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Katherine Kurtz was born in Coral Gables, Florida on October 18. She won a four-year science scholarship to the University of Miami where she graduated with a B.S. in Chemistry. She later recived her MA in medieval English history at UCLA.

In 1983, Katherine married her husband Scott MacMillan. They moved to Ireland in 1986 where they live in their castle, named Holybrooke Hall, with four cats and a dog.



Her Collection Of Books:


Chronicles of the Deryni:

Deryni Rising, Deryni Checkmate, High Deryni


The Camber Series:

Camber of Culdi, Saint Camber, Camber the Heretic


The Histories of King Kelson:

The Bishop's Heir, The King's Justice, The Quest for Saint Camber

King Kelson's Bride


The Heirs of Saint Camber:

The Harrowing of Gwynedd, King Javan's Year, The Bastard Prince


Other Deryni Books:

Deryni Archives

In Deryni Magic: A Grimoire

Codex Derynianus, with Robert Reginald

In The King's Service



Other Books:

Lammas Night, The Legacy of Lehr

Two Crowns for America

Tales of the Knights Templar

On Crusade: More Tales of the Knights Templar

St. Patrick's Gargoyle



Her Colaborations:

*The Adept
(with Deborah Turner Harris)

The Adept, The Lodge of the Lynx

The Templar Treasure, Dagger Magic

Death of an Adept

* * *

*Knights of the Blood
(with Scott MacMillan)

Knights of the Blood, At Sword's Point

* * *

The Temple and the Stone (with Deborah Turner Harris)

The Temple and the Crown (with Deborah Turner Harris)



And Her Anthologies:

Knights of the Blood

Deryni Tales

Crusade of Fire: Mystical Tales of the Knights Templar



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