Previous Headlines

Here are previous headliners I have shown.

This man is the proud inventor of the CTRL+ALT+DELETE combination. For those of you who do not know about him, his name is David Bradley. He is announcing his retirement January 30th. I was perusing CNN and found this story. I don't understand why the leader in news has to lower their standards to report about something no one cares about. I find it hard to believe that their is not a more important thing to discuss. For example, they should write about the lame duck Democratic presidential candidate primaries or the Super Bowl. Come on, they write about the frickin' inventor of a computer key combination. What gives. If you want to please your self, thanks CNN and hit the following link:


This picture is not meant to disparage a certain race. It is only meant for them to read it and realize many people feel this way about them. Come on people, its America. Speak the English langauge for Christ's sake. We do not go to your country and expect you to know English, oh wait. We do not go to your country that is right. I hope you turn off your nuke missiles so we do not have to take action. It's all good though. You guys are not too bad.

This is how we keep it real...

What a great picture of a decrepid man/woman. I got a good joke here. McDonald's is bringing back the McJackson burger, it consists of 36 year old meat in between 6 year old buns. Gross ain't it? Here is another one. Who should you be watching at a Michael Jackson concert? Your son, duh. On the topic of Jacko, despite being one of the most weird persons on this planet, I will have to admit he does have a good choice in drinks. I am a wine connesouir(?). The one diffrence is that I drink the wine out of a glass and he inebriates a 12 yr old boy with his "Jesus Juice" from a can of soda filled with wine. What a crazy mo'fo'.


When you think terrorism, most people think of 9/11. How did 9/11 happen? Airplanes were hijacked. Since then the Transportation Security Administration have hired approximately 55,000 people to become new screeners. Unfortunately, the TSA hired 1200 inappropriately. 85 of these people had felony convictions, 503 failed to disclose an arrest or conviction, and 338 had financial or similar disqualifying problems. Just what any ordinary citizen wants: Criminals preventing criminals from entering our airports. These 1200 people have all been since terminated though. For those of you who do not know what a felony is, it is your murder, treason, espionage, kidnapping, rape, arson, burglary, theft and other serious crimes. Great. John E Bagchecker over there once killed a man. Makes me feel comfortable with him keeping the air safe. I do not understand why the TSA would hire someone to do a job that people should be commended for when I would not hire those people if I owned a McDonalds. The ranting is done.

Poor baby

On a lighter note, an infant was born with not one, but two heads. So much for the whole two heads is better than one deal. I hope the baby makes it through in one piece. A team of 18 surgeons and nurses have been working non-stop repairing and re-constructing the poor baby's head. An organization called CURE International, a Lemoyne, Pennsylvania-based charity that funds the orthopedic center and gives medical care to disabled children in developing countries, is paying an estimated US$100,000 for the surgery. It is organizations like this that mean the world to poor people. The baby's parents make an estimated $200 a month and have to support 5 people. If you want to learn how to donate money, type in CURE International into your search engine and get the address.

No parties are planned for awhile until the weather breaks. On a lighter note, doesnt our Democratic hopeful look like a horror film character?

A hot topic of late has been the recruiting scandals that have been occurring at various football programs across the country. One imparticular, University Colorado-Boulder has been accused of sexual misconduct on recruiting visits. While there is no sure guarantee that they are at fault, what kind of message does it send alumni if their school's program allows the future players to attend strip clubs or purchase hookers. The message is terrible. Granted the players should be looked down upon for partaking in these actions, but then again what Blue-Chip athlete is going to turn down a beautiful blonde that is in college. No honest single guy would and if they would, they got issues. I suggest everyone, even the non sport fan, check out or about this topic. It will enlighten you.

The book pictured to the left is the best book I have ever read. Written by Dan Brown, I heard about the controversy that is created by this masterpiece. I bought it at the book store after procrastinating about it for a good month. Little did I know that I would quickly become obsessed to find out what happens next as I read the 450+ page book in a short two nights. The plot is complex and is entertaining and mysterious until the very end. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to get a better understanding of the Church's history. Just recently I bought the book that is the basis for The DaVinci Code, Holy Blood, Holy Grail written by Michael Baugent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln. I hope this book is as well written as Dan Brown's. In addition, I bought Dan Brown's previous book Angels and Demons. While I do not know anything about it, I hope it is good as well.

While perusing my favorite news site, I came across this startling link entitled "Expert: New 'must learn' language likely to be Mandarin". If in my lifetime or yours, I hope this sad affair actually go down. I may sound like the ignorant American here but, in the article the author brings up outrageous statistics. One for example, "by 2050, he says, Chinese will continue its predominance, with Hindi-Urdu of India and Arabic climbing past English among 15-to-24 year olds, and Spanish nearly equal to it. Graddol said he focused on the 15- to 24-year-old group in 2050 to give an indication of the future past that point." I hope he doesn't mean in the United States of America. This little bit of arrogance allowed me to come up with the best prevention for this. Do NOT allow it. Do NOT be racist. Just teach your kids ENGLISH. If the founding fathers wanted us to draw ink blots for letters, they would have written the Constitution in ink blots. We need to stick with our language.

I wanna marry into this Swedish royal family.