Justin Lover's Association will be closed for a while!! I am sooooo sorry! I had to take a few months to calm down and to spend more time with my family. I also had plans to make another big ass website, which turned into a HUGE success: Justin Timberlake WorldWide. It's not open yet, but I am starting to get 200 emails a day about it, so I'm taking that as a sign! Also, I will be reopening this site, as well as my other site, Sara's *NSYNC DreamLand, right after Justin Timberlake WorldWide is open!! So, please e-mail me if you have any questions, comments or concerns! I love you all very much and Justin Lover's Association will be coming to a computer near you really soon!! I wanna wish the best of luck to my bud and I believe, my still partner in crime, Jess, with her 2 sites. Good luck Jess and God Bless You!

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