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Creative Minds Of Fanfiction

I'm writing this to give my readers an explanation on why I am closing my site. Don't get me wrong I still love the BSB. Nothing could ever change my mind of that. Its just that writing isn't my main thing anymore. Everytime I try to write a new chapter..I can't. And I barely have time to keep up with the site. The last time I updated was Jan. I'm not a very good webmistress. Also my love for the BSB is becoming increasingly small. I hardly ever put on there cds anymore. I don't really look at there videos. Frankly I don't care to hear stuff about them like whats they fav.color,birth date etc.

But I will always love BSB. They have know idea how much they have made an impact on my life. I'm sure in the near future that I will probably bring the site back. I want to continue to write Till I Found You. I might, I'm really not sure. I hope you'll understand. Thank so much! ~STEPH~

Site Reconstructed by: Erin for
Tell Me That I'm Dreaming Inc.