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NEW Use this Wicked Voodoo doll kit for voodoo dolls kits with all you need for a complete voodoo doll ritual! Voodoo dolls for love spells, revenge spells, and self-improvement.

Place a Voodoo Love Spell or Make Someones Life Fall Apart
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This Kit Comes With A Powerful Ancient Voodoo
Doll and A 64 Page Voodoo Practioner's Book
VooDoo VeVes, Santeria Jewlery Haitain Talisman

Do You Want To Screw With Someone's Mind? Is Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend giving you trouble? Hoping to get that big raise and promotion soon? How about your so called friends or co-workers?
Please be aware that a Voodoo Doll is not a joke! The special ritual included with this doll makes it a very serious matter. You choose what kind of curse you put on the person...use wisely. In doing this or any other kind of revenge spell, you should always be sure to ask that the person only be hurt as much as you were, NOT MORE!

Voodoo Dolls can also be used to cast a love spell, a justified revenge spell, or even can be used on yourself for self improvement! When using a voodoo doll to cast love spells, always make sure that you are doing the love spell with true love in your heart and that you are giving love freely and asking that the other person give their love freely back to you. When using a voodoo doll for a revenge spell, always make sure that you have been wronged through no fault of your own. Remember to ask that the person be hurt only as much as you were, no more and no less -- by using a doll fairly you are in no way breaking any Universal laws.
Use this Voodoo Doll Kit to Attract Love, Keep Someone Faithful, Bring Someone To You, Bring Back A Lost Love, Attract Money, Win At Gambling, Hex Another, Cause Physcial Harm, Destroy Someone's Life, Break People Apart, Prevent Someone's Actions, Bind Someone To You, Make Someone Move Away, Bring Karma Upon Another, Good Luck, Find A Job and SO MUCH MORE...
Palm Reader Fortune Telling Free Easy Love Spells
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Put the power of voodoo to work for you. Here's everything you need to get started including a powerful 9-inch doll good for hours of pin-pricking fun, plus a complete guide to tapping your own special voodoo powers. Just watch the terrific results when you do that voodoo that you do so well.
Warning: We take no responsibility as a result of your actions.
Utilize these very powerful Voodoo Kit at your own discretion.

The Voodoo Doll Kit... ONLY $29.95
Your Order Comes With An Ancient (2 sided Good/Evil) Green Voodoo
Doll, Black & White pins and a 64 Page Hard Cover Voodoo Book

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