(06/26/00)  [Note: Names of emperors are in capital letters]



      Arrius Calpurnius Piso (b. 37 CE, d. 118/119 CE)

M. Boionia Procilla


      Claudia Phoebe aka Pompeia Plotina (d. 129 CE)*

M. Corelius Rufus

M. TRAJAN (b. 53 CE, d. 117 CE)


         |                                                                                                   |

      ANTONINUS PIUS aka “Suetonius”**           Flavius Arrian/Appian aka Ptolemy, etc.***

M. Faustina I (b. 105 CE, d. 141 CE)                M. (Granddaughter of LICINIANUS PISO)

         |                                                                                         |

      Faustina II (d. 175 CE)                                                Flavius Arrianus Jr./Herodes Atticus, etc.

M. MARCUS AURELIUS (b. 121 CE, d. 180 CE)     M. (Publia?)

             |                                                                        _______|________________________

            V                                                                      |                                                                |

                                                                    VALERIAN I (Ruled 253-260)                POSTUMUS I

                                                              M. Mariniana (Dr. of MARINUS)             M.____________

[Down to many, many emperors]                                                                                      |

                                                                                                                                  POSTUMUS II

                                                                                                                             M. ____________




Notes: POSTUMUS I (Marcus Aurelius Cassianus Latinus), ruled 259-267. Born circa

208-218, he died in 267 CE. POSTUMUS II, born 267/268?, ruled (?).


* These two sons of Claudia Phoebe (Pompeia Plotina) were from her first marriage,

which was to Corelius Rufus.

** ANTONINUS PIUS wrote as “Suetonius”. He ruled 138-161 CE (b. 86 CE, d. 161 CE).

*** Flavius Arrianus wrote as “Arrian” and “Appian” (“Appian’s Roman History”). Ref.

“The True Authorship of the New Testament”, by Abelard Reuchlin. Obtainable from the

Abelard Reuchlin Foundation, P.O. Box 5652, Kent, WA 98064 (cost is $5.00).



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