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~*~dOeS hE LiKe u oR dOeS hE NoT? THerE’s oNLy oNe wAy tO FinD oUt!~*~


move closer:

There’s an old saying that goes, "Wherever you go, there you are."(Yeah it is kinda obscure, but hey, for the purposes of the story…) In the case of a besotted boy however, it runs more like, "Wherever you go, there he’ll be too!" He thinks he’s being discreet, but when he accidentally bumps into you while you’re vacationing eight hours from home, well, let’s just say you can feel secure in the knowledge that he’s got a soft spot for you! If he’s a really keen jellybean, you’ll catch him indulging in all sorts of strange behaviour- in assembly, he’ll squeeze into a spot on the floor that would make a cat claustrophobic, just to be near you. He’ll make sure you always get on the bus first, so that he can then pick the primo position nearby. In fact, he’ll probably even stay on the bus for three extra stops, just so he can bask in the glory of your presence for a few more precious moments. Awww, shucks.


the look:

When you have truly experienced ‘the look’, believe me, you’ll know. It goes a li`l sumthing like this: you cross each other in the playground (it feels like you’re walking in slow motion, but, well, you’re not) and your eyes meet. Time has no meaning as you gaze at each other for what seems like hours (but is only a few seconds). Now gals, please don’t get ‘the look’ confused with everyday eye contact, because they are worlds apart. If you exchange brief eye contact with the object of your desire and are trying to decide whether it was ‘the look’ or not, well toots, it probably wasn’t. Like I mentioned, when it happens, you will know!


Making a good impression:

Guy logic: she thinks I’m smart, she’ll dig me! This translates into boys feeling the need to expound on a subject for hours, in a vain attempt to impress you with their vast knowledge. Unfortunately, their subject if choice is usually cars, or some other topic, which is liable to bore the average girl to tears. Also, guys, dear little creatures that they are, sometimes find it difficult to distinguish between sounding knowledgeable and sounding like an arrogant know-it-all. Also falling into this category is his need to brag about his physical prowess. You know, like the time he side-stepped six opposition footy players to score a try from the line drop-out. He’s not really a total brad (hopefully!) but how else are you going to find out how great he is if he doesn’t tellyou?


Clueless calling:

As members of the female species, we know if we’re about to make a scary phone call, we should at least rehearse a smooth opening line beforehand, right? Not so with the more spontaneous Y chromosome endowed species. They decide "I’m gonna call!" and dive for the phone. It’s not until we answer that they actually consider what they’re going to say, which is why a convo might go something like this: "Uh, hi Angela, I was just wondering, um, were you in Mr. Pickwick’s science class today? Oh right, coz, u know, I wasn’t sure if I saw u or not. Oh by the way, this is Jack calling." As chickies, it’s our role to act normal, so they don’t feel they’ve made a total muppet of themselves. Okey-dokes?


Touchy feely:

The simple quessie, "Can I borrow your pencil sharpener?" doesn’t necessarily need to be accompanied by a prolonged hand on your arm. But, rest assured, if a guy is hot for you, he will use any opportunity possible to make physical contact. If he’s not a naturally touchy type person, then a good hard shove every now and then will, to him, be just as meaningful. So, while you’re lying on the sprawled on the ground with dirt in your face after a particularly hearty push from you-know-who, he’s thinking, "I touched her! I’m never washing my hands again!" Soooo sweet!


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