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                          Father FinnO Officiating

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|    From CastleCrier: HEAR YE HEAR YE The Bride has arrived.                |
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|    From CastleCrier: HEAR YE HEAR YE The Groom and his BestManperson Lodis |
|    have arrived                                                            |
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|    From CastleCrier: HEAR YE HEAR YE Father FinnO has arrived              |
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|    From CastleCrier: HEAR YE HEAR YE Maid of Horror Joan Has Arrived       |
|    And Has Joined The Bride In Her Chamber                                 |
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|    From CastleCrier: HEAR YE HEAR YE The Father Pro Tem Of The Bride       |
|    Zeeman Has Arrived And Joins The Bride In Her Chamber                   |
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CastleCrier says: will the groom and his best manperson please stand before 
                  the alter to the right
Brucefan rises to the alter 
Lodis goes over and stands
CastleCrier shouts: will the maid of horror please enter the chapel
Mouse thinks . o O ( is that the maid of horror? )
Brucefan hides the other rise
Joan has arrived.
Joan looks around
CastleCrier says: will the maid of horror please walk slowly down the aisle
CastleCrier nods to Singer
FinnO puts rollerskates on the maid
Mouse turns in her seat for a better view
Singer sings o//~ "Did you ever know that you're my hero  o//~
Joan walks slowly
Singer sings o//~ And everything I would like to be?  o//~
Brucefan looks for his bride
Singer sings o//~ I can fly higher than an eagle  o//~
Joan drops the scroll...
Singer sings o//~ For you are the wind beneath my wings  o//~
Joan says: oopsss
Singer sings o//~ It might have appeared to go unnoticed  o//~
Singer sings o//~ But I've got it all here in my heart  o//~
Singer sings o//~ I want you to know I know the truth  o//~
Singer sings o//~ Of course I know it  o//~
Mouse wows, she knows all the words
Singer sings o//~ I would be nothing without you  o//~
FinnO guzzles more vodka
CastleCrier shouts: will the bride and her father pro tem 
enter the chapel
Brucefan grabs a sip from the Priest
Joan keep walking
Zeeman has arrived.
Lorrie has arrived.
Mouse sips from her flask
Brucefan gasps in amazement
Lorrie waits for her daddy pro tem
Zeeman grins and hiccups
Zeeman has a look of complete innocence.
Thunder is heard as the sky opens and MaL appears.
FinnO thinks . o O ( umm thunder.. i think we best put a roof on 
this place )
Lorrie holds his arm and walks slowly
Kiss has arrived.
Mouse oooersss at the bride
Zeeman steps forward
Zeeman whispers ..sloooow
MaL smiles
Singer sings o//~ Did you ever know that you're my hero?  o//~
Singer sings o//~ You're everything I wish I could be  o//~
Zeeman stumbles abit
Mouse murmers to Singer....time for Here Cums the Bride
Singer sings o//~ I could fly higher than an eagle  o//~
Winklebum laughs
Joan thinks . o O ( ohh dear..pops is drunk )
Singer sings o//~ For you are the wind beneath my wings  o//~
Zeeman thinks . o O ( hope no one has a video camera )
Singer sings o//~ 'Cause you are the wind beneath my wings"  o//~
Singer ahems
FinnO hiccups
Singer sings o//~ here comes the bride o//~
Singer sings o//~ all fat and wide o//~
Zeeman *hic*
Mouse gasps
Singer sings o//~ here comes the groom o//~
Singer sings o//~ ready to jump the broom o//~
Mouse pinches the Singer
Starbright says: lol
FinnO thinks . o O ( with his big broom? )
Winklebum says: stick
Singer goes to the back of the chapel to sit
Zeeman says: how long is this aisle anyway?
Mouse stomps her feet, much better, jump the broom
Joan says: long dear
Zeeman says: geeez
Lorrie turns and smiles at Brucefan
FinnO looks at the couple .. swaying a little
FinnO says: Before us stand King Brucefan and Queen Lorrie
Zeeman thinks . o O ( St Patricks Cathedral )
Brucefan smiles back
Lorrie looks back
FinnO says:  to unite in netroyal padloc.. err wedlock.
Joan's cold here
Zeeman steadies himself
Lorrie blinks
Mouse hugs herself, freezing here
FinnO listens to whispering crowd
Mouse tosses a few peanuts at the happy couple
Zeeman holds on to the bride
Lorrie sneaks a peek at the bestmanperson
Joan whispers to Finno...I'm naked
Mouse holds her head....where is your thong?
Zeeman asks: yea hwtas up with that?
Zeeman says: what even
Starbright says: are they married yet so they can go bump uglies
FinnO bulges
Mouse lol
Zeeman asks: knock botts?
Winklebum says: i thought you said that thing was tied to your leg
Winklebum says: geez
Zeeman says: boots
Lorrie blinks at Starbright
Winklebum says: so uncouth
Mouse rotfl
Brucefan looks at Joan
Joan smiles at bruce
FinnO turns to Queen Lorrie
Zeeman is thirsty
Lorrie looks at Father Finno
Brucefan wonders if she assists queen on honeymoon
FinnO says: Queen Lorrie, please state to your groom the dowry you are 
presenting him with, as his right.
Joan nods nods
Mouse says: whoa, a dowry
Zeeman listens
Zeeman says: I gotta hear this
Lorrie turns to her Maid of Horror and takes the scroll of dowry
Zeeman says: after IS mine
Lorrie unrolls the scroll
Joan says: I lost it
Lodis thinks . o O ( you be very poor now zee )
Lorrie thinks . o O ( I know it anyhow )
Lorrie clears her throat
Mouse thinks . o O ( no wonder the man is drinking )
Lorrie turns and looks at Brucefan
Zeeman exclaims: in a couple of minutes I will be a wealthy man!
FinnO whispers to Lorrie "that isnt a scroll its a page from Playgirl"
Zeeman laughs out loud!
Mouse giggles
Zeeman exclaims: D'OH!
Lorrie says: I am presenting my Groom, King Brucefan with the following
Lorrie says: one award winning Ram
Lorrie says: one randy old goat
Zeeman says: l tries to pay attention
Lorrie says: one keg of vintage wine
Zeeman says: EH
Lorrie says: one small treasure chest of gold coins
Lorrie says: 8 horses
Mouse says: wow
Zeeman says: it'll work
Mouse opts for the gold coins
Lorrie says: 5 sugar castles containing aphrodisacs
Lorrie says: and
FinnO looks up from his whiskey
Lorrie says: one purple bra for his banner
Zeeman says: SOLD! to the man in the corner over there
Winklebum says: wait wait. on the webpage is was phallic castles
Winklebum asks: what happened to the phallic castles????
Starbright sneaks to go to the bathroom brrb
Joan laughs out loud!
Mouse sings o//~ and a partridge in a pear tree o//~
Starbright goes AFK: zzz...ZZ...zzz...
Lorrie says: the bride is too shy to say phallic
Mouse chokes
Winklebum says: you just said it
Joan coughs
FinnO turns to King Brucefan
Lorrie says: not to mention she cant spell it
Zeeman needs a john NOW
Winklebum laughs
Zeeman laughs out loud!
Zeeman bursts into tears.
FinnO asks: Is this Dowry as presented to you acceptable?
Brucefan says: hmmm
Zeeman exclaims: hell yea!
FinnO whispers "say yes"
Brucefan first checks the bride for fleas
Brucefan says: yes
Zeeman says: yes
Mouse nods, say yes
Lorrie gasps
Joan rolls on the floor faughing!!!
FinnO thinks . o O ( she is fully shaved ;) )
Zeeman says: more than enough
Mouse fdl
Brucefan grins
Lorrie exclaims: not my hoochie!!!!!!!!
Winklebum fdl
Zeeman says: just give me the wine
Mouse thinks . o O ( her hoochie ain't shaved? )
Zeeman says: yake her
Zeeman says: take
Brucefan exclaims: YES!!
Mouse asks: who wants a hairy taco?
Zeeman giggles incontrollably.
FinnO asks: is the hoochie part of the dowry?
Zeeman asks: whoa?
Winklebum says: hairburger
Zeeman says: I'll skip the hair<
Lorrie stands taller for decoram
Brucefan straightens up
FinnO coughs
Mouse looks around for Decor Man
FinnO asks: Who gives this woman to this man?
Zeeman hugs Lorrie with a tear in his eye
Lorrie thinks . o O ( decorum? )
Zeeman says: I do
Lorrie hugs Zeeman back
Zeeman exclaims: I do I do I do!
Zeeman has a look of complete innocence.
Mouse bops Zee, you ain't getting married
Lorrie says: okok once is enough
Lodis thinks . o O ( and no take backs! )
Zeeman says: where is the wine
Lorrie gasps
Zeeman says: I must see it first
Joan says: I thought so too...he is happy to give you away
Zeeman laughs out loud!
Lodis passes over wine
FinnO asks: Do you King Brucefan take Queen Lorrie as your Royal 
netwife, to love her, to keep her, to sign on occasionally 
to hug her and kiss her and make sure she is behaving in a 
royal lady-like fashion on the net
Zeeman shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Brucefan says: I do 
Zeeman throws rice and confetti on the happy couple
Zeeman says: ops
Mouse tosses an entire bag of peanuts on the couple
Lorrie asks: you in rush zeeman?
Joan exclaims: not yet Z !
Mouse says: whoops
Zeeman says: *hic*
FinnO asks: Do you Queen Lorrie take King Brucefan as your Royal 
nethusband, to love him, to keep him, and to obey him 
in all net things including behaving like a Royal Lady 
should, on the net?
Brucefan says: yeah he is waiting for me to open that keg of wine
Winklebum asks: obey?
Winklebum says: ahem
Lorrie thinks . o O ( obey? )
Lodis looks careful at word OBEY!!!
Mouse chokes
Mouse asks: obey?
Joan coughs
Lorrie says: I do
Zeeman says: ouch
Mouse acks
Lodis says: fdl
Winklebum says: eesh
Joan says: poor woman
Zeeman says: even I got that one
Lorrie thinks . o O ( love makes women do strange things )
Zeeman says: *hic*
Mouse thinks . o O ( oh i do know )
Brucefan EXcuse me 
Winklebum thinks . o O ( did he fart? )
FinnO guzzles some more
Lorrie nudges Father Finno along
FinnO says: Damsel Lodis may I have the rings please.
Joan fdl
Lodis watches BF
Zeeman looks at the happy couples
Lodis nods and goes to pass rings over
Lodis searches pockets
Lorrie asks: you see two Zeeman?
Joan sits on zeeman's lap
Lorrie watches Lodis
Zeeman says: 6
Lodis hands over rings 
Zeeman says: er...3
Zeeman says: that would be yea
Brucefan thinks lucky zee
Starbright comes back from being AFK.
Lodis thinks . o O ( oppps )
FinnO waits for people to quieten down a little
Zeeman wipes the tears away
Mouse sits quietly like the Lady she truly is
Lorrie thinks . o O ( drunks the lot of them )
Lodis gets quiet too
Zeeman says: truly
FinnO says: A ring is a circle with no beginning and no end.  It 
symbolizes eternity. May these circles be unbroken.  
May your spirits be joined forever.
Starbright .fig congrats
Starbright says: opps
Winklebum sits primly and properly and doesnt mention the 
fart word again
Joan says: too early star
Starbright says: oh
Mouse wipes a tear...very nice, Father Finno
FinnO says: nono no fig leaves yet
Zeeman exclaims: I do!
Starbright says: opps
Zeeman says: *hic*
Lodis watches as it rolls close to poop shoot
Mouse stifles a giggle and eyes Winkle
Zeeman exclaims: she said poop!
Mouse says: yeah
Zeeman giggles incontrollably.
FinnO blesses the rings and looks at the King
Zeeman bursts into tears.
Mouse says: you can say fart, Winkle
Brucefan grabs another swiq of Father Finno's bottle
FinnO hands a ring to King Brucefan
Zeeman says: yea..pass it over when yer done
FinnO says: Please place this ring on Queen Lorrie's finger and say to 
            her any words you wish to say at this time.
Winklebum asks: i can?
Lorrie holds her hand out to Brucefan
Mouse says: sure
Brucefan places ring on The queen
Brucefan says: Lorrie. I am sure it surprised you when I applied for this 
               position to be your net hubby.
Brucefan says: And now look what has all come about from it all.
Winklebum says: well the king said excuse me so i was just wondering..if 
FinnO thinks . o O ( on the Finger bruce not there! )
Zeeman says: ouch
Brucefan says: I really have nothing to offer you that you havent already 
               had from me.
Brucefan says: I am here for you as I have always been. Online and IRL.
Mouse dabs her eyes and smiles
Brucefan says: Looks like a new chapter for our story.
Lodis thinks . o O ( it was not nipple ring )
Brucefan says: It is an honor and a pleasure for me to have met you and 
               to be your net hubby.
Mouse winces...who said nipple ring?
Lorrie smiles
Brucefan says: I really owe you more than you will even realize.
Zeeman says: awwwwwwwwwwwww
Zeeman bursts into tears.
Brucefan says: Hon I have lived my life and had all the rest.
Brucefan says: Now finally I have got the best.
Brucefan says: Now we take the journey of life together. Hand in hand, 
               Heart in heart.
Brucefan says: And as the great man has said
FinnO sobs into his whiskey
Lorrie has tears now
Brucefan says: "I'll wait for you and if I should fall behind wait 
                for me" - Bruce Springsteen
Zeeman giggles incontrollably.
Brucefan says: Now lets get on to that honeymoon.  Of course that isnt 
               the only moon I want to see.
Lorrie blushes
Winklebum (_i_)
Brucefan turns to Father Finno
Zeeman shouts: WOOHOO!!!
FinnO drys his eyes
Zeeman searches for his flask
FinnO turns to the lady Queen
Joan cries in zeemans arms
Zeeman thinks . o O ( ooh..she's naked )
FinnO hands Queen Lorrie a ring
Lorrie takes the ring and turns to Brucefan
Joan asks: is it real gold ??
Mouse sobs into her kleenix now
Zeeman burps
Lorrie takes his hand and places the ring on slowly
Zeeman says: ops
FinnO whispers to Lorrie .."on the finger!"
Lorrie looks up 
Joan laughs
Brucefan hold out his finger
Lorrie says: Brucefan, I first heard of you on 
Mouse murmers...not THAT finger
Starbright says: not the middle one
Lorrie says: April Fools day 1998
Joan says: that explain alot
Lorrie says: and since that day you and I
Lorrie says: have traveled a journey that has been unreal and surreal
Lorrie says: we have shared many stages of love
Lorrie says: explored all aspects of friendship and our bond continues 
             to grow and grow
Joan thinks . o O ( including purple bra ?? )
Zeeman asks: can I sit now?
Lorrie says: I dont know what force brought us together but many forces 
             have tried to separate us
Zeeman shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Lorrie says: and failed
Zeeman thinks . o O ( thank goodness )
Lorrie says: you and I have something special...lasting and we make the
             most wonderful memories together
FinnO starts eating the empty bottle
Lorrie says: this day is a symbol of our bond and before this gathering
             and the whole world
Zeeman asks: um..that keg o'wine?
Philippe hands finno some salt
Lorrie says: I am proud to call you soulmate, friend, husband and state 
             clearly I love you guy...
Lorrie smiles at Brucefan
Starbright says: aw how sweet
Brucefan smiles back
Joan looks at zeeman
Mouse blows her nose loudly
Zeeman balls
Joan smiles warmly at Zeeman.
Winklebum asks: balls?
FinnO smiles
Mouse gasps at your mouth, bud
Winklebum tosses zeeman a w
Lorrie nudges Finno the rest I will tell him in private
FinnO says: balls come later
Winklebum says: otherwise we're gonna have to get you a fig leaf
Lorrie says: get on with it
FinnO coughs
Zeeman says: I mean bawls
Mouse says: ohhhh
Zeeman says: *hic*
FinnO says: People of Castle Corners, Friends of Lorrie and Brucefan, 
            this is a joyous day at Castle. 
Mouse sings o//~ ding dong, the witch is dead o//~
Zeeman says: more joyous than you know my son
Mouse says: whoops
FinnO says: I know both of these people in person and know them to be
            good friends and of the same soul, two halfs of one whole, 
            it pleases me, that I was asked to join these two together.
Lorrie smiles
FinnO says: Therefore I call on the great spirits of Danu and Lugh 
            and all other guardians of goodness and fertility to bless 
            this couple and let them bask forever in the joyful light 
            that is love.
FinnO smiles
Mouse grabs her head.....they're gonna have kids?
Joan says: yessssss
Brucefan kisses Lorrie deeply and passionately!
Lorrie chokes
FinnO says: In pagan tradition and to seal this wedding I ask you 
            both to handfast.
Joan says: Lorrie want 6
Lorrie swoons
Winklebum asks: wow. so deep she choked?
Mouse tosses Finno the superglue
Zeeman tunes their guitar.
Winklebum exclaims: that's some major tonsil hockey!
Lorrie hands her flowers to Joan
Mouse grins at Winkle
Lorrie turns and grabs both of Brucefans hands
Joan says: thanks lorrie
FinnO lays a broom on the floor before the bride and groom.
Zeeman wants to play tonsil hockey!
Joan throws away the flowers
Lorrie whispers to Brucefan, ready?
Mouse jumps up now shouting....about time for jump the broom
FinnO says: Brucefan and Lorrie join hands, and together, 
            jump over the broom.
Joan steals the broom fast
Lorrie says: one, two three jump
Brucefan jumps with his bride
Lorrie glares at Joan
Mouse applauds wildly
Zeeman says: give it to Bf..he's gonna need it
Starbright claps
Mouse snickers at Zee
Zeeman says: Lorrie likes clean floors
FinnO says: By the authority vested in me as the Great Wizard of Castle 
            Corners and its Realm, I now pronounce you nethusband and 
            netwife.  You may kiss your bride.
Zeeman laughs out loud!
Brucefan kisses Lorrie deeply and passionately!
Joan gives the broom to Brucefan
Lorrie kisses back slipping some tongue
Brucefan gives Lorrie a sensuous massage.
Zeeman throws rice and confetti on the happy couple
Lorrie moans
Mouse murmers to Winkle....she's using tongue
Winklebum averts her eyes
Zeeman shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Joan shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Winklebum throws popcorn
Joan gives Zeeman a heart throbbing kiss.
Mouse shouts: Time to drink
FinnO crowns the King and Queen with some oak leaves
Joan gives Zeeman a big, wet, sloppy lick!
Philippe shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Zeeman kisses Joan deeply and passionately!
Zeeman shouts: WOOHOO!!!
Joan moans softly.
Lorrie hugs Brucefan tight as she feels him breathe easier now
Mouse fans Joan
Zeeman says: lets get outta here
Zeeman laughs out loud!
Joan says: yeahhh
Zeeman exclaims: shhh!
Winklebum says: congrats and so on ;)
FinnO congratulates the happy couple
Zeeman says: oh yes
Joan kisses around
Mouse scampers up BF & Lorrie's arms and kisses them both
Lorrie kisses Finno thankyou

   _                                                                      _
 _| |_____________________Paris_Broadcasting_System______________________| |_
|    From Lorrie: the party is in Great Hall                                 |
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