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Step Into The VOID...

Await Your Savior

All of these places are either more entertaining to visit or have graciously recognized me as a legitimate internet tool of propagandhi. I return the favor by acknowledging them, but they didn't ask nor need my insufficient aid.

Este Oi!!!

An uprising band that's going to rape your women and take your children from their beds . . . musically speaking of course. Bassist Greg is a good friend of mine and since he recongnized myself, the respectable course to be taken involves returning the favor.

Este Oi!!!


Our enemy, code named H.U.N.G.L.E. has escaped our custody to create a new obstacle to hurdle and destroy. Despite our feud, we must admire her determination. But determination alone does not win wars. She has earned our respect and is a noteworthy competitor. This won't help her in the end.

The new establishment of H.U.N.G.L.E.

The Torment of the Teenagedeathchick

From the deep trenches of her tormented soul, a disgruntled young woman who goes by the name of SPORK has given a glance into her mind and such with her colorful display of joy and happiness. This is link 1. Link 2 is different, for it is the Insane Asylum. I haven't exaclty been able to figure it out myself but my site makes people confused and angered similar to the thrid link. The third link is my friend's Live Journal. It's fun to read. Some may find it odd and meaningless and stupid, but such people should be harshly smited by the nigger stomper of Demise. Besides, I too have a journal of my own, similar in style and perspective, so I that's why I never judge.


The Insane Asylum

Holly's Live Journal

Rebels With a Cause

I haven't a clue. Cha Cha gave me the link and I have yet to figure the page out. But I did find her picture on there. So, being the kind friend and respectable gentleman I pride myself of being, I link to her site, regardless of how ridiculous it is. But that's ok Cha Cha. I still love you.

Rebels With a Cause

Soul Destiny

Aah, the Soul Destiny. Tis a lovely site that was constructed by a good friend of mine. It's been up for some time now and it's where I recieved the inspiration for the Hell Hole you're in right now. If you look really hard, you can find me on this page as well, or at least my name.

Soul Destiny

Tis a shame...

Your savior is DEAD

And this last one is by far the most superior in the chain of dynasties in the internet empire. I can't lie to you good people. Tis only a link to the homepage. Good day.

The Secret Police have been wondering where you have been. And now they'd like to interrogate you