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And after the ceremony....

Philippe says: love is in the air
Starbright goes
Zeeman says: hey I like that one
Brucefan says: ok all off to the great hall and I will crack that keg
Joan steals the champagne
Zeeman goes
Lorrie heads off for adventure..
Mouse says: oh my
FinnO goes
Mouse says: guess they just can't wait
Lorrie shouts: just type .go
Joan laughs
Philippe goes
Joan says: he pushed wrong button
Joan heads off for adventure..
Philippe shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Lorrie shouts: where is that bestmanperson
Philippe laughs
Starbright goes AFK: zzz...ZZ...zzz...
Zeeman says: ack
Philippe is thursty
WeddingGuest eyes her husbands breeches
Zeeman laughs out loud!
You say: ack 
Mouse offers Philippe a Diet Sprite
FinnO looks
Philippe says: thx mouse
Lorrie says: hey now keep eyes to yourself
Zeeman says: *hic*
Philippe drinks the sprite
Lorrie bops weddingguest
Philippe asks: diet mouse?
Brucefan cracks that keg of wine open and offers all a drink
Lorrie shows:
     |   |
     |   |      A TOAST TO THE
    /$   $\       BRIDE AND GROOM
   /  $ $  \          
  /    $    \      "May you always treasure
 |   .-^-.   |        your love and friendship"
 |  : C C :  |        
 |   '---'   |      o     o
 |...........|    o         o
 |: WEDDING :|    ____   ____   
 |:CHAMPAGNE:|   | o  | |  o |
 |:         :|   |  o | | o  |
 |:         :|   | o  | |  o |    
 |: VINTAGE :|   \    / \    / 
 |:.........:|    \  /   \  /
 |  //       |     ||     || 
 |           |     ||     ||
 |     //    |    _||_   _||_
 lc----------'   (____) (____)
Lorrie says: hmmm
Zeeman sings o//~ stolach stolach sto gia gia lach... o//~
Mouse says: not me
Philippe drinks,and asks another one
Lorrie says: bestmanperson suppose to do toast
Mouse loves diet sprite
Kiss waves...good luck you two :)
Brucefan toasts all who are here and to many more for all
Lorrie looks at Lodis
Philippe says: mmmmmmmmmm
Lorrie says: psst Lodis you do the toast
Mouse lifts her glass and toasts
Mouse smiles: May you both share many many happy years together :)
Lorrie says: smiles thankyou
Zeeman asks: hey any good beer?
Brucefan is waiting to see if bride tastes as sweet as the wine
Zeeman asks: Duvel? Corsendonk?
Philippe says: yeeeeeh zeeman, i got real belgium beer
Philippe says: mmmmmm
Lorrie thinks . o O ( if bride remembers right when he starts 
                      that she trembles )
Zeeman says: Scaldis
Philippe starts dancing
Zeeman moans softly.
Zeeman laughs out loud!
Zeeman says: *hic*
Philippe says: as we say in belgium zeeman:sant
Lorrie cuddles with Brucefan
FinnO says: slainte
Brucefan caresses Lorrie tenderly.
Mouse murmers to will you please slip your 
      thong back on?
Zeeman says: nostrovia
Joan says: no
Lorrie kisses Brucefans neck
Joan looks at Zeeman
Zeeman asks: what dear?
Mouse sighs, well please don't sit on the furniture
Philippe feels lonely
Zeeman says: are driving again
Philippe laughs
Joan asks: Thong on or off ??
Brucefan shows:  _
                / \       
   {;'--. /\    |.;\    ,
  {@\--,.`\ \    \,/    )\ 
  {}@`,__. ) |===/===\=='`=========
  lc'-_ _,/ /       /`\
  `\.__.,"\|       /,_/
           `       \/`
      The Rare Blue Rose Just For You
FinnO gives Joan some silver bells to wear while she dances
Brucefan exclaims: OFF!!
Joan says: ok Bruce
Zeeman exclaims: YEA!
Zeeman says: *hic*
Joan asks to Mouse: you see ??
Philippe opens another can of beer
Mouse says: yup, sure do
Mouse shakes her head
Philippe hands a beer to zeeman
Zeeman says: thank man
Zeeman says: s
Zeeman says: *hic*
Philippe says: n 
Zeeman says: oh bud is piss
Zeeman laughs out loud!
Philippe says: sante zeeman
Zeeman says: sante
Philippe laughs out loud
Brucefan says: bud the beer yes but Bud nope
Zeeman says: boe we're talking
Mouse lets out a loud belch.
Zeeman says: to both
Winklebum farts
Philippe says: i have good beer:palm
Winklebum says: scuze moi
Lorrie gasps
Zeeman says: spank me and light one up
Mouse stifles a giggle
Mouse says: ohhh yeah baby
Mouse says: spank his fanny
Philippe closes his eyes
Zeeman looks at Mouse
Mouse winks
Zeeman giggles incontrollably.
Winklebum says: heh
Starbright comes back from being AFK.
Mouse hands Joan a paddle
Lorrie says: Starbright hug your new Daddy
Zeeman says: she likes it
Mouse knows
Joan says: I don't use that Mouse...Z loves handcuffs
Mouse says: me too
Mouse smirks
Zeeman says: she tells me not to call her Mistress 
             in public though
Philippe laughs 
Joan bops zeeman
Mouse rotfl
Zeeman moans softly.
Philippe falls on the ground
Joan exclaims: then DON'T !!
Zeeman says: thank you Mistress
Lorrie gasps
Lorrie takes notes
Mouse says: oh boy
Mouse rubs her paws with glee now
Joan spanks you butt later
Zeeman says: ops
Lorrie sits on Brucefans knee
Philippe protects his back
Zeeman asks: let the prverbial kitty out of the bag 
             I guess huh?
Mouse taunts're gonna git it, you're 
      gonna git it
Zeeman says: pro
Joan nods nods
Lorrie thinks . o O ( next wedding Zeeman and Joan 
                      do it again )
Zeeman says: I have my fingers crossed Mouse
Winklebum laughs. i hate when my fiance says Yes Miss 
          when i ask him to do something
Philippe laughs
Mouse fans herself now....sure is getting warm in here
MaL says: jajaja
Lorrie says: a minute ago someone was cold
Philippe says: use these
Joan turns a deep shade of red.
Joan says: not anymore
Zeeman says: again and again and again...and..again
Lorrie says: my new husband has those
Lorrie says: nods in real
Philippe hughes joan
Lorrie winks at Brucefan
Brucefan smiles
Winklebum asks: you keep him locked up?
Winklebum laughs
Joan blushes...I am naked Philippe
Mouse gasps
Philippe shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Mouse exclaims: cover yourself!!
Brucefan prepares chastity belt for the queen
Philippe looks at joan
Philippe shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Lorrie blinks
Starbright says: hey congrats to you and brucefan but 
                 i have to get my laundry done talk to 
                 you all later
Starbright warmly hugs Lorrie.
Lorrie says: how does one go potty wearing them
Mouse says: you have to hold it
Starbright warmly hugs Brucefan.
Brucefan hugs his daughter 
FinnO says: bye starbright
Zeeman says: bye Starbright
Lorrie warmly hugs Starbright.
Starbright says: bye all
Zeeman says: *hic*
SIGN OFF: Starbright .:~***~:.
Philippe puts his c:begins to strip
Winklebum says: i think there's a hole enough big enough 
                for peepee but not big enough for A peepee
Zeeman says: ouch
Philippe begins to strip
Mouse says: youch
Lorrie asks: do they chaff?
Philippe shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Mouse says: might get rusty down there
Winklebum laughs
Lorrie says: smelly too I should imagine
Lorrie says: ugh
Mouse nodsnods
Winklebum says: stanky
Zeeman is puking all over the place!
Mouse gags
Zeeman is puking all over the place!
Lorrie says: egads
Philippe hands zeeman a bottle
Zeeman says: oooh
Philippe laughs
Zeeman says: I feel better now
LOST CONNECTION: * Brucefan *LostInCyberSpace*
Zeeman exclaims: I NEED A SHOT!
Philippe says: drink,you will feel better zeeman
Mouse runs up to Zee, needle in hand
Lorrie exclaims: there goes the groom!!!!!!!!!
Zeeman says: uh oh..he took off already
Lorrie wails
Lorrie sobs
Mouse says: ok now, drop 'em and bend over
[PARIS] PRE-LOGIN from Brucefan 
Philippe runs away
Lorrie sits on the groom
Zeeman asks: needle?
Philippe says: i won't see it
Mouse has the shot you're looking for, Zee
Zeeman says: ow
Winklebum says: woohoo..public 'sitting'
Lorrie wiggles
Mouse asks: where where?
Zeeman says: well.....I'll try anything once
Mouse jabs the needle in
Zeeman moans softly.
Philippe puts his clothes back on
Mouse says: there now, you've had your flu shot
Brucefan says: hmmmmm
Philippe asks: feel better zeeman?
Lorrie winks at Brucefan
Mouse says: just rub your fanny abit
Zeeman says: more....      beer
Mouse says: so you don't get a knot there
Philippe hands some beer to zee
Lorrie exclaims: hey!!!!!!!!
Philippe says: real belgium ones
Lorrie asks: dont ppl suppose to kiss the bride?????
Lorrie says: all the men I mean
Lorrie asks: ??????
Zeeman says: I have a knotty ass now
Mouse puckers up, eyes closed
Mouse gives Lorrie a heart throbbing kiss.
FinnO gives Lorrie a heart throbbing kiss.
Philippe kisses the bride
Joan gives Brucefan a heart throbbing kiss.
Joan gives Brucefan a heart throbbing kiss.
Zeeman wants to play tonsil hockey!
Mouse gives Brucefan a heart throbbing kiss.
Lorrie shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Philippe shakes hands with brucefan
Joan gives Mouse a big, wet, sloppy lick!
Zeeman kisses Lorrie deeply and passionately!
Brucefan says: 'woohoo
Mouse gives Joan a big, wet, sloppy lick!
Zeeman exclaims: Seeeeeeeeeeee YA!
Brucefan shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Zeeman laughs out loud!
Joan moans softly.
Zeeman looks at Bf
Joan is madly in Love with Zeeman.
Zeeman exclaims: SUCKER!
Zeeman vanishes into the mist.
Lorrie says: oh sheesh will be an orgy in a minute
Mouse thinks . o O ( what a wedding sex )
Brucefan thanks all in attendance
Zeeman materializes from the mist.
Zeeman makes wild, passionate love to Joan!
Philippe undresses again
Joan shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Mouse is in love!!
Philippe shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Lorrie says: omg 
Zeeman says: hey..since your naked already
Philippe says: i'm ready
Philippe laughs out loud
Joan asks: yes dear ??
Mouse wants to make love with someone!
Lorrie thinks . o O ( royal ppl act funny )
Brucefan counts to 21
Zeeman laughs out loud!
Mouse thinks . o O ( but he ain't here )
Philippe kisses mouse
Zeeman exclaims: TOGA! TOGA! TOGA!
Winklebum hasta wait another 2 weeks
Mouse smoochies back
Winklebum says: 2 weeks from today. woohoo
Joan offers Philippe to mouse
Mouse has to wait another 22 hours
Winklebum :P
Winklebum says: hehe
Zeeman asks: think you'll make it?
Lorrie has to wait for real kiss until November 1st
Mouse :P~~~~~~~~
Philippe wants to run away with mouse
Joan faints dead away
Brucefan has to wait until Nov 1st
Philippe says: mouseeeeee
Mouse winks shyly at Philippe
Brucefan laffs
Lorrie counts in Brucefans lap so she can carry the one
Mouse sniffs, of course i'll make it
Zeeman lets out a loud belch.
Zeeman says: ops
Zeeman says: scuse
Lorrie says to Brucefan: stop it
Philippe looks at mouse
Mouse adjusts their halo.
Philippe says: mmmmmmmmmm
Zeeman says: that Duvel has alot of bubbles
Mouse is puking all over the place!
Mouse says: too much sprite
Philippe helps mouse
Philippe laughs out loud
Mouse says: thank you, Philippe
Brucefan dangles a piece of cheese in front of mouse
Zeeman gives Joan a big, wet, sloppy lick!
Philippe offers mouse a beer
Joan gives Zeeman a big, wet, sloppy lick!
Mouse snatches the cheese faster than the speed of light
Philippe says: drink mouse,you will feel better
Brucefan pours another round for the crowd
Zeeman exclaims: yea!
Mouse sips very slowly
Joan asks to Zeeman: nothing to eat here ??
Winklebum writes a message on the board.
Joan asks: no cake ??????
Zeeman sings o//~ stolach stolach stol ghia ghia lach o//~
Philippe starts eating
Mouse blinks
Mouse reads the message board.
Winklebum asks: ok. where are the phallic castles?
Philippe blinks back
Joan reads the message board.
Mouse gasps...they are passing out dildos here?
Brucefan asks: hows that cig lorr??
Lorrie says: they are for the groom only
Zeeman says: don't need them
Winklebum asks: the groom wants phallic castles????
Winklebum says: otay
Mouse blinks, why would the groom need one?
Mouse says: he wears one
Brucefan says: not with all the viagra Lodis has fed me
Winklebum chuckles
   _                                                                      _
 _| |_____________________Paris_Broadcasting_System______________________| |_
|    From Lorrie: THE BRIDE GAVE THE GROOM HIS OWN CASTLE, to see            |
|    it type .go kings                                                       |
|_   ____________________________________________________________________   _|
  |_|                                                                    |_|
  (_)                                                                    (_)
Winklebum says: oh hush mouse
Winklebum says: heh
Zeeman heads off for adventure..
Brucefan thinks I am so stiff I feel like rigamortis has set in
Mouse says: it ain't 
Mouse says: joined
Joan goes AFK: zzz...ZZ...zzz...
FinnO heads off for adventure..
Lorrie looks sat Brucefan
Lorrie cant type
Mouse thinks . o O ( yeah, too horny )
               AND SOME WINE???
FinnO shouts: if you cant get in here tell me and i will move
Zeeman arrives in his birthday suit.
Mouse shouts: i need moved
Zeeman pffffffts!
Philippe says: me tooooooo
Lightning fills the sky as the mist rises Mouse is gone.
Philippe says: helpppppp please
Brucefan chants an ancient spell...
Thunder is heard as the sky opens and Mouse appears.
Lorrie shouts: oboy lets go to kings castle
Lorrie heads off for adventure..
Brucefan says: boy am I bad
Zeeman heads off for adventure..
Mouse chokes
Philippe risses
Mouse goes to join Zeeman in the Kings_Castle.
Lorrie grins
Philippe takes a deep bow for the queen
Winklebum says: omg i just ate a whole bag of pistachios
Winklebum pats her piggish belleh
Lorrie laughs
Brucefan says: guess it is off to the castle
Philippe laughs
Brucefan heads off for adventure..
Lorrie heads off for adventure..
Lorrie reads the message board.
Brucefan chants an ancient spell...
Thunder is heard as the sky opens and Lodis appears.
Philippe shouts: !help
Brucefan chants an ancient spell...
Thunder is heard as the sky opens and Philippe appears.
Mouse says: lag
Philippe shouts: please help
Philippe says: ok thanks
Mouse hugs the newlyweds very tightly
Lorrie warmly hugs Mouse.
Mouse hopes the two of you are as happy as she and her hubby are :)
Lorrie says: thankyou for coming
Philippe says: i couldn't find it
Mouse smiles: thank you for having me :)
Mouse says: it was a lovely ceremony
Philippe says: yes it was
Zeeman exclaims: yea!
Mouse hugs ya'll
SIGN OFF: LivelyLil Mouse is in sequined thong & t-shirt :)
Zeeman says: *hic*
Lorrie says: thankyou
SIGN OFF: Winklebum bum bum
Zeeman says: bye...ah...
Philippe hands zeeman another bottle
Zeeman says: damn them mice
Zeeman exclaims: yes!
Philippe says: i have more zeeman, just ask
Philippe laughs
Zeeman says: lambic
Zeeman says: I want some rasberry lambic
Philippe says: all what you want
Philippe says: jupiler,duvel
Zeeman says: all of the above
Philippe hands some lambic to zee
Zeeman says: Framboise
Zeeman chugs it
Philippe says: don't drink so fast
Zeeman lets out a loud belch.
Zeeman says: oops
Philippe laughs
Lorrie cuddles the groom again
Zeeman lays in the corner
Lorrie says: awww poor daddy
Lorrie reads the message board.
Lorrie shouts: I am dragging the groom to honeymoon suite
Lorrie heads off for adventure..
Lorrie has arrived.
Room: Honeymoon_Suite [PRIVATE]
Lorrie says: wait a dern minute
Joan looks
Lorrie says: this is suppose to be private
Joan asks: he's gonna make pic ??
Lorrie chants an ancient spell...
Thunder is heard as the sky opens and Brucefan appears.
Lorrie says: Brucefan they are in our room
Lorrie says: do something
Brucefan says: yeah I can see that
Joan laughs
Lorrie says: sneaky
Joan chants an ancient spell...
Lightning fills the sky as the mist rises Zeeman is gone.
Joan says: ok ok
Joan smiles: have fun :)
Joan heads off for adventure..
Lorrie laughs
Lorrie says: crazy ppl
Zeeman shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Lorrie smiles and gives you big hug and kiss
Brucefan says: it was very nice
You say: yes it was
Lorrie smiles
You say: all enjoyed
Brucefan hugs his new bride
Lorrie hugs back
....and now we leave the bride and groom to their privacy
and to a new chapter in their lives...

We thank everyone who made this day special, and you too Margie for 
 helping me get this web page together so we can share our wedding

"Let's Wheel On Out Of Here And Get Private"