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BSB Quiz
(contains humor, GET OUT if you can't handle it...yes, I'm talking about the teeny boppers)

Circle the correct answer to each BSB related question. 5 points each.

1. What will Aj's next tattoo be of and where?

a. Golden Arches of Micky D's on his lack-of-an-ass
b. "Property of Linda" on his ass
c. Goat tee/Mustache tattoo so he doesn't have to run to the freakin store everytime his black marker runs out from excessive use

2. Howie's favorite color is purple...Is this a coincidence?

a. I think not...he and Twinkle Winkle *da purple telli tubbie* are twins
b. Yeah, purple is a purty color and a purple corvette picks up more chicks
c. Yes, the people who say that Howie's gay has Penis Envy...guys are jealous of its size and gurls are mad they can't have it

3. Does Kevy have 2 caterpillars growing on his face?

a. Oh no you just didn't say what I thought you said...Leave Da Man's brows alone, they be seky yo. I wanna Stroke Da Brows and a bunch of other places *evil grin*
b. Who cares, as long as they keep the sweat away from his gorgeous eyes
c. So that was what I saw moving on his face...ooh, I wanna dye them orange and green like a real caterpillar, LOL

4. What does Brian carry in his nostrils *referrin to the times of him flaring them out*?

a. Tyke in his right nostril
b. His basketball in his left nostril
c. What the heck, he has both Tyke and his basketball up there along with 3 boxes of Kraft Mac&Cheese he stole from Kmart



Scoring - As long as you picked an answer you got the points since all the choices were valid, so you get a perfect score of 100% *putting gold star sticker on ya*. If you failed to pick a freakin answer...well then, you're dumber than pun intended, LOL.

*Damn, another failed quiz to add to my resume...oh well, gotta go back to Poles-R-Us and study*