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Continuation… 10 ways to tell he likes you…


Getting in with ur friends:

If a guy is too shy to approach you directly, he figures the next best thing is to get in cahoots with your pals. Now, this is not to be confused with the guy who’s getting chummy with your best mate because he fancies the pants off her! The difference, my friend? Basically, the guy who’s trying to get close to you through your friends will spend the entire time fishing for info about you. And your friends, being the true friends that they are, will of course tell you absolutely everything he said. (The other guy, well who cares about him anyway?)


fooling around:

Why is it that we expect guys to feel as cool on the inside as they are on the outside? Truth of the matter is, inside they are often a blithering mess. If, when talking to said stud, he produces a sentence like, "Are you going to Laura’s pancy-dress farty?" he’s either a natural born comedian, or totally tongue-tied because he us completely enamoured of your beauty. (And let’s face it, they second option is way more desirable.) Clumsiness is also a clue- if he takes a tumble down the quadrangle steps after spotting you, take a second to think "He love’s me!" before calling an ambulance.


Acting tough:

We all know that acting tough equals cool. Just look at the Fonz. Guys realize this too, and when they like you, naturally they want you to think they’re the King of Cool. Thus, acting tough is what they must do. You know, the ‘ol slouch against the wall of the local milk bar thing or the smart comeback when the teacher asks him a question. When it comes to you, he’ll probably act vaguely disinterested, which makes this one a bit tricky. (Like, how do you tell if he’s acting disinterested or if he really couldn’t give two hoots?) Let’s just say, if he acts cool in conjunction with one or more of the other tell-tale signs listed here, you’re in like Flynn, baby!



More guy logic: (Pfft!) Whether they’re being awarded a purple heart for valour or being sent out of the classroom for practicing stage dives off the school desk- to guys it’s one and the same. You’re noticing them, right? So next time you’re at the train station and a boyee yells out, "Hey Sal!" while doing a 360 on his skateboard (and ending up flat on his face), try not to roll your eyes. He’s only showing off coz he loves ya!


Boring his mates with deets about you:

In some ways, guys are no different from girls! When we like a guy, he might now know about it, but our friends certainly do! Same goes for blokes. So next time you’re chatting to one of his buds, be on the lookout for tell-tale tips like, "Did you get a haircut yesterday? Dave reckons that you did but I can’t say I’d noticed," or the more obvious, "Dave told me he’s got the hots for you sooooo bad!"

10 ways to tell that he doesn’t like you

1.When you phone his house and his little sister says, "He said to say he’s not here." 2. If he’s been dating his next door neighbour since they were both three. 3. If he sees you coming towards him in the shopping centre and suddenly darts into Mavis’ Marvellous Frock Shop, he probably doesn’t worship the ground you walk on. 4. When you ask your friend to suss out the sitch and she returns with the answer, "He thinks you brother’s really cool." 5. If you sit next to him on the bus and he spends the entire trip pressed up against the window reading his math book, be advised to pick another seat the following day. 6. When he keeps looking over your shoulder for someone better to talk to (or keeps looking at his watch). 7. When he snogs your best friend in front of you. 8. He’s obvoiusly not the lad of your dreams if he doesn’t congratulate you when you won $2,000,000 in Lotto. 9. When the Police knocks on your door with a restraining order from him, he obviously doesn’t appreciate your closeness. 10. When he says, "Look, I just don’t like you, OK!" Ouch!

*Source: Girlfriend Mag.