Chapte One

As they stood facing each other, Jade finally spoke the words she never thought she could say to him.

"I love you." She found them, at that moment, to be the three most difficult words in the English language.

He stood staring at her, unable to speak. Even when she turned to walk away, he couldn't find any words to say.

Jade slowly began to walk, trying very hard not to let her pain show. She held her head up and refused to let herself cry.

"Jade..." his voice was shaky.

She stopped, but didn't turn to face him. When he didn't say anything else, she knew he wasn't going to. "Goodbye, Kevin."


Jade stopped what she was doing and listened. Hearing the phone ring again, she went to answer it.

"Hello?" she asked as she brushed some stray harir out of her face.

"J, whatchadoin'?"

"Cleaning. You wanna come clean for me?" she laughed. "I'll let you, I don't mind.

"I'll come over, but I'm telling you now, I'm not cleaning," he laughed.

"Brian, you've gotta help me," she whined playfully.

"Well, I guess I can help a little, but not much," he sighed dramatically.


Plopping down on the couch, Jade and Brian surveyed their hard work. "Looks good," she sighed exhaustedly.

"Yeah, well, you know..." Brian rubbed his chin as Jade punched him in the arm.

"We did do a good job. I'd still be cleaning if you hadn't come over."

"So, what's been going on lately? I haven't seen you much," he slowly began to change the subject.

"Not much. I took a vacation from my job. I just need a break," she subconsciencely began to turn her ring on her finger. "Sometimes I wish I could take a break from my life."

"Yeah, I know exactly how you feel. So, what's up with you and Kevin?"

"Look, Brian, I don't feel like talking about this. Not with you or anyone else," she was growing frustrated before they even began talking about Kevin.

"Well, someone should let me know why two people who used to be so close are now avoiding the hell out of each other," he argued. "J, Kevin is my cousin and I've known you forever."

"I'm serious! I didn't let you come over so you could bug me about this," her eyes watered over adn she stood up.

Grabbing her arm, Brian pulled Jade into a tight hug. "You're like my sister, and I'm only bugging you so I can help you. I don't like seeing you like this."

Jade took a deep breath. Not knowing what to do, she began to cry. She felt Brian's arms tighten around her and she knew she had to tell somebody.

"I love him, Brian. I love him, and I told him," she sobbed. "I ruined everything."

"Shhh, you didn't ruin anything baby," he rocked her gently, wishing there was a way to make her feel better.

Next Chapter
