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Welcome to Castle Keep

What is this place called Castle Keep? It is a place for those, Dominants and submissives alike, who seek information on the lifestyle W/we know as BDSM. There are many flavors of BDSM including B&D (Bondage and Discipline) D/s (Domination/submission) and S-M (Sado-Masochism). In this room, W/we recognize that many 'seekers' have just recently discovered the lifestyle and may, in fact not be wholly convinced it is for them. Others may have become convinced it is for them but seek an online home or source of information or companionship online. Others yet may have adopted and have been 'living' the lifestyle for some time, either covertly or openly, perhaps in the cyber realm only, in real life or both.

We seek to provide a Road-house, a Hostel, set in the atmosphere of the Medieval days, where anyone may stop in once, visit a few times or visit regularly enough to become a fixture here. Some things have changed since this room was opened. No attempt will be made here to list those changes. We hope you like what you find and choose to visit often. Though we no longer 'train' in the way we used to, certain 'classes' are being developed to aid those who wish to take them in thier search for self. The classes will be grouped in two general areas, Virtual BDSM life and Real BDSM life - with the opportunity for overlap based on the interests of the trainee.

E/experienced and I/inexperienced alike are welcome here. Set in Medieval Castle surroundings, you will find regular visitors and members of the Keep family who will greet you with respect. A/all who enter are forewarned; This is an adult chatroom where Y/you may find open discussion of the lifestyle.

This is a place for T/those W/who wish to learn and share the ways of BDSM, most specifically those of Domination/submission. The protocols of the virtual BDSM world as well as the real life BDSM experience are found here. It is our goal to aide anyone who seeks knowledge in either the virtual or real-life aspects of the lifestyle. Some who practice both Virtual and Real life BDSM testify that the two are nowhere alike. You must learn this for yourself. We are honored to assist in any way possible.

There are no mages, wizards, faeries or demons at Castle Keep. T/those of Gor, Vampire, Roleplay, Fantasy or other realms are asked to leave those lifestyles at the door. Y/you are welcome to share O/our lifestyle. If this is not for Y/you, there are many other rooms in Webmaze that Y/you may find of interest. Those with honest curiosity, straightforward intent and geniune interest in personal growth will find good comaraderie here.

Please follow the general rules of BDSM. No means no. Give courtesy and respect the dignity of each individual Dominant or submissive. Your actions and words will be returned in kind.

In Addition:

Knight Errant{g} - Castle Lord
Lady Blush/J {m} - Lady of the Castle