Chapter Eight

All throughout dinner Jade would look up and find Kevin staring at her. She even noticed Alexia elbow him once.

“You know,” Alexia began, “this has been so nice.” I’m gonna fix them both. I’ve definitely got Kevin where I want him now, and that is not going to change.

“Yeah, I think we all need a big group hug...does anybody agree?” A.J. asked, wiping away fake tears.

“Shut-up,” Alexia rolled her eyes. “I just want to share our happiness with everyone.”

“We’re all happy enough,” A.J. forced a smile. “See?”

Looking at Kevin, Alexia took his hand and blurted out, “We’re getting married.”

With those three words, everything stopped. Everyone turned to look, in total shock, at Kevin and Alexia.

“W-What?” Meredith stuttered. Half laughing, she asked, “You’re joking, right? I know you can’t be serious.”

“No,” she narrowed her eyes at Meredith. “It’s not a joke...we’re gonna be married. Soon.”

“Is it because you’re knocked up of because you are actually in love which,” she paused and looked at Kevin, “I don’t believe.” That’s when it dawned on her that Jade wasn’t aware of Alexia’s pregnancy. “Oh my God...” she whispered.

Kevin closed his eyes and tried to swallow the lump in his throat when he heard Jade drop her fork. She didn’t know. Dammit, she was the only one who didn’t know.

Alexia looked at Jade with a triumphant smirk. “No, actually that’s not why. Yes, I am pregnant, but that only adds to our happiness.”

“Shit,” Meredith blurted out. “The only reason y’all are getting married so soon is so the media won’t put the dates together and find out your FAT ASS was already pregnant!”

Jade sat, shocked, staring at Alexia and Kevin. They were holding hands and Alexia was smiling broadly. Kevin, though, looked upset and his smile didn’t seem genuine. She stood up quietly and got her jacket and purse as she had before. Avoiding everyone’s eyes, she made her way to the exit. Without turning around she said softly, “Congratulations.”

Before she was gone she heard Alexia in an almost too sugary voice reply, “Thanks, hun.”


Jade sat on the couch and listened as her answering machine picked up again. When she left the restaurant she simply decided to take a walk. To her relief, everyone was smart enough to know that she wanted to be alone and didn’t follow her.

She walked for a little while then found a pay phone and called a cab. After getting home, Jade changed clothes and curled up on the couch. Now, she was listening to see who was calling this time.

“J, it’s Brian. I’m worried about you. Call me, sweetie.” **BEEP**

For the last two hours she had listened as Nick, Meredith, Brian, A.J., Leighanne, Howie, and Shauna all called repeatedly. There were numerous messages from each of them. With every message they left, they all sounded a little more worried.

“I can’t talk to anybody right now,” she sighed softly. “Not right now.”

To her surprise, Alexia hadn’t called and left a bitchy message. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Jade had hoped that maybe Kevin would call. Apparently, it hadn’t bothered him about dinner.

Her phone started ringing again and she waited for the machine to pick up as usual. She was so tired of listening, but refused to answer.

“Hey, it’s me,” Nick sounded extremely worried. “I figured you’d screen your calls. You have a very good reason, but Jade, c’mon. Please pick up the phone and talk to me. At least call me when you feel up to it. Bye, baby.” **BEEP**

Sighing, she leaned her head back against the couch. “Why does he care so much? He shouldn’t spend his time worrying about what Kevin does to me.”

This time when her phone rang, she picked it up. If I don’t answer now, I never will. “Hello?”

“You feelin’ okay? I was beginning to wonder if you were dead,” Meredith replied.

“No, but girl, I feel like I’ve been kicked a few good times. I haven’t felt like talking to anybody, if ya know what I mean.”

“Yeah, I know. Do you need any company? I can come over if you want,” she offered.

“It’s okay,” Jade answered. “Honestly, I’d rather be alone. I don’t want to make others depressed, too.”

“Well, you know if you change your mind just call me, okay?” Meredith said. “I’ll call everybody and let them know you’re okay. Talk to ya later sweetie.”

“Okay, thanks Meredith. Bye.”


Getting up, Jade decided to go to bed. “If I sleep, I don’t have to think about it,” she reasoned to herself.


Kevin sat at the kitchen table thinking about dinner. He hadn’t really planned to make their engagement public just yet, but Alexia took it upon herself to make that announcement. The news about the baby was well known to everyone except Jade.

Jade. Kevin sighed loudly and poured himself another drink. How did all of this happen? Why did it happen?

Alexia came in and sat down on Kevin’s lap. Taking his free hand, she kissed his cheek and sighed dreamily. “I’m so happy, aren’t you, baby?”

“Yeah,” he replied distractedly. “I’m gonna go to bed, Lexi. I’m tired and I don’t feel that great. G’night,” he said, instinctively kissing her on the forehead.

“Night,” she said, silently scowling. She knew he was thinking about none other than Jade and everything that had happened. There has to be some way to get her off of his mind for good. I’ve got to do better.

Next Chapter
