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*Nvincible *Nsync Homepage!

This page is still under construction, but has LOTS of features already here! Just go down to the buttons and links =) Nsyncpic1

If you own an *Nsync page, don't forget to email me so i can put the link on this page! And if you do have a page, please put a link to this site on your page. Thanks.

If you have an award for this page, please email the code to me! Thanks. If I get an award you will recieve and *Nsync prize =)

If you find any mistakes on this page such as broken links, mispelled words, etc., please tell me and you will recieve an *Nsync prize!

Note: I hate plagorizers, so please, don't steal these pics, ask the artist stated under the pic or if there isn't an artist, ASK ME! But please don't take the pictures, info, etc. without permission and giving them credit. Thanks! (P.S. If you don't like *Nsync and you send in hatemail, it WILL be posted, that's a fair warning).

ATTENTION: Lou Pearlman, (the one trying to destroy Nsync!) (No! Not Lou Bega, a different Lou!), is putting out *Nsync's album sooner than the JIVE version. Lou's version only has 75% of the songs, and he's trying to take *Nsync's money. So please, wait for the JIVE version of NO STRINGS ATTACHED! Don't give Lou Pearlman the money! His version has a little cartoon on the front. If it's not the JIVE version of *Nsync's albumn, then don't buy it or you will be giving the guy trying to destroy *Nsync money! If you truley love *Nsync, wait a little longer for the jive albumn which has 100% of the songs, not 75% like Lou's version. Please wait for the Jive and help support *Nsync! Don't five that Lou Pearlman guy any money!

Welcome *Nsync fans! This is a webpage devoted to ONLY *Nsync and their fans! If you do not like *Nsync, then this page is NOT for you. I am still adding more links, fun, pics, lyrics, and lots of info to this page so please be patient, this page might not be totally finished until...well....I have *Nsync's "No Strings Attached" in my hands.

Also, I need lots of *Nsync pics. If you have *Nsync pics that you can send me to let me put on this page, you will get 100% full credit! If you have anything else *Nsync that you would like to put on this page such as lyrics, wavs, music, background pics, etc., please send them in also and you will recieve 100% full credit on these also!

Plus, whenever you send in *Nsync stuff to me, you will recieve a cool pic, wav, etc. in your email to let you know Thanks for helping me out on my *Nsync webpage!

Please send this *Nsync link to all of your *Nsync friends so I can get alot of visitors!

Don't forget to check out the cool links at the bottom (most are still under major construction!) and send in any fan mail you wish and if you would like me to post your fan mail, just say so in the mail. Thanks!

This page will be updated at least weekly, so come back every week for new features! Thanks!

If you haven't noticed, I haven't updated this page in kinda a long time. Well now I'm doing it today! You should see all the things you sent in very soon! Don't forget to check the "My Thank-you's" for all the people who helped me with this website! Thanks!

P.S. everyone...the single of ByeByeBye is out! But it's an import from Germany! It's way overpriced since it's an import, so please just wait until March 21st, it'll save you big bucks.

Only buy the Jive version of No Strings Attched.

Pic from

*Nvincible *Nsync Links!

Just click the button to go =)

(one above not done yet! sorry!)

Creator of this pic (Now and Forever)

PLEASE go here! You can get points and win COOL stuff such as nintendos, makeup, electronics, backstage passes to NSYNC and other concerts, tickets to any concert, any CD you want, MORE! If you go, then I will get some points, and so will you! Go here! it's worth it! When you sign up, put Meghan1386 in the box saying who referred you to Kiwibox. Thanks.

Go here to get your site on the top 20! Please click!

I support the guys

Anita's 'N Sync Site - One of the best sites out there!

Robyn's Nstense *Nsync Page

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See Chris's independent project website (

*Nvincible *Nsync
Where every visit is magical

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*Nvincible Nsync*
*Where every visit is magical*

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Please put this banner on your page! I'd really appreciate it. I can give you the code for it or you can just right click on the pic and press SAVE. (there are 2 banners above, the one right above this message is better (the bigger one))

Meet my Pikachu MegaSync

Click HERE to get your own Pikachu!

Banner created by
Please add this banner to your site! I will give you the HTML code for it or you can just right click on it and press SAVE =)

................................PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION!................................


tHiS pAgE wAs LaSt UpDaTeD oN mArCh 12Th, 2000!

tHiS pAgE wAs CrEaTeD oN dEcEmBeR 23rd, 1999

The Webpage Address here is:
That's in case that angelfire box comes up and you try and put this page in your favs, it may mark the category box, so if you do put this in your favs, make sure it's the right address.

3 Facts about *Nsync

  • There new albumn will come out March 21, 2000
  • Nsync means Always Togther
  • Most importantly...*NSync is #1!!!!!!!

Links to other *Nsync webpages (if you want yours added here email me)
Nysnc Vs. BSB of 2000! (Owned by me)
Why *Nsync is better than BSB (sorry to all of ya that are BSB fans) (owned by me)
The Greatest *Nsync Fanfiction
Robyns Ntense *Nsync Page
Jen's Nsync Website
SugaSync's NSYNC LIVE site
*Nsync Online
