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disclaimer: none of the authors on this page claim to own the Monkees or any characters relating to them that ever existed.

Davy's Identity Crisis Ash rating: G complete
Davy has a problem figuring out who he is...
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Mike's Identity Crisis Ash rating: G complete
Mike has a problem figuring out who he is...
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Peter's Identity Crisis Ash rating: G complete
Peter has a problem figuring out who he is...
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Micky's Identity Crisis Ash rating: G complete
Micky has a problem figuring out who he is...
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Unexpected (The Meeting) TML-MonkeeManiac rating: PG-13 incomplete
This is the first story in what is a whole series that involves Micky, Davy and a friend of Davys named McKeighla Isles (maybe even Peter or Michael later in the stories...who knows)
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Innocence Bekah rating: PG complete
This story was written in TOTAL reference to the TV show wherein Davy was just a charming stud muffin and was every bit innocent and naive.
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Plot of Possession 21st Century Hippie Chick and Bekah rating: PG incomplete
A plot of revenge finds it way to the Monkees, and Micky is the victim.
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Where's the Girls? TML-MonkeeManiac rating: PG-13 incomplete
What would happen if Micky and Davy had met 2 girls named Mickaela and well...Peter (more about that later)?
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Love is the Ultimate Trip TML-MonkeeManiac rating: PG incomplete
after a freak accident leaves Peter paralyzed, he gets depressed. But then finds love, which leads him on a weird and wonderful trip through life.
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I do...don't I? Claire Taylor rating: G incomplete
Rachel and Micky were best friends but they lost contact 15 years ago and now Rachel is about to re-enter Micky's life at the worst possible moment...his wedding to another woman!
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You and I 21st Century Hippie Chick rating: PG-13 complete
Michelle Dobbs meets MIcky Dolenz, Mike Nesmith, and Davy Jones in 1961 and together, they battle against a school that doesn't welcome anyone from the outside. Angst and violence are in this one as well. There will be a sequal.
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Flashback TML-MonkeeManiac rating: PG-13 incomplete
Peter keeps having these horrible flashbacks...will he ever get rid of them? and why do they keep coming back?
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Little Brother TML-MonkeeManiac rating: PG-13 incomplete
something happens to Peter...it makes the guys realize how much he means to them.
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Mistress TML-MonkeeManiac rating: PG-13 incomplete
Some one has a mistress, who is it? and what could she do to his family...?
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Useless Efforts Bekah rating: PG incomplete
Scientists have taken over the club the Monkees play at in order to conduct experiments.
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Stand By Me 21st Century Hippie Chick rating: PG complete
The Monkees are in a web of trouble when Davy makes a bad descision and Micky is the only one who knows anything; one of my more angsty stories.
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Christmas Claire Taylor rating: G incomplete
A little christmas fic. The Monkees go on a christmas vacation and Mike meets a girl.
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Forgiven Claire Taylor rating: G complete
Another sequal to 'The End'. Micky finds the courage to face his wife but doesn’t get what he bargained for when Marie spells out exactly how she feels.
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Just a Plan Bekah rating: G complete
My version of how the Monkees met and got together. I'm going for 'non cheesy'. I hope I achieve that.
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Peter's Ending TML-MonkeeManiac rating: PG complete
like Clare Torks "The End" this one encircles Peter Tork and a fictional girlfriend though
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Would You Like Some Cheese with that Whine? Bekah rating: G complete
Short story in which Davy yet again gives up girls and Micky is hungry.
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Visions in the Night Claire Taylor rating: G complete
Another short story and kind of sequal to 'The End'. Micky has a restless night.
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Pancakes, Anyone? Bekah rating: G complete
Mindless dribble in which Peter overanalyzes and Micky is wise. Oh yes, and pancakes are made.
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The Star Collector Katie rating: G complete
She's a star collector, collector of stars. Need I say more?
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2 Heads: Our Sequel Katie rating: G complete
It's the end of the beginning of the beginning of the end of Head.
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Love is Only Sleeping Manda rating: G incomplete
Madison is turning 17, and is missing something, can Davy give her what it is. (sorry very bad summary)
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Such Are Promises 21st Century Hippie Chick rating: PG-13 complete
Based on the song "The Boxer" by Simon and Garfunkel. Davy comes to America to make his own start....and it ends up being a lesson in life.
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The End Claire Taylor rating: G complete
Real short story. Please read.
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A Love to Die For Shiara Ramone rating: R complete
What happens when a protective sibling goes too far.
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One Alley, a Guy in a Trench Coat...Equals a Few Very Big Suprises TML-MonkeeManiac rating: PG complete
Micky and Peter walk home one night...that changes their lives...
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If I Ever Get to Saginaw Again MusicalTork rating: PG-13 complete
Mike travels to a small town to spend some time alone with his music. There he meets a girl that he can't figure out, and she amazes him in a way no other girl ever has. Based on the song of the same name.
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May We Borrow Your Brit? MusicalTork rating: G complete
When another band borrows Davy for a gig and he decides he likes performing with him, things get tense between him and the Monkees. Finally, Davy's loyalties are tested when both bands get a gig on the same night. Written in script format.
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Yes, We're a Band, What are You? MusicalTork rating: PG-13 complete
What would it be like if the Monkees had formed in Discworld? Well, for one, there would be a great deal more axes thrown at their performances. Follow Micky, Davy, Peter, and Mike through a day in the life of the Discworld's Monkees.
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A Little Bit Me, a Little Bit Toi Cordelia Hotchkiss and Honey Vilhem rating: PG-13 incomplete
Four girls are sent back in time and become involved in romp upon delightful romp with that delightful band...the Monkees.
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What the War Made Me Choose Isabel Tork rating: G complete
A choice that no woman should have to choose.
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She Loves Him, She Loves Him Not Claire Taylor rating: G complete
Can Lori move on from her past and accept Micky's love?...With Mike's help anything is possible.
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