
[[Info]] | [[Mah Buds]] | [[Dates]]

  • [aIm ]VanimaMerne9
  • [aIm ] Iluvasponge
  • [yAhoo]iluvasponge2002
  • [mSn]Ihavenewsox

    [ Mah stuff ]

  • Name: Deseree
  • Other Names: Desi, Des, Smitty, Cherey Stoner, Flo Chaos
  • Place: FWB, Florida
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Brown w/ blonde
  • Age: 15
  • Status: Single
  • Crunch: hehe
  • Undesirable Attachments: Kristen, Jeremy, Holly
  • Friends:Jess, Holley, Molls, Lizzy, Eric, Lindsey, Rachel, Kirsti, Agnes, Bianca, Christina, Mary, Shaun, Patrick, Kt, eh so many more cant say...
  • Religion: blah

    [ Mah Things ]

    [ Mah Links ]

  • Smitty's Place
  • Holleyday Dollies
  • Slayer's Place

    [ My Other Journals ]

  • LiveJournal  
  • DeadJournal
  • Blog  
  • Blurty
  • uJournal


  • Thursday, March 27th, 2003

    Subject:life sucks... 
    Time:5:49 pm.
    life sucks... lost another friend day b4 yesterday. eh.. life my life could get any worse... atleast i have friends that actually care about me... new thing for me... people who actually care... eh

    Monday, March 24th, 2003

    Subject:revenge is evil...
    Time:5:49 pm.
    i hate people who try to take revenge on old
    girlfriends/boyfriends. it really is rude... when will people learn that its not very nice? hutch made a bracelet out of the piece of fabric i ripped off my pants and put on his wrist on friday... he's so funny!
    i hate rehearsal. it annoys me and i can't wait till birdie is over with. teach me to ever be in another musical... eh... i need to get laid.
    Sunday, March 23th, 2003

    Subject:new blog... i have like a million...
    Time:5:30 pm.
    well... decided just to make a website for my blogging... yea... i have about a million others... o well... deal with it bitch! he he... enjoy!