Name A.J.'s siblings---Brain--- He doesn't have any. AJ---He doesn't have any.
What's his birthday?---Brian--- January 9---AJ--- January 9,1978
Where was he born?---Brian--- West Palm Beach---AJ--- West Palm Beach,FL What's the capital of Florida?---Brain--- Tallahassee---AJ--- Tallahassee
What dwarf did he play in "Snow White"?---Brian--- Dopey?*---AJ--- Dopey
How many tattoos does he have?---Brian--- Let me see... 10?**---AJ--- 10
What's his lucky number?---Brian--- He says it's 69.---AJ--- 69
What kind of truck does he drive?---Brian--- Ford Expedition---AJ--- Ford Expedition(it's gray)
Name his two dogs---Brian--- Panda and Bear---AJ--- Panda and Bear
*With assistance from Nick