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PERMANENT ADDRESS:                 Avenida Busch 1667, Edificio Río Esmeralda, Depto. 16B, Miraflores, La Paz - Bolivia.


HOME TELEPHONE/FAX No.:                         591 2 2240043. Mobile Telephone No.: 591 7 1540379


PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT:                              Public Affairs Section, American Embassy


PREVIOUS PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT:         CBA, Bolivian American Bi-National Center


PERSONAL REFERENCES:                                Erick Foronda, Press Specialist, PAS, American Embassy. Telephone No. at Work: 591 2 2430251 X-2593. Mobile Telephone No.: 591 7 2001693


Jenny Pipe de Noya, Academic Director and Norma de Moron, Administrative Director, CBA La Paz. Telephone No. at Work 591 2 2431446, 2431379, 2430107


Milton Villarroel N., Official Translator/Interpreter, Santa Cruz. Telephone No. at Work: 591 3 3425067


Alfredo Flores O., General Manager, Institute "Inglés Técnico Empresarial y Especializado," La Paz, and Freelance Interpreter. Telephone No. at Work: 591 2 2442891. Mobile Telephone No.: 591 7 1553064


Laurence Chavez, Computer Systems Supervisor, CBA La Paz and Official Translator/Interpreter. Telephone No. at Work: 591 2 2431446


Franz Gutiérrez, Freelance English Teacher, Translator. Home Telephone No.: 591 2732355. Mobile Telephone No.: 591 7 1554157





Feb. - Aug. 1988:                                                  Alliance Française, La Paz, Bolivia: First two out of three Advanced Courses in Commercial French


Nov. 1988:                                                             Alliance Française, La Paz, Bolivia: Diplome de Français Practique


Feb. - Nov. 1988:                                                  Alliance Française, La Paz, Bolivia: Etudes de la Langue Française a Niveau Practique


Feb. - Aug. 1988:                                                  German Cultural Center Göethe Institut, La Paz, Bolivia: five courses of the German Language


May 1987:                                                              Berea College, Berea, KY, USA: Bachelor of Arts Degree, Double Major in Physics and Mathematics CUM LAUDAE (With Honors with a cumulative G.P.A. of 3.66, 3/100 of a point short of a MAGNA CUM LAUDAE: with great honors)


1983 - 1987:                                                            Berea College, Berea, KY, USA: Double Major in Physics and Mathematics


Winter 1985:                                                          Exchange student at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan


Dec. 1982:                                                              American Institute, La Paz, Bolivia: High School Diploma with Honors with the highest G.P.A. in High School


1970 - 1982:                                                            American Institute, La Paz, Bolivia: Primary School, Junior High, and High School





July 2000 – Present Day:                                     Official Translator/Interpreter, Public Affairs Section, American Embassy


Nov. 1999 – Present Day:                                   Freelance Translator / Interpreter certified by the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, for the European Union


1989 - Present Day:                                              Translator and Interpreter in the Official List of Translators and Interpreters of the United States Consulate General in Bolivia


Oct. 1995 - Oct. 1999:                                           Director of the Miraflores Branch of the Centro Boliviano Americano, with the following responsibilities/duties:

·                     Administrative supervision

·                     Academic supervision

·                     Physical supervision of the premises

·                     Supervision of over 500 students

·                     Program and Schedule Elaboration

·                     Growth strategy planning

·                     Public Relations

·                     Inventory Oversight


Feb. 1995 - Oct. 1995:                                           Centro Boliviano Americano, La Paz, Bolivia: Teacher Counselor


1988 - 1989:                                                            Freelance translator and interpreter


1984 - 1987:                                                            Berea College, Berea KY, USA: Teaching Assistant in the Physics Department



1986 - 1987:                                                            Berea College, Berea KY, USA: Development Office mailroom worker


1985 - 1986:                                                            Berea College, Berea KY, USA: Spanish Tutor


1983 - 1984:                                                            Berea College, Berea KY, USA: Science Building Maintenance worker





Apr. 2000:                                                              Certificate of Proficiency in English GRADE A, awarded by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, United Kingdom, for having aced the Examination for the certificate of Proficiency in English, in December 1999, in La Paz, Bolivia, being one of two Bolivians to ever do it.


Endorsement to Certificate of Proficiency in English, awarded by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate, United Kingdom, certifying having reached the pass standards in the TRANSLATION FROM AND INTO SPANISH Additional Paper, in December 1999, in La Paz, Bolivia, being one of two Bolivians to ever do it.


Mar. 2000:                                                              Certificate of Proficiency in English WITH HONORS, awarded by the English Language Institute of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan – USA, for having successfully passed with honors the examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English as a second language, on November 20, 1999, in La Paz, Bolivia


1997 - Present Day:                                              Founding member of the Centro Boliviano Americano, Cultural and Educational Foundation - La Paz


Jan. 1998 - Oct. 1999:                                           100 % of the upgrading and updating seminars given by the CBA (at a rate of once bimonthly, 6 a year)


May 1998:                                                              Nationwide Seminar for English Teachers, Santa Cruz, Bolivia


May 1997:                                                              Nationwide Seminar for English Teachers, Cochabamba, Bolivia


Feb. 1997:                                                              Invitation to become a founding member of the Centro Boliviano Americano, Cultural and Educational Foundation, for having served the institution faithfully and efficiently


Dec. 1996:                                                              Letter of indefinite and final Accreditation as OFFICIAL TRANSLATOR/INTERPRETER of the United States Consulate General in Bolivia, for having passed both the translation examination -given by the CBA- and the Michigan Test of English Language Proficiency (MTLP) -given by the University of Michigan, USA, in November 1996, in La Paz, Bolivia


Jun. 1996:                                                               Nationwide Seminar for English Teachers, La Paz, Bolivia


Dec. 1995:                                                              CBA: Diploma for excellent performance accomplished in the supervision of CBA Miraflores branch


Dec. 1995:                                                              CBA: Diploma for cooperation as TEACHING COUNSELOR in 1995


Dec. 1994:                                                              CBA: Diploma for the elaboration of Supplementary Material


Jul. 1994:                                                                Nationwide Seminar for English Teachers, Cochabamba, Bolivia


Feb. 1989:                                                              Certificate of Proficiency in English WITH HONORS, awarded by English the English Language Institute of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan – USA, for having successfully passed with honors the examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English as a second language, in November 1988, in La Paz, Bolivia


1986 - 1987:                                                            Member of the National Senior Honor Society, Berea Chapter


1986 - 1987:                                                            Member of the National Honor Society PHI KAPPA PHI (90 percentile in the nation), Berea Chapter


1985 - 1987:                                                            Member of the National Physics Honor Society, Berea Chapter


1986 - 1987:                                                            Member of the National Mathematics Honor Society, Berea Chapter


1985 - 1986:                                                            Member in the National Sophomore Honor Society, Berea Chapter


1984 - 1985:                                                            Member of the Freshman Honor Society, Berea Chapter


Dec. 1982:                                                              Valedictorian of the 1982 Senior Class


Aug. 1982:                                                             Hoisted the National Flag in the Obelisk of the nation's Capital in National Day of the Flag


1982:                                                                       Senior with the highest G.P.A. of the whole high school that year


1981:                                                                       Junior with the highest G.P.A. of the whole high school that year


1979:                                                                       President of the Freshman Class





1983 - 1987:                                                            Member of the International Club, Berea College, Berea KY, USA


1984 - 1987:                                                            Member of CAB (College Activities Board), in charge of the planning of all the extracurricular activities on campus and off campus trips, Berea College, Berea KY, USA


1987:                                                                       Adherent to the Afro-American Organization, Berea Chapter


1986 - 1987:                                                            Helped stage peaceful demonstrations against APARTHEID in South Africa





Jul 2000 – Present day:                                        Various translations and interpretations ranging from interpretation of high profile visits from the U.S., international conferences to the translation of legal paperwork, memoranda of understanding, draft bills, reports, books, etc.


Mar. 13-17, 2000:                                                  Interpretation of the seminars and interviews with Ministers and Government officials done by the South African Government delegation with regards to Popular Participation Administrative Decentralization (5 days)


Feb. 22-24, 2000                                                    Interpretation of Evaluation Seminar for the Mother Care Project in Bolivia (3 days)


Dec. 1999:                                                              Interpretation and translations for the visit of an external consultant of CARE INTERNATIONAL for administrative evaluation


Dec. 1999:                                                              Translation for the Superintendency of Hydrocarbons


Dec. 1999:                                                              Translation of the Information Memorandum related to the public international biding for the transfer of the Trinidad Electrical Power Service COSERELEC to the private sector


Dec. 1999:                                                              Translation of the Information Memorandum related to the public international bidding for the capitalization of the Cochabamba Telephone Cooperative COMTECO


Nov. 1999:                                                             Translation of Executive Summary and Information Memorandum related to the public international bidding for the transfer of YPFB storage and facilities and gas pipelines to the private sector


Nov. 1999:                                                             Translation of audiotapes of a Conference in the Assembly of the United Nations with respect to the HIPC initiatives I and II


April 1999:                                                             Translation of the Executive Summaries of different programs of the Bolivian - Norwegian Alliance


July 1997:                                                               Interpreter for a State Department's one-week Mission of Anti-Terrorist experts, who came to visit several facilities in La Paz, interview several heads of Departments of the Police having to deal with Terrorism and assess the Anti-Terrorist Program in Bolivia


Oct. 1996:                                                               Interpreter for a Korean Mission of the Korean Mining Promotion Corporation, in their dealings with the Secretariat of Mining, Geological Mining Institute, Association of Medium Miners, Comsur, etc.


April 1996:                                                             Translation of a speech to be given by the Manager of the National Chamber of Industry in a European Union's Economic Area Assembly in Germany


Dec. 1995 - Jan. 1996:                                           Translation of 200 pages of documents (sworn statements, interviews, certificates, etc.) in relation to the Letter Rogatory in the case pursued by the District Attorney's Office for Controlled Substances of La Paz, Bolivia against Luis Chavarria


Mid 1995:                                                               Translation of a week conference on Sustainable Development sponsored by the Ministry of Sustainable Development, which took place in the Communications Palace


1994:                                                                       Interpreter for a State Department's one-week Mission of Anti-Terrorist experts, who came to visit several facilities in La Paz, interview several heads of Departments of the Police having to deal with Terrorism and assess the Anti-Terrorist Program in Bolivia


1993:                                                                       Translation of 120 pages of documents (promissory notes, retainer fees, pro-forma invoices, etc.) related to a legal action taken by the Central Bank against Natalio Morales Mosquera et al. (former Commander in Chief of the Bolivian Air Force)





-                      Computer Skills:

* Operative Systems: Windows 95, Windows 98

* Word Processing: Corel Word Perfect Office 2000’s Word Perfect 9, Microsoft Office 97 and 2000’s Word, Word Perfect for Macintosh, Microsoft’s Word for Macintosh, etc.

* Electronic Sheets: Corel Word Perfect Office 2000’s Quattro Pro 9, Microsoft Office 97 and 2000’s Excel, Lotus

* Presentations: Microsoft Office 97 and 2000’s Power Point, and Corel Word Perfect Office 2000’s Presentations 9

* Data Base Managers: FoxPro, Microsoft Office 97 and 2000’s Access, Corel Word Perfect 2000’s Borland Data Engines 5.01

* Web Page Composer / Editors: Microsoft’s Office 2000’s Front Page, and Netscape 4.7’s Composer


-                      Languages (*):





















                                (*):          Subjective appraisal