(06/26/00) [Note: Names of emperors are in capital letters]
Arrius Calpurnius Piso (aka Arrius Antoninus, etc.) [b. 37 CE, d. 118/119 CE]
M. Boionia Procilla
(Fabius) Justus Calpurnius Piso (aka Jusin Martyr)
M. Eunice Corelia/Rupilia Faustina
Annius Verus (Salvius) Julianus Calpurnius Piso aka “Timothy”
M. Domitia Lucilla II
MARCUS AURELIUS (b. 121, d. 180)
M. Faustina II (Dr. of Emp. ANTONINUS PIUS)
M. M. Petronius Sura Mamertinus
M. Lucius/Julius Didius MARINUS “Theo” (of Arabia)
PHILIP I (The Arab) [b. 204 CE, d. 249 CE. Ruled 244-249 CE]
M. Marcia Otacilla Severa
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PHILIP II (Ruled 247-249 w/ his father) PACATIAN (d. 248)*
M. ________ M. _________
Cornelia Salonina (d.268)
M. GALLIENUS (d. 268)
LICINIUS I (b. 263, d. 323)
M. Flavia Constantina (Half-Sister of CONSTANTINE I)
LICINIUS II (b. 315, d. 326)
M. __________
Note: LICINIUS 1 clamed descent from PHILIP 1. Ref. “Historia Augusta”. He would
have been only 5 years old when his parents and siblings were killed - and that is why
he was spared and allowed to live to become emperor.
* PACATIAN aka Ti. Claudius Marinus Pacatianus, ruled in Upper Moesia c. 248 CE.
Brother of PHILIP II. He died in 248 CE. His coins were issued from the Viminacium mint.
He was murdered by his own soldiers. From his coins he appears to be 19 or 20 in about
248 CE. He must have been an older brother of Philip II, and thus progenator of the line
which produced LICINIUS I. PACATIAN was maternal grandfather of LICINIUS I. This
can be deduced from the fact that LICINIUS I had claimed descent from PHILIP I. In order
for this to have been so, PHILIP I had to have another son - which we find to be PACATIAN.
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