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Green Lantern: Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) and LEDs
Lowest Prices and Greatest Variety on the Net
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Inefficient incandescent light bulbs are everywhere:
in homes, offices, and shops. Luckily, better lighting solutions
now exist. Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) use a quarter of the energy,
last over ten times as long, generate 90% less heat, produce incandescent
quality light, and screw in to incandescent sockets.
compact fluorescent lamps and light emitting diodes (LEDs)
can help conquer the twin demons of increasing demand for energy and rising
energy bills, all while protecting the environment. Until now, however,
there was no central place where the enlightened consumer could buy any type of
compact fluorescent lamp or light emitting diode that he/she may want.
Some places offered spiral bulbs and others offered bug lights, but nobody
offered everything.
To solve this problem, Green Lantern has scoured the Internet for the best
prices on every type of CFL available. Whether or not a customer wants
spiral bulbs, full spectrum bulbs, floodlights, or torchieres,
Green Lantern has it all. And, as an added bonus, Green Lantern is currently
expanding into even more efficient LEDs.
With the 30 day money back guarantee, in addition to manufacturers'
warranties, these proven technologies offer minimal risk.
At Green Lantern, anybody can learn more about the different products offered,
get a free price quote tailored to individual needs,
calculate savings,
and order the cheapest bulb available in the greatest variety of offerings.
Shouldn't people save what they can?

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Other pages in this site:
About CFLs,
Product Types,
Order Bulbs/Request Free Quote,
Calculate Your Savings,
About Green Lantern
Contact: e-mail:
PO Box 413
Abita Springs, LA 70420
Last Updated: August 21, 2001
Copyright: Derek Lemoine 2001