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I MORAL AND OPTIMIZING EVIL IS NAIVE The evil ones are naive because one cannot build the world upon evil. The good and moral ones are not naive because one can build the world upon good. THE TRADITIONAL MORAL OF EUROPE AND RUSSIA In the Finnish speaking culture of Finland moral is on really strong rational grounds - so strong and obvious from the point of view of objective thinking that we cannot understand how every rational person all around the world doesn't see them at once, all the time, even under strong emotions. Evil ones are understood to be mistaken, under false beliefs, very stupid like one driving a car straight against a wall without needing to, blinded by the things near one's own fate without seeing how the world develops in larger scale as a consequence of what kind of guidelines one follows in what one does and why, how the small scale and large scale interconnect and form our fate. So if you still after reading this book do not see these things, please come and ask from us what our common sense says: why to do things the way that we do, why to choose and emphazize values the way that we do and why to not to do things in bad ways. But be rational. The traditional moral of Europe and Russia is based on thinking about the whole and the future of us all. What our common sense says is true. ALL FUNCTIONING IS BASED ON GOOD All functioning is based on good, natural and healthy, positive for happy life and whole. The following are important in doing things and in thinking: Straightforwardness and naturality and a good picture of the whole and acting according to feelings and common sense. I often think by myself, when it is a question of my own life, but also otherwise, that moral is a choise made by the lazy ones (see the points about optimizing toward things that are positive to happy life and harmony, in this book), and moral is a choise made by those who reach for their own personal good (good HAPPY LIFE for oneself - since we are social beings, it is somewhat connected to the happiness of other people, too), and since co-operation is benefical, aiming for common good is the choise of the rational person who is interested in one's own benefit. Moral means supporting good healthy ways of living, upon which it is possible to build the world at large and especially one's own life in accordance with the basic human nature - having healthy mind and spirit and valuing life's important things instead of tools. Carrying responsibility about the large scale is a consequence of having a good holistic view of what the world is like, with causes and consequences taken fully into account, and of aiming for one's own good - and maybe to the good of others, too. I OPTIMIZING WHOLES: MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES What are the building parts like and how does that affect the whole? What are the structures like and how do they affect the whole? GOOD IS STRONGER THAN EVIL How to notice that good is stronger than evil: Thinking of the whole and the long run, consider things as building materials and compare the qualities and effects of those different building materials: are they for good or bad, in which ways, what about the whole: the total effect and the long run cumulative effect and tendencies: are they useful, steady, strong and healthy? As grounds for the comparison use these divisions at least: * co-operation versus lot of conflicts * unified harmonic versus scattered one that does not work together to form a well-working whole * healthy versus broken * on a healthy ground, steady versus unsure, unsteady * long-lasting versus easily scattered * strong versus weak structure * according to motivation, feelings and the intellect & the idea in things versus against them A WHOLE ONE WORKS BETTER THAN A BROKEN ONE. SEVERAL HARMONOUS FORCES SUM UP TO A BIGGER FORCE THAN A SEPARATE ONE OF THE FORCES IN QUESTION. Good creates an unified healthy whole. Evil causes fractures to the structure making it weaker and disturbing its functioning. GOOD * healthy * natural * happy * positive for happy life * harmonic * responsible * a good natural and healthy balance * on a strong ground, healthy ground that is strong enough and otherwise good enough * long-lasting, effortless, stabile * self-repairing * an unified whole that works well together * according to feelings, instincts and the intellect, according to hopes and wishes, to natural and healthy goals in one's life, like future well-being, safety, naturality, happiness, health, well-functioning society suitable for happy life that is natural for a human being Also when it is a question of style, it is important to aim at good and healthy. So one sets a good example to oneself and others about healthy ways of doing things. Likewise one can by atmosphere estimate which things are on a healthy ground, done in a healthy way. HEALTH By "healthy" I mean many different things: * on a healthy ground * healthy common sense + a holistic view * main things right * natural happy, well functioning, balanced whole in a healthy way * a healthy way to do things * without fractures, illness or malfunctioning * parts functioning well harmonically together according to the nature of the things in question and in a way that is truly good for the whole and good in the long term * healthy natural society that is according to justice and common sense and the insticts of humans, respecting human values * living according to one's true nature a full life being a healthy influence to one's environment, too and to the worls at large * carrying responsibility of the whole in a healthy way that is a good example to others too * having an emotional contact with one's environment and with the world at large * living in practise, understanding sizes, emphazies right and the roles of things in life correctly and one's own role in the world * living in practise, living physically, with one's senses, feelings, according to one's instincts, according to the best understanding of things and the world at large that one has, carrying responsibility, with emphaty, compassion, justice,... An unified natural healthy well-functioning whole. It is the well-functioning upon which complex structures are built, upon which the functioning depends. The world is a kind of sum of the basic level phenomena, classified by the types of organization and their typical functioning from te point of view of the whole. Compare the value of unifiedness to this: A scientific picture of the world: The world consists of atoms (physics) from which molecules are build (chemistry) which in turm form substances in larger quantities from which the living organisms are build (biology): cells and from them the functional parts of organisms and from those whole living beings (which may form packs) And these are parts of ecosystems in different types of environments and climates. Human beings and moral are both products of evolution (natural and cultural). Instincts, likings, feelings and one's understanding of the world help in survival of the individual and of the group, society. a picture Compare the value of a healthy unified whole to a bowl: a whole one can contain water but a broken one cannot be used. JUSTICE AND OPTIMIZING Justice: Giving each person feedback according to what the person does. Thus, it is possible to let the different options compete about which one is the most benefical, worth doing. Good, benefical is to be preferred and things that are harmful to the whole (in other words: evil things) are to be prevented. OPTIMIZING WHOLES So, supporting good, and preventing evil, is a necessity when one thinks from the point of view of optimizing on a value-free basis. BIGGEST FACTORS ARE ON THE LEVEL OF THE WHOLE, so it is necessary to pay attention especially to the whole, not just parts. Honesty is an important thing in aiming at justice. It makes feedback systems function properly. A ROAD TO SUCCESS: MORAL, NATURAL AND VERY EFFICIENT (This is in fact a name that I "invented" when I thought about a new name for myself. I thought about important parts of understanding that seem to be underemphazized in the present day world, and which would be a suitable form of structure (name) that would remind of those things: what is moral in each situation, why to act morally, what is a good natural efficient way to do things and how to reach as objective thinking as possible. So the name would cause a cumulative effect toward better. Indonesia for example consists of many islands in the tropics. So propably they have experience about this way of looking at the world. Another good name in my opinion would be "soul" in atheistical sense, including carrying responsibility about all beings, true honesty, healthy mind and spirit, healhty way of doing things and valuing naturality and natural happiness. "Heart" recommend the Indonesians.) 1. A Road to Success "Harmonic forest islands" (a good name) - fruitful - natural - harmonic - well suited for happy life - a good ground (the island) co-operation or independence Build on a fruitful ground, naturally, without conflicts (separate islands for different conflicting parties) Use holistic view! 2. About moral: "Live and let others live." Justice which respects human values Common sense, objective thinking and holistic view Carrying responsibility (for example by following this method using a holistic view) Who belongs to your own island? - One should carry responsibility about all the things that one affects - Those who do not follow some set of rules, do not deserve benefits which are created by following those rules. Avoid walking over things uncaringly. Optimize towards the natural and positive for happy life (and success). 3. Glueing islands together Forming a well-working whole. Islands that work well together, form a harmonious forest. The trees of a harmonious forest that fit well together, form an island. Islands can be very large: like the Earth is an island in space, and so on. Form always a holistic view! NATURAL ISLANDS AND SOCIETY AGREEMENT Society agreement: how individuals together form a society, what are the rights and responsibilities of each individual and why just such. NATURAL ISLANDS: _" individual _" social group _" group working together for some goal, following some set of rules (= not hurting each other, co-operating for the goal, nice behaviour and so on): 1. Things that one needs to run one's life: _" home _" food _" means to get such for oneself (work and the possibility to work) _" safety _" ensuring the future for us all 2. Things that one likes: _" hobbies _" delicious food _" and so on And arranging these together: _" hobby group _" ordering food from shop _" And the possibility for such Large groups agreeing not to hurt each other badly or at all (no need to, if the places are separate or far away from each other) Rights and priviledges are conditional: shared only according to justice! THE SOCIETY AGREEMENT Forming groups by being in a same situation or by caring for the same thing: * all mothers * all those who care for children * all those who find themselves in a situation like this, needing moral guarding behaviour working for the good of all * all who care for the future of us all * all living beings The society agreement says: all those of the group agree to work for the common cause according to real justice which respects human values, carrying responsibility of the whole, with the help of common sense with a holistic view. As a helping aid in forming this kind of groups, an objective holistic picture of the world formed by objective thinking, which doesn't take sides, and which recognizes things as phenomenas with feelings connected to them, feelings that tell about the importance of such things in life and in the world generally and about what to do with such things: which things to support and which to prevent for the good of all (children, free time, catastrophes,...). The freely organized citizen democracy in Finland is of this type. Feelings of this kind are typical to the Finnish speaking Finns: what is the role of each thing in life and in the society, how do things form our fate - is it good to have such things in life or not? It is typical for us to use a holistic view of the world at large all the time. The need to carry responsibility about large scale matters: If one thinks that one is too small to affect large scale things, still the fact that one is just a single person in a large group, doesn't give one possibility to irresponsible behaviour in large scale matters. Since, all the others in the group could use the same excuse and if they most would behave irresponsibly that would affect the whole in a fatal way. So they all must carry responsibility about large scale things so much that the group avoids causing catastrophes and, if possible, guides the world toward better living conditions for all. When it is a question of very important things like the fate of human kind, the fate of a single individual isn't important in comparison. But one must remember to give those who carry responsibility about the fate of human kind, good living conditions, freedom and healthy and happy life, so that one by thus rewarding and securing strenghtens the tendency to carry responsibility and gives an example of how to fit together the needs of an individual and one's responsibility of the whole: Real justice and human values, in a way that takes the whole into account. CARRYING RESPONSIBILITY AND THE SOCIETY AGREEMENT The situation of the world = the society agreement and how it is put to practise: the hopes of people, what they want the world to be like both in large and in small scale. As a very important helping aid in putting the society agreement into practise there is a need for a good correct picture of the world with an understanding of causes and consequences. The value of moral and responsibility is important in this. I hope that the island principle above helps in forming a good holistic view of how the world is build. Socrates: "Moral behaviour comes from real understanding." understanding also with the emotions, understanding the whole, understanding the consequences of your actions, understanding what is valuable in life and what is not, understanding how we together make the world what it is. Human values, common sense with a good picture of the whole, carrying responsibility, justice, democracy, equality of the sexes, freedom of individuals, speech, opinion, uniting and of press. Which tendency are you supporting? What would happen if everybody would do like you? Make sure that you get the main directions in largest scale right! OPTIMIZING and the essential in things Intentionally done things have a direction: from one situation to another one, the goal. A well optimized act achieves the goal efficiently. The more important the goal is, the more essential it is to get to the right direction. An act that is not at all well optimized brings one to the goal slowly or via an unnecessarily long route. Most parts of that kind of route are not so essential, and even if one would change the directions of those partial acts (i.e. behave opposite to orders), it may still be possible to construct a new route from all the parts. Essential acts cannot be turned around. -> * î <- * * <- î * -> î is essential. -> and <- are unimportant. DIRECTIONS, THE ESSENTIAL IN THINGS "Moving down a hill with a sledge" (this is a picture analogue for those who have played in snow as children, not symbolic in any way!) = The observation that a certain factor affects to a certain direction For example: according to common sense versus against common sense: motivation and the point in things Optimizing while taking into account emotional factors "downhill" (light): "uphill" (heavy): helping, positive for the thing preventing, slowing good bad benefical harming "fuel" "friction" the point in things a disturbing factor a goal to be opposed according to instincts against instincts according to feelings against feelings according to common sense against common sense The direction of action and the fluency of it Essential things, predictability This creates a flowing field (pieces of flowing fields and other estimates) which describes a benefical direction of action and thus a way to optimize things in ways that take into account both feelings and the intellect. * The point in actions of humans (motivation, ways of working, working conditions and goals) * the point in doing things and laws of nature that things follow The whole!! GOOD IS USEFUL All funtioning is based on the good sides of things. Why is a thing called good? What is the benefit from each kind of good? Good for some purpose: * A good house, good to live in, a good basement, a good roof and so on * skilled * harmonical * healthy * beautiful * according to feelings * good for one's social relationships * good for the society Why is good of that kind (feelings, beautiful things and so on) useful? * Human being reaches for happiness and a secure future. Instincts and feelings help to live a life that is suited for a human being. Direction that they guide to, is benefical from the point of view of survival and good healthy condition. ESTIMATING THE BENEFITS OF CO-OPERATION If there is a representative of some group deciding about the things of a larger group without caring about anything else than the benefit of one's own group: for example 1/5 of the population: ^ v v v v If others would do the same thing: ^ v v v v v ^ v v v v v ^ v v v v v ^ v v v v v ^ The end result is -3 for all: it makes no sense at all! ONE MUST CARRY RESPONSIBILITY ABOUT ALL THE THINGS THAT ONE AFFECTS AND CO-OPERATE FOR COMMON GOOD ACCORDING TO JUSTICE AND RESPECTING HUMAN VALUES, CARING ABOUT THE FUTURE, TOO. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ By co-operating for common good, one would gain +5: That choise is according to common sense! KIND WAYS AND OPTIMIZING 1. Why healthy, natural and human ways of doing things are related to effective and well-working ways: Suppose that you have a good understanding of something, you know well how everything works. Now, build something upon your understanding. What is fruitful and works well, you will use. What isn't, you will not use. So you get a system which works efforlessly, without contradictions, and when it comes to humans, in a kind, natural and healthy way. (If you make mistakes, they appear as unkindness or unnaturality.) The natural selection and product development work this way. -> <- -> -> <- -> -> <- contradictory versus -> -> -> -> non-contradictory, -> -> -> -> harmonic natural = the way that something works unnatural = against that principle human = natural for a human being unhuman = unnatural for a human being A human being is a biological being: adapted to a certain kind of environment and a certain kind of life. Naturality is what we are building upon, the ground. One should not destroy it at all when one manipulates something. Examples: a machine that is used according to instructions or not according to them physical work: enough sleep, helthy food and so on or some of these lacking From a more complex perspective: motivation, feelings, working conditions and so on likewise affecting the working ability Fullfilling the conditions, and there are very many of them, that a human being needs. The needs of the work and the needs of the human. An objective solution to something and a human being making it real. 2. About the fate of the world The world is changing. But you will see the results only after some 20 years, after the next generation has grown up. - environment - ways of living - what the people are like - what kind of world the children will be living in when they have grown up All these and many other things are changing at the same time. How far you can let the situation go towards too technologised ways of living before you think that it is high time to take human ways into account also in the way that large scale systems work? As time passes, human ways support human ways. This affects the direction that the world is developing. (The more we reach for a better world, in the practise, with the help of our understanding, the more things will go toward better.) What we do now, results in what the fate of the human kind will be. The direction that we are going is important. Human ways must be taken as a large scale goal. Take care of the essentials first. 3. Human ways and large scale goals If you can be totally objective and take feelings into account, too, that is even more objective than objective thinking without taking feelings into account. "The best way to control a sheep is to give it a meadow." (Shunryu Suzuki: Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind) A human being has as a goal happiness (and avoiding catastrophes) now and in the future, for oneself, one's closest social relationships and for the society at large. As a helping aid in reaching these goals one uses one's understanding of what the world is like and thinking. That, too, is the nature of a human being. If we go against the nature of a human being, we run into trouble. If we go according to these natural goals of human beings, it brings co-operation and high motivation. These goals are important also if the society is very large because everyone shares the same basic goals and shares also the need to reach for them in ways that are according to our own understanding. Maybe the humans have to live with large systems, but the large systems have to live with the human kind, too. So they have to secure the future safety and happiness of the human kind, too. Happiness and avoiding suffering is a common goal to everyone - to all humans, all living beings – and so the goal "happiness for everyone forever" is a good ground for co-operation. Justice that respects human values and objective thinking is a way to arrange co-operation in reaching for these goals, that just about everyone can agree to. EUROPEAN AND RUSSIAN VALUES Feelings are valuable. Doing things according to one's likings and understanding, while taking the WHOLE into account is a value in itself, likewise doing things that are natural to humans. "Live and let others live." is a saying: an easy way to arrange things if the individuals are responsible. Thinking with a holistic view is just a helping aid in this, valuable of course in practise. Justice, democracy,carrying responsibility and taking the whole into account are important values too. MORAL Moral is the product of cultural evolution: an optimized way to take care of the benefit of the whole society. MORAL Moral = supporting things that are positive for (health and) happy life, justice and carrying responsibility of the whole For example: The hippies together with the peace and democracy movements of that time were moral. Sexuality while acting according to justice and carrying responsibility about what one does is O.K. from the point of view of moral. Defending good and oneself according to justice is moral. Obedience is often not moral. Instead, one should carry responsibility, follow justice, respect human values and use common sense which takes into account the whole. One should make systems self-repairing this way and give room to life and common sense and to real responsibility about where the world is going. Co-operating for common good according to justice is moral. Helping according to justice the ones in need is moral. (Giving to those who are in need something that one does not need so much oneself is moral. Working a little extra for the good of others without sacrificing oneself and while demanding fair play and justice is often moral.) It is against moral to let someone to be a parasite. Sacrificing oneself is usually against moral: It is not healthy and so it doesn't give a good healthy example to others. Instead one should reward well indeed the good and moral ones so that they do not need to sacrifice themselves when they want to do something for the good of the whole society or something of the kind. One must remember to carry responsibility, in ways that are according to real justice! I do not forgive anything and I do not give mercy, except when true justice respecting human values and carrying responsibility (while getting sizes right and taking into account all sidea of the situation) demand so. Minor offences one can make up but it isn't as good as without having done anything wrong. Giving too much mercy and sacrificing oneself destroy justice and are not moral. Use instead the society agreement for supporting human rights and carrying responsibility. Betraying trust is unmoral. The good and moral persons should be able to defend themselves well, so that evil cannot get power. It is not good if the unmoral ones are given such skills etc. Risking important things like good basic living conditions (now and in the future), is unmoral. The differences in the values of the sexes make lesbianism easier to accept and more moral than homosexuality. I think that lesbian marriages should be allowed but homomarriages not. Supporting women power according to real justice is moral, since it is for common good. (Read the prvious section Women and men: values and ways of doing things.) Correcting responsibly one's own errors and also other errors is for common good and is to be valued. Racism and sovinism are unmoral. (There is no racism in the Finnish speaking culture of Finland and almost no sovinism at all.) Read the text Moral, natural and very efficient. (The negroid woman singer and songmaker Tracy Chapman from the U.S.A. sings about moral. The Russian singer, poet and songmaker Vladimir Vysotski has songs about moral, too.) BE GOOD AND TRULY MORAL! Some reasons to do good to others: * it makes life for pleasant for oneself (and for the other person), it makes one happier since humans are pack animals and it is nice and warm to live in a group that works harmonically together in a free and natural way; by excanging services one co-operates for better life for oneself and others * if one makes a society agreementr where all basic needs of all are met according to real justice (as long as they just do their share according to their abilities etc.), one can make sure that one oneself never gets such a bad fate * compassion * human are pack animals so it is a natural part of humans' instincts to work aslso for the good of the group and to have strong feelingsbout the common fate * broken people break to much; by making sure that people are healthy enough one can safeguard basic living conditions * if there is enough room to live for all, perople do not need to harm the common good FAIR PLAY AND HELPING THE ONES IN NEED Bigger ones may not take advantage of small ones. Fair play! Keeping the rules of behaviour good enough: compare the small group to small groups formed by members of the larger group and to the position of its single individuals. The same requirements and rules of game for all -> no unjustice. Thus it is for the good of all to support the rights of small groups. If we want that the society is of a certain kind: that our needs are met also when we are weak or in trouble, we have to support islands that create those good things: to help according to justice those in need, to create arrangements that take into account according to justice which respects human values, the differences in personal strenghts, and to carry responsibility about protecting common good against the evil, irresponsible and stupid or ignorant. If we can make an arrangement in the society agreement so that those in need are helped, we create a situation where basic living conditions are safeguarded for all. One can allways make safety precautions against catastrophes and other dangers. WHY TO CARRY RESPONSIBILITY OF THE WHOLE "All things are bound together. All things connect. Man has not woven the web of life. He is but one thread of it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself." (Indian chief Seattle) In my homecountry Finland we have a saying: "We are in the same boat." The same thing happening to all of the group. So the fate of the group is a thing to care about a lot. We are in the "boat" of the human kind and of the living kind. So we have to take care that the world goes to a good direction for us all, to a direction that is sustainable in the long run. The whole and what happens to it, is worth taking into account, since the whole affects a lot one's life. (like a ship going somewhere) compare to the economic sitiation of a country and how it affects people's lives. The value of rules of behaviour: cultivating something Since we are social beings, the effect of a single individual to the behaviour of the whole group is often much much larger than one tends to imagine at first sight. "Each piece of land is part of a continent. Whenever a piece of land is lost, the continent becomes smaller. So never send to ask, for whom the bell tolls: the bell tolls for thee." (Hemingway?) DOING A FAVOR IN RETURN One can co-operate by making a deal with all the following way: Every time that one receives a favor, one is oblidget to do a favor in return according to justice. Sometimes it is enough that one helos another one in need of the same group as the one who helped oneself. But if it is a personal matter, personal favor and/or a personal social contact, one must do a favor in return to just the person from whom one received a favor. This way one can co-operate freely with as large group as possible, and avoid parasites. HANDLING UNSURENESS ABOUT TRUSTWORTHINESS If you are in a situation where you do not know how things truly are, for examp,e whether you can trust some person or not, you should act in a way that is O.K. from the point of view of the both possibilities. Take yourself care of the important things in your life, so that they get well even if the other person is not trustworthy. On the other hand, give yourself and the other person a possibility to living in harmony, in a constructive way: do not break anything that you do not need to - especially not those things that the other person needs if she/he truly is trustworthy. Try to do things according to justice, and work for common good, without harming good persons and without letting the evil ones to benefit in any way more than they deserve when they are judget according to their moral. Like making an ordinary deal with safety precautions. KEEPING UP MORAL Observe what rules of "game" in social contacts the other person is using: which island the other one is on, which things one is cultivating and which not, by using which rules of game and how one follows rules: which island one is so supporting and which not. The amount of trustworthiness in each things affects how well things grow in the island and is there fear of catastrophes for the island or for other things. People are often socialized toward some set of rules of behaviour and way to handle social contacts, to some degree and kind of moral and trustforthiness and so on. So observe toward which basic groups one is socialized so - at least sex, culture and the kind of persons that one strongly identifies with. Observe also which things one considers obvious and which not. Do not let the other person eat on an island that one isn't building. Share islands only strictly according to justice. Being friendly is different from letting the other person to benefit unfairly. You are oblidget to be trustworthy only the amount that the other person is trustworthy - real justice, fair play. But don't let the rules of behaviour get harder and harder, if you can avoid it. Do not ever protect evil. Basic human rights are a different thing. Keep up your moral, also by preventing the evil from benefiting unfairly and from harming the ways that we support common good. Thre is a Finnish saying. "Let them get rotten in their own juice." Meaning: refusing to help an evil person against the demands of real justice and of fair play toward others. Meaning: suffering from the consequences of their own irresponsible evil actions, without getting help from others against justice. Society agreement: how we ourselves create our living conditions: the amount of good and evil things in our lives. Real justice. You should follow justice also when it is a question of yourself: do not give merit of your own good sides to your relatives, friends, pals, countrymen and allies, and especially not to your enemies too just because such sounds modest, a positive attitude or the like. Instead keep sizes and emphazies correct and demand just to yourself the rewards that justice entitles you to. Only this way you help to guide the world toward better. Europe + Russia: traditional values (in contradiction to the irrational United States and to many other countries all over the world, including the irrational Arabs) (Read the text Saving the world.) One who behaves badly, doesn't discrace others, but discraces instead himself/herself by showing that he/she is untrustworthy, unmoral or the like. Being raped doesn't discrace the woman. Instead it discraces the raper and the trust in him as a social relationship, it breaks largely the social relationship removing any power that the raper might have had over the raped and lowers the social position of the raper a lot in the society. For (feminist) women I recommend the book: Deborah Tannen: Hardball for women. It tells about the cultural differences between women and men: men are more competitive. The book is informative to women but not so interesting to men. ABOUT REAL MORAL One must NOT do anything evil at all!!! Doing a service to another person doesn't earn one the right to do anything evil. So for example the medical personnel doesn't have the right to behave unmorally, not even at their free time. The medical personnel get money from their work like other from their professions, so they have not done a personal service to the others, to the patients, they have just done the work that they are paid for like any other worker. All doctors are not moral: they just earn money and a better reputation. The one who empties the smelling trash bins does a service to others, the post man does a service to the ones whose post he/she carries, and the teachers do valuable work, the farmers producing the food and the shops selling it, the city in organizing the water supply etc, all do a service to others. And we pay for it. That is the way that we together organize things in our society for the good of us all, all doing their share. Valuing some work is different from allowing any unmoral behaviour from those doing that work. Dedicating one's life's work to some moral cause is a personal choise, done for personal reasons, it doesn't leave others in debt. One should demand moral from all persons, all the time. And all cannot choose their profession freely, so it is often unfair to compare to the professions of others, even though one must carry responsibility of what one does for work too - inside the barriers created by what one can influence and what one cannot. One should be able to influence which profession one ends up in. Being talented in something doesn't create an obligation toward the society, at least not toward any unmoral direction. How many times have you yourself thought that someone that you know is better suited to some profession that you consider unmoral, for example an engineer - instead of recommending sincerely to them some moral profession like for example the work of a farmer? One should also take into account the size class in which one is moral: one needs to be moral in large scale questions, too, and to value especially those who carry responsibility about the large scale things in practise. DEALING WITH GUILT If we feel guilt about something, it is a mark that we at least partly feel that we would not have liked to do such bad or evil things and that we would have liked to do things in a better way in some way. Guilt is a mark of the fact that we value those good things more than we have been able to take into account in our actions and that we want to take them into account more in the future. So WITH THE STRENGHT OF YOUR FEELING CORRECT THINGS TOWARD BETTER. FOR THE GOOD OF OTHERS One should not restrict good from spreading and flourishing, even if one oneself is very evil. Since it is the good that all feed upon, that evil ones too feed on. Without good there would be nothing to eat. One should guarantee good living conditions for all according to justice, and make sure that noone needs to suffer torture: If there is an epidemy of disease or evil in the neighbouring village, there is the danger that it spreads to your own village. Much safer would be with no epidemy at all. Help according to justice those in need, so you can co-operate for common good. Human values should be applied also to the animals: they should be protected from suffering and their living conditions kept suitable for them, for their own species. This way one does not get used to cruelty and unjustice, and learns to be fair toward all that one associates with. There is no mental illness. There are only malfunctioning social relationships and customs, false beliefs (of the individual and of others), unmoral behaviour, bad habits and lack of skill in living. Also differences in strenghts and unusual and unbearable situations of life cause extreme behaviour. Drugs cannot be used since it is not a question of bacteria, and drugs weaken the natural curing responses to the things in one's life. There should not be mental hospitals either. Healthy natural life with healthy natural social relationships is the cure. HELPING THE ONES IN NEED When one is in trouble it is very important for one to get help to the situation. Means that help in practise are valuable. One does not wish others to socialize toward oneself in a way that makes them adopt the same attitude to life. Instead one needs SUPPORT, like a strong adult helping a child and a healthy person on a strong ground helping someone who is too weak. Pitying isn't needed, instead emphaty and compassion are valuable in understanding the situation of the other person and so in estimating the need for help. Supporting the one in need in keeping one's independence is important too. JUSTICE AND BELONGING TO A GROUP In justice one must judge each individual separately according to justice and give feedback accordingly to the individual, without taking one as a part of a group formed by one's social contacts or the like. Belonging to a group can be taken into account the followimg way: Taking into account that the individual belongs to the group for such and such reason in such and such circumstances, what is the behaviour that responsibility carrying attitude demands from the individual in such a situation, according to justice, taking the whole into account and not just the group? - Society agreement. Responsibilities toward the group, responsibility about influencing the course of action taken by the group, carrying responsibility that the group doesn't restrict too much the actions of individuals on the cost of freedom and justice (rules of game) and responsibility about other things. Enough freedom for each individual and an ability to defend oneself, take care that the systems cannot squeece the individuals too badly and prevent evil from taking power. If everyone tries to live and also to do things in large scale in healthy ways, errors get corrected and things are on a strong ground. ON THE VALUE OF PEACEFULLNESS * a possibility to co-operate for common good, harmonic life, freedom of individuals with human values * good living conditions for the children to grow up in * nodanger of hurting oneself badly, no vengeange * justice, democracy, fair play * human rights * co-operation for common good even with opposing parties and enemies * secure future * rules of game clear to all Peacefullness is a typical value in the countries of Europe and in Russia. II HUMAN BEING AS AN OPTIMIZED WHOLE and objective thinking ALL HUMANS HAVE THE SAME NEEDS I don't believe there to be ANY differences between the needs of humans, not even depending on race, sex and profession. Only between species of animals with clearly different charachteristics, are there such differences. Like: the nose of an elephant is surely of an enermous importance to the elephant, and the feet not so much at all. There are no such differences between humans, for example artists and engineers and soldiers. Some just suffer more - and that SHOULD be avoided!!! From the book Saima Harmaja: Sydämeni soi (My heart sings): In my soul there is a forgotten garden, which no-one has ever seen. The sun never shines there, the rain never moistens its dark soil. But inside the earth lives and trembles thousands of seeds, thousands tiny starts cry under the heavy soil. It is sad, wild, starving garden, but it can some day open to a wonderful shine, when the sun rises. The sun: It is natural for a human being to do lots of practical things like farming work and cooking. To live a healthy life one needs to have in one's life the basic things that are natural to human beings, like lots of practical things, healthy human relationships, possibility to do things according to one's feelings and motivation like arts for example, motion, senses, enough freedom, the possibility to live according to one's understanding in a responsible way and so on. Fullfilling these basic needs makes one stronger, more capable and also much better motivated. The needs of all human beings are alike. That is essential to remember. Individuals who live a healthy life, look healthy. If one looks for example theoretical, that means that one lives a life that is too theoretical compared to what would be healthy, good for the individual. Thinking is a natural part of humans capacity, instincts. So it functions well just when living a natural healthy life. HUMAN BEING IS A WHOLE A human being is of a certain kind by nature. There is a natural way by which the different functions join together to form a well-working whole. Instincts lead toward right direction. Doing things according to one's basic nature brings happiness. Doing things against this basic nature, in other words doing things without regard for needs and natural ways of functioning, brings uneasiness and unhappiness and is something that a human being naturally avoids. Human being is a whole. The different sides of a human being form an unified whole, which is not by its nature divided into parts. For example, the thinking and feelings of a human form a whole, also mind, body and the senses form a whole. In social relationships oneself and others co-operate harmonically. Social needs and personal needs influence one's life in harmony according to human's basic nature and instincts. Human kindness is the instructions of usage of a human being. The more naturally one does things, the more harmonically one succeeds, things that seemed to be contradictory, form a harmonical unified whole. If some direction is natural, that is the mark of being right: that is the direction to go, if one wants to get a healthy well-working individual and a healthy, harmonical well-working society,.. Read the text Kind ways and optimizing. THE BODY A human being forms a functional whole. The body forms an important part of a human being. Feelings are connected to the body, instincts too. The senses work together with the body. In motion and practical action the body is essential. Emotional understanding and emphaty are connected to the body. So true understanding needs the body, too, and not just the brain. In communication the gestures, facial expressions and way of doing things are important. Getting enough exercise keeps us in good condition in many ways. A human being should be largely one with one's body, to experience most things in life in ways that are intimately connected with the physical body. This is essential. Also the senses, attention, feelings, instincts, atmospheres and so on are important in connection with the body. The Japanese dancer Anzu Furukawa, who lives in Europe in Germany, is an example of experiencing things in a way that is connected with one's own body. Maybe some forms of shamanism have to do also with the role of the body in experiencing and doing things, maybe also in thinking and communicating. A human being should form an unified functional whole in a completely natural way, so these things are very important indeed. Mainly I do not use my head to thinking. Instead I use my eyes, the spreading of attention, spatial thinking in the space before me, my body, emphaty, feelings, atmospheres and the like. My memory handles my practical experience and thinking of the above kind. My thinking is not so much memory based, but of an observing kind. My body, senses and feelings are the most precious things in the world to me! MOTION Motion * is healthy * keeps one happy * makes one stronger in also other activities and better able to work * is natural for human beings, is a basic thing in life and should not be forgetted * brings the level of experience to a more central position in life - like it should be * strenghtens the connection with the body * is good emotionally and socially * makes one look better * makes one move in healthier ways * increases one's sense of balance * offers a good analog of healthier ways of doing * offers sensory models for thinking * by taking anther person as a model for ourselves in some physical task, teaches us to better understand others and the similarities and differences between people and how they affect things * teaches reactivity and activates senses * is fun and rewarding NATURAL ENVIRONMENT AND LIFE Animals are in best shape when they live in an environment that is natural and ideal to them and live there a life that is natural to them, that their instincts guide them towards. Then they are also happy. According to the biological picture of humans, it is the same with humans, too: a life that our feelings, instincts, likings and understanding guide us towards in a natural healthy environment with good future and the world at large in a good state, brings the best shape, the most efficient functioning. Healthy instead of out of order. So this is a direction to go! (Compare to page 5 : how functioning is based on the healthy well-working parts and in good optimized functioning also the whole works well. About more natural alternatives to technical thinking, read in the section about objective thinking.) ATHLETES, OLD GOOD TIMES AND ANIMALS Value the healthy and take it as an example to yourself! (I practise karate (a sport hobby without hurting anyone), like animals and value old persons.) Balancing things in one's life, philosophy and wisdom of life, healthy ways of doing things, a human being as a whole that works well together: emotions, motivation and ones' understanding of the world. HEALTH IS BEAUTIFUL: AESTHETICS AND GOOD WAYS OF DOING THINGS A Finnish saying: "Beauty is in the eyes of the one who looks." What we consider beautiful: Signs of the following kinds of things: * natural * healthy * balanced * harmonic * a whole, without fractures * on a good ground * easy, effortless and nice way of doing something * happy * essential Something which to take as a model for oneself, to learn from. (What we consider ugly: * unnatural, artifical * unbalanced * full of fractures, contradictory, broken, a part instead of a whole * unhealthy, ill, lack of health * on a poor ground Something to be prevented, not to be copied at all.) CLOTHES Taking care of one's appearance is connected to good health and to the wish to take good care of oneself, and to take others into account. It is important that one in one's appearance shows the values by which one lives and which one wants to support. In thinking and doing things it is important to not to give up one's basic understanding of how things are. Complex solutions are often using a too partial view and also often made for social reasons because they appear finer and are more difficult to understand which in turn causes that they are also more difficult to correct if they are erraneous. The moral persons should dress at least quite well, O.K., according to values that they themselves consider to be good for the society at large and that are according to their own life style, values that they follow in practise. So they could better serve as examples to others and communicate about values more easily. The unmoral ones should prefer a more modest and not so independent style, not serving as examples to anyone, but also without giving misinformation about their values and moral? TIDYING AND CLEANING Keeping oneself nad one's living environment clean and quite tidy/orderly is healthy and makes one feel comfortable, it is considerate toward others and pleasant from the visual and practical points of view. It also serves as a sensory model for oneself and others about how to do things. It is better if one oneself does one's cleaning, so that one can see by oneself what way one does things and get feedback about it. WRITTEN LANGUAGE Written language is a means to remember something. It is not chosen because of being a good base for thinking. On the contarry: it loses many shades and types of meaning from the language, from the natural language (song and gestures and so on!) which is a natural and ideal communicational base for really good natural thinking of all kinds, together with natural sensory stimulus and natural life. POETRY Reading (and trying to learn to write) poetry: * increases one's active vocabulary (more structure), * increases one's understanding of the meanings of the words, * increases one's ability to find words and expressions, * creates analogs and an ability to create analogs to be a part of one's thinking capacity (more structure), * teaches one a better sense of balance, health and naturality in writing and objective thinking - being good for one's sense of balance of wholes, * teaches one to pay attention to the essential in life and experience and so find things that our lives and understanding are based * makes one more sensitive to atmospheres and impressions, to ways of experiencing things, and so to our sure perceptions of the world * makes one familiar with different ways of seeing the world, different values and emphazies, different ways of thinking and different ways of expression and different roles of language and perceptions in life and thinking Of poetry, I have liked especially the following poets: Arja Uusitalo (the book "Meren syli") Aila Meriluoto Runeberg Frederico Carcia Lorca (the Finnish translation) and the Finnish translations of some old Japanese and Chinese poems. (The old Japanese poems of Basho are very good for learning to read poems. They include a very short story and a poem of the same subject.) Of novels I have liked especially John Steinbeck's books (especially the novel To A God Unknown (I am an atheist though) and the short story Red Pony). I have also liked the charachter called Estraven in Ursula LeGuin's book: (Light =) The Left Hand Of Darkness - carrying responsibility. Hal Clement: Mission of Gravity - a very scientific good science fiction novel Surujen sillalla yksin aaveita vastaan tulin sylityksin silmiisi sulin valkea on maa, valkea taivas harmaa ihmisten valta sieluni paljas pakeni katseiden alta Janoa maa, janoa taivas sanasi mulle kaiken avas lattianrakoon pakoon, öistä tulta paljon oppia sain mä sulta Hiljaisuus siltojen yllä vaimea askelten kaiku valkea on vesi, valkea taivas Luoko jumala katseensa tääne alas? I LIKE POEMS On the brigde of mists alone I came across some ghosts in their arms I melted to your eyes white is the ground, white the sky grey the power of humans my naked soul escaped from unders your eyes the land is of thrist, the sky is of thirst your words opened everything to me to a narrow line between woods in the floor escaped, the nightly fire a lot I learned from you Silence on the bridges muffled is the echo of footsteps white is the water, white is the sky Does god ever look down here? My own poem 1998 (I am an atheist.) BUDDHISM AND TAOISM Many things in Asian culture, like buddhism, taoism, calligraphy, tai chi and so on, seem to be ways of making the thinking of theoreticians who habitually use a theory-based way of thinking, making their thinking more perceptice - to reach for the reality instead of just the theory. Compare to the role of experiments in science, to the demands of correctability. This is also related to reaching for healthier ways of living: instead of doing things theory-basedly like a robot, one should behave according to each situatrion, in a natural healthy way. The ordinary person should not go through his long route but start with common sense and practical healthy natural life, staying with that choise and not taking the errors of too work-oriented professionals as an example to themselves. Read my texts All humans have the same needs, What really exists, Understanding concepts, Thinking for American indians and Humans act according to their own true motivation. The ordinary Asians, and also the academical ones, could also take the Finnish speaking Finnish culture as an example in what comes to values and to the role of tools in life and in doing things. Alsdo our attitude to theory, knowledge, position, large systems and so os could propably serve as an example. Especially our type of common sense and sense of health are very important indeed, a good ground to build upon. Buddhism Zen buddhism is a Japanese sect of buddhism and has deeply influenced Japanese culture, including the martial arts aikido and karate which I have practised for many years. Zen emphazizes the value of practical experience and naturality compared to a theory-based way of doing things. It is more like a skill than a reeligion, being centered on the question, what is a good natural healthy way to do things: how someone who is very good at something would do things. Buddhism at large emphazies non-violence and peaceful solving of conflicts, which I value in it very much. Buddhism says that one should not harm any living beings. That fits very well together with the traditional European and Russian strong emphazis on human values and is typically the one and only thing in buddhism that makes buddhism valued around here - and makes us feel more at home with Asian culture, to feel that we have something important in common. Thinking of the whole, large scale, that means protecting good and demanding justice, carrying responsibility of the whole. Taoism Taoism is a Chinese form of philosophy. I have liked very much Stephen Mitchel's excellent free translation of the taoist classic Tao-te-ching. The book has many same kind of ideas as zen buddhism: describing what is a masterful way of doing things, it emphazizes naturality, balance and one's basic understanding of things. In reaching for naturality, it is important to remember that it is natural to emphazize the main points from the point of view of common sense with a holistic view, exactly the right amount. If one does things in a freely flowing way, that is the direction of the main force, the direction that one strongest follows. Get emphazies and the roles of things correct (in our own thinking at least, even if you cannot influence others enough). Correcting errors is natural! What I think is important in a good way to do things: BALANCING THE WHOLE, HEALTH AND HAPPINESS. (Most of this book of mine can be read as a commentary to the book Tao-de-qing.) From me one can learn something of the taoist way to communicate: "the master teaches without saying a word" (healthy natural ways of doing things, basic ways according to ordinary common sense) "The master teaches without teaching, so that people will have nothing to learn." "...people will say: amazing we did it all by ourselves." THE BASE OF THINKING Human beings are created by the natural evolution to function in a natural nature environment of humans and to live a practical kind of life there. A human being forms an unified whole, where the various parts and functions support each other and the functioning of the whole. It is natural for a human being to conceive shapes of nature, practical things and the coordination and balance of the body. Other kind of (more abstract) thinking is based on these basic kinds of perception. The thinking capacity of a human being forms a picture of what the world is like. The other functions like senses, doing practical things and moving, do their part in supporting the thinking capacity, giving analogs for memory and thinking, and giving practise in those. So it is necessary for a human being to live a healthy natural life, if one is interested in thinking. THE SENSES AND THINKING The human ability to think was created by the natural evolution in a nature environment where people lived a life that is natural for human beings. If the senses and the thinking of human beings form a whole, like is obvious from the point of view of natural selection, then natural sensory stimulus support the ability to think - to think all kinds of things, also abstract ones. In the natural living environment of humans there was all the time natural sensory perceptions of natural shapes, structures, colours and regularities, so that is what human thinking is adabted to. If human in a natural environment is adabted to the situation that the sensory perceptions support thinking, then the town environment with too few and too block like sensory perceptions propabley disturbs thinking and makes thinking's structure like the environment: too block like and linguistic. Landscape like holistic view and sense of naturality, maybe also the sense of balance are emphasized too little! As a helping aid to this would be the following: * RECREATION IN NATURE * NATURE LANDSCAPES * nature pictures on walls * PLANTS, PARKS and so on * VALUING NATURAL SENSORY STIMULUS The ways that people perceive things and think are based on ways of perception that are natural to humans. One should protect untouched nature and wildlife. ATMOSPHERES IN THINKING Atmospheres give information about rythm, the structure of the whole, its balance and about what material the whole is made of. Atmospheres fit together with holistic view that contains information about motivational factors, instincts, the elements of the environment and the role of those in life: the rythm and dynamics of action and of the world at large. In remembering things the atmospeheres offer a natural way to recognize things - school like form of written word is not O.K. for thinking and remembering. FEELINGS, INSTINCTS, LIKINGS AND OBJECTIVE THINKING Natural selection created thinking, feelings and instincts of humans to work together. If one follows only thinking, that doesn't give as objective result as when one simultaneously follows ones feelings and instincts. Thinking along the lines given by feelings and instincts is a natural form of perception that is objective, too. I for example do so and it increases my understanding of things without decreasing my objectivity. Form an objective picture of the whole! Feelings, instincts and likings tell about the importance and role of things in life. It is important to follow them to get an objective result with right emphazis on things and right roles for them to allow human to behave in a natural healthy way, also in large scale questions. It is important to have feelings in one's picture of the world, compassionate feelings about large scale things, too. In good thinking things are perceived in a way that is natural to humans: with senses, feelings and instincts. So the motivational component and an understanding of the meaningfullness of the things in human life comes automatically with the practical thinking. This does not cause confusion since these things can be perceived as extra qualities like colours for example are perceived - but the feelings of course belong to us and not to the objects that we observe. As long as one does not mix one's wishes to one's perceptions, feelings do not confuse thinking. One can create an extra perspective for wishes and dreams instead. Following one's feelings, instincts and likings gives room to objectiveness since one's needs are met and so they do not overrule one's intelligence. Feelings are objective. But feelings that are connected to social position are not objective, usually, since they connect social needs and power relationships to other kinds of things in life and include often lies. Make sure that you get sizes right: feelings tell about the importance of things in human life. Sizes have to be measured separately, objectively. Do not take sides. Form an objective picture of the whole. Just mark up the emotional importance of things in addition. I use my feelings, insticts, likings and sense of beauty as a part of my objective thinking, as a helping aid in conceiving things. LOOKING FOR GOOD QUALITY OBJECTIVE THINKING LEADS TOWARD NATURALITY AND MORAL Motion There are also other natural things that a human being needs to develop into a fully functioning adult with a good understanding of the world. Like the body and its functioning, motion, health, balance, use of tools and so on. All these have analogs in the world. All these have things have been too much forgotten on this age when people live in too unnatural living conditions and get too little exercise in these things that are natural to all human beings. So their ability to judge things connected to the proper use of tools, balancing the whole and the importance of good health and naturality in everything, is far too small compared to what would be natural for human beings. So systems, things that people do, get out of hand just in these respects. That means that we should make a change in the living conditons of human beings and in our values toward more natural, and make this change all over the world. Sight Natural sensory stimulus seems to be important for thinking, too. It is said that "one picture tells more than a thousand words". So we can handle a lot of information by our sense of sight. It is important to get natural stimulus of a healthy, balanced way of doing things. (Like our sense of beauty helps us to get, at least partly.) So we will learn from a healthy example how to do things and how to not to do them: By our own sense of rightness and happiness we correct things toward better and avoid catastrophes and things, especially bad ways of doing things that lead to catastrophes if those bad ways are allowed to continue undisturbed, those ways have to be replaced by better healthier ways of doing things. Thinking This is propably what thinkers dream of, what they long for, what they search for from their realms of knowledge that are stored in the written form, but do not usually find: It is a new level of structure to thinking, a natural one that makes things understandable, communicable easily, meaningful from the human perspective and from the perspective of the world at large, all humans as a group. There are also the normal reactions to things: to happiness, to danger, to suspect, … And the ground for them in recognizing what is healthy and what is not and how to handle different types of things and how those ways of handling affect the world. Communication, thinking and action If we think of how a really good talker talks, creating a scene of large meaningful things for the audience, talking of facts that concern life and not just theory, referring to both feelings and motivation, and to the practical reality, understanding of the world, what needs to be done, why and how we get it done. They speak the language of good thinking, that is natural for human, that is a natural part of how human societies work and how humans think and arrange things together as larger groups. That kind of thinking forms a picture of the world that handles also the questions about how things are from the human point of view: emotions and so on. And emotions help to handle large scale things, too, to take care of the future. That is one of the points of view that we long for when we are about to listen to a good speech or a deep thought. Thoughts that persons have thought of by themselves, in ways that have to do with the life in practise and not with the written word so much (if at all with the written, unnatural form of language, that is the cause of an enermous amount of misunderstanding of what the human thinking is like, especially what good and natural human thinking is like). Besides of the sounds of the spoken language, there are rhytmic patterns, tones of voice, pitch… All the things that music consists of. SENSORY PERCEPTIONS AS MODELS In the natural nature environment into which human beings are adabted to, there is lot of sensory perceptions all the time. Maybe human beings are adabted by the evolution to take those perceptions as a model, as kind of building material for structures in their thinking, since thinking is meant to be a kind of mental picture of what the practical world is like, and human beings used to get the right kind of sensory stimulus all the time. So maybe part of our capasity is founded on us getting enough healthy influence from the environment via the senses. That makes the symbolics, the visual environment and recreation in the nature even more important. We usually get used to what we see around us. How the environment is organized and what it looks like affects a lot what we consider normal, to what we compare what we do. So if we use healthy ways of arranging things, doing things and so on as a basic guideline in how to arrange the environment from the visual point of view (and from others, too), we learn to do things in healthy ways, to recognice what is good and healthy and how to do it in practise, and on the other hand to recognice what is not healthy and to avoid such mistakes. Nowadays that many systems have grown to look too large to be easily handled, it is important to gove good example of using a good holistic view and healthy ways of building the environment. One might copy from traditional smaller scale things healthy and natural and handy ways of doing things, and arrange also large things like public places like streets, houses and vehicles that healthy and easily understandable way. That means in practise more room to women's values and ways of doing things, also in the city planning, architecture and so on, and especially in deciding about the forms, outer shapes of manufactured things and fashion. It is essential to make things understandable and to arrange all the things that one can so that technology stays in the place os the servant so that there is lots of room for human values and the needs of the humans. So one can little by little take these smaller things as examples for oneself in handling large scale things. The same applies to the choise of symbols, names and so on. Those also should be chosen so that they lead toward good by themselves, give solutions to people. EVERYDAY LANGUAGE WHAT IS GOOD QUALITY COMMUNICATION STYLE OF OBJECTIVE FACT DISCUSSION LIKE? Clear, easily understandable for the listener. Discussing about the essential things and not just technical details of expression,which have nothing to do with the subject itself. If one communicates only with others who have the same kind of thinking (or other) education or the like, one gets easily fixed to old habits and practical problems which prevent handling efficiently the things in question. There is often difficulties in changing one's opinions in such cases. If one discusses with other persons from other professions with different kinds of backgrounds, one learns easily new points of view, gets inspirating new ideas even from very ordinary communication and from other peoples' experience even if they do not know much about the subject in question or are stupid. Communication over the barriers created by experience and differences in understanding is important. Ordinary everyday talk is ideal to that: the most natural way for human beings to communicate, very expressive, easy to understand, efficient in thinking - much more efficient than technical vocabulary, which is often computational like to use and does not create any new ideas. Natural communication is near our natural ways of thinking and our natural motivational ground and so it uses our thinking capacity as well as possible. All people have some kinds of picture of the world which they use as a helping aid in living, guiding their life as well as possible for their own benefit and for the benefit of the things that they value, like the well-being of loved ones. So practical pictures of the world are an efficient way of thinking, which takes into account everything that the individual knows. With technical language like in many professions, one creates just one learned thought structure, which is the same to all as far as it is correct but does not create anything new, is largely fruitless in a way. With natural language instead, one gets a communication between the ordinary pictures of the world and the complexity of them, the real understanding of oneself and others. In thinking it is essential to choose concepts and words well. Ordinary everyday language has been created by an evolution of many many generations and is a good means to communicate, from many points of view. The words should faitfully describe the world as it is, and one's own understanding of the world. If human nature guides us humans to observe in our environment things that are important in practise, our instincts: sense of importance, feelings, motivation, LIKINGS, sense of beauty and common sense guide us toward the essential in things. TOWARD NATURAL COMMUNICATION AND MUSIC Learning from others and living in a society Adding a description of ways of doing to a fact discussion Getting rid of the harmful side effects of being used to written language, getting rid of the flattening of the use of language because the written form doesn't contain all shades of meaning The fact that all people like music, means that something like music is a natural part of human life and is useful in some way, as an aid in survival, in living and in the functioning of a society. Music is connected to feelings, atmospheres, to rythm, ways of doing, what something feels like, experience and one's thoughts. Tones of voice in normal everyday speech and ways of speech also reflect these kinds of things. We are by nature interested in hearing other persons thoughts, knowing their feelings and hearing about their experience in life. In thoughts we are usually interested in things that touch our own life in practise, what it feels like to do something. Which things matter in life and how. Our feelings when we talk about such subjects, reflect how important these things are to us on the practical level, in our experience. By hearing from others about their life, their experience, we can learn things that matter in our own life. The level of facts is not the only thing that matters, if we want to do something. We want to hear also, what it is like to do such things. Does one get tired easily? Is it motivating, and in which respects, how and why?!! If we express our emotions by a tone of voice and so on, while we talk, we communicate information of these other kinds to others. We are all human beings and share many similar things in ways that we do or can do things. So also things that have to do with the fact that we are human beings, are often objective in their own way. So atmospheres, feelings and the like should get enough room in objective discussions. Only so we communicate all the information we need if we want to discuss something objectively: What are the concrete facts? What do those mean to & in one's own life? What do those mean to the society at large? What exactly is our emotional reaction to such things like? Why just such? -> Analyze the thing; How to handle it! ART, NATURAL COMMUNICATION AND THINKING The ability of humans to think was created by the natural evolution to function together with feelings, instincts, the body, the senses and so on. Together with these the thinking ability of humans guides us humans in the world correctly, as well as possible, at the practical level, in the long term and in the short term. But without these natural parts of the unified called a human being, i.e. without the feelings, instincts and so on affecting, the thinking of humans is somewhat biased to the other direction: away from feelings and so on; and so the end result is not at all as good as that of a whole human being acting according to one's instincts. If we remember something well, it is the things that touch us, are important in our lives – of which we need lots of information to survive well in our life. And as all human beings are alike in many, many respects (and because we are pack animals), that kind of things interest ud also in the lives of others. So those things are ones that we like to hear about, what art consist of, what really good communication consists of, and what is the ideal base for thinking, created by the natural evolution, toward as perfect thinking as possible: sensory perceptions (sure knowledge) together with an idea of how important those things in our life are to us as feeling and thinking creatures, in practise, and the role each thing has in the whole, and in which ways it affects our life at the level of experience. Art, naturality, things that touch us, noticing the essential and communicating it, thinking clearly, the connections of the natural motivation and natural evolution and survival and natural functioning DEVELOPING SKILLS If we pay attention to different sides of things, we get a different perspective to the world, where different things get emphazized in perception, as a base of practical action (knowledge) and as goals. Our understanding of the world, of causes and consequences and of the importance of things in life creates this emphazis together with our mode of action (spreading of attention, how our different functions get emphazized in living and doing), our habits, skills (which determine which ones are easiest and most succesful routes to our goals) and getting socialized towards the perspectives, modes, values and ways of doing of other persons. Being talented in something means that one is on the right kind of mode for that kind of things to succeed and pays natural attention to the right things (the essentials, the point in things) in a right way. One can learn by copying from another by emphatizing, taking the other person as a model for oneself, noticing the essential and putting things into practise in a way that takes into account the differences in personal strenghts (so the base for action is a little different for each person) and doing things based on one's own rythm, understanding and true motivational ground (emotions that are not based on social position, technical things or theory-based knowledge). Balance the whole. Do things in healthy ways that take the whole into account. All healthy human beings have the same natural functional parts which join together to form the whole. Different persons have different strenghts. One can emphazize the functions differently and get wholes that are balanced differently. One cal learn from others new balances. The most healthy balance is the goal. Read the texts "All humans have the same needs" and "Natural environment and life". The fascinating tale like books of Carlos Castaneda - an anthropologist from Peru - tell about indian shamanism: about the skill of changing radically one's way of perceiving the world. Shamanism at large may be connected to using ways of perception and communication that are natural to human beings - like emphaty, instincts in a nature environment etc. LANGUAGE DESCRIBES A PERSPECTIVE TO THE WORLD If sounds in words have phonetical meanings, they refer to different types of phenomena and structures in the world. Each language has sounds, way of speaking, typical types of putting sounds together to form words and typical ways of saying things. So each language pays attention to different sides of the world, has its own perspective to the world with certain priorities, charachteristics that are paid attention to, emphazized. The language is propably formed totally by this perspective and the picture of the world that itis connected to in the culture. Natural language would be like that. Present day languages are propably born out of natural languages, stabilized traditional versions of natural languages. So changing a language means changing one's point of view to the world on the part that language concerns. If one would know how to speak natural language, one could find the connection between language and perspective, being able to put each new perspective to life and the world into spoken form and to learn each perspective from the sound of language. Since this is a natural form of language, there should be a natural skill in humans for that. Finding that understanding and learning that skill would be an easy way to learn new languages, to understand fully what they express in this way and also a very efficient way to use the parts of human understanding that are connected to communication. This kind of natural spoken or sung language together with gestures etc. and tones of voice describing the mode of action (practical, thinking, remembering, talking, emphatizing, sight, hearing, moving, motivated, emotional, sensitive to atmospheres etc.) would create an efficient helping aid to natural learning from others. Please read the texts Developing skills and Humans act according to their own motivation. MY PICTURE OF HUMANS The development of abilities and character: Learning from experience What one can do and what one doesn't affect a lot how easy it is to do things and so affect also what one chooses to do in each situation: what is easy, feels nice and/or is profitable for the individual. What one knows and can notice and one's skills, one's picture of the world affect all what routes one chooses to one's goals: happiness and following the basic instincts of human beings, especially social instincts: the will to belong to groups in a natural way and to live a happy life. And especially these things affect the choise of minor tool like goals. The environment affects a lot what one does and can do - especially the social environment but also other factors. Human being is a collective animal. What one learns depends on one's environment: the parents and what one automatically learns from them and how they automatically affect the lives of the people around them by their pictures of the world, by the values that they follow in practise and by what one automatuically learns frm them if one lives with them: intellectuals or ordinary farmers? And so on. By their nature all human beongs are alike: they have the same basic instincts and needs all, they need the same kind of life: LIFE THAT IS NATURAL FOR HUMAN BEINGS! Those grown up in an intellectual environment need practical things like all others or maybe even more because the childhood environment and the habits that they learned from there emphazized other things more so that they need to compensate in order to reach the normal amount of practical things in life. HUMAN BEINGS ACT ACCORDING TO THEIR OWN TRUE MOTIVATION Directions: motivational factors, instincts, needs A map: one's picture of the world (= the practical understanding - the theory learned from books being just notes that one uses in special occasions without them being part of one's practical understanding except in a form of a general view that one has formed oneself and those parts that one has learned to notice in the practical experience in everyday living) Easy routes: one's skills, strenghts, habits Different personalities can be understood this way. (In the above light: history of life (strenghts), one's situation in life (strategies), power in use compared to obstacles, routes that one chooses). In my picture of humans is an important the Song of the Family (but nothing else!) in Steinbeck's novel Pearl. DOING THINGS ACCORDING TO ONE'S FEELINGS Feelings are meant to be a driving force that changes one's life toward better by meeting one's needs and by taking care that things are done in a healthy way. And of course toward better also on the behalf of others: compassion, moral and so on. Technical things (like social position) are not fit to be subjects of feelings. Instead those things are to be dealt with the intellect, aiming at some ultimate goal like happiness, avoiding catastrophes etc. Feelings to be followed include: * Likings * Compassion * Fullfilling needs of the instinct level, like hunger, the need to use one's own understanding and the need to belong to some social group * Feelings toward the world at large and long term planning of life, moral * Feelings about things because of their role of each thing in the world (Read the text The society agreement, in the section about moral.) When one has CONCEIVED RIGHT the natural and healthy BASIC GOALS and needs of each human being, the strategies that they use, their strong and weak sides and the consequences of those, things get correct places in the whole individual, the individual starts to function well. Social relationships start to be seen by the individual in the light of correctly chosen VALUES in life, and social tangles get opened, the individuals starting to live freely and harmoniously together, supporting each other naturally. What are the tools and what values in themselves. COMMUNICATING TO LARGE MASSES A way to communicate to large masses of people who have different perspectives and different levels of understanding: To refer to practical things that are according to the natural instincts of humans and according to common sense, so that the things in question are so much the same to all that they get understood regardless of the perspective of the reader. Instincts, likings and practical understanding of things lead to right direction, even if one's interpretation of the text would not at the beginning be completely correct. To communicate things that are important in life, things that serve as a force (the essentials) that changes one's life toward better. Paying attention to the essential. Compare to the culture of my homecountry Finland: common sense and valuing healthy ways of doing things: basic things in life rigth. HEALTH INCREASES HEALTH How healthy ways of doing things affect the environment toward better, healthier, more well-working and happy. Building things on a strong ground. Giving good example to others and the natural repairability that is thus created. Finding the true chord, getting grasp of the art of living and of what common sense says. A really intelligent person: living in a healthy happy way, giving thus a good example to others responsibly, affecting the world toward better by giving a healthy example and by having found the right chord in living. VI WOMEN AND MEN: VALUES AND WAYS OF DOING THINGS EQUALITY OF THE SEXES AND OPTIMIZING 1. When one uses the point of view of value-free optimizing, one has to take into account the value of justice as a way of optimizing and one has to give room to justice, also in the form of equality of the sexes. 2. Equality of the sexes is supported also because the traditional women's values need, from the point of view of optimizing, to be emphazized more in the decision making of both large and smaller scale. WOMEN'S VALUES Women's values are more intelligent than men's values Women are more intelligent than men If one concentrates only on work, on its technical details, one does not get a good idea of the whole. Instead one is stuck with a very partial perspective. So men, who have a more achievement oriented way of doing things than women, often use only a partial perspective and have a poor idea of the whole. Women on the other hand gain typically a good understanding of the whole. The values of both sexes reflect this difference, so that women's values are more intelligently chosen and women so more fit to be in power in large scale questions, the men who use only a partial perspective being just helpers in the use of tools. The difference between women and men is cultural. So my point is not so much about the roles of women and men but about which values and ways of thinking should be in a deciding role in large scale questions. A TOO ACHIEVEMENT ORIENTED WAY TO DO THINGS Achievement orientedness which is CULTURALLY typical to men, causes that men specialize into achieving goals only so and so. Which in turn causes that their work is of less quality that the work of others doing the same job, for example women, even if the men could at least in some cases achieve better on some scale, at least part of the time. This way men specialize into achieving partial goals and not into the much more demanding achieving as seen from the holistic point of view. This results in that men's skills become very specialized which in turn causes that they get only a little practise in doing different kinds of things, while a woman taking responsibly into account the whole, gets lot of practise and develops as time passes into more skilled and sure and righteously valued. Men's culture's choises of values and emphazizes on values emphazize achievement orientedness too much, compared to the emphazis on ways of doing things that are natural and according to one's positive feelings. That causes that the ways of doing things do not develop according to HUMAN'S OWN RYTHM but instead too much without taking into account the human being, which results in less endurance and strenght compared to what it could otherwise be. HEALTHY IS STRONG How can one make out who is strong and who is weak? STRENGHT: NATURAL Strong enough: _" relaxed _" balanced _" sensitive _" unified whole _" there is some reserve of strenght left _" one needs to use only a part of one's strenght _" the task at hand seems easy to do STRENGHT: ARTIFICAL Too weak: _" tense _" rigid _" unreactive _" unbalanced _" broken whole _" all strenght in use, no strenght left as a reserve _" the task at hand seems difficult to do If one is strong, one has enough power to take care of the whole, to carry responsibility. But if one is weak, one often needs to concenrtate one's strenght to the minor tasks at hand and one is unable to take well care of the whole. So the amount of carrying responsibility is often connected to the capacity of the individual. Strong O natural (size big enough) taking into account all parts of the whole, taking care of them, all the time Weak 0 artifical (maximumsize and over it) optimizing parts partial view the holistic view only as a sum of several partial views (an artifical, only technically arranged, holistic view) STRONG Natural understanding of wholes, natural co-ordination and supervising of wholes, sense of balance, concerning for example the wholes and healthy ways of doing Reaching for naturality! + Think what are the building blocks like, what are things grounded on. One should build unified harmonious wholes by using natural parts in natural ways. Natural selection affected and optimized also at the level of the wholes and not just on the level of the parts. Complex functions support the functioning of the whole, survival and so on. APPEARANCE Way of living and attitude are reflected in appearance, create appearance. The more relaxed and softer appearance of women than men, is caused by healthier way of living and friendlier type of social relationships. Compare to the difference in appearance of a sports practitioner and one doing office work, and doing things that one likes compared to military service. And social relationships with friendly non-dangerous persons without any power struggle, to dealings with less trustworthy persons, dominance struggles and so on. There is a Finnish saying: "Following the spirit of the rules and not (only) their letters." What is the idea in things and life, instead of doing things only technically. Correctability and common sense are needed. The roles of goals and tools in life. HEALTHY, NATURAL BALANCED WHOLE Compare a muscle that is hard and unmoving, locked, to a wooden leg: nonsensing, unreactive, stiff, a factor unbalancing the whole, a fracture in the whole, unnatural. Likewise too theory based thinking, spreading of attention or a way of doing things does not get corrected, adabting to existing situations, like good ways of doing should. This is a very important thing to notice in thinking. If some part of the whole doesn't work: is unreactive or lacking in some other way, the whole will not work as well as it would if the part would be whole: So, one must not lock one's muscles (compare to the muscle tension of a sport practitioner and a non-sporting individual). Ones attention should not be fixed, instead of natural (buddhists, zen) and one's thoughts should not be read by heart from books instead of one's own observations and understanding of the world (zen, taoism, science, common sense). Do not lock your stomack muscles. They are connected to feelings and locking them shuts of the ability to handle feelings. One can tense muscles according to one's emotions but locking muscles is different. Being able to experience one's emotions gives more self control and a more down to earth attitude towards life. It also makes one more sensitive in a healthy way: more perceptive. Also in the times of war, on should feel compassion toward the suffering of others, of also the enemy. If we do things according to our feelings and instincts with the help of our picture of the world, i.e. our own understanding with a HOLISTIC VIEW, we naturally choose routes that function well from the point of view of human nature anmd common sense, avoiding unnaturalities and unfunctioning things. So the danger of being fooled by others and the situations in which one is surrounded by an enemy or the like, do not demand that one stops to follow one's feelings. One must take care that the whole works well and is balanced in a healthy and a natural way in order to gain the best possible functioning for the whole. This is one of the differences between an individual with a good understanding of things (moral person) and one that is senseless and breaks too much (evil person): an understanding of an unified harmonic whole, naturality, balance, sensitivity, reactivity, and truth in stead of a too theory based thinking and getting used to unnaturalities, contradictions, too mechanical things, partial views and breaks in continuity. Differences in: * one's focus of attention * an analog between the body and ways of doing and thinking (what one considers O.K. for the body and whether one uses such an analogy at all) * getting used to certain kinds of elements: contradictions, unsensitivity to truth or a healthy balance, an unfied natural whole, a strong true ground for things SOFT IS STRONG (Rigid is weak.) * reactive: adaptation to situations, ability to learn, perceptive * health, naturality, taking needs into account * long term sustainability * enough strenght in reserve * according to feelings, likings, instincts and motivation -> extra strenght and endurance THE VALUE OF MODESTY The value of staying with the truth * the value of honesty: things on a strong trustworthy ground * correcting one's own errors * right emphazis on things * be open to how things truly are in practise without aiming at some theory based goal (for example for social reasons), value things itself without being achievement centered * learning new things (concentrating well, being with an open mind) * be open to what is valuable in new things, in other persons, in other cultures and so on * communicating easily, valuing the views of other persons * getting well along with others * justice and moral, living together harmonically DO NOT AVOID HEALTHY AND NATURAL THINGS What causes problems, is avoiding things that are healthy and/or natural. Like if men avoid being like women. That causes propably much more harm than trying to be manly, too. Because people and all living beings are much alike in many respects. Many likes and dislikes, needs and basic requirements are common to all. So if we take care that children get good living conditions to grow up in, like is needed in the human societies everywhere, in order that the children grow up to be healthy adults, they get living conditions and ways of living that are well suited for human beings. It is traditional in many cultures that women take care most of the children upbearing. So their culture, values and ways of living are especially adapted to safeguard the living conditions that we all, children and adults, women and men, need alike. So if that gives a person a soft appearance, values, habits or so, it is not to be avoided, since it is connected to taking care of one's health and so on. So men should not avoid being like women! On the contrary: they should be appriciated, according to justice, for the same healthy things as women are. One sould never give preference to unnaturalities over naturalities, if one does not need to do so. Otherwise natural systems like human being and human societies are not at all as self-repairing as those would otherwise be. ON THE VALUE OF REAL JUSTICE Threris a natural hierargy in human societies: the way that is according to real justice, for the good of all. If we get apprexiated for our good sides, they get supported for the good of all, and others can take us as an example for themselves without losing position at all. If we lose position when we do not according to justice deserve a good position, our bad sides, especially irresponsibility, get discouraged. When the one who understands better and carries responsibility is in a deciding position things get done well for the good of all. This is possible by using many many partial hierargies at the same time: one for each subject, skill, thing to decide, piece of knowledge,... Correcting one's own errors is a thing to value and to be demanded from all, especially from those in a deciding position. This creates a natural repair mechanism for the society and is an ideal way to arrange things. CARRYING RESPONSIBILITY of the whole and using a good picture of the whole with all emphazies and roles of things right, guide the whole toward the good of all. There is a saying in Finland: "Honour those who truly deserve respect." (Meaning: even when it is an unorthodox choise, and do not give honour according to custom to those who do not according to justice deserve it). This is the way that we organize things in my homecountry Finland in North Europe. FREEDOM OF INDIVIDUALS Typical Finnish (European and Russian) values include freedom of individuals and human values: giving everybody (including one's nearest relatives and employees) the possibility to freely decide by oneself what one does in one's life: which profession one chooses, who one associates with, what values and style one follows and so on, and also much smaller matters. This is possible as long as justice and carrying responsibility about what one does are demanded from all. So usually one does not need to defend oneself much against others. If needed, one can stop meeting one's parents, move to live in another down alone or with persons in a same kind of situation and find new friends there, and so on, to gain independence. So if we look somewhat soft, it is because we can do what we like and feel to be important in life, enjoy life as we see best fit to ourselves and defend strongly this freedom when needed. Society agreement and creating good living conditions for all, guarding moral in ways that work in practise. DO NOT USE ROLES Roles are artifical. Do not use roles in social contacts, not even sexual roles. Instead, be yourself and do things according to justice, democracy, common sense, responsibly. Use the "role" of a human being! Understanding that people are in practise very different indeed and of a varying caliber,would make one understand that others do not necessarily use any roles at all, but are just naturally what they seem to be - or bigger, smaller, dummer, or more intelligent,... than we imagine anyone to be. So they are not successful in using roles but of a much bigger caliber than what we are used to at all. And they are maybe not at all using a too modest role - maybe some side of them is that small indeed. Trust your own eyes, not your preconceptions. And do not socialize by acting like you maybe imagine the other person to do. It is better to keep to the justice and to honesty! SEX AND THE WISH TO COPY GOOD WAYS OF DOING THINGS Men think that women look charming because of sex. But they are mistaken: Women look attractive because they are more intelligent than men, use better ways of doing things. Sexual attraction is at least partly a question of a natural way of learning. There is a resemlance between the bravures of men and the ordinary ways of doing of women. So men have a lot to learn from women. Sex brings lots of influence from the other person's way to live and do things and so gives one the possibility to learn new ways of doing things by copying from the model. Socialization serves as a natural helping aid in learning. Health, naturality, balance, good healthy ways of doing things, an unified whole,... The wish to develop to a healthy direction that is positive for happy life. As long as one is moral, sexuality is positive for happy life. Read the texts Developing in skill, On the value of real justice, and also the other texts before this text. Read also the texts Fulfilling dreams and Building on the healthy. LEARNING FROM THOSE WHO ARE MUCH ABOVE ONE'S OWN SKILL LEVEL In taking as a model for yourself someone who is very much more skilled and/or talented than you yourself are, you must not only look at the model, but you must also look at yourself: what you can well, what you can somewhat and what you can slightly and about what you have some idea abouy how you could learn such things. Now compare to your model: what are the basic things needed for succeeding at least slightly or somewhat in the thing inquestion? How could you possibly learn them: take a look at your picture of the world, about the practical possibilities for yourself in your life in those things. Usually in learning and listening and looking to others I am especially interested in motivational factors - both those of my own and thos eof the other person. What is the point in things in practise? Build on a true ground, not on faked one. SEX AND MORAL (for women) Sex is like seeing a flower. One does not form a social relationship with the flower even if one enjoys its beauty. Instead one leaves the flower where it was and next time either enjoys the sight or doesn't care about it at all. Making social promizes is a different thing. Be fair! Often one makes social promizes in connection with love affairs. One must keep those promizes according to real justice. Reach for naturality and avoid artificiality - keep the bonds that you two form, avoid creating unfair artifical bonds. SEX AND A SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP (for men) When a man wants to go to bed with a woman, it is not necessarily the going to bed that the man is interested in: it is the nice feeling that one gets. But that is a type of social relationship that is /should be possible with the woman. Women have between them and with men different kind of social relationships than men usually have. Like in Heaven, one might imagine a really pleasant social relationship. With a woman is that kind of social relationship possible. Yö on kylmä ja maa vapisee, ilman sinua eksyy taivas ja linnut karkaavat. Sinun luoksesi palaavat. LOSING YOU The night is cold and the earth trembles, without you the sky gets lost and the birds escape. To you they return. My own poem 1998 A HUMAN BEING IS A HUMAN BEING AND NOT A MACHINE A human being is a human being. A machine is a machine. Each one has the qualities typical to its kind of things or creatures. Make sure that you do not mix these two! A human being has the needs and ways of functioning of a human being and needs a life suited for human beings, not for machines. Otherwise one gets broken like a machine used against its instructions of usage. Human beings have the natural qualities, needs and motivation of human beings. They need good living conditions now and in the future for all, and use thinking as a helping aid in arranging them: Human values, common sense which takes the whole into account, justice and carrying responsibility about the things that one affects. LARGE SYSTEMS The time of large systems: - machines - large scale things - rules and other that kind of systems - specialization Large systems are a new factor, means of adabting to the situation needed. From this follows the need to emphazize the value of thinking. Typical charachteristics to the time before finding a new balance, to the time before a new holistic view of the world and practises that follow that view: - lack of a holistic view - contradictions, mistakes - wrong emphazis on things, cumbersome solutions - optimized/planned only on the level of the parts, not at the level of the whole Balance: - balanced whole - the end of the development of the large systems (i.e. suitable for humans and so on) - humans adabted to the new situation: the change in pictures of the world and in practises Need for a picture of the world which includes large systems These need to be taken care of: the basic living requirements of human beings: good living conditions for all now and in the future Balancing the whole: The whole - main goals right (natural life, happiness) - putting them into practise according to common sense, using tools in a way that makes sense - sizes right -> evolution and optimizing, balancing forces by giving right emphazis to things * compensations: compensating the weak sides of structures with the help of values * the use of tools kept inside some boundaries: the base for things needs to be kept in good order also in the long run, enough protection, living conditions suitable for humans, ways of working suitable for humans and so on No harmful side effects, it must be possible to guide the system * balancing different interests: intermediate solutions, compromizing Natural selection -> an optimized whole THE USE OF TOOLS - what has been taken into account and what has not Optimizing a subsystem while taking into account the goal of the whole system Taking care of the whole, the necessary goal of long-term sustainability: what the system has to be like to exist for a long time: Maintenance of the ground for things, ensuring happiness and future well-fare of all humans (the human kind), including natural environment and natural living conditions. Optimizing a system Balancing and removing mistakes on which things to emphazize and which not: 1. Balance the whole: Use a good, correct picture of the whole; basic things, main things and sizes right; causes and consequences taken into account (this is especially important in determining the way of using tools and how much to use them) 2. A force or a use of tools should be of a right size for the situation, of a roughly optimized amount, the amount which comes naturally in the situation, according to need in the situation and of the whole, and not according to some preconceptions Tools: - technology - writing - theory - war, army - power - money - ways of arranging things One must not confuse tools with goals! Tools should be treated as tools (work, thoughts, technology and so on) and goals as goals (a natural healthy life and happiness for oneself and for others, now and in the future). In this helps a good, holistic and correct picture of the world. Make a clear difference between the tools and the ultimate goals (happiness, living conditions suitable for humans, now and in the future). Optimize toward the ultimate goals. The Finnish saying "Fire is a good srevant but a poor master." applies to tools at large. As an aid in optimizing there is an objective picture of the whole which has sizes and emphazizes right. Take into account the cumulative effects and the consequences of using tools, especially those which affect the large scale. PLANNING SYSTEMS In estimating profitability one needs to take into account: - the value of harmony - the force of masses and of co-operation - optimizing while taking into account ther whole and long-term - repairability - how rules of game/behaviour cultivate valuable things Natural selection creates functioning wholes: - parts - subwholes - the whole (For example thinking and feelings have developed to support each other.) A human being is not naturally adabted to live with large systems. From this follows the need to emphazize the value of thinking and a correct picture of the world. IV REPAIRABILITY HONESTY The value of honesty in building well-working systems: Honesty -> a correct picture of how things are -> the possibility to influence things for example by correcting mistakes and errors -> the base for functioning in good order, The essential things O.K. (The effect of a fake is borrowed from the effect of the real thing. The real thing is much more efficient and long lasting, a strong ground to build upon.) Remember at least to be honest toward yourself, and preferably toward others too. The value of honesty is a very important thing to remember! This is connected to the value of unifiedness and to the importance of putting each thing into its correct place in the whole in order to get the whole to function as well as possible and as efficiently as possible. PAIN AND RECOVERY I do not drink alcohol since I think that medicine which covers the symphtoms without curing the illness prevents recovery. Trusting the natural curing mechanisms of human beings and human societies is a better choise. Pain is a warning signal that commands one to pay attention to the place which hurts and to its nearest environment. It also prevents one from doing other things when some hurt place needs attention. Giving the body attention helps it to cure itself, to maintain balance and to divide its functions in a way that much better serves recovery. It also gives the body etc. the rest that it needs for recovery. SELF-REPAIRING SYSTEMS Self-repairing systems, systems that repair themselves starting from each and every place: Freedom of individuals, speech, opinion, press and uniting, common sense and a holistic view, human values and carrying responsibility of the whole, real justice and democracy. DEMOCRACY In my homecountry Finland we have a strong democracy tradition and our system is supported by all individuals because they think on the basis of their own best understanding that it is for their own good and for the good of us all, best way to arrange things that they can think of and would be good for others too if they would like to copy it. So there is no corruption at all, since all citizens are strictly against corruption since corruption takes the ground away from real justice which is the base for the well-working system for supporting common good and so their own good. We have freedom of speech, opinion and press, of course. Theleaders in a democracy are under the rule of the general opinion: what people demand from a good leader: moral, responsibility, objective thinking, correcting one's errors, justice, human values, democracy, the good of the nation and of the world at large. CREATING SAFETY Important things have to be made very sure indeed. One must check again and again that main things get right. In important things it should be enough for correcting things that at least one person notices what to do, and no-one should be able to destroy important things, not even a large group. One must always make corrections toward good. And in important things one must carry responsibility in practise even if there are very many other person who in theory could do it, even if one is not intelligent enough, knowledgeable enough or in the right position to decide about such things. One must do one's part anyway, just in case that it really is one oneself that has to carry the responsibility in practise - that no-one else does it instead successfully. It doesn't matter if the president gets a thousand stupid remarks about the same subject but it is a catastrophe if no-one finds it their task to take care of. If there is enough information, things get better organized, even if the one knoiwing isn't agenius or a walking dictionary about the subject or a professional with tens of years of experience in the subject - there are some who are such and they can help if the ordinary persons just make the first move toward better! THESE THOUGHTS OF MINE I have an unusually good understanding of my own of things. The motivation for me to write this book is that this kind of addition to the usual picture of the world is needed all over the world. It is important to defend moral, good living conditions, holistic view and healthier ways of doing things. The fate of the human kind is connected to getting this task done well. These are my own personal thoughts. I have written them down because the subject is very important. I have not used a theory perspective in my thoughts. It is traditional here in Europe and in Russia to support human values, justice and carrying responsibility of the whole. There are rational grounds for this choise of values - also on the basis of totally value-free optimizing. value-free optimizing The military service is a strong experience in the lives of men. It brings to their life a new point of view: the point of view of an individual soldier to WARfare - a new type of rationality which emphazizes the value of totally value-free optimizing, achievement orientedness and has strongly influenced men's culture, largely created it. So it is very important that the men and the army carry responsibility about this influence on the world. What is rational in the army, the perspective of optimizing, should be put to its correct place in the world. The task of the army is to defend the country. The things that we defend are of major importance. I am a civilian woman. I have not gone through military service. I am of a very peaceful nature but defend myself when needed. I am not idealistic at all. I am just very responsible, rational and moral. I hope that even the very purely effectiveness oriented like maybe the army, will with these grounds that I represent in this book, find the healthier ways of living, naturality, peace, happiness and so on more benefical than cruel means. Of all the devils in the world, wins the one who is most efficiency oriented - most open to also these thoughts of mine! Let true moral win! Moral, naturality and living a full life are supported on the basis of totally value-free optimizing that is free from all preconditions and scientific kind of objective thinking, in accordance with the traditional moral of Europe and Russia. This is based on the old well-known truths: Healthy is strong Co-operation gives strenght In optimizing it is important to get major things right, to optimize especially the level of the whole. If this creates results that are new, they are to be accepted anyway. That is what true rationality demands. So if moral, health and carrying responsibility are needed, even if giving up sovinism, mechanical attitudes and unjustice are needed, that is what must be done. A good start for those interested in value-free optimizing would be high scholl physics and other natural sciences together with a holistic view of the world, common sense and this book of mine. It is important to understand also complex systems like ecology, the functioning of societies and moral. The value-free perspective: building blocks and structures. The scientific perspective: a description of the world and of how the different phenomena are connected. Common sense: one's everyday picture of the world. Feelings, insticts and moral: motivational factors and needs of human beings taken into account objectively. A holistic view ties these together. The point of view of value-free optimizing is not usual and not liked at all in our culture. I am a very cynical person, so I feel that also this kind of grounds are needed in practise for informational purposes. We do not like the point of view of value-free optimizing, since it is dangerous in the hands of those who do not think about the whole, long term and safeguarding basic living conditions. But I can by using it prove to those who oppose moral things that are usually valued on the base of feelings and common sense. The understanding comes from common sense with a holistic view and from scientific kind of objective thinking. The objectivity of my thoughts I try to choose my thoughts so that there is nothing superfluos in them and so that they are as sure ground to build upon as possible. I am unusually good at that. I try to fill every criterion of objectivity that I know all the time, according to common sense. The views in this book are an example of the results of this kind of thinking. I am aiming at a higher degree of objectivity, at the truth, trying to fit each new piece of information to my picture of the whole. My thoughts are: * correct theories or hypothesies from the point of view of scientific kind of objective thinking which uses a holistic view of the world, * and agree with common sense, * feelings, * instincts, * moral, * health, * the need to live a full life, * the need to secure the future, * the totally value-free effectiveness point of view, * my own experience and * our local Finnish tradition about what is according to common sense and moral. ("Honesty inherits the land." is a Finnish saying.) The thoughts and objectifications in this book are part of my picture of the world. Most of them are - partly because of my Finnish cultural heritage - thoughts that I have had already as a child: especially moral, the value of doing things in a healthy natural way, common sense and a holistic view. I have used profitability grounds for moral already as a child since I used a scientific perspective (objective thinking like in the natural sciences, not anything about the society) with an analysis of what the world is like, how things connect and how deeds affect the whole and what are the good and bad sides of each kind of whole in practise. The traditional moral of Europe and Russia is based on thinking about the whole and the future of us all. I have written many of these thoughts just the way that I think them. They have convinced me. I hope that they will convince others too about the value of and the need for moral and better living conditions. The new thoughts are my own. I try in my thinking to take everything that I know and understand into account in everything. So I am unusually consistent in my thoughts and thorough in my thinking. I am a very objective thinker. I am trying in my writings to offer a good starting point to others. These thoughts concern points that are very important in practise and fit together different parts of one's picture of the world, like effectiveness, moral and naturality. They are expressed in a simple easily understandable language and some of them have very wide areas of validity, and all are applicaple as well with common sense and one's every day picture of the world, as from a scientific point of view. My way of expressing the ideas makes them applicable immediately. They are so essential that one needs to apply them continuously, both in large scale and in small scale. About me I am an ordinary citizen. I am a single individual, not a team. This is my picture of the world. I may look naive but I am not naive at all. I just do not value the theory based way of doing things that many others consider a sign of knowledge, skill or something of the kind. I also value feelings and kindness more than people usually do because I think that such is according to the human nature and healthy, a good rational way to live. My intelligence quotient is 170 on Mensa test. That means that I am better than 99.8% of the population in such theoretical kind of intelligence that the test measures. But of course people have many other kinds of intelligence too. A good holistic view of the world is very important. Geographists have a good holistic view with all sizes right. I have a poor memory, so I find it useful to use a holistic view all the time. I try to remember at least the essential things and I have a very well organized memory. I think that using a holistic view all the time is very good for thinking and understanding things, for estimating the roles of things and so on. I recommend it for all. I use a single picture of the whole in my thinking. So read this book so that you take everything in it into account in everything, as far as you can. Take also analogs to what I have written into account objectively. Apply everything to everything objectively. I am not of a technical charachter. I am just technically skilled. I value other ways of thinking much more. I have a background in the NATURAL SCIENCES (incl. theoretical physics), but I feel that I have learned really lot about objective thinking outside the university. I am a member of the green movement (those who are interested in saving the world, the living kind). My homecountry Finland in North Europe is a well-working social democracy. My values are largely the same as Finnish traditional values. I am a 32 years old woman. My mother tongue is Finnish. My thoughts are unusually sure and have very wide areas of applicability. I am good at putting complex things into a simple and easily understandable form without losing anything of the idea in things. Maybe my view in this book could be valuable also in selling and developing products, since there are this many grounds that I use simultaneously: a bigger market and more satisfied customers, no moral problems. I have reached something essential anyway, even though this is not a commercial point of view that I am using. The things that I have proven in this book, I consider as values in themselves, and have them as a starting point in my understanding and living. I live a life that is based on following my feelings and the thoughts, my picture of the world, are just a kind of map. I value feelings, moral, health, practical life, and happy life. Using my senses and motion are very important to me in my life. I am also interested in social relationships, arts and nature. I value practical life, health and feelings. I am interested in carrying responsibility about where the world is going, in building a good holistic world view and in philosophy of life. Healthy ways of doing things should be preferred to too mechanical ones. I think that all living beings, maybe even all beings are much alike: having needs, basic nature and so on. I am honest, so my social signals do not lie. I do not look unconvincing in the eyes of others even though many think that others than they themselves would not find me convincing. But I use a somewhat unusual way of expressing myself, have unusual qualities and use some unusual values, so that it is not for others so easy to estimate what I look like in the eyes of others. It may be in the fact that I specialize just in reaching the essential and getting basic things right. I use a simplistic way of expressing things. I am a sincere and honest, truly moral person, have been all of my life. I value things that are positive for happy life and carry responsibility of the whole. I am an unusual person. So I am not fit to be an example of any group, except Finnish type of moral. I have written this book partly to explain my preferences and style, and to spread the good in them, in order to carry my responsibility about where the world is going. I am not an intellectual person. I just survive through intellectual things. I hope that especially the journalists all over the world and others working with the media take the things in this book into account in their work! The same applies to education and governing. EXCELLENT QUALITY OBJECTIVE THINKING WITH A HOLISTIC VIEW These remarks about objective thinking are comments to the type of objective thinking in schools and universities. But I hope that they will help in developing skill in objective thinking also otherwise. By objective thinking I mean forming a correct picture of what the world is like. In that it is importasnt to check one's views again and again and again against new information, one's observations and one's experience in order to make sure that the views are correct. LARGE SCALE In handling large scale things one must pay attention to the large scale. One should not use a partial perspective when deciding about the whole. One should use a holistic view instead. A good, proper objective thinker needs to take the largest scale into account all the time - also in practise! That means that one must CARRY RESPONSIBILITY all the time and understand sizes correctly. Make sure that you get the main things of largest scale right! Mistakes in other things are not as fatal. SAVING THE WORLD About why to take saving the human kind as a work for oneself for the whole life: It is important to work in something that is worth doing. That is the point in doing work if one looks from the point of view of why the work is done. The largest scale needs to be taken into account in practise. That is absolutely necessary from the point of view of objective thinking. Working for some smaller matter than that does not promise a good future for the human kind, is irresponsible and without point if one looks from the point of view of the whole like a real objective thinker should. It is like working for getting the sky to tumble down upon oneself: something to be absolutely avoided. So there remains only one possible option for an objective thinker: to dedicate one's life's work for saving the human kind. To work for a world where real rationality and practical common sense with a holistic view has its absolutely necessary righteous place in guiding actions of the whole society and of all the nations. (The Green party i.e. the those interested in the fate of the whole living kind, thinks this way. The Green movement is even more moral than the Red Cross, since the large scale is so very important indeed.) FINNISH RATIONALITY My culture, the Finnish speaking culture of Finland is - as far as we know - the most rational culture in the world. We value common sense with a good holistic view of the world, objectivity and objective fact discussions with everybody. We value carrying responsibility about the future and about the world as a whole, justice, freedom of individuals and human values very much. The objective fact discussions that are typical to all Finns with everybody all the time, create repairability which in turn gives for each individual the possibility to do what one wishes, because they carry responsibility of the whole and take others into account according to justice and respecting human values. Use good objective thinking with a holistic view WITHOUT TAKING SIDES in any way: Forming a correct picture of what the world is like. A good picture of the whole: _" sizes right -> emphazizes right _" reasons and consequences marked up clearly FORMING A PICTURE OF THE WHOLE: Start with the main points, of course! I An observation/ perception II Adding it to one's picture of the whole One must remember to take into account all observations all the time! In this help the following qualities automatically: _" carrying responsibility (-> thinking of the whole) _" justice which respects human values (-> more symmetrical situation, easier to generalize and put to practise) _" honesty (-> much less mistakes and errors, a sure ground for things) _" diligency _" common sense (main things right!) _" objective thinking Generalizatons _" instincts; biological picture of humans; needs, motivation and so on _" justice, not taking sides -> symmetry, easy to generalize _" SIZES RIGHT! _" The correlations of large and small scale marked up clearly Areas of validity If something is true in one case, check if it is true in all cases. If not, in how large part of the cases then - in which and why. How certain the information is? Like this you can in many cases form a holistic view of the subject. Use a good single picture of the whole with sizes right, concrete fact associations and zooming. a picture TAKING EVERYTHING INTO ACCOUNT IN EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME 1. Understanding, information, its idea; recognotion, area of validity, how sure the information is, and so on These need to be known, if it is possible in practise. 2. Recognise the things that the information concerns in the picture of the whole: a) main things, especially information that is important to the main things b) what other things does the information concern c) what things it does not concern Make rough divisions to begin with to help in the above. Classify things as a) being of major importance b) of some importance c) of no signifigance at all. This helps to simplify your thinking a lot. 3. Mark for yourself, if the information is connected to the subject in question, a reference to the information so that it will be taken into account at once if the subject comes up 4. Take the information into account at once in your actions and in what you do. So, as helping aids in this, there are concretical, correct assosiations between things that are concretically dependent of each other or belong to the same class because of being similar in some way, and so on. And also FORMING A PICTURE OF THE WHOLE concerning each situation, each subject that comes up, each thing that is thought about, each subject of conversation, each thing that is a subject of observation, each reference and of world at large (a theoretical picture of the world and a practical picture of the world). OBJECTIVE THINKING What is essential and what is not? Getting rid of the confusion caused by mixing the looks of the written language, and the idea of what really good thinking looks like. OBJECTIVE THINKING The thinking of a human being consists, its ground consists, what it really is, consists of ORDINARY PERCEPTIONS (THIS IS LIKE THIS AND THAT IS LIKE THAT(-> SUREST THINKING); and so on) and of the use and organization ("Main things first!") of MEMORY. Thinking means perceiving how things are. 1. Perceptions as they are, natural and undisturbed 2. A theoretical classification of it in a totally natural way, without harming or changing the observations in any way! (Compare to science) 3. The understanding which has been gained this way or can be gained this way 4. Applying that understanding into everything all the time + recognition + applying PICTURES OF THE WHOLE!!!!! 1. Observations 2. The theoretical claim that they support Levels of observations: Most rough (most theoretical) Most fine-detailed (most practical experience of things, sensory perceptions and so on) SURENESS OF THOUGHTS If one is outdoors and it clearly is a pouring rain, the observation "it rains" is much more sure than mathematical observations made by the same person would be, since mathematical things are more unfamiliar and the mode of mathematical thinking less natural to humans and so more unsure to use. It doesn't change the situation if someone is very skilled in making mathematical observations, since there still is the problem of applying: practical observations of the world still being more trustworthy than scientific kind of observations. But scientific and mathematical results are in a generalized form, while also the surest practical observations are usually only about particular situations. But the human ability to make sure generalizations is stronger when making (by emphatizing) generalizations (observations, not guesses) about groups created by the natural division of practical experience (all stones, plants, animals,...) than through theoretical terminology like in sciences and mathematics. OBJECTIVITY AND SUBJECTIVITY From objectivity to subjectivity It is an illusion that different people could share the same picture of the world. Even if they in something, like for example science, think thoughts that are seemingly the same to all, the thoughtas are in fact different to each person: they have a different holistic view of the world, different practical experience, different ways of conceiving things, different motivational factors, different emphazis on things and the same things serve different purposes in their lives. So one cannot talk to another person giving advice about how to live, what choises to make and what is best in each situation - as if it were the same to the other person as to oneself, since it truly is different for each individual: in the same situations one maybe has to make different choises - if one would make the same choises, they would have a different content to oneself and lead to different things. One can only point out things in the world for the other to notice and understand by oneself. Many of the features of the world are the same to all, but may still have different role in the lives of each individual. From subjectivity to objectivity Taking into account the information given by feelings doesn't mean thinking clouded by subjectivity instead of clear objective thinking. Read my text Feelings, instincts, likings and objective thinking, about the information given by feelings. Typically different persons notice different things so they must be careful about the choise of wording so that they refer to things that all parties in the communication perceive the same way, completely objectively. Read my texts What thinking consists of, and Objectifying a perspective. Also the practical situations in life are typically different for each person, so even when pictures of the world are largely alike, the needs guide toward a different choise in what comes to the line of action that is the most rational choise for the individual in such circumstances. Objectivity is the goal: one must form as correct picture of the world as one ever can, without taking sides and misinterpreting information because of that, without giving misinformation about things in order to manipulate others and without mixing one's wishes to one's picture of how things propably truly are. (Read the texts Feelings, instincts, likings and objective thinkings, and Fullfilling dreams.) One part of objectivity is the ability to make correct generalizations, i.e. generalizations that describe the world correctly, without errors. So one should be able to discern which sides of one's perceptions apply in all situations and which just in these particular situations in one's experience. Like all stones are stone like, and all animals need sleep and food, all cows being cowlike, but there are also individual differences between cows, each one of them having its own typical ways, own charachter. OBJECTIFYING A PERSPECTIVE The perceptions about a practical landscape are objective - at least as or more objective as technical thoughts. The landscape forms a consistent whole which can be perceived in the way of physics to give it technical kind of objectivity in those respects. Likewise with other charachteristics. The perspectives of natural sciences and practical kind of work can be used this way, at least. Our sense of sight creates for us a landscape like picture of our environment and moving around and doing practical things make this picture even more concrete and objective. These ways of perceiving together with an understanding of how the body works form largely the base for objective thinking. The more abstract thoughts are often thought analogically to observing landscapes. Understanding means observing how things are. Hearing is used mostly for informational purposes. A holistic view of a landscape together with the focus of the eyes gliding by the things in the landscape, forms an analog to deduction while forming a holistic view. So one doesn't need organization like the hearing for deduction either, but only for communication. It is natural for a human being to emphatize with people and animals that one perceives. That is a form of understanding that is important in our lives and an objective way to get information of things of that kind, I think. It is natural for a human being that one's perceptions of the world are intercorrelated with one's actions via common sense. Feelings and motivations connect one's understanding to practical actions. So the senses and thinking are connected to the body, feelings, insticts, intentionality and practical action. That is a natural mode of functioning for a human being and so the base for most sure perceptions of the world: a practical holistic picture of what the world is like, well-structured, with sizes right. OBJECTIFYING COMMON SENSE Starting from some situation and/or knowledge, if one wants to deduce some fact that is objectively true, one must first take a look at the goal: the things that common sense says that are true and which one wants to put into an objective form: what is the reason why one is interested in such things: what si the benefit in them and why is that kind of benefit in life important: So like this one often gets the grounds for things in an objective form, at least if one is quite good in objective thinking generally. Often things depend also on choises of values like: living according to one's emotions and needs, freedom, quaranteed results in important matters and so on. If oneforms a picture of the whole which includes these things, one gets grounds for individual choises in an objective form. When it is a question of moral matters, a society agreement like picture of the society as a whole is useful. Also long-term planning on a healthy ground and realistic picture of the world help to settle disputes between the moral and not-so-moral ones: at least one learns that the rights of the not-so-moral ones in large scale and in important matters have to be much much smaller than those rights of the moral ones in such matters in order that everybody survives well in the long run. WHAT THINKING CONSISTS OF It is the practical experienced reality that creates the most concretical, easily perceived images in our minds. This is also the level that thinking in its natural form is based, the level on which our understanding is based for a large part even when we think abstract thoughts. It is the task of thinking to form a picture of what the world is like. It is the practical experienced reality that the picture handles. Abstract thinking just gives structure to this picture. So what we think about consists of our own experience of life. The level of thoughts is build from the memories of past experiences. This is also what good choise of words and concepts means: natural unified wholes, natural classifications and natural divisions in the practical perceived world itself. Like "I", "a stone", "the sea". More abstract divisions: "living beings", "artifical things" and so on. Words are used only for communication. It is our picture of the world which we refer to, which gives us our understanding of what the communication really refers to. Like this there is no confusion about divisions that concern just some side of the thing in question; like an individual and packs that one belongs to according to one's instincts and needs. (This is an important correction to make to academical and school education that often stays in the form of the written word and theory learned from others.) An example of good ways of thinking are the letters of Isaac Newton in the correspondence between Newton and Hooke. They use a natural every day perspective to the world with analytical thinking and everyday language that are simple, clear and very objective indeed. (The more technical writings of Newton are not as good: they are more like hard work, not so much pure observation of what the world is like.) UNDERSTANDING CONCEPTS Do not base your choise of concepts in thinking to the written word and a theory based picture of the world. Before the written word there used to be a practical understanding of things in life. We used to think: I do know what sunshine means in life, how we experience it, what we feel about it, what is its importance in each situation and what is its role in life and in the society. Perceptions that are closely based on practical healthy life give us understanding about the roles of those things in our life and in the lives of others. That is a natural form of understanding and a natural way to increase one's understanding, to build a picture of the world. I am an atheist but: when I was travelling in Bali in Indonesia in Asia a local artist, a painter, said to me: "With art and religion, with everything that you do, it is the same thing: you can find it from your own heart or by the guidance of others, by following the rituals follow the way, to learn from others." I demand: Please find things from your own heart! TRUTH About the importance of staying with sure knowledge, the exact truth: Diffrent point of view and different pieces of sure knowledge are like pictures taken of the same house from different points of view and different distances. They fit together perfectly to form a totally correct picture of the house. If one instead takes the rough building instructions of one corner of the house and shows them to someone who imagines based on that what the corner really in practise and the house as a whole are like, one gets a picture which has reaches the truth in some sense but is in other respects badly mistaken. Several such points of view do not together form an unfied whole. Instead one gets a fragmented picture of the world since the pieces do not fit together. Stay with honesty! So all points of view fit together to an unfied whole, which is a correct picture of the world. Read the texts Fullfilling all needs at the same time and Build upon the healthy.' If you go to the right direction, you might get something done. If you go to a wrong direction, you surely do not get anything done. So it is worth trying. I never take an evil person as a model for myself. Instead I trust my own sense of health and happiness. HOW TO LEARN HONESTY Speak of practical things that you and the other person can see clearly and of which you do not have any need to lie: "I am just making food." Mention sincerely also feelings that are quite obvious, natural, common to very many in the same situation or at least very easily understandable in such situation. This way you bring experiences that are common to all or very many, to be parts of your sure thinking perspective, so that there are true feelings coinnected to them and an understanding of the feelings of others in the same situation - this creates compassion and a base for carrying responsibility about such things. "It is a pouring rain out here. Ouch, how I hate rain! The rain is nasty." WHAT REALLY EXISTS That which exists really now, in the future or in our memories, is the only thing that matters. Other things exist only in our imagination, are products of our imagination and their only signifigance is to be things we think or imagine for a while – not existing in any other way, not being meaningful in any other way, except by the concequensces of having thought or imagined such things. So, pay attention – lot of attention to begin with – to what you consider significant and/or existing. Things that matter are those that exist, your experiense of life from moment to moment – not in your thoughts or "understanding", but your sensory perceptions, feelings, social events of these levels and the like. A thought is (in a way) something that you do – not anything more meaningful. The purpose of thoughts is to be a helping aid in practical living. So, please value the life itself, experience, things really existing and happening, and not just your intellectual "understanding" of things. But remember, of course, that the lives, the practical level of other persons' lives matters, too – to them and to everyone (because we are social beings and not machines). A quotation from the book Tao-te-qing: "Stop thinking and end your problems. What is the difference between yes and no? What difference between success and failure? Must you value what others value, avoid what others avoid? How ridiculous!" My comment: Objective thinking means that you must make your judgements by yourself, trust your own experience of life and not to try to put things to a ready made theoretical form about what life should be like. If your thinking is too educated, you have in a sense lost your own ability to make observation about how things are, since you have just learned the correct answers to questions from books. So you must look to places where your understanding, the things that guide you correctly, successfully in the world, where those things truly lie: to the places which you do not consider a part 0f thinking, a paret of objectiveness. One thing is to learn to livbe in a positivce way according to one's emotions and likings. A quotation from the book Tao-te-qing: "The master is her own physician. She has healed herself of all knowing. Thus she is truly whole." My comment: Do not robotize yourself to follow your own theory perspective and/or those of others. Instead live healthily, not claiming to be according to some role, wish, goal etc. but just living with a healthy mind and spirit, just the way that one oneself hasppens to be in the practical level of experience. Not claiming to be different from what you are makes you whole, of course. COMMON SENSE Common sense, our practical understanding of the world and life, is nearest the natural way for humans to think and so in a sense the base for almost all thinking. The human nature is the same to all. Humans have naturally the ability to think. To think things learned from books keeps us away from our true understanding of how things are in the practical reality. By reading books one can learn to pay attention to new things but the understanding must come from one's own practical observations of what the world is like. (In Finland we value common sense very much.) If we go according to human nature, we reach points that are near our basic nature, of central importance in our lives. THINKING FOR AMERICAN INDIANS More natural thinking for American indians and others. This thing about indians came to my mind from reading Carlos Castaneda's book and from the style of the few persons that I know who are interested in American indian culture. The problem is a TOO TECHNICAL way of thinking: a way of thinking and a way of acting based on thinking that is like knowing something with the help of one's memory. The thought structures should be smaller, thinking should be like a perception concerning the whole; EASIER for oneself in practise; thinking MUST NOT be isolated from the practical experience and one must not let one's thinking stagnate into a memory-based form that is independent of the practical level. Instead, thinking should be like sensory perceptions and include considerations of happiness, comfortability, feelings, one's own goals, hopes and so on (and also those of other persons, too) as an essential part of it, together with the rest of the thoughts. A holistic view is important! As a goal there is to live, now and in the future, a life that is suited for a human being. Thinking helps to do it in practise. Thinking should not form rigid, guideline like thought structures. Instead, it should help to take into account the consequences of one's actions, also the not-so-obvious consequences!, and to form a holistic view, guiding the whole towards POSITIVE FOR HAPPY LIFE. Read the text Society agreement, about (Finnish type of) feelings in one's picture of the world, and the text Feelings, instincts, likings and objective thinking. Read also the text about the number eight - the need to form a good picture of the whole. The same applies also to the 16-system in numbers. MY VIEW ON TECHNICAL MASTERY WHEN ONE REALLY UNDERSTANDS SOMETHING, IT BECOMES SIMPLE If something that someone explains seems complex or difficult to understand, it is usually a mark of the fact that the person explaining it has not himself/herself understood the thing well enough. So value basic truths! Real understanding is often in the form of them. Good understanding gives wholes extra structure. Main points get emphazized the right amount, both in the level of theory and in practise. Understanding the main points leaves the next important points to be subjects of attention. And after that the next biggest level. So one forms a correct understanding of the whole with a clear structure and all sizes right. Understanding something means perceiving how it is. The human's ways of perceiving are based on ways of perception that are natural to humans. So one must value enough, really lot!, common sense and one's natural every day way of perceiving things. Real understanding comes from them. This way one often also finds easy ways to perceive things, clear correct analogs to the every day world and so on. So, well understood things are often simple in the eyes of the ones who can them well. A well structured picture of the whole gives simplicity to thoughts. Reaching the point in things, the essential things in a simple form. DEDUCTIONS Logical deductions of this complexity XXXXXXXXXXXX a picture XXXXX look structured like this in my eyes. XXXXXXXXXXX a picture Like others who are educated in the natural sciences, I use a holistic view like the one in the natural sciences about the subject in question. The deduction either forms the holistic view step by step or observes points about an old, ready picture of the whole, while my thinking itself uses the holistic view. TECHNICAL THINKING BY THE MEANS OF OTHER WAYS OF THINKING * pictures of wholes * count through all possibilities and form a picture of the whole. This is usually possible by using classifications: this kind of building block used in this amount gives this kind of structures that can be used to these few purposes. * style, atmosphere and fractures in them tell about the structure: for example what the building blocks are like tells what they can be used to and which the effect will be * laws that the technical details follow -> scientific kind of control * mathematics in pictures and in picture analogs (an understandable symbol/feature in the picture for each mathematical structure(partial whole)/feature) * insects' intelligence and mathematics: most parts of mathematical deduction are analogious to easy navigation and mechanical moving of objects + recognizing known shapes (vocabulary + a dictionary like way of understanding mathematical things) * pictures of the whole fullfilling several criteria at the same time (following rule 1. to fill the rule 2.) * a holistic view about the benefits and drawbacks of using the technique * grouping technical details to wholes which can be perceived naturally * deduction while forming a holistic view: 1. pieces of knowledge (observations) and a view of the whole 2. Perception about something of the above 3. Adding the perception to the view of the whole (WITH the GROUNDs for it!!) * don't use the word "technical", use instead the word "handy" * a natural understanding of causes and consequemces and natural reactions based on a holistuc view TECHNICAL THINKING WITH THE HELP OF NATURAL WAYS OF THINKING There is a Finnish saying: "One picture tells more than a thousand words." Also the natural human ability to perceive shapes and landscapes is much more efficient in conceiving structures and charachteristics of the whole than technical thinking. (Read the text "Senses and thinking".) It can pay attention to the whole and so take everything into account, while a technical perspective, even with a holistic view, is only a partial perspective and so only a tool in deciding what to do while the decisions itself have to be based on a good holistic view according to common sense. Common sense is valuable!: one must not shut one's eyes when sight is needed. Common sense is an efficient (because of being) natural way that human understanding works. The technical view is typically unefficient compared to it. In doing things as objectively as possible it is of major importance to get the main things of the whole right! One must use an as large picture of the whole as possible, be as objective a spossible, so human life as a whole is a part of the picture and needs to be taken into account. There is an easy way to learn to handle the use of tools in a holistic view: One can use an analog to the body, that is so familiar to one that one really is sure about one's understanding: * where is the center, steady center of mass, center of movement, an important part in moving the body as a whole (main things) * which, where in the whole are the utmost parts, easily moved also for minor reasons, sensitive contact with the environment (tools, minor matters) * how does one support oneself, what is the base of things like and how is the whole situated compared to the base (good living environment, long-term sustainability, taking the whole responsibly into account) * which ways of doing things physically are cumbersome and which handy, why? (the way of using tools, the role of tools) * the difference of a part and the whole (the value of a partial view (tool) and of a holistic view, minor matters and the essentials) * healthy whole Emphaty and a holistic view: * a healthy natural harmonious balanced whole -> easy and pleasant to emphatize with * fractures, contradictions and unnaturalities cause unpleasant experience, are something to avoid: one can see clearly how they disturb the functioning of the whole A good sense of health is important in this, like in many many other things too. (See the text 'Good is stronger than evil' about handling wholes and about the effect of structures.) A TECHNICAL STRUCTURE IN NON-TECHNICAL THINGS Things that some very technically thinking consider just practical things of the world of no value from the technical point of view, are in fact structured in different ways, form different kinds of functional wholes which are made of different materials and can be used to different kinds of purposes and so have a different role in th whole, creating different structures and structural charachteristics, so that understanding them truly is interesting and important also from the point of view of technical skill. The difference between a whole and a part is an important basic difference also from the technical point of view. Read the text Atmospheres in thinking. The point of view of natural sciences can be used to this, too. A quotation from the book Tao-te-qing: "Not-knowing is true know ledge. Presuming to know is a disease. First realize that you are sick; then you can move toward health." My comment: The world is enermously more complex than our intellectual understanding of it. Like you cannot describe a person with one word only, and not with two, not with three etc. Make sure that what you claim to be true surely is so in practise, only after that can you claim things to be true. Correct all your errors! And thinking consists of observing how things are, not from remembering - memory is just a helping aid even though it is needed. HANDLING TECHNICS If one wants to build something, one must take a look at the results of building it, take a look at the whole, at all the effects of building such things and at theis consequences, forming a holistic view of such and JUDGING THE END RESULT AS A WHOLE, TAKING ALL THINGS THAT ARE CAUSED INTO ACCOUNT, AND JUDGING THE IDEA OF BUILDING IN THAT LIGHT, TOTALLY NATURALLY!!: HOW HEALTHY IT IS IN THE LONG RUN AND IN THE SHORT RUN. Like this one can handle also large scale and technical things in a way that is objective but does not demand any technical skills. There is a Finnish saying: "Fire is a good servant but a poor master." The same applies to technology and to tools at large. MAKING AND USING A TECHNICAL SOLUTION Form a natural good holistic picture of what is the goal and a practical enough picture about the situation at large. Do not erase this picture. Keep it intact. This picture is of major importance. Now build from ther material that you have, a solution to the task, a way to reach the goal. Mark up clearly, what is the point in doing so, what are the other options and why was just this one choisen. Are there any possiblevariations? What is the base for the whole solution? How is it kept in good enough order for the solution to work in practise? What are the good and bad sides of this way of solving the task? How to compensate away the harmful sides, especially in long term? How important is each part in the whole? What is its task, what is essential in it and what is not - are there any other possible options? How important is it to follow the whole solution? Would following a major part of it be enough for approximately solving the task? It is very important in this to notice how the actual solution differs from the ideal: the reached point from the ultimate goal - KEEP THE ULTIMATE GOAL ALWAYS IN MIND! Never give it up! - and the way of reaching it from the ideal way: natural healthy free, according to one's own true understanding, with a healthy natural motivation and a holistic view. It is most important to make this analysis about the whole, but it is informative to make it also about the partial wholes and parts, if one needs such information - for example about the side effects of techniques. ESTIMATING THE BENEFITS AND DRAWBACKS OF USING CERTAIN TERMINOLOGY To classify what kind of results certain terminology can bring: Which sides of the reality do the terms describe? What information about the world does the terminology bring? What can be known on the basis of such information? (A theory-based perspective to be build and estimated: approximately the same results regardless of the thinker.) What is lacking? What kind of information does such subject usually concern? Is that level reached by the terminology or not? Why? How to cure the problem? Usually thinking is based on observations of one's own experience of life in practise. Terminology only helps to pay attention to certain sides of things and to notice what follows from them. Common sense and real understanding are better: It is important to estimate the whole: Are toold bringing the results that they were supposed to bring; Optimizing the whole & emphazies right! Motivation is important!! IX TOWARD PERFECTION VIRTUAL ORGANIZATION As the world has become increasingly complex because of the development of large systems - like towns, factories, industry, trade, trafic and computer networks - there is an increasing need of a holistic view of the world. Those who in their thinking naturally conceive things as wholes, consider obvious some things that others consider ununderstandable, non-grounded and so only somehow "virtually" existing, present in thinking through practical experience only. I have tried to go through some objective grounds for these common day obvious knowledge about how things are organized in practise and hiow especially large scale things should be handled. Here are some main points: THE RULES OF THE GAME OF THE VIRTUAL ORGANIZATION In other words: THE WAY OF HANDLING THINGS THAT MAKES MOST SENSE ACCORDING TO OBJECTIVE THINKING 1. Parts have to be treated in a way that takes into account what the parts are like. FOR HUMAN BEINGS LIVING CONDITIONS THAT ARE SUITED FOR HUMAN BEINGS, ALSO LIFE, MOTIVATION, GOALS AND WAYS OF DOING SUITED FOR HUMAN BEINGS. 2. A HOLISTIC VIEW of things Tkaing into account the whole -> (By optimizing the whole) JUSTICE WHICH RESPECTS HUMAN VALUES -> Democracy, the society agreement (justice!) So, in the leadership of the virtual organization there is the INTELLECT which is capable of taking into account the above mentioned things (human values & justice) and in a RESPONSIBLE WAY to lead TOWARD what is GOOD for all in practise. THE UNIVERSITIES The avarage level in the universities is idiotic! Universities are absolutely not suited for the ones who are excellent in the scientific kind of objective thinking. Most persons in the universities refuse to think objectively at all. Instead they robotize themselves to do mechanical manouvers and do their best in destroying the life of others. The possibility to objective fact discussions about at least the main things is a possibility that thery laugh at, classify as unconvincing and naive as occultism in their eyes. Science is a cult which has a complete disregard for true objectivity. Allways demand in thinking that MAIN things get RIGHT! That means especially demanding that the main things of the largest scale and largest picture of the world - including the level of practical life get objectively right - with sizes and importances of things at least approximetely right according to common sense. Thinking is just a tool. All partial perspectives are just tools. Make a clear difference between tools and ultimate goals, and never forget the goals. This should indeed be demanded also in the universities. Always form a good picture of the whole. NATURAL * according to the nature of things (human nature, natural rythm, natural motivation, natural ways of functioning,...) * according to common sense * main things right and emphazized enough, the roles of things right * without interfering, without using force needlessly * optimized amount from the point of view of the thing in question and thw WHOLE * unified healthy BALANCED harmonious whole that is sensitive enough and with emphazies right * taking all things into account * co-operation, views or factors that support each other * according to some basic guidelines that are used usually in such things * nature, health, not theory-based UNDERSTANDING As a measure of intelligence and understanding are the values which one follows in practise: what is important and essential, which goals one follows in each thing, goals and means to them: - holistic view, long term benefit, causes and consequences, what is the role of each thing in the whole - what is essential (in theories and in practise) - living in harmony with others according to the nature of a human being - a sense of health, avoiding harmful things that are not needed (for example unnaturalities that are not needed) - life as it is, happiness, experience from moment to moment, positive natural feelings It is important to understand how large tendencies are created as a sum of minor deeds. 1. The whole, long term - main goals right (happiness, security) 2. Subwholes so that one succeeds in reaching the main goals 3. Putting these into practise while taking care of the whole About the value of moral - toward good of the whole and so toward the good of all - the value of co-operation (toward good, for common good; following rules of behaviour -> better living conditions) - the value of noncontradictoriness and harmony - the value of health, honesty and happiness Understanding one's role in the whole, carrying responsibility. SOLVING A MESS Build upon solutions, do things solution centeredly, not in a problem centered way. Pay attention to problems only enough to make possible to solve them and concentrate your attention to changing things toward better. Build upon the healthy and well-functioning, both at the level of parts and at the level of the whole. If things are a mess so that you cannot make out the solutions to the problems, the ways to a good and healthy whole, then remove the worst catastrophesand change things toward better all that you can, making all the corrections that you can think of, even minor ones. This creates a tendency toward better, and a little by little one begins to see the solutions to the situation, to the whole. Build on truth, not on fakes. It is like saving money in a bank. If a system does not function well, things have been emphazized in a wrong way in its planning. If priorities are set correctly (for example the ultimate motivational factors of the workers emphazized enough - take into account the true nature of the building parts) and things are emphazized correctly using a holistic view, the system works naturally, fluently. DIFFERENCES IN INTELLIGENCE AND COMMUNICATION GAPS Differences in intellectual capacity create situations in which the things that make sense in the eyes of one seem too elementary and thought from a partial view to another, and the things that the more intelligent one considers of proper quality, seem too complex in the eyes of the more stupid one and so without proper grounds like just claiming what one likes without having any grounds at all. This communication gap could be bridged, if we would understand the differences in intellectual capacity. But often one who is just as good as the other person in some subject, in their profession for example, is of an ENORMOUSLY different caliber in other things. It depends on what kind of background one has, what one is interested in, whom one associates with and what one's personal strenghts are. So often the other one can look so negligent that one considers him/her as a person acting robot like, following some imagined set of rules of behaviour, when the person in fact is so much more stupid than one has thought possible, that he/she just doesn't notice at all how things truly are. And if one makes a fuss about vague, ungraspable things, maybe one just is more intelligent, has a different kind of grasp of objective thinking. But of course one must trust one's own understanding and not the lies of others. Read the texts Everyday language and Communicating to large masses about communicating over differences in understanding. Read the book Tao-te-qing. SPEAKING OF NEW IDEAS THROUGH THE FIXED WAYS OF THINKING OF OTHERS Refer to: * efficiency grounds: for the good of the individual, and for the good of the group. * and to moral: for the good of all. Use grounds that are according to: * the fixed ways of thinking, i.e. phrazed in a way that persons following those fixed ways of thinking can understand * and common sense: one's practical experience of life and clear easily understandable analogs to it proving the point to be taken into account. For example: this book of mine. Read also the texts: Communicating to large masses and Everyday language. HONESTY AND SEEING THE TRUTH IN THINGS A quest for the ultimate truth Forming a good consistent coherent and correct holistic picture of the world Checking again and again that one's views are correct according to new evidence and different points of view, and correcting one's view and adding new ones always when such is needed. HONESTY and the art of explaining things objectively Figuring out explanations for things The art of making good objective hypothesies (objective according to scientific thinking and common sense and true!!!) In other words: How to deduce just about anything (but NOT everything) from just about anything. In other words: Seeing the truth in things and how things fit together to form a whole. 1. What the other person wants one to deduce objectively; or the phenomena that have to be explained objectively 2. The starting point from which it is to be deduced: usually the scientific picture of the world, objective thinking at large and common sense and our everyday picture of the world 3. Looking at one's own picture of the world, trying TO FIGURE OUT IN WHICH WAYS and in which sense at least THE FACT TO BE DEDUCED IS TRUE at least, and basing the proof on that, totally objectively. The choise of vocabulary and perspective affect a lot the wording and which things matter, which things are emphazized in the perspective for practical reasons according to common sense (perspectives are goal oriented because they are usually used in a certain situation for s certain kind of doing) 4. Phrasing these thus found true perspectives in ways that the other person can understand: common sense and scientific kind of picture of the world. The qualities and the usefullness of explanations differ a lot, but if one takes care that one uses good language and is exact in defining AREAS OF VALIDITY, the thus gained explanations are objectively true and valid. By checking by the usual criterions for good quality objective thinking, one can be sure that these proofs, too, are valid. Even when one this way proves seemingly contradictory things, the perspectives of course fit into a coherent picture of the whole. The emphazies on things depend on situations. The areas of validity and the contexts are important in this, since it is often a question of partial truths that are valid but not all that there is to take into account. JUDGING WHAT IS TRUE, in which ways and why it is true, and what is not. The value of HONESTY and TRUTH in this, too. I am interested in different kinds of perspectives, their roles, usefullness and fitting them together to form a TOTALLY OBJECTIVE consistent and coherent picture of what the world is like. BE TOTALLY HONEST! So you will learn a lot more. You will create new explanations to things, a new understanding of the world. Remember to add each new perspective to your picture of the whole. I am aiming at a higher degree of objectivity, at the truth, trying to fit each new piece of information to my picture of the whole. I try to fill every criterion of objectivity that I know all the time, according to common sense. The views in this book are an example of the results of this kind of thinking. FITTING TOGETHER DIFFERENT VIEWS Which sides of the reality does each theory concern, what do they handle? In what kind of information, understanding and experience is it based? Whic things are not taken into account? What kind of evidence supports the theory? How sure is the information and how exact? What kind of theory is it: practical, theoretical, partial view, holistic view, rough, thorough,... Form a correct picture of the whole, with right emphazis on things, even on those things that you do not know much about. MEETING ALL NEEDS AT THE SAME TIME To get everything right at the same time: A human being with one's needs, instincts and likings, together with the human society, are created by the natural evolution to work together as a harmonious unified whole. Meeting different needs supports the functioning of the whole when part after part is put to its correct place in the system. The more needs are met, the better the system functions harmonically together. Justice and other needs of the society and its members are included in this. Increasing health in one's own life helps to increase health in the environment and is so good for the society. Correcting things always toward good makes the different functions support each other. It is the same about finding the truth: the nearer one is the truth, the easier it is to get new information to fit one's picture of the world, which becomes more and more coherent. Toward perfection. MOTIVATION TO RELIGION INTERPRETED TO ATHEISM Solutions to problems: a holistic view of the world with feelings and practical guidelines about how to behave in order to make things better. Also feelings taken into account. Harmony, naturality etc. The sure ground of SURE understanding. The power of positive thinking: finding new solutions. To trust that somebody else than you yourself takes care of the whole, carries all the responsibility about it, is a far too naive and trusting attitude! When the other party is unfair, keep your independence. Understand and apply the things in this book of mine. (To the religious ones: Since "God created" living being with this much understanding of their own, like I have written in this book, it is blashmebhery to not to apply all that understanding into practise by oneself!) FULFILLING DREAMS Divide your dream according to what needs that are completely natural to human beings, each side of the dream fulfills. Imagine what is like the situations where each one of these needs are met separately (+ all at the same time). Do not make a too concrete picture. Instead rely on your true understanding. Make as natural opictures as you can: totally according to feelings (like created by Heaven, God) and not like theory in book form. Now think of how these needs are met: what you know for sure that is needed for each of these as support: like healthy life, healthy individual, a good understanding of the world with an excellent true unified picture of the world and a possibility to do everything according to one's feelings according to that picture - also in the large scale things! What is the role of meeting each of these needs in the life and functioning of the individual, of the group and of the society? How are these needs met in practise? What can one build upon in meeting these needs? So one has a map (the goal) and stepping stones to build upon to begin with. Read the texts Human being forms a whole, All humans have the same needs, Natural life and a natural environment, Developing skills, Sexuality and the wish to copy good ways of doing things, Humans act according to their own motivation, Build upon healthy things and Humans act according to their own true motivation. BUILD UPON HEALTHY THINGS Choose what you use: take the good healthy sides in things and leave the "rotten" sides away. Use a positive perspective: this is the point in things, I find it positive, so I will use just it. That side is not O.K., so I will drop it away, just like that. If all individuals act very responsibly and do things in healthy ways, the world develops efficiently toward better and systems get corrected all the time. See the text "Good is useful": Everything is based on the good sides of things. Take into account the role of each part in the whole and use a good holistic view. See the texts about the use of tools. DOING THINGS ACCORDING TO ONE'S OWN TRUE MOTIVATION Doing things according to one's best understanding while taking the whole into account is part of human nature. Seeing the point in things by oneself creates repairability to the society and to one's own actions. Human beings are by their nature beings that live in societies. So fullfilling the personal needs take care of the individual, and fullfilling the social needs and instincts together with one's understanding and communication take care of the needs of the society. These work well together, form a harmonious whole, since that is the true nature of a human being. Feelings in one's picture of the world are important: true compassionate feelings about all beings and all things in the world. Get sizes correctly! This is the way that societies work in Europe and Russia. To dedicate one's life's work to something that one feels really worth such: The South African musician Johnny Clegg together with his band Juluka: Kwela man. THE CULTURE OF FINLAND, IN NORTH EUROPE SERIOUS-MINDED Serious-minded: taking everything with a serious mind, with feelings and understanding, and basing one's actions on that. Why to be serious-minded, i.e. what does serious-mindedness consist of, what does it aim at and what is its motivation: * living fully, feeling fully * understanding sizes right * caring especially about life's important matters (like children, peace, a good future for the human kind and other living beings,...) * COMPASSION * (These give rise to:) carrying RESPONSIBILITY * thinking of the WHOLE * understanding communication fully * understanding things as fully as possible, with one's own understanding and compassionate feelings * common sense and objective thinking with a holistic view Serious-mindedness is a typical charachteristic of the inhabitants of Finland and especially typical for me. To achieve a good happy life, for oneself and others, now and in the future. Serious-mindedness:to take importnt matters very seriously in order to get the main things in life and in the world at large) right, so that they lead toward good,to take light matters lightly in order to enjoy life as much as possible: healthy mind and spiritBACK COVER Natural and cultural evolution create wonders: moral and living a full life are supported on the basis of totally value-free optimizing, in accordance with the traditional moral of Europe and Russia. This is based on the old well known truths: healthy is strong and co-operation gives strenght. Natural ways of living and doing things use humans' capacity to the fullest. Women's values support healthy ways of living and are to be encouraged. BENEFICALITY AND OPTIMIZINGWhat is the point in things?Why would one choose a certain solution among several ones?Why is something benefical, meaningful in some context?GAIA IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE ARRANGEMENT OF ALLCo-operation gives strenght and healthy is strong. These two old well-known truths are very sure indeed nd can be applied to very many things. Getting the whole to work well together creates the most effective solution: Gaia. (Ally as much as possible, prevent worst catastrophes and prevent epidemies of harmful things that cause suffering).GAIA Gaia = the living Earth where all living beings are one, live in harmony and cooperation naturally healthily and happily in a way that is sustainable in the long term. Gaia refers clearly to a global view on life, living conditions etc., now and in the future – like true rationality demands. Carrying responsibility truly. I have an unusually good understanding of large systems and about the interconnectedness of things. My picture of the world emphazizes the interconnectedness of all things, the value of justice, freedom of individuals, compassion, responsibility, naturality, health, happiness, holistic view etc. I think tat the concept of Gaia can be generalized to include co-operation with, justice in what comes to and taking responsibly into account the needs of UFOs, supercomputers etc. if such beings exist. And the Gaia idea maintains its value even if technology creates new possibilities for living in artifical conditions etc. Gaia means also that living environment must be natural and healthy.
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