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Star Trek: New Beginnings

Star Trek

New Beginnings

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This is where I tell you my ideas for my OWN STAR TREK SERIES!

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This Assimilation Ring site is owned by: Jonathan Rail AKA Zordauch

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Will Voyager return to the Alpha Quadrant at season's end?


Results so far from the Fourth Poll: Who's the best singer in Star Trek?

Nichelle Nichols(2)......6%
Brent Spiner(1).........3%
James Darren(4).........11%
Jeri Ryan(6)............17%
Robert Picardo(23)......64%

Total: 36

It looks like the good ol' doctor has the voice we like to hear.

Results from Poll the Third: Happy Holidays!

None. I screwed up somewhere along the line, so I don't know what percentage of my visitors celebrate Kwanzaa, Christmas, Chanukah, or Ramadan in the month of December. Oh well. I'll try another poll sometime.

Results from The irrepressible Zordauch's poll: The Sequel!

Star Trek: New Beginnings:2...22%
The Weirdo Aboard: 6..........67%
Post-Equinox: 1...............11%

Total: 9

I'm disappointed. How can I expect to know what to finish if only 9 people vote? There's at least twice as many active §evilians, not to mention College Club members... what happened to everyone who voted in the first poll? *sigh* At any rate, I'll try to finish "Weirdo" first... the operative word there being "try".

Results from my first poll:


Total: 44

This is a combined total from every one who voted, either here, or at my GeoCities site. Doc and Seven are leading the back, with the JetC's not too far behind. So I can now expect at least a quarter of my visitors to dislike my Post-Equinox story. Paris/Torres and Kim/Seven are tied, but I'm sure that if I'd given the poll longer than the two weeks it took for the cookie to expire (stale cookies... ugh...), P/T would've come out ahead... or maybe not. Of course, none of this matters to TPTB, so I'm just posting this here for the heck of it. Comments? Complaints? Rosie-from-Terra-Haute-type Rants about P/T? Email me.

I'm going to be taking an extended leave of absence soon. May 21, 2000 will be my last day online for two years. I'll try to get as many stories finished as I can. However, I will be turning this site over to a moderator. If you wish to be site moderator during my absence, please email me. Whoever you are, you will be responsible for making sure this site maintains some semblance of being up-to-date.

If you want to write a story for Star Trek: New Beginnings, just send me (or the current site moderatoremail ) a copy of the story. After editing for grammar, spelling, and basic continuity with on-screen Trek and web-published Traks, and checking to see that it can fit in with the long-term plan I have established, then your story will either be linked to from this site, or a copy will be placed here in the site itself. All credit will be given where it is due, if not more so.

Star Trek: New Beginnings

Other Stories
The Weirdo Aboard: Me on Voyager. Insanity ensues.
Post-Equinox(working title): Marla Gilmore adapts to Voyager. Romance with Chakotay
Star Trek: Yorktown: A Star Traks-inspired story I was working on with my ex-girlfriend. This will take a while to finish.

Outside Links
What, my stories aren't good enough? Fine.
The Star Traks Nexus and Corner Grocery Store
Insanity in the Star Trek Universe

The Delta Blues
"Fatherly Uncle Jim" Wright's Voyager episode breakdowns and analyses, plus some delightful fanfic, including Janeway as the Borg Queen.

The DS9 Bistro
Deep Space Nine episode summaries and reviews, with special alerts. Main feature is Odo/Kira fanfic, with major roles from another rogue Changeling and an Agent of Section 31.

The Doctor and Seven of Nine Site
Doc/Seven fanfiction and episode reviews.

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Sev Trek Cartoon Contest. Copyright 2000 by John Cook.


Home, James!