Chapter Twelve

Jade couldn’t believe it. She read the letter again, hoping that it would somehow be different. Unfortunately, it wasn’t and it broke her heart even more.

After Alexia left, Jade went inside and sat down on the couch to read the letter that had been literally thrown in her face. The letter began “Jade, this has to stop...” That was enough for her, but she kept reading. Simply stated, Kevin had told her to get out of his life and stay out.

For almost 2 hours, Jade had read and re-read the letter trying to figure things out. She was confused, angry, heart broken, the list went on and on. Why? Why did he do this? The thing that confused Jade most was why he had called her. She tried to reason,Maybe this is a mistake. But there’s no mistaking that handwriting. There was not doubt in Jade’s mind that it was Kevin’s.

Sighing heavily, Jade placed the letter back in the envelope. She had contemplated ripping it up or burning it, but ultimately decided against both of those options. “That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, she sighed out loud. “Well, I damn well better be Wonder Woman.”


Kevin sat in the dark living room, growing angrier with every passing second. I have put up with Alexia’s shit long enough. That stops tonight. When he heard the door open and Alexia try to tiptoe in, his anger grew even more. He heard her mumble a string of curses when she bumped into the table in the foyer. When she switched the light on, she jumped.

“Damn, Kevin, you scared me to death,” she slurred slightly.

Narrowing his eyes, Kevin asked, “Where have you been?”

Smirking, she mumbled, “Out.”

“Don’t start this shit Alexia,” he growled.

“Start what Kevin? Isn’t that what you told me when I asked you that same question?”

“I was gone at lunch time, not fucking,” he paused to check his watch and continued, “3 am. Now where the hell were you?”

“Don’t yell at me you asshole,” she pointed at him.

“Have you been drinking?” Kevin asked.

“And if I have?” she shot back defiantly.

“Has it totally escaped you that you’re pregnant?” Kevin grabbed her arms and began to shake her. “What the fuck is wrong with you Alexia? Are you totally brain dead?”

“Let go of me!” she screamed. “Why do you care whether or not I’ve been drinking? It’s not like this is your problem.”

“I’m not gonna sit back and watch you kill my baby,” he said, backing her against the wall.

“Fuck you, Kevin,” she spat, hatefully. “Don’t worry about this. You’re not watching me kill your baby. If this was your baby, then you could worry.”

Kevin released his grip on her suddenly. He was floored by her confession. Of course, he had had doubts when she first announced her pregnancy, but he had dismissed them soon after. He really was excited about having a baby. Up until recently, Kevin had really thought he loved Alexia and maybe she loved him as well. Now though he didn’t want to look at her. She was just like everybody else...all he was to her was a ticket to being in the spotlight.

“Whasthamatter Kevy?” Alexia smiled cruelly.

“Get your shit and get out of my house,” he said coldly.

Alexia’s face fell. “What?” She must have heard him wrong. Surely he wouldn’t throw a pregnant woman out onto the streets at 3 am.

“You heard me.”

“But Kevin, where will I go?”

“I don’t give a flying fuck where you decide to go. Why don’t you go to the father? Or do you even know who that is?”

“Kevin..” her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “Baby...” This definitely wasn’t part of her plan.

“Get out Alexia,” he glared at her. Pointing toward the door, he added, “Now.”

Realizing exactly what had happened, Alexia walked out the front door. When she turned to say something, the door slammed in her face.

On the other side, Kevin leaned against the door, rubbing his temples. I have to talk to Jade...tell her I made a mistake...I just hope I’m not too late...

Next Chapter
