
Welcome to the Barrie-Simcoe-Bradford Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Constituency Association Web Site

What have Aileen Carroll and her Liberals done for you
and other Barrie Simcoe Bradford voters in the past seven years since getting elected in 1997? Not much? Not fair!

Fact is Barrie Simcoe Bradford did better, had a fairer record and was a strong economic centre when the Reform Alliance candidate Ed Harper was in power locally as the Member of Parliament - something Aileen Carroll and other local Liberal MPs can't brag about now and .
Since Ed Harper was able to unite all conservatives around his candidacy and even bring some swift thinking liberals on board his campaign, perhaps it is time to redraft, rerun and reelect the only true alternative this central Georgian Bay area has left - the Reform Alliance alternative!

A vote for any conservative in a riding where there is reformist is a vote taken away from a reformist. The split of votes between Reform and the ProCons is only in favor of the Liberals. If anyone wants to vote ProCon, might as well vote for the Liberals, as we saw in 1997 and 2000 and maybe 2004.
The point we are trying to make here is Taxpayer and Citizen of Barrie Simcoe Bradford, find how the party expects your MP to vote, for it's only when they are free to vote as an individual MP that their stand on any issue becomes relevant and accountable on you, your community and your own pocketbook. If you're still in doubt as to how the Liberals in particular feel about free votes, consider Chretien's comment when asked why he appointed Former Mayor of Barrie Janice Laking as candidate during the 1993 federal election instead of allowing the local membership to vote for one: "Well, you can't always trust the people to elect the right one." - Is that democracy?
And remember, you helped defeat those dictators Chretien, Laking and her Liberals once before - we can do it again with the same party and the same member! To ask Ed Harper if he wishes to be nominated as the next Reform Alliance candidate again and run for the party again for the local seat as Member of Parliament, please get in touch with Ed Harper at the contact information below because Barrie Simcoe Bradford needs Ed Harper and espcially the Reform Alliance solution.

Ed Harper, Former MP Reform
75 Royal Oak Dr.
Barrie, ON
L4N 7S5
Phone: 705-725-1222
Fax: 705-728-8973
Read His Bio
Send Him Email
Canadian Alliance
Box 1149
Barrie, Ont.
L4M 5E2
PRESIDENT: Mark McGregor
TELEPHONE: 705-739-9582
FAX: 705-739-9576
E-MAIL: mmcgregor@osc.gov.on.ca
Michael Josh Wakeliffe
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Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Constituency Association
Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Constituency Association
Simcoe-Grey Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Constituency Association
Dufferin-Peel-Wellington-Grey Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Constituency Association
Simcoe North Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Constituency Association
Haliburton-Victoria-Brock Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Constituency Association
Barrie-Simcoe-Bradford Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance Constituency Association
Simcoe Centre Reform Party Constituency Association
Harper, caucus will work to restore former glory of newly debt-free Alliance
BARRIE, Ont. (CP) Saturday September 7 12:00 AM EST
Buoyed by the news that their bills are finally paid, Canadian Alliance caucus members cheered their leader Wednesday and promised to restore the tarnished party's former lustre.
The hand-wringing about leadership and uniting with their Conservative brethren is behind them, Alliance MPs declared at a three-day caucus meeting in this central Ontario city.
It will be all business when Parliament resumes in two weeks, leader Stephen Harper promised. "All the evidence is the Liberals are going to fling off in millions of different policy directions, so I don't think there's going to be any shortage of things to talk about," Harper told a news conference.
"We're the only opposition party that's got our act together, that's going to be able to present any kind of coherent criticism or alternative to what the government's doing."
While the damage wrought by the party's infighting between loyalists and dissidents has clearly taken a toll - a recent Ekos poll suggested the party had just 10 per cent public support across Canada - MPs say Harper has managed to put a lid on the internal turmoil.
"There's maturity in the caucus now that there hadn't been in the past," said Alberta MP Monte Solberg.
With its debts paid and an "intelligent, thoughtful and not-at-all rash" leader, the party enjoyed its first peaceful, constructive summer in recent memory, Solberg said.
Harper began Wednesday's meeting with good news; the Alliance is about to become the only party in Canada with its bills paid off.
Earlier, he dismissed suggestions that his virtually non-existent public profile in recent months has hurt the Alliance. He also waved off the idea that a union with the Tories is critical to the party's resurrection.
With the governing Liberals and the Conservatives torn by leadership issues of their own - Prime Minister Jean Chretien is leaving in 18 months and Tory Leader Joe Clark is stepping down - his party is poised to make gains, Harper insisted.
"We're going to be going into a Parliament where the government isn't really a government, it is only a series of rivals all pursuing power and legacy and contracts for their friends," he said.
But Wednesday ended with more bad news when CBC Newsworld released a poll by Environics Research Group conducted during the five days after Chretien's Aug. 22 announcement that he will step down in February 2004.
The poll of about 1,200 people suggested that national support for the Alliance dropped to 13 per cent in August from 18 per cent the previous month, while the Liberals surged four percentage points to 44 per cent and the Tories five points to 20 per cent.
In Ontario, the news was worse: Alliance support dropped to nine per cent from 15 while the Liberals and Tories enjoyed comparable gains.
The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.9 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.
"We have a lot of growth to do, but we're getting the fundamentals right, we're getting the party in order," Harper said in response to the new poll numbers.
The numbers in Ontario "aren't as good as we'd like them to be," he acknowledged.
Although he is everywhere at this week's caucus meeting, and speaking often to the press, he was not in the early part of the summer.
At the time, there was speculation that he was tired and not used to the pace of politics. He needed a rest.
He said that in July he deliberately took a low-profile approach, as he spent some time with his family and worked on retiring the party's $2.5-million debt.
Yesterday, he announced he had been successful and will begin to build a campaign war chest.
"I will concede in the summer was low profile but it was essential," he said. "I don't know what the high-profile work is we would have done; as I say, we could have spoken out on more issues but to the extent we did, most of that wasn't covered anyway. It was the summer of conflict within the Liberals and Tories. That was the story."
The story, too, is that Mr. Harper's party is not doing well in Ontario, where there are 103 federal seats. In fact, the new poll showed the Liberals at 56 per cent in Ontario, compared with 22 for the Tories and only 9 per cent for the Alliance.
The choice of Barrie for this summer caucus was deliberate -- to address those sorts of poll results by showing Ontarians that the Alliance is a national party and not a western-based rump.
Barrie is Reform-Alliance friendly. In 1993, the party, then called Reform, elected its first member from Ontario -- Ed Harper. He came from Barrie. (The riding has since become Liberal; Mr. Harper did not run again in 1997.)
Visitors are welcomed to the community by a huge billboard on the side of the highway sporting an unflattering caricature of Jean Chrétien, who is holding a licence plate that says, PM 4 Ever. Below are the words, "Too arrogant for too long." The billboard is sponsored by the National Citizens Coalition, of which Mr. Harper used to be president.
Until the House is back in session, Mr. Harper will be touring Ontario, in an attempt to raise his profile, and that of the the party.
He said that his strategy is multiphased and that retiring the debt was really the first step.
But it is significant, he said, in that it means he can now go to the business community with a message that his party is well-run and disciplined.
This is an obvious comparison to the chaos within the Liberal ranks, and the uncertainty among Tories.
While some have called this Stephen Harper's summer of silence, Mr. Harper says he found it a useful and productive period.
"It was really awkward taking over the leadership in the middle of the parliamentary session," he said about his victory over Stockwell Day in the spring.
Among issues being discussed this week is one that's been there since the days of former Reform party co-founder Preston Manning: figuring out how to break through in Ontario, which delivers one-third of the 301 seats in the House of Commons.
It's part of the reason the caucus is meeting in Barrie, where the Reform party's first Ontario breakthrough in 1993 saw Ed Harper win the riding of Simcoe South, preventing a Liberal sweep of the province by just one seat.
Whether the Alliance can win support in Ontario without Conservative help remains the question - and there were signs Wednesday that uniting the right is still in the forefront for some.
Solberg, for one, said he still hopes someone will run to replace Clark on a platform of uniting the right, even though the Tories have voted to reject Harper's offer of running joint candidates in every riding.
Other MPs, such as Alberta's Myron Thompson, say their constituents have had enough of merger talk.
"I think the final answer has come," Thompson said. "Let's get moving."
The riding profile has this Simcoe-area riding is situated on western shore of Lake Simcoe and
Holland River. Population is centered mainly around city of Barrie. Riding also includes: Bradford West Gwillimbury and Innisfil. Tourism and manufacturing are primary sources of employment in this
popular summer resort area. The redistribution history started when the Riding of Barrie-Simcoe was established in 1996 redistribution. Riding name changed to Barrie-Simcoe-Bradford as result of Private
Members' Bill passed by House of Commons in Nov. '96. The 1986 redistribution came from 74% of Simcoe South, 9% Wellington-Dufferin-Simcoe and 10% of Grey-Simcoe. 66% of Simcoe Centre remained in this riding; 34% of Simcoe Centre moved to Simcoe-Grey (western part of riding); added to riding: 14% of York Simcoe.
Barrie Liberals
Barrie New Democrats
Barrie Progressive Conservatives
Barrie Canadian Alliance
Older content from 1993 to 1997 Simcoe Centre Reform Party and Member of Parliament Ed Harper, Ontario first MP from the RP of Canada ::: On June 21/93, Chretien apptd Mayor Janice Laking, who was def
in Simcoe North in 1974, to be the 1993 Liberal candidate. In 1993, REF ED HARPER def LIB JANICE LAKING by 182 votes. (Only riding REF won in Ontario in 1993).
Welcome to the Simcoe Centre
Constituency Association Home Page
Working Together for Canada's Future
This World Wide Web Home Page has been authorized by
the Board of Directors of the Simcoe Centre Constituency Association
of the Reform Party of Canada. Here's our menu:
Welcome! We extend an invitation to you, without obligation, to sign our guest book.
If you decide to sign this book, you may indicate whether you would like to be added to our
mailing list or not. Regardless of your choice, we extend the warmest of
welcomes to you and we will appreciate your comments.
The Reform Commitment to build a New and Better Canada....
We affirm our commitment to Canada as one nation, united as a democratic
federation of equal provinces (each with jurisdiction for culture and language
policy), founded on the principle of the equality of all its citizens, accepting of its
social responsibilities, distinguished by governments that live within their means,
supported by a strong and viable economy, protected by an effective and accountable criminal
justice system, sheltered by affordable social programs, sustained through the conservation of
our environment, enriched by a respect for our cultural diversity and made strong through peaceful
and productive relations with the peoples of the world.

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Would you like to help?....
We extend a special welcome to visitors to this page who would like to help bring
about the Reform Vision of a New and Better Canada. We would particularly like you
to examine the Reform Party's Principles and Policies. In print form, these are
contained in our Blue Book.
All our Principles and Policies have been developed through a democratic process
which starts with individual members at the Constituency level and culminates in
approval by elected delegates at our biennial National Assemblies. This is a truly
grass roots approach to policy development. It is one in which each Reformer
has an opportunity to participate -- not one that is manipulated by any special
interest group or "backroom boys".
If you like what you see here, please contact us or better still, complete and
send us a membership application form. Together, we can form a strong and loyal
political team dedicated to the building of a great New Canada.

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A Message
Ed Harper, M.P.
Simcoe Centre
A warm welcome to the constituents of Simcoe Centre, and other interested Canadians. The Riding Association has put together an excellent introduction to the Reform Party, its personalities, principles and policies.
I’m excited to be part of one of the largest advances in technology and communications we have known in our lifetimes. The potential for the Internet to revolutionize work and society is enormous. No longer does one have to wait days or weeks for information. It’s all right here at our fingertips. More and more Canadians will be able to work and shop from home, students will research their homework, and additional leisure activities will become available.
One of the most important uses I foresee is the ability of public officials to receive timely and accurate information from voters on the issues they face. We can find out what is important directly from the source, avoid the filter of the media and give the best representation possible to Canadians.
The possibility exists that referenda and even elections may one day be a reality over the Net. Democracy has taken a real step forwards and I commend all those who use the Net to improve our system of government.
Please use this site to keep me informed of your concerns directly. I look forward to hearing from you. You can contact me by email at harpere@reform.ca. Please feel free also to visit my home page.
Ed Harper, M.P.
Simcoe Centre
Intergovernmental Affairs Critic

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Going to University?....
If you are going to University, live in Simcoe-Centre and
are interested in learning more about Reform, we would particularly like to hear from you. Should you so
wish, we can arrange for a Reform Member of Parliament to be a guest speaker at your school.
Just sign in our guest book and we'll get back
to you right away.

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About the Simcoe Centre Constituency Association
The Simcoe Centre Constituency Association was formed in 1991.
The 1995/96 Board of Directors includes:
- Ed Harper Member of Parliament
- Rick Webster President-------Phone: 705-737-0954
- Bill Lawrence Past President
- Susan Young Director-Membership-------Phone: 705-722-4013
- Jacqueline Webb Treasurer
- Patti Webster Secretary
- Stan Jessup Vice President & District Director Coordinator
- Tim Morgan Director-Youth Promotion - email to tmorgan@swbi.net
- Peter Young Director-Barrie West
- Russ Hope Director-Vespra & Sunnidale
- David Stock Director-Barrie East
- Colin Guitard Director-Essa
- Laurence Gottlieb Director-Alliston & Tosorontio
- Bill Thompson Director-Innisfil
- Susan Jessup Director-Barrie South
- Nick Hrebicek Director-Barrie North
- Bob Hollywood Director at Large
- John Hunter Director at Large
See How to contact us for addresses, phone and fax
numbers as well as email addresses

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How to become a Member
The annual membership fee to join the Reform Party is $10.00 (includes GST). You may wish to consider joining
for three or five years, as this will help reduce the administrative costs involved in annual
renewals. Please note that, as the Reform Party relies on grassroots (not big business) support,
any contribution you might choose to make will be most welcome. Contributions $10.00 and over are tax deductable.
(See our Membership and Contribution Form)

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How to Contact Us
Members and other interested Simcoe Centre residents may contact
the Association:
By mail at:
The Reform Party of Canada
Simcoe Centre Constituency Association
PO Box 1149
Barrie, Ontario
L4M 5E2
By Internet e-mail at:
or tmorgan@swbi.net
By phone at:
(705) 322-2800 or
(705) 737-5687
By fax at:
(705) 737-5687
Ed Harper may be reached In Ottawa at:
264 Wellington Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario. K1A 0A6
By phone at:
(613) 992-3394
By fax at:
(613) 996-7923
Ed may also be reached in Barrie at:
46B Maple Avenue
Barrie, Ontario
L4N 1R8
By phone at:
(705) 737-2888
By fax at:
(705) 737-3438

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Last updated: March 21, 1997
WebUpdate by Michael Josh Wakefield at mjwakefield@rogers.com of Barrie, Ontario, Canada on October 31, 2002