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 Words are only a part of our communication. We also communicate in the way we sit or stand, use our hands, or our facial expressions. 

Take a look at the following body messages. What would you be trying to say if you used these movements? Please use journaling and answer these questions.

 Doing This:                               Might Mean This:                          

Clenched jaw                                                 Anger, stress 

Eyebrows raised                                             Surprise, curiosity 

Fidgety movements                                         Nervousness

Clenched fists __________________________________________________

Fixed smile ____________________________________________________

Head tilted _____________________________________________________

Hands open, palms out ___________________________________________  

Narrowed eyes __________________________________________________ 

Pursed lips _____________________________________________________

Slumping posture ________________________________________________ 

Wringing hands __________________________________________________


How does your body language reinforce what you are trying to communicate? When you listen to a person, what clues can you pick up from their body language?

 Ideally, your stance should convey assertive self confidence, and not send or give out passive or aggressive signals that you do not intend. 

Type of Stance/Gesture                        Possible Impression

 Firm handshake                                                   assertiveness 

Crushing handshake                                              aggressiveness 

Limp handshake                                                                 passivity

No eye contact                                                      passivity, avoidance


Exercise: (Journaling)

1. For the next week, make journal entries daily (or just write down, in any format you choose) the types of body language that you see around you.

2. By the end of the week, focus in on one person- your significant other, your boss, your child.

3. What do you see when you are talking to this person? Are there any gestures/stances that contradict what this person is saying to you?

4. Don't be confrontive- just NOTICE!