DreamStreetKingdom.com V2.003 | |
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.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' DreamStreetKingdom.com V2.003 '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Welcome to DSK V2.003. The response on the new layout has been great, even though I've neglected the site since December. Now I've finished some of those lovely lil site additions I was talking about so this page will be more than just emptyness. So, if you haven't heard anything since this summer, here's the story in a nutshell: The guys went to court and lost the trial, Chris went solo and got signed to Columbia, Greg went solo and started touring, Jesse, Frankie and Matt have been auditioning for and filming some shows and movies, and there will supposedly be a "New Dream Street". Um, okay but I don't like pop music anyway so this site will remain old-school Dream Street info. I'm working on some more chapters for Dream On, the second book in the fanfic series called Supergirls. It's been kinda difficult considering the guys have broken up so all the story lines are screwed up now. If you're on the mailing list, you should be recieving an update soon. If you want to be on the mailing list, send your email addy to us and we'll add you. --- Emily [Princess of Dream Street Kingdom] Last Updated 04.12.02 |