Chatper Eleven

Jade sat waiting for Kevin to arrive. He picked a place near her so she wouldn't have far to go and no excuse to stand him up. Why did I agree to meet him?

"Hey," Kevin greeted quietly.


"I'm glad you decided to come."

Jade offered a small smile and shrugged slightly. "I just don't understand what we have to talk about."

"Everything. We need to talk about everything," he sighed and took her hand across the table.

Gently slipping her hand from his, Jade shook her head. "Kevin, we've already talked about everything. There's nothing else to say."

"No, there are so many things you deserve to hear. I want to apologize for the way I've acted."

"Stop Kevin. Don't apologize because it was supposed to be like this," Jade said looking him directly in the eyes. "Everything happens for a reason. I don't know why this has happened the way it has, but it did. Eventually we'll know the reason." Standing up she smiled. "Maybe we'll know why before too long. Just don't be sorry, Kevin. I think I understand." With that, she got her things and left.


"Hey Jade, what's up?" A.J. greeted her as he opened the door.

She smiled and replied, "Nothin'. I just thought I'd stop by for a little while. Is Meredith here?"

"No," he closed the door and followed her into the house. "Brian and Nick are here. We're watching the game. Meredith had a photo shoot today."

As they entered the living room, they were greeted by cheers from the television, as well as the two viewers in the room.

"Yay!" Jade cheered, getting their attention. Laughing, she asked, "Who's winning?"

"Kentucky, of course," Brian said, grinning broadly. "Looks like me and Nick are gonna be $50 richer thanks to Bone."

"What the hell ever," A.J. retorted.

"Kentucky's up by 20 points and there's 3 minutes left in the 4th quarter. You need a miracle to win this bet," Nick stated with a smirk. "Get ready to fork over $100." Walking over to Jade, he greeted her with a hug. "And how are you today?"

"Absolutely fine," she smiled. "I know you're fine. You are apparently a little richer."

Nick smirked and nodded when he heard Brian cheering and A.J. swearing. "I love winning."

"I can tell," she laughed.

"So, what brings you here?"

"I just felt like dropping by. I was gonna see if Meredith wanted to go shopping or something, but since she's not here, I'll talk to you I guess," she said trying to fake a frown.

"See, you know you can't lie," he grinned. "You don't mind spending time with me after all."

Making their way to A.J.'s kitchen, they both got a soda and sat at the table. Fidgeting with her can, Jade let out a sigh. "Kevin called me today."

"Really? Nick's eyes narrowed slightly. "What did he want?"

"To talk. I agreed to meet him for lunch, but I left because there was no point for me to even go," she answered.

"You okay?" he took one of her hands into his.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she smiled brightly. I just wish I didn't fall harder every time I see him. "I think you definitely just won $50," she laughed at Brian's sudden 'Ha ha! In your face!'


"Where have you been?" Alexia snapped as soon as Kevin walked through the door.


"That's not an answer, Kevin. Where were you?"

"Somewhere, Alexia. Why do you care?" he glared.

"Because I'm entitled to know where you are. Damn Kevin, I am your fiancee'," she said through clenched teeth. "Were you with that stupid whore?"

"Shut the hell up Alexia! First of all, Jade is not a stupid aren't entitled to shit!"

As Alexia watched his retreating form, she grew angrier and angrier. "You're just mad cause she won't fuck you! You wanted an easy piece of ass and she wouldn't give it to you!"

"I've got an easy piece of ass. Most guys would love to have someone to fuck them at the snap of a finger."

For a split second Alexia looked stung by his words, but she quickly recovered. "Too bad they don't all have Jade." Before Kevin had time to respond, she had turned and walked away. A few minutes later he heard the front door slam and her car fly out of the driveway.


As Jade pulled into her driveway, she eyed the unfamiliar car parked beside hers. Who could be here? she wondered, finding her house key. Just as she reached the front door, she realized just who the car belonged to.

"Well, if it isn't everybody's favorite whore," Alexia said, opening the front door for Jade.

"How the hell did you get in my house?"

Smirking, she threw a key at her. "Well, if you didn't try so fucking hard to impress Kevin and get into his life--"

"No, Alexia, I am in his life. Why don't you just face it? I was around long before you and I'll be in his life after he dumps your sorry ass," Jade stood her ground.

"That's where you're wrong. You, bitch, are out of the picture," she spat, throwing a sealed envelope in Jade's face. "Hope you had fun, cause it's over."

Jade inspected the envelope. Her name was scrawled sloppily across the front. "What is this?"

"Open it you dumb ass," Alexia rolled her eyes. "He told me to bring it to you and to make sure you had it in your hands when I left. As I see it, my job is done. I'm going home to my fiancee'...remember Jade, he's mine! I have his fame, his baby, his ring, his bed, soon his name, and his heart! What exactly do you have?"

"Get out of my house before I get rid of you myself," Jade spoke with even tones.

"I'm going, Alexia stated. Before getting into her car, she called with an evil gleam in her eyes, "Happy reading."

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