Poon Daddy says:
"roll with me babies"

Call in and Request Backdrop on
FM 89.1 WONC

or instant message your request @ FM89

Here are the answers to your Questions!!!! Questions are in blue and the answers are in red. keep these questions coming! rkman79@hotmail.com

Remember that Ronnie does represent Backdrop, but his answers reflect his own beliefs and his knowledge of the band.

Q#52 Aaron Harker asks 3-19-02

Dear Ronnie,
First off Backdrop kicks ass. But here's my question. Have you ever had an incredibly bad ball itch while standing up somewhere in public? What do you do? I remember when I was younger and I was standing up in church and needed to itch my nads but I didn't know what to do because we were in the front of the church. Oh, don't you hate it when you go to a resterant like Denny's and the waiter acts like he's your friend or something, and then he squats down by the table to talk to you. Thanks.


Whats up Aaron, yes i have had an incredibly bad itch on my bean bag while in a public place. It's a pretty bad situation, what I usually do is stick my hand in a pocket and sneak a little itch, or if that seems to obvious I will turn around with my back towards the crowd and do some itching. That usually does bother me a little bit, when a waiter sits at the table to take an order. I don't like it only if it is some guy who is trying to be funny. But if it's a pretty girl I would probably like it, unless its at a place like Hooters because you know theyr'e doing it just because they want a big tip.

Q#51 Pam asks: 2-4-02

For the song Devastation, what does "if it wasn't for your 45's" mean? What's going on there?
Pam from Valpo


Congratulations Pam, your'e the big winner! You are the very first person to ask me a good, interesting question about the band. Something that had to do with the bands material, and not like, What is Darrens' favorite color or, like why is Darren so hot. I bet you're a bright young lady. I'm almost positive Eric wrote that line because his dad had a collection of records that Eric used to listen to. Forty-fives are the size of the records, I think there are a few different sizes. Sorry Skach-Man, I think your questions are interesting also.

Q#50 Superfly asks: 2-4-02

Ronnie John Skach here of the Skach Family Ancestry. Is it true that there
are meetings Friday nights at C.O.D. for married women looking for young men between the ages on 18 and 26 to commit to a "My husbands at work wanna come over" program? Please give me any information you might have on this. Also my agent recently got me an audition for the ABC series NYPD BLUE and I GOT IT!!! I was offered a 6 episode deal for $128,000, the thing is I'd have to move to NY and LA for 6 months do you think I should do it? It'd be a great career move for me but I'd have to move and get readjusted for a while. I mean don't get me wrong I'd get to work with an idol of mine, Dennis Franz who plays Det. Any Sipowicz and use to be on the long run Police drama in the late 70's and early 80's "Hill Street Blues" If I take this job I'd be able to pay off the Porsche I bought myself for Christmas BUT I am a little nervous about the move. I will be playing a Narcotics cop out of the 23rd Precinct from the Bronx. Let me know what you think hot rod. Last thing...don't you think Darren has a great vocal range? See you soon dude. SuperFly John Skach; Chubby Nothin' and The Bone


John Skrach, whats up my man?! Nice to hear from you again, I think I know what you are talking about with the ladies at C.O.D. I don't know if everyone knows, but being the scholar that I am, I went to C.O.D for three years. It is true that it is a two year school, but I just wanted to get my moneys worth. I had a few night classes there over that time span, and one night C.O.D was holding some big kind of meeting. It was over by the bookstore, and the arcade-snackshop area, right above there are some conference rooms. I was walking past there heading to my car, and I noticed there were many very attractive middle-aged women walking around that area right around the conference rooms. They must have been on a break or something, anyways, I remember feeling kind of odd because as I walked they were all smiling, giggling to one another. Back then it was all kind of weird, but know that you mention I think that explains it. Maybe you should try going over there on a friday night and introduce yourself to these ladies. As for the NYPD Blue situation, I think you should do it. I think it would be a great experience to work with Dennis Franz, and get some exposure. On second thought.... no, don't do it. Everyone will be astonished with your charming good looks, and your amazing talent. They will all continue to get very jealous, and interpret you as a threat to their carrers, even Dennis. I think eventually you would let the fame get to your head, and you would end up being a selfish ego-maniac. So I would just stay around here, lounge around the house in your underwear, while eating chocolate ice-cream out of the carton, and playing around on the internet.

Q#49 Get up Mike asks: 1-4-02

yah dude, there this girl i really like, and she used to like my best friend.
now she found out recently that hes not interested. now, shes trying to get over him, and she knows i do like her. but i dunno what to do. help me out. peace out.


Don't do it! You always must put friends before ladies. It would not be right to go out with your best friends girl. Even though they are broken up or whatever, he will still not be too happy about it I'm sure. At least wait it out, later.

Q#48 Nat asks: 1-4-02

Hey! Just wondering why you think people insist on being inconsiderate
cowards that don't give thought to anothers feelings. This is a question that has stumped me for quite some time now. How did you spend your holidays? I hope they were wonderful. Also do you have any comments on the Metro staff. I personally are not too fond of them nowsadays. Although, Roy is a mighty cool security guy! Don't you think? (He's the big friendly guy.) Well take care hon. Backdrop Rules! *nat


Hey Nat, I think people that are always inconsiderate have problems. People have to realize, that when some people are always nasty, or always making fun of others they have bad problems of their own. They were either abused, or they are just not happy with their lives, so they take it out on others. I think that was pretty lame of the Metro Staff, not too professional. Later.

Q#47 Pam =) asks:

Where in Canada were those guys fishing in the pictures on the website? I
went on a fishing trip last spring to the Boundary Waters along Canada and
it'd be wild if they did too. Pam


First of all Pam, why did you say those guys? I was on that fishing trip too, come on your'e asking me questions and you don't even recognize me. Second of all, it was at Route Lake Lodge in Central Ontario. Did you see the picture of the nice Northern I caught, or the picture that I took of myself? See you.

Q#46 Neohak5@aol.com asks:

Ronnie, I was just wondering if you have a sister?


Yes, as a matter of fact I have three of them. One younger, and two older

Q#45 John Skatch asks:

Hi Ronnie Jack Squire of the Skach Fami....DAMN OK so it's me John Skach of the Skach family. Do you believe in those relationships where a guy and a girl who are just friends but have such a great time it's a better time than the time they spend with their lover? Also I was wondering if you head me on The Buzz Killman show on 105.9 Thursday. OK Ronnie I'll see ya soon...OH by the way I got a new tooth brush that I highly recommend. I got it at Walgreen's. It looks like an F 1 race Car and you press on the drivers head and the bristles rotate. AWESOME tooth brush for 5 bucks. I thin k it takes double A's (AA's) Not sure but I think it might be more for children than adults


SkachMan, Whats up foo, I think if someone is in a relationship like that they have some stuff they have to deal with. If you have a better time with a friend than a girlfriend, you know that your'e not dating the right one. The one you should be dating is the one you have a good time with. So I guess I don't believe in that type a of relationship. I'm sorry John but I didn't get the chance to hear you on the radio. I'll have to check out that tooth brush.

Q#44 Lauren asks:

Yea, so I was at the Metro for the Plain White Ts show on the 23rd, and my friends and I saw Darren. How many beers did he have? And how can you be sure that Darren's a girl?


Yeah, I can't really be sure how many beers Darren had that night since I wasn't there. But if you were to go according to any other night, he probably had like twenty-nine beers. I can be sure that Darren is a woman because I've seen him naked, and he has two formations on his chest that some would call boobs. Yes, thats right, Darren has boobs.

Q#43 Lori L. asks:

Hey Ronnie! I've been throwing around the idea of coloring my hair for quite
some time now. I want to go drastic, but nothing too too wild. I've been
told red drowns out my complextion. I was wondering if you had any
suggestions, and if you're not into painting your nails, if you're into
coloring your hair?

Sincerely, Lori L


How's it going Lori L, you don't want to do anything that wouldn't look good you know? Try doing a color that would accent your complexion. Just try it change is good sometimes, it will always grow back. No, I'm not in to coloring my hair, just not my style I guess.

Q#42 Carl asks:

Hi Ronnie my name is "Carl" but I was wondering do I piss people off? Lately
it seems that some of my friends are just all mad at me and I have no idea
why. Do I give off some kinda vibe that I don't know about??? Thanks for your time "Carl" I'll stay a no - Oh muss


Now Carl, why do you think that you piss people off. I think you are just worrying too much, no one I know is mad at you, and the only vibes you are sending out are stud vibes. Come on Carl you gotta be positive.

Q#41 Michael J. Avram asks:

Ronnie I was hoping you could provide me with some perspective.. Do you
think that superfly skatch is all he claims he is, or is this "Stud" a
Ronnie give me whatever you've got on this guy,I appreciate it!


Michael, I think John Skach is a great guy he may not be this big sex machine like all these girls are talking about on the site, but he is a good guy. He is one of the funniest guys I know, and no, he's not really a dud. I think a lot of the stuff he writes on the guestbook is just a joke, he's a real prankster.

Q#40 your admirer asks:

Hey Ronnie! So now that we have established Darren has a girlfriend,
let's hear if the real sex-god has one... so do you?! And if not, I
would love to break me off a piece of the "poon-an-i"! What's your
type, of girl that is. Let us all know. Thanks Love ya!


First of all, I am not a sex-god. The whole reason me and Darren started rolling w/ Ronnie is because we thought it would be funny, me throwing in my two cents about the band and life.
I don't know if I could break you off a piece, but I'll give anyone a chance. If I date a girl she has to be very sweet and caring, she has to care about her self and have self respect. She has to be very down-to-earth, and likes to get out and do different things. Later.

Q#39 John Skatch asks:

Mr, Kovar..John Skach here of The Skach Family. Hey I was wondering is it
kinda strange when people meet on line and them meet somewhere to finally engage? Do you feel like I do...I think it is like looking up a person in the phonebook that you don't know calling them and talking all the time and then finally meeting. See I am in a dilemma...somebody I know met this babe online and now the girl wants to meet and have sex with him. I was like YEA DUDE go for it but wait do you know her or...? He was like no we haven't met yet but she totally sounds cool. Do you know my friend Matt? He is a total sex feen. He said this girl he met is also a sex maniac. I just don't want him to get into the wrong thing ya know (do you people reading this know what I am saying?) SO I have some other questions too Ronnie. How does a guy know when it is the right girl? Not to lay down but to finally spend his life with? Do you think that the Spice channel should show elderly people having sex? I recently got highlights to my awesome hair...I was told that I am gay now...do you agree? Also do you think it is weird that I use a lil eye lash brush on my eye lashes? Last thing on this stuff. Is it wrong that I get pedicures? OK now onto the other stuff. I heard you had an affair or a one nighter with a girl named Avin. Do you know her or was it just a fling? sorry my questions aren't to good tonight I have not eaten yet. WINK WINK. Lastly have you ever had Stacy in the sack? DUUUUUUDE she is good. Talk to ya soon oh and lay off the snuff Ronnie that shit isn't good for you.


I do think it is a little bit strange to meet people online and then meet somewhere. I don't think it is necessarily bad, just a little bit weird that people are relying on meeting people without actually seeing them. I always like to experience people face to face so I can see what they are really like. I don't think it is exactly like going through a the phonebook and dialing a random number, since most contact on the internet is through some sort of site that both people have in common. So usually there is something in common in the first place, I'm still not too hot on the idea of meeting people without seeing them. I think your friend is in a difficult situation here, for all he knows this babe could be some psychopathic killer with aids, that is just putting on a front to get some guy into the sack. Usually, when random girls tell guys that they want to have sex with them, they turn out to have a few screws loose. I would warn your friend, because he might be getting in to the wrong thing. I think it is kind of hard to find "the right girl", but at the same time I think it is very easy. I think everyone must be confident in who they are and not try to change your image just to fit in with a girl or a crowd. In order to find the right girl, she must love you for who you are. If you change to please a girl eventually you are going to get pissed off because she's not the right one. I think if you have this attitude, you will know when you meet the right one. It is hard, almost impossible to explain, but when you meet a girl and she's everything that you want in a person and more, and if she makes you happy, and if you long to see her and to be with her, and if she brings out the best in you, these are all good signs of meeting "the right one". Because after all is said and done, life isn't about one night stands, it's about long lasting healthy relationships, think about it. I don't know about your new Spice Channel concept, it would definitely be funny but I wouldn't bring it up to the spice channel board. You got highlights?! Yes I defintely think you are gay now, what were you thinking? And YES I think it is weird that you use an eyelash brush, what is the reason for doing that, are you crazy? I don't think it is wrong that you get pedicures, and I'm sure they are wonderful, it is just not an everyday guy thing to do, and are they really necessary. No I have not had an affair with Avin, and no I've never had Stacy in the sack, have you? Don't be stupid John, your questions this time were excellent, I had a good time with them

Q#38 Sally Hansen asks:

How do you really feel about grown Guys wearing nailpolish?
Honestly have you ever actually worn it yourself, if so what is your
favorite shade. Well if you could get pack to me on that that would
be terrific!
Sally Hansen


Hi Sally, what a great question. Personally I don't know why any grown man would wear nail polish, it kind of freaks me out. I don't know if it's some kind of style, or if these men who wear nail polish are trying to get a point across. Nail polish looks pretty on girls, and it is something that women have done to beautify themselves for a very long time now. But when guys wear nail polish it is just a little strange, and weird looking. I wouldn't get caught dead wearing nail polish. Well actually to tell the truth, I dabble a little bit into wearing nail polish. My favorite shade would have to be Autumn Mist, or maybe Aqua Sea Breeze. Sorry to offend any males but wearing nail polish just aint for me.

Q#37 Superfly Skatch asks:

Ronnie...what's up BRA???? Ok I have a few more ques-te-owns for ya. i have been asked by a lot of girls if I have ever shaved "myself" ( it think you know what I'm saying )...well; have you? After you work out and do you find it hard to wash your own body...cause I am always like WOW my chest is so big I feel like a woman. Do you think it is mean to throw water balloons filled with bleach at people waiting for a bus? Did you know Pope John Paul the second is Polish? Who do you think is better looking Denise Richards, Ian Ziering's wife, or Stacy Quinn.Also I'd like to know about the affair you had with the girl from Elmhurst College WINK WINK!!! That's really all I can think of right now...I am not the brightest man just the most handsome. Talk to ya soon dude, John P.S. I Sprained my ankle. Where is the love???


Whats up John, always nice to hear from you again. No, I have never shaved myself because I think it would irritate me, but I have trimmed with a scissors. No I don't find it too hard to wash my body. I think it would be pretty mean to do that to some people waiting for the bus, but I think it would be pretty darn fun too. Maybe just throw balloons with water in them, we should do that sometime. I am sorry but I don't know what any of those ladies look like off the top of my head, sorry. I'm not sure if I had an affair with someone from Elmhurst College, why what did you hear? I'm sure all the ladies at Elmhurst College wish they could have an affair with me. Yes John, you are definitely a stud, but how the heck did you sprain your ainkle?

Q#36 Katie Swietlik asks:

Sorry Katie but Ronnie accidentally Deleted your question before I could post it. He did however answer it. so if you want to send the question again you can. Sorry about this. ~Darren


What up Katie, I'm sure Darren would consider being your friend. We are all huge Bill Murray fans. you should really get in touch with Darren though.

Q#35 Singer Mamma 666 asks:

Ronnie~ I have a couple of questions here. First, how long has Backdrop been together? Second, Why is Darren so very sexy? Well, that's it actually. I had another one in mind, but I forgot it. Thanks!


Backdrop has been together for about a year and a half maybe a little more. And for pete's sake I already told you people why everyone thinks Darren is so sexy, it's because he's a woman. If you remember that question write me back.

Q#34 anonomous asks:

So, here's my question. I heard that Chris, the drummer, has had some nicknames in high school. I heard something like "Midnight Express" and "Midnight Strangler". Could you enlighten everyone to the meaning behind such sweet nicknames? Does it have anything to do with the way handles the drum sticks? Also, do any of the other members of the band have cool nicknames? I think it would be cool for all the fans to know. Also, you're a good lookin' guy. Do you have any blond friends that would ever want to go out. Maybe in the range of 20 or 21 yrs old? If you do, you should put their email address out for everyone to see and then all the girls will write them looking for dates and warm lovin'. Later, keep up the good work.


Hi, this is true Chris used to hold the nickname "the midnight strangler", the nickname has something to do with a short Italian kid named Frankie, and their experiences late at night. It does have something to do with drumsticks, but actually not as long a drumstick about ten inches shorter but just as thin. It's funny you ask about the rest of the band because they all have interesting nicknames. Eric is known as "Erika", Darrens is "Silk The Shocker", and Dan is known as "String Gooooo". I do have some good-looking friends, but one is not quite so blonde, he is actually quite dark, but very handsome and a great guy, his name is Abe and his e-mail is asangha@students.uiuc.edu so drop him a line ladies, and he's smart too, got a 34 on his ACT. One who is blonde his name is Josh, but he kind of looks like a beaver his e-mail is jbecva83@calvin.edu he is smart too but not near as smooth as Abe. So if any ladies out ther want to get hooked up I know some good guys.

Q#33 Abbie Osgood asks:

hey, your answers are quite amusing. Good Work. So, does backdrop have a Johnny Depp fetish?


Hey thanks Abbie, I know Darren has the hots for Johnny Depp, He's one of his favorite actors. I don't think the rest of the band does though, and I have not seen too much of his work to say whether I like him or not. Take it easy.

Q#32 Skyler asks:

Punk Rawkers attach these pins to there jackets, nap-sacks, and other such clothing because they have nothing else to live for. - eh eh em.....i live for jesus, not punk rock. i may have pins and studs, but i dont live for punk. i live for soemthing worth living for my, awesome God!!! oh, and does darren have a gf?


Amen! Preach it sister! yes Darren does have a girlfriend. Her name is Shawn

Q#31 dave hovno asks:

Hello, Ronald, how's it goin? I've been hanging out with Darren lately and he's been acting quite strange. It's June, and he seems to feel the need to wear a leather "punk rocker" jacket. It has many pins affixed to it proclaiming his support for such causes as the "Queers" and "Screeching Weasel." I'm a bit confused...what are these strange pins for? What is a "punk rocker"? Is Darren one? If so, why is he in a folk rock outfit such as Backdrop? And is the poor boy afflicted with some condition that forces him to bundle up all year round? I feel we need to shed light on this, he may need our help. Thanks Ronnie, keep up the great work, > >dave hovno


Wonderful questions David, and I also feel the rest of the folks out there need to know these answers also. Punk Rawkers attach these pins to there jackets, nap-sacks, and other such clothing because they have nothing else to live for. Therefore they rebel by revealing these pins that support bands like the ones you mentioned, and other such trash. Darren is the perfect example of a Punk Loser, he doesn't care about anything except for.... nothing I guess. These types of people like Darren cling on to other groups of four or five people that call themselves a band. Punk is a lifestyle and Darren definitley lives it. Being in a band like Backdrop is a perfect hideaway for Darrren to hide his true identity as a girl. Darren is always very cold because he got that way after his sex change he had like ten months ago, and he also eats like an eight year-old girl. Thanks Dave

Q#30 SilverStarz1130@aol.com asks:

why is darren so damned sexxy? ~the one and only


The reason Darren is so sexy is because of his hidden sex, that's right Darren's a woman. Sorry to break it to you ladies, but him and Musa are dating. Thanks.

Q#29 Superfly John Skatch asks:

OK Ronnie I forgot to mention that this babe never told me where she lives EXACTLY...but I know. Don't worry I found her house inadvertently also I don't have her phone number...but she's hot


O.K. John since she's hot, here's what you do: One of these days after the mailman comes, and is gone, you will quietly go over to her house and swipe a piece of mail. Be careful though because messing with other peoples mail is a federal offense, but this is innocent and definitely worth it. Then on the next day you will bring that letter back to her saying it must have gotten delivered to the wrong address, and then you know what to do from there I'm sure. You playa you.

Q#28 Braun Jason E Amn 1 SOPS/DOOD asks:

FOOL here......You know I was just listening to Gods Reflex (a band from my high school) and found you guys. I really dig your music alot. Anyway, I wanted to know when you were going to make it out to Colorado so I can come see you? Peace.


Hey dude what's up, that's cool that you dig Backdrop. If you set up a show for us and if we have a van, we would love to come to Colorado, that would be awesome. Can't make any promises though, it's pretty far. Later.

Q#27 l_d_hepler asks:

Hey, I was wondering if Backdrop has an official merch person and also whose babies are pictured on the website? They are adorable


Hello I_d_hepler! Shawn, Darren's girlfriend usually does merch, almost always. The baby girl with her uncle is Darren's niece, the little guy Ian is Chris's nephew, and little Emily with the hat on is my precious niece.

Q#26 Superfly John Skatch asks:

Hey Ronnie Czech this out. I have this crush on a girl that lives down the street from me that I had in a class at College of dreams. We've never hung out but we both know who eachother are...more or less. What should I do? I don't want this babe to think I am a Beezbo (a crazy moronic stalking nut, SINCE I'm NOT) I need help I've never had this problem before. What do you think? What do you ladies suggest? Thank you signed, In need of lust


Hey John, I say if she knows who you are you might think about calling her or even stopping over at her house, and just ask her if she would want to grab a bite to eat or something. Nothing fancy, just something to have a good time, and to get to know her better. Hope that works out for you. Peace.

Q#25Penny Lane asks:

Hi again, glad to hear you're doing well in school. Good luck with the transferring and all. Ok, I have another question, earlier you mentioned that you were Backdrop's roadie, so you'll probably know about this: what's with the lack of female roadies? Someone once said to me that "guys are roadies and girls sell merch". What gives with that attitude?


Hey Penny, that is a good question. And I don't think we have a real gender problem here, I think the majority of bands have alot of close guy friends that are not in the band, and those types of friends usually offer their help. And I think the majority of the time friends that are girls aren't generally as close as some guy friends are. So to have a random girl ask a band if she could set up some drums would be kind of akward. For the most part it works out best for a girl friend to run the merch. And I don't think there are rules set in stone, we have had girls help bring drums in, and I have done merch many times, so it's usually whatever works at that time. Thanks.

Q#24 Popular Chick asks:

hi ronnie :) jadira here (popularchick)...i know you're the answer guru...but it was brought to my attention that a certain "truth" person has been pondering about my love life...well...the answer to their question is a big fat no. but i have a question for you anyway...a little something to go along with my answer...nothing too interesting like who's boinking who...just something to get to know you a little better...if you could have lunch with anyone in history...dead or alive (of course they would be alive when you had >lunch) who would it be? oh! and a side question...isn't anjeline jolie TOTALLY hot? thanks a bunch:) oodles and toodles... POP


I think Angelina Jolie is pretty hot. If I could have lunch with anyone in history it would have to be Michael Jordan, or maybe Hitler to ask him why he would kill millions of innocent people. Thanks.

Q#23 Mary asks:

hey- so I have to know-how long should you wait to put-out when seeing someone, I mean if you don't want to be slutty, but you still really want them ????? -Mary


Well Mary this is a tough question but I think I can help. If I were you and I really liked a certain someone. I would wait for the right time, you don't want to force anything, especially if you really care for him. Sometimes forcing things like this can hurt a relationship. If you are thinking: If I do wait a little bit and take it slow how will I know when to make the move? I feel that everyone has the capability to make good decisions including you Mary. I think if you just take it slow eventually there will come a time where you will know it is right, and at this time everything will be the best. But remember you don't have to "put out" to show someone you care, so don't feel pressured. I hope this helps, talk to you soon.

Q#22 Penny Lane asks:

Hey Ronnie, I've got a couple questions for you to roll with. First off, are any of you guys college educated/in school now? If so, where at, and did you graduate? Also, who do you find to be the most amusing drunk in the band and why (and really, how drunk WAS Darren when he pissed in that sink)?


Hey Penny, I am currently going to College of dreams, in the last year I slacked a bit but I am doing good now. I'm almost done, and next fall I am planning on transferring to Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights. Darren is going to C.O.D currently also, and is doing very well. As for his sink incident, I think he's trying to put that in the past. Dan the bass player graduated from Northern Illinois with a computer degree, and is currently working with computers. Eric and Chris are working men and are totally devoted to the band. Eric is by far the most amusing drunk with Chris at a close second. Thanks

Q#21 truth asks:

hey poon. I have a question. And since you're in this whole music scene, you probably know EXACTLY who I'm talking about. Now this is a question that has been plaguing the T's guestbook for quite some time now. I, of course, know the answer, but just to let others know. Are jadira (aka popularchick) and Steve mast f***ing? I expect an answer sometime soon. She's a slut, so I'm sure if you ask her nicely not only will she give you the answer, but maybe a blow job as well. Thank you. And you have a nice day. truth_hurts@hotmail.com


Hey, I'm not sure about those two, I don't hang out with them enough to answer that question. You probably know better than I do.

Q#Superfly Johnny Skatch asks:

Ronnie is true? The word on the street is that Stacy wants to meet me at the metro show and take me out to her car to express her lust for me in her back-seat. What have you heard bout this' As always the extremely hot and adorable SuperFly john Skach. www.chubbynothin.com


John, you are hot, and I heard that this word on the street is true. Stacy wants you in the worst way. Who doesn't? Peace John.

Q#19 Pam =) asks:

Hey Ronnie! I was wondering if you ever get that toe cramp where one toe goes up and the other one goes down. Then when you think it's gone it comes right back but with more vengeance? If you haven't had one maybe the guys in Backdrop have??


Hey Pam, that problem does not sound too familiar to me. I'm not sure if the other guys know either, I'll have to ask them and then get back to you. Peace.

Q#18 Lenny Rassmussen asks:

Dear Poon, I have a question for you that all of us are probably wondering about. Her it is: When a girl says that it is a good size, what does she actually mean by that? Thanks Poon Daddy and keep up the good work!!


What's up Lenny, when it is "a good size" it is usually about the size of a banana. Give or take a few inches.

Q#17 Jennifer (Jennemeken@aol.com)asks:

who are the backdrop roadies/techs? have girlfriends? ~Jennifer


Hi Jenne, I am basically the only tech, I mostly do the drums. But the band gets alot of help from friends that come to every show. Eric, Darren, and Dan usually set up their own stuff and tune their guitars. This is because the drums usually take the longest. None of the guys in the band have girlfriends, but all of them have gay lovers except for me I'm single. Thanks

Q#16 asholesteve asks:

hey poon, I have a question, hopefully the person I want to read this will read this. You have to help me out with a little love connection. By the way, her e-mail address is popularchick@hotmail.com, so feel free to write her and help hook me up I will worship you forever if you do. There's this girl, anyway...this girl, I really like her, but I have a girlfriend and she's seeing some asshole, well, I've never met him, but he's an asshole for taking her away. And I've told her how I feel and I'm pretty sure she likes me too, but I don't want to ruin things between me and my girl or her and her asshole. What would be the best way to ask her to be with me but still keep my girlfriend? I like them both, so how would you get a girl to agree to be the other woman?
thanks man asholesteve@hotmail.com


Well asshole Steve, I would hook up with them both if I were you. For your girl the one with the asshole boyfriend, you have to show her why she should be with you. Prove to her that you are the stud that she has always been looking for. Glad I could help.

Q#15 Pam =)asks:

Who are you and why are we supposed to ask you questions?


Well Pam, I'm a good friend of the band, and we are doing this to give the fans a chance to ask me questions about the band. Because there are some things the guys don't want you to know, and I'll be happy to tell you. Great question, I'm sure others were wondering the same thing.

Q#14 The Method asks:

RON I feel this question is a substantial one for the youngsters to see. QUESTION: What do you do at night when you don't go out with your friends or family (books,games,TV,self-induced sleep?) I want my answers by May 16th


Method, when I don't go out with my friends, I usually watch a movie, or a Cubs game, or play a game of golf. But sometimes I will go to a place like Chucky Cheeses or Leaps and Bounds, and roll around in the balls or slide thru some tubes. Thanks for the question Method.

Q#13 The Method asks:

Ok here RON-E Please tell us in detail....how it is you go about asking a girl out on a date. Do you enjoy watching auto-racing if so what type? F1,Cart,Indy,Sprint,Stock,Drag,SuperDrag,ImportDrag,Classic from the Raod? Lastly who are your favorite Male and Female actors?


It's really easy Method, and you know its right if you don't have to think about it. You're just hanging out with some people and you meet a girl that's cool, and if you think you would have a good time with her, you could say one of two things: Hey lets go out some time, or you could say, "hey sweetie, lets get naked." And if you're not sure if you want to ask a girl on a date and you're not positive it would be a good time, don't do it because it will suck for sure. No, I don't watch auto-racing I find it pretty boring, but every once in a while I'll watch it for a few moments. I still have a lot of respect for that sport and for those drivers.

Favorite male actors: Denzel Washington, and Matt Damon
Favorite Actresses: none

Q#12 CNTB'S John Skatch asks:

Hey Ronnie, Mr. John Skach here with a few questions. Nothin' great like "are you a rapist" or "what is your favorite position." I'll leave those questions to the die hards. Just some basics. First of all. Where do you live. Also How do you know each member of the band? I noticed that you did not include my band, Chubby Nothin' and The Bone in your list of three local favorites ... what a disappointment. Why was that? Are we livin' to large? Lastly how many miles are on your Camero? Please feel free to take your time answering these question. I feel there is no rush, like the Method and his or her ridiculous deadlines HOW STUPID! Talk to ya soon dude, John


Hey John, I live in Elmhurst right off from York and Butterfield. I've known Chris the drummer since sixth grade, but I didn't meet Darren and Eric until Chris met Eric and they started coming up with some tunes. I just met string-goooooooooooo when he joined the band right before the last Metro show. I'm sorry John but you guys just can't compete with The Holidays and disturbed, now those guys are some rockers. Are you living too large? Honestly that's not the reason for my decision. My car has 77,000 miles, but it still runs like a charm. Take it easy Me... I mean John Skach

Q#11 abraham ravinder sangha asks:

How come Chicago radio sucks ass? Why do we get all the gay stations that play all the trendy, commercial crap for people who hear of new music from TRL? How come we have no hip hop stations? How come, until the advent of 96.7, we had no good rock stations? Why is most people's taste of music so bad? Do you see the correlation between our horrible radio stations and the losers that think Fred Worst is hard out in Naperville, because they are idiots who are immersed in pop culture? Does it bother you that no talent pieces of trash like Blink 182 go platinum strictly on the wallets of the parents of mindless mainstream morons who think they rock? If I wanted to strap on a vest of dynamite and walk into the Q101 headquarters, would you do the same to B96? Thanks for your time. Peace.


Thanks for the Questions Abraham. I think Chicago radio sucks ass because there are way too many people that have no idea about music. So its those people that are crowding phone lines at Q101 asking to hear pop crap that has a catchy hook, or stuff that is edgy and crude(people like football player meatheads and gangstas etc.) Its the same way with TRL, little teenyboppers who want to hear Brittany Spears, Backstreet Ploys, and Limp Bizkit, take over the phone lines, so people can't hear artists who write music that has meaning,and artists who really are musically talented. Like Jurrassic 5, Incubus, Dave Matthews Band, instead of Ludacris, Papa Roach, N'Sync, and other such trash.I think its truly a shame, but I guess people who don't know good music probably never will so it doesn't matter whether they listen to Bach or Milli Vanilli, people will always listen to crap.I guess it doesn't matter too much that no talent crap are selling millions of records because all those types of bands will be gone in a year, and all the great bands will still be pluggin putting out great tunes no doubt about it. I would definitely join you on that mission to bomb the radio stations but I will only do it when N'suck is visiting Eddie and JoBlow in the studio. Thanks Abe.

Q#10 Method asks:

My man, Here are a few more ques-tyons.
1. When you are with a ladie what is your favorite position?
2. Do you smoke grass? Have you ever?
3. What are your three favorite bands. What are your three favorite local bands?
4. Do you know BullRide? Don't say his name if you do...we'll respect his privacy. Just say yes or no.
5. Ty Mluviet Cesky?


Hi Method nice to hear from you again. I don't know what you mean favorite position. No I don't "smoke grass," but I have. My three favorite bands are 311, Incubus, and The Dave Matthew's Band, but that's just to mention a few. My three favorite local bands are A.W.O.L, The Holidays, and Disturbed no doubt about it. No, I don't know BullRide. What is Ty Mluviet Cesky? Why?

Q#9 Stacy Quinn asks:

My name is Stacy. My sort of, question is "How come you always look down, when you are at the shows?" I know its a gay question. But you always do look so sad. Cheer up man! You look happy, usually, at bowling. You at least smile and stuff...anyways. I guess that's it. Sorry for babbling so much. I'm sure I will see ya around! :o )


Stacy, you have to understand I am pretty much never "down", I am just very easy going, and I guess shy. I'm not real crazy and off the wall like some of those guys. That's just the way I am, more laid back. I guess when I'm at shows I'm all business. Talk to you later.

Q#8 Joshua Becvar asks:

who do you think is the Cub's strongest starting pitcher as of right now? Also, what do you think of Jeff Fasero? I think he blows. Later dude. The Bear


Actually Josh, I think the Cubs strongest pitcher as of right now would have to be Jason Bere, I think he is 3-0 or 3-1, and he pitched great the other night at coors field, the night after Tapani got smoked. It is hard though because everyone is pitching really well, but Bere and I think Tavarez have the wins to show for it. (there has been quite a few of no-decisions). I will say, yes, Fasero kind of blows. The only thing is Josh, I think he is second in the N.L. with 9 or 10 saves even though he blew 2, and He barely had 10 saves his whole career. The point is he is not a closer, he's a middle man, and he's filling in for Tom Gordon. So once Tom Gordon comes back in a week or so I think the bullpen will get even better than it has been, and I think that you will see once Fassero is a middle man he will fit in even better. Peace out Josh.

Q#7 The Method asks:

Hi Poon me again got some more questions for ya, 1. Do find woman who pass gas in your presence to be sexually appealing? 2. Do you know "PAUL" 3. Do you own your own bowling ball and bowloing shoes? 4. Have you ever been beat up? 5. Have you ever looked at an underage girl "The Wrong Way"? 6. If Backdrop hits it big will you make girls perform on you to get backstage? 7. Do you have cable or a satalite dish? 8. Do you use cable or a dial up service for the internet? 9. Do ou have AOL Instant Messanger, if so what is your screen name? 10. Do you watch "Queer as Folk" on HBO? Ok, there are some intriguing questions for you my man. Hope to see the answers really soon. Talk to you Soon The Method.


Method, I'm glad you asked these questions. I ONLY date girls who fart in front of me, and they have to be loud and smelly, if not I give 'em the boot. I don't know Paul but he seems like a real ass-bang. I do own my own ball and shoes, I wouldn't have it any other way. I've never been beat up, I've never been in a fight. Never. I have a great respect for youngsters. probably. I have cable.I use a modem. I don't have AOL instant message, sorry. I only watch that show when they show gay man love, Thanks Meth.

Q#6 Abbie Osgood asks:

Do you always like to hover over people like a creepy rapist?


Actually abbie I try to, but it usually only happens when annoying people that I have never seen before are keeping me up until 5 a.m. when they simply could have been hanging out in their own room. Thanks for the question.

Q#5 Dave Hovno Asks:

Dear Ronnie "Poon Daddy" Poonani Kovar, First off, you're a great role model for all those young ones out there who need a little advice. That's because they confided in Darren and ended up confused and disillusioned with thoughts of a "punk rock utopia." Ronnie, please answer me this: what is wrong with Darren? Why doesn't he realize that he is destined for hippie stardom? Also, would you ever consider replacing Darren as guitarist/backup vocalist of Backdrop? Looking forward to your answers poon, congrats and keep up the good work.


Mr. Hovno, thank you and I'll see if I can answer your most incredible questions. You see Dave, Darren has many things wrong with him, but mainly it's his deep desire to drink, huff, snort, sniff, shoot, lick, smoke, puff, toke, eat, inhale, or swallow anything that will give him mind-blowing high 24-7. Darren doesn't realize he's destined for a hippie stardom because he is too busy trying to get his inner-soul alligned with the stars and galaxies (mainly the Milky Way). And Dave, what you, Darren, and everyone else does not know is that I'm constantly looking for a way to get Darren out of the band. I have visited eight states, searched online, and held tryouts in my basement looking for someone to replace him. Thank you for the Questions.

Q#4 Lulu asks:

Hey Ronnie, you said that you were a virgin. What about the rest of the guys in Backdrop? If not, when did they each lose it? If so, what are their beliefs/reasons? Also, how old are you and the Backdrop guys, and when are your birthdays?
Luv, Lulu


Well Lulu, honestly I don't know the answer to that question, even if I did I don't know if they'd want me to tell. About their beliefs and reasons, each of the guys have some pretty interesting beliefs, you might consider e-mailing them. All of us studly men are around 21, except for Dan Musa, He's 39. Thanks for the Question.

Q#3 Mike asks:

How does one get a name like Poon Daddy when that person have never been with a woman? Doesn't being a Poon Daddy require some "poon"? Maybe it's just me but I would think that a person who calls themself Poon Daddy is a very experienced man, and you apparently are not. Is this a cover-up? Could poon quite possibly mean something other than what I think it means? Am I confused? I heard from a Camaro driving friend that people who drive Camaros have compensation issues. Is this true?


Well Mike, those are great questions. Obviously you were quite intrigued by my answer to the first question. I thank you for your deep interest in my life mike. Actually I'm not too interested in getting mass amounts of "poon", I'm not too keen on STD's that are probably carried by the women you frequently hang with. I guess I'm just more interested in quality women and relationships, and I can't wait to be a faithful husband. I think your views on what men should be like are pretty shallow. Thanks for the question. P.S. My Camaro hauls ass. Your friend told you that? Reality check, do you actually have friends? I didn't think so.

Q#2 Chalie asks:

just trying to help along the questions being posted on the site.. lets see um um um why don't you tell us alittle about yourself. thats not much of a question, but you should really put up a biography or something i will be back with a very interesting question you have been warned.


Well Chalie I kind of explained myself in the previous question, I hope that helps. I will be happy to answer your most interesting questions. Thanks.

Q#1 The Method Asks:

What is it you look for in a woman? Do you date outside of your race? What nationality are you? What kind of car do you drive? What clothing stores do you frequent? What are your favorite TV shows? Do play an instrument? Do you own any pornography? Do you enjoy soft core or hard core porno? Are you a virgin? If not when did you loose it? Are you turned on by older woman? Would you have a affair with a married woman from down the street? Could you handle being a bus driver for an all girls catholic school? OK DUDE there are a lot of questions here. Lets get that site up and running.


Well Method, I look for a pretty, smart, and down to earth girl who is very fun. I haven't dated outside of my race, but I'm open to anything as long as we share the same beliefs. I am half Dutch, and half Czech. I drive a '94 Chevy Camaro Z-28. I don't shop for clothing too often, but I usually look for reasonable fashions, I'm a very content person. My favorite t.v. shows are sports, Cubs baseball, Golf, and the Bears. I don't play any instruments good, but I enjoy playing the guitar, and drums. No. neither. Yes I am, I will not lose until I am married. Actually I prefer older women, or more mature at least. No. And I will never drive a bus, but I'm sure I could handle it. Thanks for the questions Method, keep 'em coming.