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CBPSS, from new manufacture.


Chemical Biological Protected Shelter System - 2000.


To be made from current production, delivery period according to quantities, after receipt of acceptable payment.


According to quantity, equipment and accessories.


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A specially designed rapidly deployable, self-contained, mobile medical aid station, command post or emergency facility providing a contamination free, environmentally controlled emergency work area.

The CBPSS provides a controlled environment in a chemically contaminated area to safely treat wounded soldiers. Transported on the High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), the CBPSS serves as a Battalion Aid Station (BAS), a Division Clearing Station or for any other application where protection from chemical or biological agents may be required. The CBPSS tent inflates in 3 minutes and can be a fully operational medical facility in less than 20 minutes, a critical characteristic, since it is designed to be relocated as many as 3 times each day. CBPSS systems can also be connected into a single complex providing the flexibility required handling a wide range of missions.

The CBPSS consists of 4 major components: the M-113 HMMWV; the lightweight Multipurpose Shelter (LMS); the High Mobility Trailer (HMT) with a 10 kW Tactical Quiet Generator (TQG); and an air beam supported CB protective shelter. The LMS is a rigid wall enclosure mounted on the HMMWV.

The Air Beam Shelter (ABS) is approx. 18 feet by 17 feet with a peak of 10 feet and is fabricated of CB protective, decontaminable fabric. This 300 square foot, semi-cylindrical, air beam supported, soft wall shelter is rolled and transported on the rear of the HMMWV.

The air beam technology uses compressed air to fill urethane lined composite-woven columns around the internal perimeter to support the Kevlar and Teflon soft shelter without a rigid support structure. Using overpressure technology to inflate the soft shelter, the CBPSS is equipped with both a litter and an ambulatory air lock. Overpressure in the shelter prevents any outside-contaminated air from entering the system. In this mode CBPSS is designed to process patients in a CB environment.

The heart of the CBPSS is its Environmental Support System (ESS). Designed and manufactured through the U.S. Army Soldiers Biological and Chemical Command, the cab mounted, hydraulically powered ESS provides heating, air conditioning, ventilation and NBC filtration. The system delivers power for lighting, communication, medical equipment and other small electrical devices. The unique design of the ESS allows the operation of the CBPSS in a chemically contaminated environment at temperatures from minus 25°F to plus 120°F while maintaining an internal temperature between 60°F and 90°F.

While designed primarily to serve as a field medical facility, the CBPSS has far reaching capabilities to satisfy a wide range of other military and civilian applications. From military command and control on the battlefield to use as an emergency facility during natural disasters such as tornadoes, hurricanes and floods, the CBPSS provides a rapidly deployable, mobile, environmentally safe, comfortable and protected shelter.

Air Transportable by C-130 - C-141 - C-17 - C-5 and externally by CH-47.

All types of battlefield conditions, including smoke chemical and biological agents and contaminants, including toxins and novel compounds, fallout and dust.

Provides NBC protection in mobile or static modes with either internal or external power sources.