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Welcome to Sick of Seattle  

S.O.S. holds informal gatherings every month. Gatherings are held from 7-9 p.m at a local venue.

Everyone over 21 is invited.  Attendees will tend to hold views of Seattle that are not particularly endearing, so if you find that offensive, please consider yourself warned.

This month we welcome the latest anti-Seattle websites (and one anti-Issaquah site)
Education Revolt!

Commando Dave's local sports reform site

2003 S.O.S. Schedule

Tuesday, January 21st, and Tuesday, February 18th. S.O.S. will go on vacation in March, and will return April.

On Tuesday, April 15th, 2003, S.O.S. meets at Hales Ales Brewery, 4301 Leary Way NW, Seattle, from 7-9 p.m. Just ask for the S.O.S. table.

Attendance at gatherings is free, voluntary, at your own risk, and the only requirements are that you 1) patronize the venues where gatherings are held by buying food or drink, and 2) don't stiff the other members when the bill comes.  Please do NOT call locations for information.  Contact us at if you have any questions.

Gatherings are guaranteed to happen or not happen.  This is a peculiarity of Seattle - if the weather is bad, some people will be too depressed to show up.  If the weather is good, it's quite possible that no one will show.  We at S.O.S. are not responsible if a scheduled gathering turns out to be a non-event.  

However, finding a like-minded Sick of Seattle citizen is always worth a try, and who knows?  Friendships may blossom, romance may happen, and you might even find Seattle liveable for once! 

And finally, what would Sick of Seattle be without a logo?  You can buy fmerchandise with the S.O.S. "I came, I saw, I left" Space Needle logo© by clicking on the coffee cup on the right. What more perfect gift for someone who has already bailed out of here(or wishes they could)?  See more items in our store.




          Seattle Shmeng