl move on!" If a guy breaks your heart don't sit around and wait for him to come back. Go find someone who loves you better. I hate this song so much!  e

Cassi's Opinion
	Okay Britney sang "Silent Night" at the lighting of the Christmas tree thingy on TV. I am sorry but that was terrible. She needs to stick to lip-syncing. Goodness! Either that or just give up on singing! She also "performed" at a couple award shows her song "Crazy". She attempts to do a lil' rap thingy in the middle of the song. Okay, rap is one of my favorite types of music and Brit-Brit totally ruined it for me. Also, what was her outfit about. Oh now I'm 18 I can dress even more like a hooker/stripper. What a great rolemodel! Is this what our lil' siblings and cousins are gonna grow up to be like? Can we expect to see Britney pole dancing in her next video? If you have an opinion on Miss Britney Spears, send it to

Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee!! Feliz Naividad!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
*~*Beauty 101*~*
by: Nikegrl260

*~* Another Mascara??*~*
Thought mascare could get any better?? Well guess again. Clinique has come up w/ this new macara (longstem lash mascara) that is packed w/ apple extracts that make it totally smuge proof( $11.50 ). For more info go to

*~* No more lipliner!!!!*~*
W/ Stila's new lip polish you can say good-bye to lip liner. This feistive new tool will line paint and gloss your lips.At $24.00 each there kinda expensive. For more info call (888/999-9039)

*~*Tommy cosmetics??*~*
Now everyone's favorite designer has a new cosmetic line. The line covers a bazillion colors for lips, cheeks, nails, and eyes. The shades range from light to dark, bold or neutral. Availible at Tommy stores $10.

*~*Powder. In your hair?? *~*
I read this really interseting article in Teen Magazine recently. In the article, it said that salons use babypowder to give your hair great matte texture and a ton of body. Well there is some product called Bumble that sells colored baby powder(to match you hair) The article said you can us the powder instead of washing your hair.. but I'm not to sure about that!!!

*~*Beauty tip of the month*~*

Well this isn't really a tip, it's knida like a reminder. The cold weather can really damage your lips, so remember to always wear chap stick to keep those smoochers nice and soft!!!!!!!

Hope you enjoy this months article. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!!!!!
~Kym (Nikegrl260)

Gift Ideas
by Cassi
So you need to find a gift for those people in your life. Well here are some ideas:
For your brother or sister- some nice socks or underwear, hey its not like they'll get you anything nice!
for your parents- a nice framed picture of yourself and a lil' poem about how much they mean to you, its inexpensive and they'll love it!
for your girl/boyfriend- A nice piece of jewelry, not something from Wal-Mart, you want them to know you love them! Save Wal-Mart for family members they already know you care for them!
for friends- a nice Hallmark Christmas card, HALLMARK!!! It has to be HALLMARK!!!! And a candy cane!
for those other people you know but don't really like- a Christmas card not HALLMARK!!! Okay, NOT HALLMARK!!! Save Hallmark for your friends!
for your crush- a beautiful and expensive card from Hallmark and a box or bag of candy/chocolate!

Well those are my Christmas gift ideas! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!!

Funny Celebrity Sites
this month: Britney Spears
Now I know that you all love finding sites that make fun of celebrities you don't like! I know I do! Well I decided to give you some links each month to sites making fun of a certain celebrity. This month the celebrity is Britney Spears.
Here we go:
 #1 Anti Brintey Spears site! 
 Baby Never Again
*BuhBye* Britney!
Bashing Britney
 Ultimate Anti Britney Spears
Now there are many more sites out there but I'm a lil' tired so thats all I'm putting down.
Well, that was the 12th issue of Teen Deal. I hope y'all liked it! Merry Christmas! Feliz Navidad! Joyeux Noel! Happy New Year! Bonne Annee!


(C) Teen Deal 1999. Everything included in Teen Deal is property of Teen Deal and the original writers. None of the content of Teen Deal may be reproduced in any way without the permission of the original writer. Teen Deal was created for your enjoyment. If there are any problems, please contact