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This page is in NO WAY affiliated with Ontario Parks!  

PARK MAP.....NEW.....Online map of the park with campsites and descriptions.

There are still a few bugs to be ironed out of the new map. Please let me know if you find any. 

This page is used by an increasing number of paddlers each year. Every effort is made to keep the info provided as up to date and accurate as possible. 
If you find this page useful in planning your trip then please be sure to take detailed notes when in the park. 
Upon your return be sure to email me with any updates/changes/site descriptions so we all benefit.
hanks go out to many different people who in the past have contributed to the info on this page. (You know who you are).
 Three Legged Lake access issues....  read.

The official map of the park can be purchased at these locations.  
  If you know of any other places to purchase the map let me know.

MEC (Toronto)   400 King Street West, Toronto, Ontario M5V 1K2   (416)340.2667
MEC (Burlington)  1030 Brant Street, Burlington, Ontario L7R 0B2  ( 905)333.8559
Adventure Guide (Waterloo, Ont.) 382 King Street North,   Waterloo, ON N2J 2Z3,  (519) 886-3121
Sojourn   (Barrie, Ont.)       31 Commerce Park Drive, Unit A3, Barrie, Ontario L4N 8X1  ( 705)739.9694
Adventure Attic (Dundas)  28 King St. W. Dundas ON, (905)-628-2929
Open Air Books (Toronto)  25 Toronto Street, Toronto, ON M5C 2R1 (416) 363-0719

Grid Reference!  Please read.
The park has a nasty habit of closing and changing site numbers.  So I've added a map reference number for each site.  
This is taken from the Massasauga Park Map....NOT topo maps. The park map has a letter grid for Longitude (east-west) and a number grid for latitude (north-south).'s my system.  Site #1 for example is located on the Mass. park map at ( L7-7.4 )
East-West first....North-South second.
     Each grid is divided into 10 equal parts...just like topo grid references.

When using this list please reference it with your map to be certain that we are talking about the same location!

The site description is based on my criteria of what makes a good campsite. Keep in mind that most of these sites are best suited to small groups. 
Flat, soft tent pads are a very rare thing in The Massasauga.  There are few sites which have more than one reasonable tent pad, so if you're camping
with a group be sure to be the first to set up your tent! What these sites lack in comfort they more than make up for in beauty.

These descriptions make sense to me, but they may puzzle anyone else. 
A great site should have the following
in descending order of importance (the law according to Bluewater)
--A large point jutting out into the lake preferably pointing west. (Or large exposed outcrop)
--Ample trees to erect a rain shelter / wind break.
--Must be set apart from other sites, not in a high traffic area.
--Relatively flat tent sites. More is better.
--Good fishing close by, right off the site is better.
--Close proximity to other activities (ie: hiking trails, huge trees etc.)
--Easy landing and haul up for canoes.
--Good swimming, either sand beach or fresh water, with no slimy or weedy wading.
--Good layout, ie firepit and tent pads spaced out, thunderbox private, in good repair.
--Good condition, ie clean, free of broken glass, not overused, good deadwood supply.

Rating 1-5 stars 
(5 is a great site)(Three is average)


Description   (+) = good attribute,  ++ = outstanding
(-) = bad attribute (--) really bad




001 ***      (Spider Lake)


Great view, not too much vegetation, excellent swimming. Picnic table. (although the big boulder is much more fun to use as a prep station.)

002 ****          " 


Close for first night.  There is a wall of logs making a mini-shelter around the fire pit location/ kitchen, complete 
with logs raised up for benches and making a canoe kitchen table. The rock outcrop had a natural stair case
 complete with landing to the giant swimming pool (Spider Lake), and it has sand too.  Resident snapping turtle!!

003 ***       " 


Small site. Room for 2-3 tents. Ok view.
Small granite point and flat rocks for stargazing.
Friendly chipmunks.... Not a bad site...but not a great site either.

004 ***             " 


Thick vegetation. Sand beach. Good swimming.
Set in a private bay, with a limited view. Lots of uneven tent pads.  Privy NOT very private!
A couple flat tent pads a fair distance around the right side of the site.

005 ***1/2             " 


Beautiful sand beach. The entire site is right on the beach.
Very exposed to west winds. Great view.  Extremely kid friendly site....what kid can resist a beach?

006 ***1/2       " 


Nice site. Good swimming. Room for 2 small or a large tent. 

007 ***           " 


Very private in a large bay. Inviting fire pit near shore surrounded by sloping higher rock. Deep water swimming right off rocks. Protected and cozy feeling under whispering pines .                           

008 ...............Closed 


Closed....the description remains for when it reopens.
--Other sites too close on same island. 
-Small site  -heavy vegetation.

009 *** 


Good site. Adequate wood.  Good landing. 2 semi-improved tent pads. 
Site a little sloppy, downed trees and a little litter.  Good fishing, private, a little buggy.

010 ...............Closed 


CLOSED. Recent reports say this site is now closed.
--Other sites too close on same island. 
-Small site   -heavy vegetation.

011 ***             " 


+Large point nice view.  +Good fishing site.  --High traffic flow past the site.
  -3 suitable tent pads   --No shelter near the fire pit.

012 *                 "


-High up on the rock face which gives you a great view of the lake.  The approach to the site has a bit of poison ivy growing there. The swimming is great.  There is plenty of room for tents.  Starting to become a little sparse for wood.

013 ***             " 


+Sits in a very small secluded bay with a good view from a large point.
+Very small sand beach. --very small site with 3 suitable tent pads.
++The site sits at the base of a very interesting rock "ridge".  Poor swimming. weedy beach type swimming.

014 **** (Spider Lake)       


The site is located on top of a VERY high cliff / rock face.....Don't sleep walk! 
Good docking, excellent swimming, good tent sites way up on top (3). Fireplace on cliff top.  
Amazing view! Quiet with little traffic. Wood supply getting quite low.  

015 ***              "  New


+Small point facing west + Central location on Spider Lake.
-Small site with one decent tent pad.

016 ****            "


++Set high on a large point facing SE. 
+Large open site with lots of space for tents. 
+Many large trees for shelter. ++Great view.
 If they close 17, this is the best alternative.

017 ****Closed        " 


Closed....the description remains for when it reopens

If it had a better view from the kitchen...and even a single twig of firewood would be perfect.  Set on a huge point, with lots of room for tents. Spectacular view from the top of the cliff.

018 ***               " 


+Room for 3-4 tents.
-weedy swimming - too close to portage trail. 

019 ****              "


+One large (though slightly tilted) tent pad + a smaller tent area -Firewood scarce...go for a paddle!
+Good kitchen/fire area, great sandy bay to bring canoe/kayak in.
++Excellent deep clean swimming right off site. Amazing view.

020 ***               " 


Decent site. Rather small, room for 2-3 small tents  + nice view of a scenic central location.

021 ****             " 


Very nice, high point in narrows. +Sheltered with  a great view.
2 suitable tent pads.  -Traffic flows right past the site.

022 ***               " 


Two tent pads - one is at a rather bad incline, the upper one is better.  High canoe traffic area. Decent swimming.
Difficult path to the "facilities".  Great view from the site, and a hill nearby.  Very scenic area.

023 ****             " 


Very nice, 3 tent pads, +sheltered. -Very buggy when in season. Faces east. (no sunsets) 
Nice flat rocky area great for star-gazing. Good deep water swimming. Fish nearby!

024 ***             " 


+Great view. -Very rough high point.  Difficult put in- take out.
-No flat tent sites. Small tent pads -Great sunsets. Secluded.  

025 ***               " 


+High point, +nice view, -buggy. --Tent pads are small and uneven.
++Small lake sits just behind the site...great wildlife viewing. 

026 ***                " ......Moved


-No sun morning or evening.  +Has a great rock outcrop where the fire pit
is located.  +Great for stargazing!  Natural rock formation provides
seating for several people around the fire. -3 decent tent pads  +Nicely
forested... easy to walk around with numerous "paths"... vegetation not
too thick. Site has been moved 100m. north onto a point... check your map.

028 ***                " 


+Nice fireplace up high on the rock facing west. -very difficult landing for canoes
+Lots of flat tent pads, (3-4), quite sheltered. -swimming is good if you like cliff
jumping. -poor access to the water.

029 ****              " 


+Great fire pit, sits out on the rocks surrounded by large log benches.  Expansive site.
+At least 4 good flat tent pads. +Good clean swimming +Outstanding fishing area.
-Difficult canoe take out. -close to another site just across the bay.

Send me information! 
Site descriptions, interesting places, bears anything...........
Please include a location of the campsite in question so we know that it's the same place!

030 ***      (Clear Lake)


Average site. +Clear Lake is beautiful.

031 ***** #32 on old maps


+Large flat rocks for docking, sunning, washing etc. + Small sandy beach area for
swimming. +Huge firepit and comfortable log seating area for a group. + At least two
good tent pads with a unique spot on top of a big rock, open to the sky with a great
view. +Secluded island site. +Many small rocky islands nearby.
+Good fishing location. (Site #32 shows on older maps on the south
end of the island, it no longer exists as an operating site.)

033 ****            " 


Small site with nice point facing south. 
+Secluded area. +Close to portage to Georgian Bay. 

034 ***             " 


+Very nice. Sheltered sand beach. +Sunning rocks protected from the wind.
+Fire pit overlooking the lake,

101***Canoe Lake

It is a nice site lots of pine trees. 3-4 spots for tents. Not far from the portage and you could walk from the portage to the site. Seems like deep water to swim from but not a great take out. Lots of wood for fires but not much sun all day.



Small site, 2 people fit comfortably but wouldn't recommend more.

Very hilly, rocky, rooty ground (except pad). Somewhat  sheltered but still on an outcrop, with morning sun.

Good flat tent pad - only one, decent firepit and grill.

No garbage and TONS of firewood from fallen trees.  Swimming ok, a bit mucky 
Beware of snapping turtles!

103 ***   (Canoe Lake) 


 Best site on Canoe Lake as far as privacy goes.  - Picnic Table! 
 Fire pit on top overlooking a cove. - Great swimming lake. - Fairly easy docking.
- only knock is slopped tent area unless you are willing to go all the way to the top of the cove.

106 ****


Only one decent tent pad. Rocky site, but beautiful. Perfect raised fire pit with nearby rock perfect as your kitchen counter. Little traffic. Excellent bass fishing on nearby Westphal Lake. Rocky Shore. No beach. Plenty of shelter from trees.

107 ***Creswicke Lake


Beautiful west facing site with great sitting area, tent pad, sandy beach on one side and rock to jump off on the other.
Excellent bass fishing on lake.

108 ***Speyer Lake

Small lake but the Bass fishing is amazing! Site is on a low point on the lake surrounded by a marshy area. It is low lying and a bit moist after rain. Room for one tent comfortably and a nice kitchen area with fire pit.

111*** (Spider Bay)


-Very rocky, devoid of vegetation!  -Only ONE tent spot.
 -Site is very open to the wind. --Lots of cottages and motorboats.
 +Good swimming site. +Lots of firewood. +Good site in bug season.

200   ** (Spider Bay)


+Secluded. -Very small. --brushy.  --Rough tent pads
Lots of firewood! Sheltered in it's own private bay.



Very private. Swimming on site is a bit swampy but there's a great swimming spot just across from it.

202 ****  (Three Finger Bay)


+Very nice high granite point. Ok tent site.  ++Very scenic area!
+Great view. +Fishing nearby. +Central location. +No cottages nearby.
Only downside is the average tent site , and the possibility of motorboats anchored close by.

203***     (Clear Bay)


Nice site, but on a busy overnighting bay.

204 ****


Very nice site.  3 levels, Good wood supply. Soft tent pads(2 or 3).  Fair swimming. 
Beautiful reverse sunset on quiet bay.  No bugs, close to portage to Clear, very peaceful, good docking.



+ Flat rocky expanses near water for sunny tenting on rock or open sleeping.
+ Close to sandy beach and fishing hole. ++ Hike along shore to high ridge and see large four foot high beaver dam and pond.
- Shaded tent pads and table are high and distant from water.     Nice site, but on a busy overnighting bay.   You might have large powerboats anchored off your site at any time!



Nice large site on a sandy beach; lots of tent area.

209 ****                


+Small beach, with very good swimming. Small site with tent pads set back
in the bush. Room for three tents.+Faces west for great sunsets.
+Very scenic area. -Site had some garbage on it...the sand beach
makes it a popular site for boaters. (easy landing => boaters => garbage).



+Huge granite point facing east. +Great swimming site!
+Room for 3 large tents on good pads. +Panoramic view of a very scenic area.
-some boat traffic at peak season.....



Located on a large point jutting out into the lake about 200metres East of Parkinson Island. Beautiful sunsets.
Very scenic and relatively quiet area. 3 very flat tent sites. Great deep water swimming off the site. 
Very clean with lots of firewood. Exposed to east and northeast winds.

212**(Port Rawson Bay)


+large site with smooth rock  +room for 3 tents on smooth rock and moss.
-no tent pads, and hard to erect a tarpaulin -swampy shoreline, poor swimming.

213****(Port Rawson Bay)


Both a sand beach and deep diving water. Many tent sites, but not on pads
+Tarp location near fire -Port Rawson Bay can be busy with power boats.

215* (Port Rawson Bay)


New site!
Only room for a very small tent. It is a very poor site that is not really established yet

215*     Closed
 (Port Rawson Bay)


*** Be sure to check when booking...Both sites closed, moved, renumbered.????  The description remains for future reference.
I include these sites together, because they are basically one site. The new map shows 215 as the one left open.
215 by itself really sucks. Now it will be like one big site...a VERY nice big site.
They occupy a nice granite point facing northeast. Of the two, 216 is much superior
with great swimming, a very nice view and sunsets. + Two decent tent pads.
-215 sits around the point in a weedy bay, with the firepit area on a flat exposed
rock at the waters edge with NO trees for shelter.. The tent pads are a long way up the rocks from the fire pit. ++There is excellent pike fishing in the bay behind the site, as well as off the rocks of the site.
 -Port Rawson Bay is an "overnighting" bay for power boats, and can be very busy at times.



+Large point facing SE. Good swimming site with large flat open rock area.
+2 large tent pads, one small pad. +Great view from fire pit area.
-Area is VERY busy with boat traffic at peak season.





+Nice site located on a point facing southwest.
+Good sand beach for swimming. 
+Good fishing off the site! +Small and sheltered with two good tent pads.
--Area will be VERY busy with boat traffic at peak season.
--Biggest drawback is the view of the just monster cottage across
from the site. If you like watching the big boats...then the site rates 4 stars.

219 ***    (Gilman Bay)


-Very hilly site. Area for 2 small tents. Climb down to water.
-Fire pit is on a slope. +Very scenic site if you don't mind climbing.

220 ***               " 


++Set in a very private small bay with a good fishing shoal nearby.
+Large rock point for stargazing, but bad swimming (weedy)
-2 suitable (not flat) tent pads. -open fire pit area.
-would be a buggy site in season.....

221 ***               


+Room for 3 large tents. Sheltered site, with large rocks for swimming.
-Area is busy with boat traffic at peak season, otherwise a nice site.

302 , 304 & 305 ***


All three are beautiful sites. Great morning sun, with a nice sand beach
connecting all three sites. Privacy between the sites back from the beach. Good tent
pads. Very busy with boat traffic through the narrows.



+large flat sandy lot with a nice sandy put-in. You can follow the sun around
the Bay from one beach to another.
 Home to some very pesky, and persistent raccoons.  Secure your stuff.



As of 2003 this site is 200metres NE of location printed on the 1998 map.
Elevated rocky site with nice views.  Deep water for diving.
No boat traffic in a quiet bay.  No afternoon shade. Bears sited in the area in summer 2007



Secluded, isolated from motor boat traffic.   Easy approach for canoe or kayak
 Picnic table nearby with great view.   Nice spot for one tent (4 person maximum)
- Swampy shore, muddy boat launch.  - Quite a few bugs.  - Poison ivy near by
- Not a good swimming spot



+Very secluded bay...2 sites across the bay only 3 in the whole area.
+Nice rock just off the site for swimming/sunbathing.  2 Tent sites only and very sloped.  
Good trees for the tarp....Good afternoon shade.  Bears sited in the area in summer 2007


Large site. No tent pads, lots of roots. - nice sand beach - very private, no boat traffic

- Morning sun, afternoon shade - great swimming - rattle snake seen near site



Fairly nice, on the east facing shore of the island. Large area of exposed rock down to the water's edge.  
Tent pad space somewhat limited but acceptable. (Two pads) one fairly rooty.  Neither was very flat.  
Easy access to another nice rock shoreline on the north side of the island, so the site affords both morning and afternoon sun.  Small rock islands off the shore were nice to swim and dive from. 
Minimal boat traffic as this island is somewhat tucked away.  



Very private, only campsite on the island, almost no traffic in front. Very scenic, good hiking around the island. 
Excellent fishing right off site. Good shelter at the site, lots of large trees and area to put up tarp.
Picnic table and good fire pit with cooking grill.
-Bit of a climb to site, but not too bad, lots of flat places to pull up canoe.
2 tent pads, not too level or very large, but adequate for a couple of smaller tents.
- swimming at the site is weedy and drops off quickly, although other parts of the island have better swimming.



Secluded, sheltered flat tent areas. Large flat rocks with some areas to wade around. A bit weedy in spots 
Good evening sun on large rock area. 

315***            " 


-small site, with two tent pads, one level, one "roller". Situated on a small point
facing south. -poor weedy swimming area. Ample trees for shelter. Resident rattler!
+site is set apart from other sites. + lightly used site => good supply of firewood



Breezy western exposure, with good view.  Some smooth rock.  Can be buggy in season.
Three tent sites.  Lights visible, also boat traffic offshore.



A muddy/weedy swale flows down to the beach from a swamp just above the campsite.  There are no tent pads but plenty of sand.  The feature of this site is the beach.  Great for small children as it has a wide beach with a shallow waterfront that extends out about 50’ before the drop off.  Tough for power boats unless you have a good anchor.  Can be very windy.. west exposure.  Fire wood is not too hard to find.

320 ***


Good site. Sand beach, great swimming, good wood, clean wooded tent sites(2 or 3),
Picnic table, buggy in woods, some boat traffic and bright light from PA club.  Good star watching.
Good views from atop a bluff.



Similar to 322 in that a small bay is next to a rocky outcropping.  The tent pads and picnic table are up on the outcropping so you need to haul all your gear up through the trees.  Nice spot to sit and watch the boats go by (if you like that)  Very buggy to head up to the thunderbox.



There are 2 tent pads - a large one and a small one. Both pads are composed of raised, walled structures containing sand (luxury!). There is a good sand canoe pull up. The boys camp on nearby Loon Island (Camp Hurontario) offers shooting (.22 and shotgun). You can hear both firearms quite clearly from the site. The camp's website tells you when the camp is running and mentions the shooting. Go when it isn't running if you want to avoid hearing shots.



Site 323 is on the opposite side of the island from site 324. It is high, rocky and very exposed. 
Faces east so gets the morning sun but misses the great sunsets of the western side. Decent swimming
A good spot to land but generally not a great place to be in an easterly wind.



## Relocated.....AGAIN...was on Wreck Island ...then it was on Woods Bay.....what a pain... Check your map!
Now located on a small island about 3km SW of Sharpe Island.  
The site can be difficult to find. It's well protected from the west winds off the bay. Little direct sun, site faces NE.
Sunny spots close by on the island however. Three nice tent pads. Decent swimming. Rocky canoe take out.

325 ****
(Wreck Island)


+Beautiful site in a sheltered inlet, with a small wetland out front, and a beaver dam behind. +Very private +Large clear rock area for fire, hanging out etc.
+Reasonable size tent pads back in the bush. Room for 3-4 large tents.
+Rock formation allows for natural "slips" for the canoes.
..It's a long paddle from Pete's Place...don't forget your compass!
 Recent Bear activity on the island. July 2009  Remember....bears like to swim.



+Nice beach. + rather isolated



Nice site. Very protected spot. Nice view across the bay.  Its not a large site but well "laid out" (potential for 3 good tent locations). Great swimming off the rocks.  Faces east... no sunsets.

328 , 329 & 330


All three sites run together as one big campsite with no real delineation between them.
Don't rent any of them if you're looking for privacy. Good for a large gathering though!
Plusses --Lots of tent pads in the woods behind 328.  329 has a nice firepit /cooking area.
330 has a nice small sand beach for swimming.
Minuses --There is boat traffic, and not much privacy. Privy on site 328 is too close to camp and not very private. There are few bear bag trees (tall and relatively far from camp), the fire pit for 328 is exposed on the rocks.  
Rattlesnakes seem to like this particular area....good or bad?  You decide!



It is relatively private although fishermen and some touring boats do pass by, but far enough from shore.
Good canoe pull up. Decent beach. Okay to play in the water (not weedy) although too shallow to really swim.
Two good tent pads, one on sand by the beach and one under the cover of trees. Nice breeze off the water chases mosquitoes and keeps the temperature cool. Nice exploring on foot close at hand.
Excellent area for short or long paddles. Lots of islands to explore and gorgeous natural scenery.
Huge rocky outcrop at southwest tip of island, with amazing views


334***1/2 (not quite 4*)




Older maps ( y2k and older ) these two sites on Pleasant Island.  The 2003 map shows NO sites 
on Pleasant Island.  Both sites are now located on a small island 1km. SW of Sharpe Island. 

334....A large site with flat sandy, level tent pads for 3 tents.  Very large sandy beach facing south, with 
easy haul up for the canoes. The beach is in  full sun for most of the day. West facing rocky points that catch the 
breeze and blow away bugs. Quite heavy motor boat activity.  Site well isolated from other sites.

335   NO tent pads, a couple of rough tent sites up a hill from the fire area. - shallow water - no deep swimming.
- no good spot for a tarp close to a fire pit. - nice view to the south. - thunderbox well away from the main site.



Sheltered in a bay, good fire wood, course sandy area. Poor swimming  No view. NO tent pad
The only place to put a tent is at the waters edge.

340*  ...Relocated 


340 - now located just 100 meters north of site 311- no longer in Woods Bay, but instead located west of 
Moon Island. Poor site! - grassy campsite, at head of narrow bay. Will be buggy in season. Shallow water 
- poor swimming - no diving rock.
**** old site 340 in Woods Bay no longer shown on the current map ****



+Shallow gravel sand area to land boats or for wading . The campsite itself is elevated.
 +Room for a couple tents. Smooth elevated rock site. Great views. 
 Swimming either from the shallow area or deep water jumping from the rocks.
 Boaters have been abusing the site recently. Garbage, Toilet Paper deposits etc.. 
 Hopefully it has been cleaned up.



Secluded site, with excellent swimming, beautiful smooth rocky point jutting into water. Nearby island across from site provides excellent buffer from distant motorized boat traffic & wonderful privacy screen. Large site with well placed firepit, picnic table, trees for erecting shelters or tarps and space for 3 tents on soft surfaces or more if willing to erect tents in woods. Excellent area for pulling up canoes.



Four large tent pads. Long sand beach. Full shade. Small area around fire pit, could probably fit 7 people. 
Very little fire wood. A lot of traffic through the straight, probably 10-15 boats per hour.

Send me information! 
Site descriptions, interesting places, bears anything...........
Please include a location of the campsite in question so we know that it's the same place!



Lots of heavy, fast boat traffic through the straight. Site is elevated for good views, 3 great sand tent pads.

Beware of the Moon River Marine water taxi! If interested...ask me why.



Campsite is elevated with good views, secluded from sites to either side. Steep drop to water.
Very nice sand beach. Picnic table, 3 tent pads. Easy tarp setup. Sun in the morning and well into the evening. 
Heavy boat traffic through the channel. 



Water access is very poor.  Very steep sloping rocks to the water.  Bad site.



No description yet.



Limited view but it is least until a boat motors up the narrow channel. + Two excellent tent pads.
Two fire pits.  Great swimming off steep rocks.   



No description yet.



No description yet.

501***   (Blackstone Harbour)   


 Not bad. 

502**                  " 


 -small, high up and very overgrown.  -Boat traffic.

503**                  " 


 -small, high up and very overgrown.  -Boat traffic.

504**                " 


+Nice large site. +Poor sloped tent sites  +Flat rocks for launching
a canoe or kayak. Exceptional view!

505***                " 


+Very large site + Good protected tent sites +Flat rocks for launching
a canoe or kayak. HUGE scenic flat rocks gently slope down to the water.

506***                " 


 -Far too busy with all the boat traffic heading through the narrows.
Otherwise not a bad site. +Scenic view, room for two tents (not level pads).

Lots of good tent pads.

507 *                   " 


 -Far too busy with all the boat traffic heading through the narrows.
Plagued by a very cheeky bear (Summer 09)  Most of these sites 505-511 are visited by likely the same bear.

508**                    " 


 -Far too busy with all the boat traffic heading through the narrows.
Otherwise looks like a nice site with a small sand beach.

509***               " 


+Nice site on an east facing point. +Good swimming +Nice view.
+Close for first night -Heavy traffic from boats and canoes. Two good tent pads.

510**                  " 


-Totally unprotected - few trees close by   -No privacy 
+Near a nice beach for swimming

511***                " 


+Nice beach +Protected site 
 Plagued by a very cheeky bear (Summer 09).  Park Ranger knows all about her and says they may put up proper frame for hanging food. Beware, she can climb trees and even, I’m told, get into anti-bear barrels.

512****              " 


 +Nice large site  + Sheltered from the elements +small beach
+High rocky ridge behind the site has a wonderful view
 Best site on Blackstone.  Busy area in summer. Plagued by a very cheeky bear (Summer 09) See site 511 bear.

513*       (Conger Lake) Closed 

This site no longer shows up on the y2k map...probably closed!
-High, rocky, --small, brushy - No point for sunbathing.

514***            "  


- Easy docking. Room for 2 large tents on nice even ground carved out in the trees.
- Fire pit located on the rock shoreline. - Great swimming, sand beach on each side of the site.
- Grill/Wok - GREAT FISHING !!!!

515***           " 


The site is on very uneven ground. No decent tent pads.  Poor swimming, weedy.
Great view, secluded area with no other sites nearby.  Lots of firewood.

516                      " Closed 

This site no longer shows up on the y2k map...probably closed!
The new map shows a site #514...ask about it instead.
#516--Doesn't even rate one star....real bad!

517***                " 


+Nice view, +sunny location, +flat rocks for sunbathing. 
--Conger Lake is boring!

519**                  "


-Fairly small  - no good swimming or sunbathing.

520****  (Little Blackstone Lake)


--Moved .............Check a new map for correct location.

Large concentration of trees for shelter and wind break. Very low traffic area - no boat access, closest site is not visible from site and is 200m away. 2-3 tent sites, fairly flat. Excellent fishing on entire lake and directly off site.

Very close to hiking trail. No sand beach, slimy rock to get into water, no weeds. Excellent layout. Firepit 10m from water's edge, picnic table, tent sites 50m back from firepit in woods. Thunder box not private - very close to tent sites

Very clean. Excellent deadwood supply within 1 minute from site. Site not used often. Lots of shade.



Not much flat area for tent; nice sunsets; not very private (#522 is directly across a narrow channel) Deep swimming



Not very private (#521 is directly across a narrow channel) Afternoon shade; deep swimming.

523***           "


Nice large site. Rock takeout. Completely private.  Great fire pit on rocks overlooking lake. Good high rock for jumping into water (about 12ft) and little or no weeds. Tent pad is decent size we fit our 4 man tent with plenty  of space to spare.

(Jenner Bay)


The only access to Jenner Bay is on the west side of Kinnear Island. The north channel
requires an easy 100m portage on grassy land.

601*** (Jenner Bay)


-Good site, totally secluded, private bay.  Big long sandy beach. 
-Site is down close to the water with lots of flat space for tents.

602  ....New (Jenner Bay)


Brand new site just carved out of the woods. The two tent pads have many sharp
twigs sticking up which could pierce a tent floor. May improve with use. If not for the
low water levels, and the beach out front, the site would be unuseable.

602*** (Goose Neck Bay)       Closed 


There is now a site 602 on Jenner Bay. 602 on Goose Neck is Closed wasn't very good anyway.



Access is very weedy and muddy. The landing is very grassy, or underwater, depending on water levels. Good tree cover.
Tent pads are uneven and the site is very small. The firepit sometimes gets drowned underwater depending on water levels. Poor swimming. Large boats and yachts like to anchor overnight in significant numbers during the prime season of July and August, so you will rarely have the bay to yourself....A rarely used site.

604***1/2 (Goose Neck Bay)


+Huge flat granite point. +Huge site with room for 10 tents
(your only allowed 3).  2 fire pits, Weedy swimming & fishing.
Great site in an only OK location.  Gooseneck Bay isn't the best part of the park!
--- lots of broken glass...Beware!

605***               "


- Two tent sites. -fire pit is located on a sloping granite hillside.
- long climb up to tent sites +Nice view. 

606**                 "


--Very small. -Tucked in the woods. +Good view of the bay.
-Room for one tent right beside the thunderbox .
+-If the water is low you can camp on the beach.

Old 607*        ...Relocated            

Closed....this description is for the old site on Gooseneck Bay...description  remains for when it reopens.
-- Very small, --lousy swimming, -One servicable tent pad....unless the
water is low then you can camp on the gravel beach.



Now located at the entrance to Goose Neck Bay.  Small site suitable for 2 tents.
Good swimming off the rocks.

608*      Closed 


Closed....the description remains for when it reopens.
--Steep climb to the site.--small brushy site -very poor swimming
- Two serviceable tent pads. -below average view
--Crappy fire pit area 
Map shows the site on the's really 30metres north on the main shore.

609                  "


Send me a description!

610***                 "


-Only one good tent spot. +Large area of exposed rock for sunbathing.
- Busy area at entrance to the bay. +Good swimming. Nice view.

611**                   "


Yuck! Too small. Stuck back in the woods. Buggy.
Nice view of a scenic area.

Send me information!
Site descriptions, interesting places, bears anything...........
Please include a location of the campsite in question so we know that it's the same place!

Thanks for dropping by.......Blair Caron