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Wil blinked and stared at the bag as if he'd just noticed that he had it.  "Oh.  Um...Jon gave it to me." "Uh-huh.  Why?" Wil peered up at Alex through lowered lashes, his grin turning just a touch seductive.  "To bring my costume home in." Alex swallowed hard.  "Your...costume?" he rasped out, proud that he kept his voice from squeaking. Wil nodded and unzipped the bag, pulling out a bit of silky blue material.  "He said I might as well hang onto it." "Oh god..."  Alex started panting, his eyes riveted on that scrap of cloth.  He shook himself, then moved swiftly forward.  In seconds, he had Wil crushed to his chest while he kissed him, not stopping until he had to gasp for air. "I guess...you think that's a good thing?"  Wil looped his arms around Alex's neck, kissing a line over his jaw and down his neck. "Oh, hell yeah."  He held Wil to him, running his hands up and down his back. "Mmmm."  Wil hummed happily, then pulled back.  "Why don't you go wash up, and I'll go to the bedroom and get undressed." Alex pouted.  "I'd rather watch you get undressed," he said, leering.  Wil rolled his eyes and gave Alex a push towards the bathroom.  "Do as you're told," he whispered mischievously, his eyes twinkling.  "Good boys get rewards." "Rewards?"  Grinning now, Alex gave Wil a last kiss and grope before heading to the bathroom. In what was possibly record speed, Alex had his teeth brushed, his hands washed, and even managed to get that black smudge off his face.  Who knew bartending could be such dirty work?  Whistling softly, he walked quickly to the bedroom, stepping into the dimly lit area. "Gaaahhh..." Wil grinned at Alex from the bed as he played idly with the ring attached to one of his nipples.  "Like?" Confronted with Wil lying on top of their sheets, clad once again in nothing more than that shimmering, skimpy underwear and a pair of nipple rings, Alex nodded frantically.  Then he pounced. Wil's delighted laugh was cut off when Alex sealed their lips together once more.  Moaning, he squirmed, trying to peel off Alex's shirt. With a gasp, Alex pulled back and yanked the shirt off over his head, tossing it across the room.  He bent again, hands gliding along Wil's sides. Wil arched his back, hissing softly when Alex's fingers ghosted over his adorned nipples.  "Aleeex..." A breathy cry was pulled from his throat. Alex licked down Wil's chest, pausing at the rings.  "Are these...?"  He tugged gently at one.  After an initial bit of resistance, it slid off into his hand.  "Oh."  Alex sounded almost disappointed at finding out that Wil hadn't gotten spur-of-the-moment nipple piercings.  With a shrug, he decided to make the best of it, and bent his head to soothe the pinched flesh. Wil began to pant lightly as he held Alex's head to his chest.  A warm, wet tongue tickled around the sensitive nubs of his nipples, and blunt teeth caught the tender flesh in soft nibbles.  Grunting, Wil spread his legs, allowing Alex to settle between them so he could better continue his ministrations. Abandoning the tempting nipples for the moment, Alex licked a path down to Wil's navel, dipping his tongue into the tiny indentation.  He wriggled down further, until he was confronted by the tiny triangle of cloth that barely covered Wil's erection.  The material was stretched and bulging almost obscenely, hidden parts almost begging to be freed. Alex hesitated only a second before grasping the elastic at Wil's hips and pulling the bit of clothing down.  Slowly, almost reverently, he bent each of Wil's legs up so he could remove the underwear totally.  Then, he just stared. Wil felt totally exposed, on his back, legs drawn up, with Alex lying so still between his thighs.  "Alex?" Alex shook his head, drawing in a harsh breath.  "You're so beautiful, Wil.  Everything about you, so pale and soft and...precious." "Oh god..."  Wil felt a lurching in his chest, a pricking of tears in his eyes.  He blinked rapidly to clear them.  "I don't..."  He reached a hand down to caress Alex's cheek. Alex smiled, turned his face to kiss the palm of Wil's hand, then leaned down. Wil let out a shocked cry at the tentative lick across the head of his cock.  "Alex!" Alex tilted his head, considering the flavor, then licked again.  Evidently deciding that he could handle the salty, slightly bitter taste, he started to lick more purposefully, laving Wil's cock from base to tip. Wil tried to hold perfectly still, not wanting to jostle Alex and perhaps dissuade him from what he seemed determined to do.  He couldn't help the shallow thrusting of his hips, however, and when Alex finally settled his mouth over just the head and sucked gently, he bucked upwards. That was more than Alex had prepared himself for, and he gagged, choking on the flesh that tried to force itself down his throat.  He pulled away, coughing. Mortified, Wil sat up, clutching at Alex's shoulders.  "Alex, I'm sorry!  I didn't mean to--" Alex covered Wil's lips with a finger, smiling.  "I know."  He removed the finger and replaced it with a kiss.  "Now, lay down again.  I wasn't finished." Wil licked his lips, picking up a hint of his own flavor.  He nodded, and lay down, body tense. Alex sighed.  This wasn't turning out quite like he'd thought it would.  He wasn't going to give up now, though.  He bent his head again, then pulled up short at Wil's voice. "You should finish getting undressed." Alex frowned.  "Now?  I was going to--" "If you undress now, we could..."  Wil paused, and Alex could just about hear his blush when he continued.  "I mean, maybe we could...y'know...at the same time?" Alex froze, his mind blanking at that thought.  "Gahhah."   He lurched upright, pulling ineffectually at the fly of his pants.  There was a chuckle, then a smaller pair of hands pushed his aside and undid the fastenings.  Alex nodded his thanks, then shifted around, kicking the offending garment off.  He turned back to Wil.  "Ummm..." Wil cocked his head in thought.  He let his eyes wander over Alex's body, humming in appreciation at Alex's obvious arousal.  He lay on his side, facing Alex.  "You could...with your head down that way?" "Right.  That works."  Alex lay on his side, facing towards Wil's feet.  Once more, he was treated to an up-close view of Wil's leaking cock.  He touched it softly, then began to lick it again. Following suit, Wil stroked Alex's cock a few times before working up the nerve to lap at it with his tongue.  The wet touches on his own erection spurred him on, and he soon became bolder in his licking, until he had started a tentative suction on the dripping head. They were both being careful not to thrust too forcefully, aware that neither of them was exactly skilled at this as yet.  At least, not that they knew of. Better safe than sorry, though, and so they spent long minutes learning each other, tasting, teasing, testing their limits. It was when Alex started playing with Wil's balls, rolling them in their sack and applying the tiniest bit of pressure, that Wil lost it.  His body stiffened, and he gasped out, "Alex!  I..." Eyes wide, Alex moved his head away, breathing a gust of air across Wil's saliva-slick cock.  He watched, fascinated, as it shuddered and twitched, then spurted a long stream of semen up over Wil's quivering stomach.  He stroked Wil's thigh until the shuddering stopped, then pressed a gentle kiss to the softening organ. He'd almost forgotten about himself until Wil gathered himself together enough to resume his own sucking.  Alex's let his head fall back, groaning loudly as then suction became more powerful. Wil was determined to make Alex feel as good as he had, and worked his mouth wider until he was able to take in the top half of Alex's cock.  He swirled his tongue around the head, then pulled away, letting his teeth scrape ever so lightly along the tightly drawn skin. Alex let out a low shriek and convulsed.  He pressed his face to Wil's thighs as he shook with his orgasm, twitching at the feeling of Wil's tongue lapping the underside of his cock. Wil could feel Alex's seed trickle down his chest, and he grinned.  He let Alex rest for a moment, then tickled his side. Alex squeaked.  "Wil!" "Turn around so I can kiss you, git," he prodded affectionately, wrapping his arms around Alex when the other man did as he was instructed. "Was that good?  I mean, I liked it, and I assume you liked it, because...well, you know.  But...was it good?" Wil kissed Alex before he could start babbling even more.  "Loved it, pet."  He snuggled in closer.  "Love *you*." "Mmm."  Alex sighed in relief.  "Good.  Love you too."  He shifted.  "We're gonna stick again." "Good." ~~~~~~~~~~ Willow scowled and kicked half-heartedly at the leg of the coffee table.  "Didn't *anyone* find out anything useful?"  All she received in response were a few shrugs and mumbled apologies, and she sniffled.  "It's not fair." "Well," Giles said, trying to inject a note of optimism, "Buffy and Riley have yet to report back.  Perhaps they managed to gather some information.  And if not...well, we'll just try again.  And keep trying until something *does* turn up."  He nodded decisively. "Thanks, Giles," Willow said softly.  "I just wish it didn't take so darn long!" "Well, we--"  Cordelia was cut of mid-sentence as the door was opened and Buffy strode in with Riley, grinning and giving them the thumbs up. "You found something?  You did!  You found something!"  Willow hugged Tara, squealing excitedly. "Woah, chill a little, Wills."  Buffy gave her friend a tolerant grin.  "Yep, we found something."  She frowned a little.  "Ok, maybe not the *best* something, and lord only knows how useful it'll be, but...we still found something!  Which is way better than we've been doing!" "Argh!  Spill!  Tell me!"  Willow bounced in front of Buffy eagerly, and it was fairly obvious that she was barely restraining herself from shaking the other girl. Buffy rolled her eyes and made her way to the couch, were she settled herself with a yawn.  "Ok, so we hit Willie's again, and managed to wring...um, I mean, we asked him if he knew anything about blood supplies and who buys it and stuff.  He took a little convincing, but finally told us that there's this hush-hush delivery of blood every couple of weeks, and it has one major buyer.  He figures a lot of vamps probably go through this supplier for their stores, and that would be our best bet for finding Spike." Willow nodded.  "Makes sense.  So, who is it?" "That's where the non-usefulness thing comes in.  The only thing Willie would say is that I should, and I quote, 'Take it up with Sophie.  I ain't gonna get on her bad side by ratting her people out.'  And then he just clammed up." "Sophie."  Giles shook his head thoughtfully.  "The name doesn't ring any bells for me.  Anyone else?"  There were headshakes and noises of negation all around.  Giles sighed.  "Well, it's still more than we've had to go on before now.  We should get some rest and reconvene here in the evening.  Willow, you and Tara try and find anything on your computer about this Sophie person.  I'll look through my books here." "I'll stay and help," Wesley offered, with Cordelia adding her support. "I'm going home.  I miss my bed, we've been separated too long."  Buffy yawned again, and stood, stretching until her back cracked. "Me too," Riley added. Angel watched with hooded eyes as Buffy and Riley left, trying to force the tension from his shoulders.  "I'm going back to the hotel," he said quietly. "Sounds like a plan."  Gunn clapped his hands together.  "Sleep is one of my favorite pastimes." Already leafing through a stack of books, Giles waved distractedly as everyone except Wesley and Cordelia left. Cordelia looked around at all the shelves of books, and sighed.  "Xander better appreciate this," she muttered.  "I feel like I'm back in high school." ~~~~~~~~~~ ***** *snap!* Lel yelped at the sharp noise, leaping into the air and spinning around.  The scent of blood struck him, and he loped back through the underbrush.  He slowed down, dropping to his haunches and creeping closer to the acrid, metallic tang that almost overpowered the scent of his mate. The distressed whimpering finally pulled him from his cover, and he slunk out into the open, eyes and ears working to detect any intruders. There was only his mate, limping towards him, hind leg tucked close to his body.  Lel growled deep in his throat, bypassing his mate to nose at the strange creature that had attacked him.  He batted it with a paw, springing back as it clattered loudly. His mate yipped softly from behind him, and he left off his suspicious examination of the hard, toothy thing.  He padded over to his mate, snuffling his silver fur.  Coming to the injured limb, he licked carefully. His mate growled at him, jerking the leg away.  Lel watched closely as his mate gently set the foot back on the ground, testing his weight with a few limping steps.  Satisfied that the injury wasn't too bad, Lel followed his mate back to their den. Lel waited for his mate to settle down, circling carefully before curling up with his tail tucked around him.  He dropped down onto his belly and squirmed close, lapping along his mate's muzzle.  His mate nipped back playfully, then lay his head down, panting. Yawning, Lel moved around behind his mate, cradling the smaller body with his own.  He lay his head down on the thick fur around his mate's neck, snorting contentedly. Lel and his mate dropped into a welcoming sleep. ***** Alex's eyes flew wide, and he froze, realizing he was humping against Wil's leg. Wil shifted beside him.  "Why'd you stop?" he asked in a sleepy voice. "That was just...weird.  And kind of ick.  And I'm going to pretend I didn't just dream that."  Alex shivered a bit. Wil laughed.  "Well, don't let a little thing like that keep you from enjoying yourself now." Alex smacked him playfully.  "Oh, come on!  You can't tell me that didn't give you even the mildest case of the wiggins!  We weren't even human!" Wil rolled Alex onto his back, straddling him.  "Prat.  I don't care what kind of body you were in, I'd still wanna shag you blind." Alex blinked.  "Yeah?"  He smirked. Growling, Wil bent and nipped at his ear.  "Damn right."  He nipped again, then nuzzled into Alex's neck. Alex hummed and tilted his head back, baring his throat to Wil's lips. Wil growled again, then pressed his mouth to the tender column of flesh, sucking at the pulse point.  He bit down a little, sucking harder. Alex clutched at Wil as the pressure on his neck grew.  He gasped out soft endearments, twisting his head to the side to give Wil better access. Wil felt something fierce roll up within him, swamping him with its intensity.  All he knew was the scent of his lover, and the seductive thumping of Alex's heartbeat.  His growl grew louder, and something...changed. With a desperate cry, Wil wrenched himself away, covering his face in horror. Confused by his lover's abrupt withdrawal, Alex reached for Wil. "Don't touch me!"  Wil sprang off the bed, backing towards the door.  "Stay away!" Alex froze in shock.  His breath caught as he stared into Wil's hungry, golden gaze, and his eyes were wide in disbelief and confusion as he saw the ridges that had formed on Wil's delicate features. With a strangled cry, Wil flung the door open and rushed out of the room. Part 25 "So, when did he say he was going to be back in town?"  Mellie passed a tray of cookies to Sophia before taking a sip from her tea. "Thank you, dear."  Sophia nibbled at a cookie before replying, "Daniel told me he'd drop by the day after tomorrow.  He didn't mention how long he'd be around this time, but I'm hoping I'll be able to convince him to stay for a while."  She sighed wistfully.  "I do miss that boy something dreadful.  He's just so...refreshing!" Mellie nodded.  "But he does have that streak of flightiness, haring off all over creation in search of the elusive 'answers'.  Still, it's understandable, I suppose.  He's not exactly had the easiest life, you know." "Oh yes.  The poor dear.  He just needs to come back home where he belongs.  I'd take proper care of him." "Mmm, yes, I imagine you would."  Mellie's eyes twinkled merrily. Sophia grinned back and opened her mouth to retort.  A frantic pounding on the door interrupted her, though, and she held her tongue as Mellie got up. "My, who in the world could that be?"  Mellie shot Sophia an apologetic glance as she made her way to the door.  She opened it, then stepped back in surprise as a barely dressed Alex stumbled inside.  "Alex?  Whatever is the matter?" Alex clutched at Mellie despairingly.  "Wil.  Is he here?  Have you seen him? I can't...I have to find him!" Mellie frowned.  "Why, no.  He hasn't been by here.  Why, what's happened?" Alex shook his head, backing away from her.  "No, I have to find him.  It's...it's daytime, he wouldn't have gone outside, would he?  Oh god, I don't know where he is, Mellie.  It's wrong, something's wrong, I have to find him!" Concerned, Sophia stood and approached the distraught young man.  "What is it, Alex?" she asked in a gentle tone.  "What's wrong?" "I don't..." Trembling, Alex collapsed to the floor.  He leaned into Mellie's arms as they wrapped around him, rocking.  In a tiny, almost childlike voice, he said, "I don't know.  Mellie, he *ran*!  Everything was so nice, and we were...and then he just *changed*.  He was all *vampy*, and the he just *ran*.  I have to find him.  What if he's hurt?  God, what if he ran outside, and he's all burned, and hurting, and, and, and..."  He gasped for air, his eyes wild with terror. "Hush, now."  Sophia knelt next to him, stroking his back to calm him down.  "You'll be no good to him in this condition.  Take a deep breath.  That's it. Everything will be fine." "But--" Mellie's head jerked as her phone started to ring.  She made no move to answer it, and after a few more rings, the answering machine picked up. "Mellie?  Are you there?  Um, ok.  It's, um, Jenna.  I just...well, Wil's here, and he's really upset, and I was going to call Alex but he won't let me, so I called you instead.  I don't know--" Swiftly, Mellie picked herself up off the floor and grabbed the receiver.  "Jenna?  You said Wil's there?"  With her other hand, she fended off Alex's determined scrabbling for the phone. "Uh-huh.  I see.  Oh, wait a second, dear.  I'm going to put you on the speaker, all right?"  She pressed the button, then hung up the receiver. From over Mellie's shoulder, Alex shouted toward the phone, "Wil?  Are you there?  Talk to me!  Is he there, Jenna?" "Yeah, he's, um...hold on a sec."  There was a muffled noise and a few clicks as Jenna switched over to her speakerphone. Very faintly, Wil's voice could be heard.  "No.  I can't...tell him to stay away.  I won't hurt him!" "Wil!  Wil, talk to me.  Damn it, I'm coming up there."  He turned with every intention of going to Jenna's apartment and retrieving his boyfriend, even if he had to carry the stubborn vampire out to do so.  He was stopped only by Wil's sad, miserable voice. "Alex?  Please...don't.  I'll hurt you.  I don't *want* to hurt you.  I couldn't...I couldn't bear it if I..." Alex's face crumpled.  He allowed Sophia to lead him to the couch, where he sat as close to the phone as he could get.  "Wil," he whispered brokenly, "you wouldn't hurt me, I *know* you wouldn't.  Please, just...come back home, ok?  I...I need you there." Wil growled in frustration.  "I *would* hurt you!  You don't know what was happening, what I was going to do!  I wanted--"  He broke off with a strangled cry. Confused, Jenna asked, "Why do you think that, Wil?  I can't imagine you ever hurting Alex.  Everyone in the whole *building* knows how much you two love each other." Wil let out a bitter laugh.  "I'd think you of all people would understand.  *You* know what we are!  We...we're freaks!  Bloodsucking, murderous freaks!  How can we even be capable of love?" The sound of a hand striking flesh seemed loud in the silence that followed that impassioned statement. "How dare you?" Jenna hissed.  "How *dare* you?"  Her voice was thick with unshed tears.  "I loved Alicia with all my heart, dead *or* alive.  She was...she was my *everything*.  And you tell me I'm not *capable* of love?  That what we had wasn't real?" "Jenna, I--" "No.  *No*.  I won't stand here and listen to you say things like that.  I am not a monster, Wil.  *You* are not a monster.  We may not be human any more, but damn it, we can still feel!  We can be happy, and sad, and hurt, and-and in love.  Being a vampire doesn't take that away.  Everyone...every*thing* is capable of love!  And don't you *ever* say otherwise!"  Jenna was so upset by this time that she was panting harshly, on the verge of bursting into tears.  In almost a whisper, she finished, "I would give anything to be with Alicia again.  Wil, don't screw this up.  Don't throw away what you and Alex have just because you're afraid he might get hurt.  That's a chance we all take when we fall in love." There was a moment of heavy quiet, then Wil said, "You don't get it.  I'm not afraid he'll get hurt.  I'm afraid *I'll* hurt him.  Me!  I can't do that!" Alex let out a groan of frustration.  "Why do you keep saying that?  You won't hurt me, I know it!" "Sweetie, let me talk to him, ok?"  Sophia nudged Alex away from the phone.  "Wil?  It's Sophia, you remember me, don't you?" "Yeah," Wil grumbled.  His voice hardened.  "Keep your bloody claws off my Alex, you hear?" Sophia chuckled softly.  "If you insist.  Wil, can I ask you a question?" There was a pause, then, "S'pose so." "What happened that made you think you'd hurt Alex here?  From what I've seen of you two, I find it very difficult to imagine you causing him any pain." A distant thumping sound came over the line, as if someone was rhythmically kicking a piece of furniture.  Finally, Wil responded, "We were...I was kissing him, y'know?  An'...I started sucking on his neck, nibbling just a bit." Alex flushed and reached up to cover the faint mark on his neck. "Um, I just...my teeth were there, and I could hear his pulse, an' I wanted...I wanted to *bite*.  And I could feel something happening to me, and then I had fangs, an'...an' I knew if I didn't get away, I'd...bite him.  Hurt him."  Wil almost choked on the words, but forced them out, "Kill him." Alex turned pale from shock.  "No," he breathed.  In a firmer voice, "No.  You wouldn't do that.  *Never*.  I don't believe it!" Wil snarled.  "You daft git!  How the bloody hell can you--" "Oh...my...god."  Jenna snorted softly, then started to giggle. "What is so funny?" Alex demanded angrily. "I'm...I'm sorry, it's just...I think I understand now." "Understand *what*?" Jenna calmed herself.  "Wil," she asked patiently, "how did you feel?  When you wanted to bite Alex, tell me what you *felt*." Wil didn't see how that mattered, but humored her request.  Thinking back, he struggled to put into words the emotions that were running through him at the time.  "I felt..."  He sighed loudly.  "I dunno...possessive?  Protective?  Um...completed?"   Another sigh.  "That doesn't make sense.  If I felt like that, why'd I try an' hurt him?" "You didn't try and hurt me, Wil!  Jenna, he didn't--" "Alex, would you stop--" "Both of you, shut up!" Stunned, they obeyed, waiting to see what she had to say. "Wil, Alex is right, you *didn't* try to hurt him."  She held up a hand to forestall any further protests.  "Trust me on this one, Wil, I've been there. What you felt wasn't a desire to...well, to kill prey, it was a desire to claim your mate.  To mark him as yours.  To...to marry him." Alex gasped.  "M-marry?" "Mmm.  That's basically what it amounts to.  If Wil had bitten you then, while you were...um...you know...well, it would have left sort of an imprint, a-a signature.  You would have had a visible sign that a vampire had claimed you as his mate, his...consort.  And very few people have the guts to will mess with a vampire's consort." "Of course."  Mellie smacked her forehead.  "How silly of me.  We should have known something like this would happen and prepared the two of you.  It's not like we haven't all seen bonded vampire/human couples before." "Y-you have?"  Alex stared at her and Sophia. "Well, it's not exactly *common*, but it's certainly not unheard of," Sophia told him. "I wouldn't have killed him?"  Wil's voice was pleading, begging for affirmation. "No, dummy," Jenna said affectionately.  "You would have wed him.  And he would have been yours.  Forever." "Oh." Sophia heaved an aggravated sigh.  "Well, what are you waiting for, you silly vampire.  Get down here and make an honest man of Alex.  Or I might just snatch him up while you're not looking." There were rustling noises, then a door slammed. "Oh, thank you," Jenna breathed.  "You boys have fun making up.  *I'm* going back to bed.  It's not even noon yet!" "Sleep well.  And thank you."  Mellie smiled and hung up the phone. Alex stood hastily.  "Um, I have to..." he waved his hand toward the door. "Of course you do.  Shoo!" With a grateful smile, Alex opened the door and backed out.  When the door closed, he turned and leaned against it, staring intently down the hall.  A moment later, the door to the stairwell opened, and Wil timidly poked his head out. "Hi."  Alex folded his arms over his bare chest, watching the vampire nervously. Wil crept a little closer.  "Hi."  He shuffled his feet as he walked slowly, coming to a halt inches away from Alex. Alex held out a hand, sighing in relief when Wil took it.  He squeezed it, then leaned forward.  "I love you, y'know.  Even if you are a dummy," he whispered, then kissed him. The tension drained from Wil, and he kissed back eagerly.  "Love *you*," he mumbled when their lips parted.  "An' I'm *not* a dummy!" "Oh yeah?"  Alex let go of his hand and started walking backwards toward their apartment.  "I'm still not an 'honest man'.  Maybe I should go back and talk with Sophia.  I think she has a few openings..."  He trailed off at the look on Wil's face.  Grinning, he turned and darted back into their apartment. With a matching smile, Wil raced after him, growling playfully. Part 26 Anya groaned and flopped over onto her side.  She smacked her lips, grimacing at the cottony, sour taste in her mouth.  Not even close to being ready to get up, she burrowed her way back under the covers.  One of her legs brushed against something soft and cool, and she pressed closer. "Ugh.  Who was playin' hockey with my eyeballs?" Anya froze as the cool thing she was curled against began to move, limbs tangling with hers. "Oh god, tell me I didn't pick up some loser freak at that bar."  The covers were pulled back, and Harmony gaped at her rather frazzled looking bed companion. "Um, hi?"  Anya waggled her fingers at the vampire. Harmony's brow furrowed.  "Hey, aren't you--?"  She smacked her forehead, then yelped and rubbed it tenderly.  "Anya, right?  Xander's girlfriend?" "*Ex*-girlfriend," Anya clarified.  She sat up gingerly, and the sheets pooled around her bare form. Harmony stared at her, then looked down at her own unclad body.  "Oh no.  *Way* no." Anya cleared her throat.   "Um, did we...?"  She waved a hand between them. Sniffing delicately at the bed, Harmony nodded.  "Smells like.  Huh.  Well, *that's* new." "Damn it."  Anya lurched from the bed and hobbled across the cold stone floor. "What?  It wasn't that bad...was it?"  Harmony frowned, trying to piece together her hazy, scattered memories of the previous night. "That's just it; I don't remember!"  She growled in frustration.  "I mean, that's my luck, isn't it?  My first experience with lesbian sex, and I don't even remember it!  It's not fair!"  Hands on hips, Anya glared at the vampire who was still sprawled indolently on the messy bed. "Oh."  Harmony eyed Anya's heaving chest and let her eyes wander down across a trim belly to the swell of thighs and...  "Um, we could always give it another go."  She licked her lips. Anya blinked.  Oddly enough, her headache seemed to have become much less debilitating.  Slowly, she studied Harmony's lush curves, noting the slim hand that had slid through golden curls and started a steady stroking.  She nodded curtly.  "Good idea." ~~~~~~~~~~ Back in the sanctuary of their apartment, Alex and Wil settled next to each other on the couch, hands linked together.  After a moment, Alex chuckled softly and peered up at Wil.  "So...wanna get hitched?" Wil gave him a tremulous grin and squeezed his hand.  "Think I pretty much killed the mood for now, pet," he answered with quiet regret. "Oh."  Alex tried to hide his disappointment.  "Well, how about some breakfast, then?" Wil blinked at the change of subject.  "Um, ok."  He let Alex help him up, and they made their way into the kitchen.  While Wil busied himself scrubbing out the pans they'd never gotten around to washing the day before, Alex scrounged through the refrigerator.  "Wil?  We're out of milk.  Did you use the last?" Wil rolled his eyes.  "I'm not much of a milk person, Alex.  You finished up the last yesterday when you just had to have a glass of chocolate milk before we left for work." "Oh yeah."  Alex sighed.  "I suppose I should go pick some up."  "How's the blood supply?" Alex shifted a few things around.  "Um, down to two packets.  I can swing by Sophia's, see if she has any good stuff in." "Ta.  Here, let me make you a bagel to eat while you're out."  Wil leaned over and kissed his cheek.  "Wouldn't do to have you withering away from lack of proper food.  You want cream cheese on it?" "Oooh, yeah."  Alex grabbed the container of cream cheese from the fridge and opened it.  Shuddering, he held it at arms length as he walked to the trashcan.  "On second thought, make that butter." "What's wrong?" "In case you ever wondered, cream cheese is *not* supposed to be green and fuzzy."  ~~~~~~~~~~ "This is ridiculous."  Cordelia slammed her book shut.  "How are we supposed to find out anything about this Sophie person if we don't even know what kind of demon we're looking for?  Or if she even *is* a demon?  Or if she even is a *she*?"  She glared at the book as if to force it to give up its secrets. "Well, we can't very well just give up, now can we?"  Giles leveled his best authoritarian look at her, and she sighed and opened the book again. In Cordelia's opinion, the day of researching had *not* gone well.  Leafing through Giles' collection of books was like looking for a specific needle in a haystack-sized pile of other needles.  She glanced around the room.  "What's holding up Willow and her girlfriend?   Weren't they supposed to be surfing the net to find stuff?"  She wrinkled her nose.  "On second thought, I don't really want to know what's holding them up." Gunn looked up from his book with a wide grin.  "I do!" "Shut up, Gunn," chorused Cordelia and Wesley, and even Angel spared him a withering look. Giles sighed.  "I'm sure they--"  The bell above the door jingled, interrupting him.  Tara and Willow walked in, flushed and smiling. "Bad mental images.  *Bad* mental images."  Cordelia thumped her temples repeatedly, refusing to look at the witches. Willow blinked in confusion.  "Did we miss something?" "Ah, no," Giles answered quickly.  "Did the two of you find anything?" "Um, maybe?"  Willow held up a small printout.  "We looked through all the city records we could find, but nothing turned up.  Then, we tried newspapers, magazines, stuff like that."  She handed the paper to Giles. "Interesting," he murmured as he scanned the article. "What?  What is it?"  Cordelia waited impatiently for a response. "Well, we didn't find any referenced to 'Sophie', but we did manage to turn up an article about the mysterious death and dismemberment of a prominent businessman."  She reached around Giles and pointed.  "See?  One of the people questioned was a, um...Madame called Sophia." Cordelia scowled.  "Madame?" "Proprietress," Wesley clarified. "Pimp," Gunn offered, then wilted under the glares he received.  "What?" "What else does it say about her," Angel asked. "Nothing.  That's it.  Well, it does mention that she was living in East End at the time." "East End."  Angel shook his head.  "The demon side of town.  It won't be easy to find her there." "Excuse me?"  Buffy stared at him, eyes narrowed.  "The 'demon side of town'? As opposed to over here where we live blessedly demon-free?"  She snorted.  "I was over there not too long ago asking about Xander, and *I* didn't notice anything strange." Angel stared at her in disbelief.  "Buffy," he explained calmly, "just about everyone who lives there is non-human.  Most of them look normal, but they're demons.  And they're a very close-knit group." Buffy gaped.  "You're serious, aren't you?"  At Angel's nod, she whirled to glare at Giles.  "And why didn't I ever know about this?  Aren't you supposed to tell me these crucial bits of information?" Giles spluttered, trying to form a response, but Buffy had already turned away. "But..."  Buffy looked confused.  "All of them?  Demons?" "The majority." "But...she was so nice.  And she gave me *fudge*!" ~~~~~~~~~~ "Well, that was...interesting." Wil glared at Alex, smacking him on the chest.  "Shut up," he muttered. "What?"  Alex grinned.  "It was!  You practically have a cult following now, 'harem boy'."  He leered at his boyfriend. "Shut up!" Laughing, Alex pulled Wil to him and spun him around the room in a brief dance.  Wil resisted only briefly before giving in with a small chuckle. Breathless, Alex led Wil into their bedroom and tumbled him onto the bed.  He lay beside him and wrapped his arms around him.  "I know you were a big hit filling in for Jon last night," he said, "but I don't think you should dance any more." Wil frowned.  "Why not?  Liked it, didn't you?" "That's the point!"  Alex groaned.  "I almost stripped you bare and-and *humped* you onstage!  And everyone wanted to touch you."  He shuddered.  "They can't touch you, Wil.  They *can't*." "Git."  Wil snorted in amusement, then grabbed one of Alex's wandering hands and kissed it.  "Think I want them touching me?  Undressin' me with their eyes like they did tonight?"  He growled.  "Don't know how Jon stands it." "Well, for one, Jon isn't half as hot as you are."  He kissed Wil's nose.  "Then again, at least his hair is natural." "Hey!"  Wil shoved at Alex's chest, glaring. "Mmm, I love the way you look, though."  Alex nuzzled the sensitive spot behind Wil's ear.  "Your roots are really showing, now," he commented offhandedly. Eyes wide, Wil reached up and pulled at his hair in horror.  "It looks that bad?" he asked. Alex cocked his head.  He shivered.  "Looks damn sexy," he growled.  "Dark at the roots, turns blonde, then almost white at the tips.  Just a bit of a curl..."  He growled again, then nibbled on Wil's earlobe. Wil gasped.  "Oh...oh, yeah..." Releasing the bit of flesh with a slurping sound, Alex propped himself up on an elbow.  "Wil?  You wanna...you know, try that marking thing again?" "I..."  Wil toyed with the buttons on his shirt.  "I s'pose we can try," he said softly. "Ok," came Alex's equally soft response. With trembling fingers, Wil reached over and pulled Alex's shirt off.  He stared for a moment at the other man's chest, letting his gaze slowly move up to his exposed neck.  He swallowed. Alex arched his back and let out a tiny whimper when cool lips descended and began caressing his throat.  Then teeth began to nibble, and he bit back a gasp. Wil licked and nibbled at the salty skin, sucking at times until faint marks arose.  Alex tasted delicious, and Wil never wanted to stop running his tongue over his boyfriend's quivering flesh. Alex writhed under Wil for long minutes.  A strangled cry escaped him when Wil finally pulled away. "It's not working," Wil informed him dejectedly. "Hmm?"  Alex shook his head to clear it.  "Oh.  No biting?" Wil shook his head. "Well...that's ok.  We can still cuddle."  Again, Alex felt a slight sting of disappointment, but he knew how much Wil had been freaked by it happening the first time.  He wasn't going to rush the vampire.  It happened once, it was sure to happen again.  Eventually.  He hoped. "Mmmmm, an' kiss?"  Wil wiggled out of his own shirt, then spooned his body up beside Alex's. "Kissing is of the good.  And licking too.  I like licking."  To prove his point, Alex licked the sharp line of Wil's cheekbone. "Oh yeah, I like licking." "All over licking is a good thing, too."  Alex snickered and licked the bridge of Wil's nose. "A-All over?" Wil squeaked out. "*All* over." ***** A cough wracked Velius' body, and he huddled deeper into the small cave, trying desperately to conserve some warmth.  The tiny fire he'd managed to produce wasn't doing much to heat the area, but it was better than nothing.  Barely. Alone.  Gods, it was so quiet.  The sound of the blizzard outside should have been deafening, but all Velius could hear were his own raspy breaths and thumping heartbeat. He'd had a feeling about this campaign.  Something in him knew things would go wrong.  Who needed an oracle to give tidings of impending doom?  He'd been able to figure it out just fine for himself. Velius let out a bitter laugh.  Just his luck, though.  Here he'd only come on this campaign to keep an eye on his younger brother, and what happens?  *He* ended up being the one separated from the others, forced to hole up in this wretched crevice, sick and slowly freezing to death. A twig snapped, the sharp sound echoing loudly through the enclosed space.  Shivering, Velius stared wildly into the swirling whiteness outside.  Something was coming. A dark, bundled shape loomed in the opening.  Velius gripped his short sword tightly, uncertain who -- or what -- would be about in weather like this. The figure moved inside, shaking itself.  A limb came up, pushing back the hood covering its face. "By the gods, it's *cold* out there!" Velius gaped, his sword slipping from nerveless fingers.  "Aecus?  How did you--?  What are you doing here?" Aecus grinned at his brother.  "You thought I'd let you slip away from me that easily?" Velius shook his head.  "You fool," he muttered. Offended, Aecus retorted, "Fool?  Who's the one who got trapped in the middle of nowhere in the worst snowstorm I've ever seen?" "Both of us, now!"  Velius glared.  "Why didn't you stay with the others?  You were safe!" "Yes, well, you're welcome."  Aecus crept across the uneven floor and settled next to his brother.  "Gods, you're cold.  Here."  He removed his coat and draped it over the two of them. Against his will, Velius relaxed as his brother's body heat and the insulation of the coat warmed him slightly.  "Thanks," he said softly.  Another cough shook him, but it wasn't as severe as the previous one. "You would have done it for me too, you know."  Aecus moved his arm around Velius, pulling the other man closer." "Of course I would have.  That's what *older* brothers do."  He twisted his head and tried to give Aecus another glare, but it was rather half-hearted.  He sighed.  "You do know we're both going to die now, right?" Aecus shrugged.  "Probably," he admitted softly.  Then, in a lighter tone, "Well, at least the good senator doesn't have to worry about having someone to follow in his footsteps; he still has Primus and Quintus just waiting to fill his sandals." "Don't talk about father that way," Velius admonished.  "You know he cares for us." "Ah, of course."  In a mutter, he continued, "As much as the man can care about two sons who went against his wishes and became common soldiers." "Stop it." "Sorry Velius." They huddled together in silence, shivering as the cold seemed to grow more intense. "Do you really think we're going to die?" Velius sighed.  "Most likely.  The snow isn't letting up, and we haven't got much fuel for the fire.  Chances are, we'll freeze before too long." "Oh."  Aecus drew in a deep breath.  "I love you, Velius." Velius smiled.  "I know.  I love you as well, Aecus." "Velius..."  Aecus set cold fingers on his brother's face, turning it towards him.  "I really...love you."  Before he could change his mind, he pressed his lips to Velius'. Velius held himself rigid.  Then, with a low groan, he reached up a hand and brushed it along Aecus' face, moving back to tangle in his hair.  "Ah, Aecus," he sighed.  He returned the kiss with another, then pulled Aecus' head down to his chest, stroking his hair gently.  "I love you too, Aecus," he murmured, staring again into the unforgiving wall of snow outside.  "I love you, too." Part 27 Wil woke curled up against Alex, and he smiled.  Slowly, he stretched his limbs out and sat up.  He pulled the covers down, then just lay there and stared at Alex.  Everything about this man was beautiful.  His perfectly muscled chest and arms, that little indentation at the base of his collarbone, that lock of hair that constantly fell in front of his eyes.  His eyes.  Oh, those were the best of all, the way they sparkled when he laughed, and the little crinkles at the corners when he squinted.  The look of love and wonder in them whenever he saw Wil.  They way the turned almost black with passion when Wil kissed him.  And the way they sought him out in the dim light when Alex was still muddled from sleep... "Wil?" With a smile, Wil leaned over and kissed Alex.  "Afternoon, luv," he said quietly. Alex grinned at him sleepily. "S'dark. Can' see." Wil laughed and reached over to turn on the bedside lamp. "Better?" Blinking to clear the spots from his eyes, Alex nodded. "Mmm, I can look at you now," he said appreciatively. Moving lazily, he pulled Wil back towards him, nibbling on his lower lip when it came into range. Wil groaned as Alex's tongue teased against his lips without ever slipping inside. When Alex pulled back, Wil stared at him heavy-lidded. "You taste delicious," he said, eyes sparkling with pleasure. Alex gave him a nervous grin. "Wil? Do you think you...I mean...would you..." Alex paused and cleared his throat. "Do you want to...you know...do it?" Wil stared at him blankly. "'Do it'? Do what?" He watched in fascination as Alex's face turned bright red. "You know.  Uh...f-fucking?  You, um, d-do me?" A strangled noise escaped Wil, and he bolted upright.  "Y-you mean...with the...and the...?" Alex nodded.  "I mean, we don't have to, if you don't want to.  It was...I was just thinking, I might...want you to?" "Oh."  Wil stared at him in awe.  "You'd let me...do that?  You want me to?" "Well, yeah.  Sure."  Alex blushed again.  "I, um, like the thought of you touching me...there." Wil whimpered.  "O-ok," he whispered.  "If-if you want." Alex let out a relieved sigh.  "Yeah," he said with a tender smile.  "I want." "Right."  With shaking hands, Wil stripped out of his sweatpants, then reached to tug off Alex's.  "Do you...um...how should we...?" Alex rolled onto his stomach and tucked his knees up under him.  "Will...will that work?" Wil snapped his mouth shut, wiped the drool off his chin, and hastily said, "Yeah.  It's...it's fine."  He took in a lungful of air to steady himself, then crawled up behind Alex.  He crouched over him, a hand on his back.  "You're sure?" Alex snorted.  "I'm sure."  He twisted his head so he could see Wil out of the corner of his eyes.  "I want this.  I want *you*." Wil closed his eyes briefly.  Bending forward, he began to kiss the back of Alex's neck, moving down until he was licking right between his shoulder-blades, making him squirm. "Wil!" Grinning, Wil stroked a hand over Alex's ass, probing hesitantly between his cheeks until his fingers brushed over the tight ring of muscle.  He groaned softly, lining the head of his cock up to the tiny opening. Alex hummed happily as the first tentative thrust skittered along the sensitive nerves.  He arched his back a bit. Growling, Wil tried again, gasping at the intense heat the gripped his erection when the head popped in. Alex gasped as well, then turned his face and bit into his arm.  He hadn't thought it would hurt like this.  It burned, like a thousand needles pricking inside him, and he couldn't help tensing.  Another thrust sent a searing pain up his spine, and he was unable to completely muffle his agonized cry. Wil froze.  "A-Alex?"  He swallowed hard, shuddering at the vice-like grip around his cock.  "Are...are you ok?" Alex panted hard, trying to still his shaking.  "I'm fine," he gasped out, squeezing his eyes shut. Wil frowned.  He moved slightly, and his eyes widened at Alex's whimper.  He was positive it wasn't a good whimper, either.  "Alex?"  He pulled back a bit, and a new scent teased at his nose.  So very familiar... "Oh god."  With a low cry of horror, Wil wrenched himself away.  Stunned, he stared at the trickle of blood that followed his exit.  He shook his head and stretched out a trembling hand.  "A-Alex, I...oh god, you're bleeding."  He snatched the hand back and scuttled away, almost falling off the end of the bed. Biting back another cry of pain, Alex forced himself to roll over.  He reached out a hand imploringly.  "Wil, don't...don't leave.  Please, don't run again." Wil's face crumpled in despair, but he reluctantly crept back to Alex.  "I hurt you," he muttered, grief-stricken.  "I'm *so* sorry, Alex, I didn't mean...I *never* wanted to...oh god."  He curled up next to Alex, head on his chest.  "Please, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Alex," he chanted, fighting to hold back tears. Alex wrapped himself around Wil, wincing at the stab of pain from his nether regions.  "Wil, it's ok.  I know you didn't mean to hurt me.  It's not that bad, really.  I'll be ok." "I shouldn't be allowed to touch you," Wil mumbled.  "I should--" "Wil, listen to me."  Alex tilted Wil's face up so he could stare him in the eyes.  "Look, something went wrong. We screwed up.  It's my fault as much as it is yours, ok?  I shouldn't have asked you to do this when we weren't ready yet.  Don't go all broody on me; we'll figure this out.  We probably just need practice or something." Wil said nothing, just continued to clutch at Alex. Alex sighed, then forced a smile.  "You know what else we need practice doing?  That showering together thing.  Remember?  I think we should give that another try." Wil sniffled.  "I'll probably just hurt you again," he answered despondently. "Won't know until we try it!" Alex retorted brightly.  He sat up, winced again, then jerked Wil up as well.  "Come on!" ~~~~~~~~~~ Alex walked into the club, staring around the deserted interior.  "Hello?  Frankie?" Frankie walked out of his office.  "Alex?  You're early." "Yeah, um...I had some things to do.  Wil's gonna be in later." Frankie nodded, then went back to his office. Quickly, Alex walked towards the back, hesitating when he came to the dressing room.  He took a steadying breath, then pushed inside. The three men inside paused their conversation and turned to stare at him curiously. "Hey."  Alex blushed.  "Um, Jon?  Can I talk to you for a sec?" The redhead nodded and walked over, waving at his companions to go back to their conversation without him.  "What's up?  Where's your sexier half?"  He grinned. "I...kinda wanted to talk to you about that.  Sorta.  Is there, um, someplace private we can go?" Jon studied the tense young man.  "You're not going to make a pass at me, are you?" "What?  No!" Jon snorted.  "Ok, crush a guys dreams."  He chuckled as he led Alex to a small room down the hall.  He ushered the other man inside.  "So, what's the scoop?" Alex looked around the mostly bare room, then pulled out a chair and sat at the table.  "I-I wanted to talk to you.  It's...it's about...uh, sex." "Sex."  Jon blinked.  He turned, locked the door, then walked over and sat on the edge of the table.  "Shoot." Alex's face turned pink.  "Well, see, Wil and I, we tried...that is, we wanted to...oh man."  He steeled himself, then blurted it out.  "Wetriedtohavesex." "Tried?"  He leaned forward, eyes twinkling. "It didn't work too well," Alex mumbled, not meeting Jon's steady gaze. "How exactly did it not work?" "It...it hurt.  And...there was some blood." "Ok.  Um, what can I say, it does hurt a little sometimes.  Wouldn't think Wil would mind the blood, though, being a vampire and all." "No, see...he freaked!  And it hurt a *lot*!  Like, talking agony, here!" Jon arched an eyebrow skeptically.  "Oh, come on.  It couldn't have been *that* bad.  I mean, it's not like he just tried to shove himself in dry." Alex groaned and covered his face. "You...you're..."  Jon sat there for a moment, taken aback.  "You're kidding. He did?" Face still hidden, Alex nodded. "Damn.  That's...geez.  Even *I* would think twice about doing that, and I'm certainly not a blushing virgin here."  Jon shook his head. Alex dropped his hands and glared.  "Well, what were we *supposed* to do?  It's not like we came with instruction manuals!" Jon chuckled.  "You want instructions?"  He tought about it, then nodded sharply.  "Ok, just make sure Wil doesn't come kill me when he finds out you talked to me about this."  He settled back into a chair of his own, making himself comfortable.  "Well, first off, anal sex can be one big party, but it's definitely BYOL." Alex blinked in confusion.  "Huh?" Jon sighed good-naturedly.  "Bring you own lube.  Nature didn't exactly equip us to take something the size of a cock up our asses on a regular basis. A picture flashed in Alex's mind of Wil opening the nightstand that first night, unearthing a jumble of lubes and condoms.  He could almost smack himself.  "Um.  Ok.  Lube.  Got it."  He stared fixedly at the far wall, not really having the guts to look Jon in the face.  "What about...condoms?" "General rule, always use 'em.  I dunno, though.  You won't have to worry about STDs or anything since vampires are technically dead and can't carry or transmit diseases.  Might want to use them to avoid any...er messes, though." "Messes?"  He snuck a glance at Jon, who gave him an amused grin.  Light dawned.  "Oh!"  His face heated so much, Alex was surprised his eyeballs didn't melt out of their sockets.  And that imagery was enough to distract him, giving Jon the opportunity to continue Alex's impromptu sex education. Jon found himself starting to enjoy this lecture, as well as Alex's reactions.  "The key is relaxation.  No matter how much you prep your partner, if he's not relaxed, it's *not* gonna work." "Relaxation."  Alex considered that.  "Ok, I can see how that's a good thing." "Uh-huh."  Jon snorted.  "Also, there's no such thing as too much lube.  If you're not sure, add more.  Now, you're probably going to want to start with just a finger.  Once you can move that in and out pretty easily, you can try for two.  When you can get two inside, the real stretching starts.  Just keep scissoring your fingers apart gently to loosen the muscles.  Some people also use rimming to help with this." This got Alex's full attention, and he stared at Jon quizzically.  "Rimming?" "Tongue, Alex.  You use your *tongue* instead of fingers." "Oh.  Oh!"  Alex blushed fiercely and let his head drop onto the table with a thud.  "You do realize that after this I will never be able to look you again, don't you?" Jon laughed loudly.  "Whatever.  Anyway, however you start, you'll probably want to work up to three fingers.  Keep adding lube if you need to, and be gentle."  He paused and eyed Alex speculatively.  "How big are you?" "Ex*cuse* me?" Alex squeaked.  "Your dick, Alex.  How big is it?" "That's...that's kind of private, man."  Oh look, there was the nice wall again. Jon sighed.  "Look, I'm just trying to help here.  If you're bigger than average, you're going to need to be extra careful, maybe even try and get four fingers inside him before you try anything else.  And if you're...not so large, you could maybe be able to get away with just a little stretching later on." He laughed at the expression on Alex's face, and continued.  "Position.  Let's see.  Spoons would be your best choice.  It tends to make for slower lovemaking, and the penetration isn't quite so deep.  Not a bad idea for the first time.  Not that there's anything wrong with hot, hard, sweaty sex..."  He licked his lips, eyes taking on a far off look.  Then he shook himself.  "For something like this, though, you're going to want something slower and gentler.  First times are special, man, no sense in rushing things.  Plus, it's really easy to cuddle in that position.  And it takes a lot of strain off the other guy because he doesn't have to support your weight.  And you don't have to worry about crushing him." "That's...that's good."  He almost wished he'd thought to bring something to take notes, but figured it would be hard to write while staring at the wall like he seemed intent on doing. "Hey."  Jon reached over and tapped Alex's arm, waiting until the other man looked at him.  "Don't be embarrassed, man.  I wish I'd had the guts to talk to someone about this stuff before I started.  You guys will be *fine*.  Just take it slow.  Don't rush things.  And if either one of you is uncomfortable, take a break.  It's not like you have a time limit or something." Alex sighed and gave him a shaky grin.  "I know.  Thanks.  It's just...I feel like we should have been able to figure this our for ourselves." "No prob.  That's what buds are for.  Besides, now you're somewhat better informed, the two of you should be able to have a grand old time."  Jon leered. Alex blushed again, but smiled.  "Really, thanks.  But, um, don't take it personally when I avoid you for the next couple of years, ok?" Jon laughed.  "Who, me?" ~~~~~~~~~~ "No." Alex sighed as Wil turned over.  He reached across the space between them, letting his hand settle on Wil's hip.  "Wil, come on.  It'll be better this time.  We just skipped a few steps, is all." Wil rolled back over and glared at Alex.  "I *hurt* you.  An' I'm bloody well not gonna try it again!" "But..."  Alex looked away, jaw clenching.  "Ok, fine," he said in a quivery voice.  "I just...I really want to share that with you, Wil." "Uh-huh."  Wil studied his bedmate.  "You still sore?" Alex twitched at the question.  "A little," he admitted. "And you want to try that *again*?  Are you insane?"  He sighed at the look of utter desolation that covered Alex's face.  "Fine.  Ok?  Fine.  But I'm *not* gonna hurt you again."  He kicked off his pants and rolled onto his stomach.  "You do me, then." Alex stared.  He hadn't actually considered it this way.  "Wil?" "Look, if it goes wrong, at least I heal up faster.  An'..."  He sighed.  "I dunno, I kinda wanna know what's it's like, too.  So long as it ain't *too* awful." Alex closed his eyes, fighting back the surge of arousal that had overtaken him.  "I can...I can do that," he managed to say.  Sitting up, he yanked off his clothes and fumbled for the drawer to the nightstand, wrenching it open and spilling most of its contents onto the floor.  He scooped up one of the unopened tubes of lubricant, then turned back over to Wil.  "Um, could you...just a little..."  He used a hand on Wil's hip to guide the vampire onto his side, then scooted up behind him. Wil tensed a little as he felt Alex's warmth along his back.  He struggled to remain calm. Alex wanted to get Wil relaxed before he started, so he began petting and licking along his back.  "I love how you taste," he said.  He gently kneaded bunched up muscles, smoothing out the knots of tension.  "I love touching you, and kissing you, and running my tongue across your skin." Wil moaned and felt his entire body loosen.  He pressed back, bending his head forward so Alex could get at the spot on the nape of his neck. Alex grinned and went after it, nibbling and nipping, then soothing the tormented flesh with tiny licks.  He moved a hand down, pushing at the back of Wil's thigh until his upper leg was bent up against his stomach.  He sucked on Wil's earlobe as he struggled to open the tube, losing the cap somewhere in the tangle of sheets. Wil sighed as a slippery fingertip rubbed against his opening.  It wasn't so bad, felt kind of nice, actually.  He wiggled his hips as the finger continued to play around the wrinkled ring of flesh, never pressing inside.  The light touches were hardly enough to be satisfying, and were driving him up the wall. Alex took a deep breath, then pressed his finger cautiously inside. Wil stilled.  He squeezed his muscled around the intruder experimentally.  That was...odd.  But...not bad.  He pushed back. Relieved at Wil's smooth acceptance, Alex pushed his finger in deeper, moving slowly and carefully until it was in as far as it could go.  Gently, he slid it back out. Wil frowned.  "I liked that," he complained.  "Put it back." Alex gave a breathless laugh.  He squirted more lube on his finger, then replaced it, rocking it gently in and out.  He listened to Wil's tiny moans and grunts of pleasure, glad he was doing this right.  Again, he removed his finger, ignoring Wil's protests so he could apply more lube to it and its neighboring finger. Wil felt more than the one finger seeking entrance this time.  He stilled, then pushed back questioningly.  The fingers slipped inside a little, and Wil hissed at the slight burn that accompanied the intrusion. "Is this ok?" Alex asked anxiously. "Hang on."  He lay still for about a dozen of Alex's heartbeats, then relaxed again.  "Ok," he whispered. Ever so slowly, Alex let his fingers burrow deeper inside of Wil's tight opening.  He imagined that cool, slick tightness around his cock, then firmly banished that thought before he could lose it. Wil couldn't believe this was working.  There was the smallest moment of discomfort when Alex started to scissor his fingers apart, but he soon became accustomed to the stretching sensation.  Only a slight twinge of pain accompanied the addition of a third finger, and Wil was surprised to find himself thrusting back, almost desperate to get the fingers inside him every time they withdrew. Finally, Alex removed his fingers from the snug, but no longer impossibly tight hole.  He squirted out another healthy amount of lube and rubbed it over his cock, then he slid his arm around Wil's waist.  "I'm gonna try, now. You ready?" Wil moaned and nodded, wanting to experience that full, tingly feeling the fingers had given him again. Alex held his breath and let his cock nudge up against Wil's ass.  Ears attuned to any sounds of discomfort Wil might produce, he made a small thrust forward, and the tip of his cock slipped inside. Wil gasped, his eyes flying wide.  That was...big.  Bigger than the fingers.  He let the sensation wash over him, then wiggled his hips.  "Ahhhh..."  He couldn't help the drawn-out groan than escaped his lips when Alex's cock began to slide into him. Alex's groan matched Wil's.  He was amazed at how smoothly this was going, how simple it had turned out to be once he knew what to do.  He halted his advance, fighting to catch his breath.  Oh, he couldn't wait for Wil to do this to him.  This time, *with* the lube. Wil felt so full.  So...complete.  He felt the brush of wiry pubic hairs against his ass, and realized that Alex was as deep as he could get in this position.  It was...heaven.  He smiled, reaching down to squeeze Alex's hand. "Move," he coaxed softly. With a laugh that almost sounded like a sob, Alex did as he was bid.  He rocked his hips back the smallest amount, then thrust forward again.  Judging by Wil's whimper and moan, this was a good thing.  Alex did it again. Wil grunted softly each time Alex pushed into him.  He was being invaded, taken over, consumed from the inside.  He loved it.  With a sigh of utter enjoyment, Wil arched his back a little. Alex did his best to keep the tempo slow and steady, not wanting to hurt Wil in his eagerness.  Then, Wil let out a high-pitched yell, and he went still, heart pounding in fear.  "Wil?" Eyes wide, Wil stared at the pretty sparkling lights that had appeared.  "Again," he groaned.  "Do it again!" Alex frowned, but complied.  Again, an almost feminine shriek sounded.  Shaken, Alex once more forced himself to stillness.  "Wil, what's wrong?" "Wrong?  You stopped!  Bloody keep moving!"  Wil jerked himself forward, then back, shuddering as that...something inside him was prodded again. "It doesn't hurt?"  He was still unsure, but Wil seemed intent on continuing, and didn't *seem* to be in any discomfort. "Feels...bloody fantastic.  Move, would you!"  He wanted that again, wanted that spot stroked. Alex thrust tentatively, feeling his cock scrape past a tiny lump inside of Wil.  He pulled back, then tried nudging the spot repeatedly. Wil spasmed helplessly as what felt like sparks of lightening danced up and down his spine.  This was better than orgasming...almost.  He convulsed as Alex decided to try rocking harder, which of course drove his cock even more forcefully against that wonderful, amazing, fanfucking*tastic* spot that Wil was really wishing he'd discovered much earlier. More confident now, Alex resumed his slow, steady pace, putting just a tad more force behind his thrusts.  He was really enjoying the way Wil shivered and twitched whenever he hit that nub of flesh, and made sure to do it often. He pressed feverish kisses to Wil's damp shoulders.  Then, Wil's cock bumped against his hand, and he grinned. Wil yelped as the warm hand enclosed his erection.  Head shaking with the intensity of what he was feeling, Wil jerked himself back and forth between Alex's cock and his hand.  "Oh god...oh...Alex, I..."  Gasping, he stopped moving, and a low, keening cry rose in his throat. When Wil became still, Alex gave one last thrust, then just held on in wonder as Wil jerked and shook, spurting sticky fluid out over his hand.  The rippling sensation around his cock was unbelievable, and he kissed the side of Wil's neck fervently as the vampire continued to whimper and writhe. It was the most amazingly intense orgasm Wil was certain he had ever experienced, and it seemed to last for hours.  When it finally ended, and he was wracked by only a few lingering, minor convulsions, Wil swallowed to moisten his throat.  "That was...real good, pet," he said hoarsely. "Glad to hear it," Alex responded equally hoarsely.  "Um, can I...?"  He made a tentative thrust. Wil realized that Alex was still hard inside him, and he smiled.  "Go ahead," he whispered, "but don't get too disappointed if I just lay here and catch my breath." Alex laughed a little.  "You don't breathe," he retorted, then started thrusting again. "Mmmm."  Wil stretched a little, enjoying the easy movements inside him, shivering a little whenever Alex brushed over that exquisitely sensitive spot.  After a few minutes of this, an evil thought came to his mind and he clamped down, squeezing the muscles of his ass as tight as he could. Alex grunted loudly.  "Ah!"  Wil did it again, and again, and Alex couldn't stop it.  He buried himself as deep as he would go and came, clutching Wil close to him as he shuddered his way through orgasm. Wil sucked in a breath at the warmth that seemed to gush into him.  As Alex relaxed against him, he once more twined their hands together.  "Like that, huh?" "You...are truly...evil," Alex panted. "Uh-huh.  In a good way though, right?"  He let out a hiss as Alex slipped out of him, clenching his cheeks against the empty feeling he was left with.  With a sigh, he wiggled around to his other side facing Alex.  He kissed the other man's chin.  "I really did like it, pet.  Lots." "Yeah?"  Alex returned the kiss.  "Me too."  He yawned. Wil waited until he was done yawning, then pressed a tender kiss to his lips. "Can we do it again when we wake up?" Alex yawned again, nodding sleepily.  "Lots an' lots," he murmured.  "I get a turn, too." With happy, satisfied sighs, they soon drifted off into a contented sleep. Part 28 X'an deftly plucked the little octopus from its hiding place.  With a swift movement, he partially crushed its head with a rock.  The creature spasmed a few times, then died.  X'an swam with his catch to a large flat rock that was mostly concealed by gently waving fronds of seaweed and ferns. He settled himself on the rock, tail curled beside him.  With a sharp claw, he plucked an eyeball from the octopus and chewed on it thoughtfully. He felt odd.  The pod was in its usual yearly frenzy, and things wouldn't settle down until one of the males finally caught and mated with the matriarch.  And B'fi wasn't making the chase easy. He didn't see what all the fuss was about, personally.  B'fi was nice and all, but why such a commotion just because she was in season?  X'an shook his head, confused.  He nibbled on a tentacle, grinning as a small school of bright silver fish zipped by him.  They were safe for the moment; the octopus was enough to slake his hunger. Sensing movement in the weeds behind him, X'an jerked around.  His eyes scanned the covering of plants, trying to pick out what had alerted him. There.  A flash of red.  X'an tensed.  With a flick of his powerful tail, he launched himself off of the rock, streaming with the fluid grace of a predator through the weeds.  This section of the ocean floor was practically a jungle, overgrown with a lush abundance of plantlife.  Colorful anemones waved gently at his passing, and he slipped through an opening in the coral. He pulled up short, fins fluttering to hold him in place.  "Hello?" The smaller male, obviously not one of X'an's pod, bared his teeth, chittering threateningly.  His tail moved stiffly, sending him back a few lengths. X'an's eyes widened at the long, thin scratches that wound their way across the stranger's chest.  They crossed over his gills, and disappeared into the bright red of his tail.  "Are you...are you all right?" The merman glared at him, shaking his head to send a cloud of his black hair covering his body.  "Go 'way," he rasped out. "I'm not going to hurt you," X'an said softly, drifting closer to the skittish male.  He halted when the spines along the merman's flanks lifted in warning.  Then he looked closer.  Several of the spines appeared to be damaged, shorter than normal and not tapering to their usual dangerous points.  Like they had been broken.  "What happened?" The red and black male gave a high pitched, keening cry that made X'an wince and back away a bit.  This only steadied his resolve, though.  Determinedly, he began to move in again.  This time, he noticed how the other merman's eyes followed the movements of his hand.  He looked, realizing that he still held the octopus.  Tentatively, he held it out.  "Are you hungry?  I don't mind sharing." The male twitched, his mouth dropping open a bit to taste the water.  With halting, jerky movements, he drew closer to X'an, drawn by the promise of food. X'an tore off a tentacle and held it out, watching in bemusement as the smaller male snatched it and began to gnaw at it desperately, gulping it down in only a few bites.  "More?" A hesitant nod met this query, and X'an held out another tentacle.  "What's your name?" he asked as he watched the second tentacle disappear as quickly as the first. Cool blue eyes studied him carefully as the last bite was swallowed.  "S'ke," he answered after a long moment, then held out a somewhat shaky hand. X'an grinned.  He handed over the rest of the octopus, then drifted to the seabed.  "I'm X'an," he said.  "Why don't I find us something more to eat?  And then I want to hear all about where you come from and why you're here." Still eating hurriedly, S'ke watched the blue-green male swim away, already stalking the unlucky lobster that had scuttled by. ***** "Danny!  Welcome home!"  Grinning widely, Sophia enveloped the smaller man in a tight hug, almost making his bones creak in protest. "It's good to be back," came the breathless response. Sophia finally released, then gave him a critical once-over.  "Blue streaks?  Daniel, streaks are *so* passe.  Now, maybe if you had done just the tips blue instead...⬠She fingered his dyed hair musingly. "Sophia, you'd be perfectly happy if I shaved my head bald, admit it." "Oh, no!  The hair *must* stay, Daniel.  But, maybe something lighter next time?"  She ushered him into the elevator.  "Come now, we have *so* much to catch up on!"  She beamed to the other passenger in the elevator.  "Mellie, you remember Danny, don't you?" Mellie smiled and patted his hand fondly.  "Of course I do.  I may be getting up in years, but I'm not senile."  She too looked him over.  "My dear boy, you need to eat more!  You're positively scrawny!" "Well, if your pie is anywhere near as good as it used to be, I'm sure that won't last long." "Oh, isn't he a dear?"  She pulled him into a quick hug.  "Do drop by and visit me when you get settled.  My daughter Dana is visiting too, and I'm sure the two of you will get along famously!"  The elevator jerked to a stop and dinged.  "Well, here's my floor."  Mellie hugged the bemused young man again, pecking his forehead in a motherly manner.  "Don't be a stranger!" As her friend stepped into the hallway, Sophia called out, "Mellie, don't forget to call with that recipe you promised me yesterday!" "Oh yes.  I'll get that for you right away."  She waved, then turned to walk to her apartment.  "Wil, Alex.  For heaven's sake, you'll wrinkle the laundry if you keep that up!  Put the basket down before you start making out in the hallway."  Giggling softly, she stepped into her apartment. Daniel Osborne cocked his head and frowned as the metal panels of the elevator closed, blocking his view of the two strangely familiar men who were still ardently kissing. ~~~~~~~~~~ Alex finally managed to fumble their door open, and he about fell inside, pulling Wil and their basket of laundry in with him.  He laughed breathlessly when the laundry went tumbling to the floor and they followed close after.  "Wil!" he panted out, trying to nudge the door shut with his foot.  "Door!" Wil growled and kicked the door, closing it with a loud bang.  Then he went back to nibbling the inside part of Alex's wrist, something he'd discovered drove the other man wild. Alex squeaked, watching wide-eyed as Wil worked his tongue up the tender skin of his arm until he was sucking at the bend of his elbow.  He let out a low cry, his body jerking with pleasure.  "Wil...please.  I want...⬠He spread his legs apart. Wil stilled, pulling back and looking at Alex seriously.  "You sure you wanna try that again, luv?" Without hesitation, Alex nodded.  "You won't hurt me.  Please, Wil.  I need you." Taking a deep, steadying breath, Wil nodded.  "Right then.  Best get into the bedroom."  He smirked.  "The floor inside the doorway can wait to be christened until we get more...practiced."  He stood and pulled Alex up, shoving him in the direction of the bedroom. Alex stumbled across the room, eyes crossed in remembrance of the practicing for the shared shower experience.  Dear lord, how would he survive?  His knees bumped into something, and he stared with glazed eyes at the bed, which was still somewhat soiled from their sexual explorations upon wakening.  He *knew* they'd forgotten something when taking the laundry down... "Less clothes would probably be best."  Wil chuckled as Alex stared at him blankly, then began to undress. "Right.  Right!"  Alex bobbed his head eagerly, stripping quickly out of his clothes.  Once naked, he spread himself out on the bed. Wil stared in wonder at the man who was so easily and fearlessly offering himself to him.  What had he ever done to deserve him?  He shook of those musings andcrawled onto the bed.  Remembering the lube this time, he grabbed the tube off the nightstand, quirking an eyebrow at its half-empty state.  Looks like they might have to start investing in the economy-sized tubes. Alex tried to turn onto his stomach, but a hand on his hip stopped him.  "Wil?" Wil licked his lips as he touched Alex's body.  "Like you like this, pet," he said in a husky voice.  He let his finger travel lightly across Alex's swelling cock. "Oh."  Alex wiggled, slightly embarrassed by the frank, admiring gaze that was being directed at him.  "Um...do something?" The soft, pleading words broke through Wil's reverie, and he nodded.  "Yeah.  Just...you're so bloody gorgeous."  He laughed weakly at himself.  With fumbling hands, he squirted some lube from the open tube, wondering absently if they would ever find the cap to the blasted thing.  Not that looked like it would last long anyway... Alex frowned, then bent his knees up towards his chest, holding them there.  He felt somewhat exposed in this position, but it was worth it to see Wil's eyes darken with desire. Wil tried to ignore the way his hands shook as he reached slippery fingers towards Alex, trying to prepare his lover as carefully and gently as he had been prepared. Alex fought the urge to tense in remembrance of the pain he'd felt previously.  He was glad he had when the finger slid painlessly into him, wiggling around as if seeking something. Wil knew it had to be there.  He wasn't exactly sure what 'it' was, but reason stated that if he could be driven out of his skull with pleasure by having a certain spot inside him stimulated, then Alex would surely posses a similar spot. Alex barely had a chance to remember that nub of flesh he'd discovered inside of Wil the night before when Wil found his.  He gave a very unmanly shriek, his back arching up off the bed as his eyes opened wide in disbelief.  *That's* what it felt like???  There was no *way* he was going to survive this! More sure of himself, Wil played with the spot he'd found, prodding just around it until Alex was keening helplessly, then letting the tip of his finger scrape over it.  Feeling daring, he tried for two fingers, applying more lube to help ease the way.  It was more of a stretch, but he did it, turning Alex's startled gasp into a moan of pleasure by burrowing in to rub over that fleshy protrusion. Alex tried to open himself more, pulling his legs higher up. "Wil...please!" Wil shook the beads of sweat off his face, adding more lube and a third finger, carefully stretching the tight muscle, feeling it slowly yield to his advances.  He stared, fixated on the sight of his fingers disappearing into Alex's body.  He trembled, unable to wait much longer.  "You...you ready?" "God yes!"  Alex squeezed on the fingers inside him, then cried out as they left.  Cool hands coaxed his fingers from their death-grip on his legs, and he blinked in confusion. Wil smiled gently as he lay down next to Alex, turning the other man towards him and lifting a leg over his hip. Alex quickly got the idea, and he let his leg curl around behind Wil's.  He couldn't help thrusting forward as their cocks bumped together. Wil hissed.  "Keep that up, and you might not get what you were asking for." Alex pouted at him, but stopped thrusting.  For the moment. Wil kissed him, then awkwardly moved his arm around so he could squeeze out more lube.  He reached down and rubbed it over his aching erection, then hitched Alex's leg higher up on his waist.  "Breathe, Alex," he whispered, then aligned himself and pushed forward. Alex groaned as he felt himself stretching even wider.  He gasped in a deep breath of air, staring into Wil's eyes as he felt his lover sliding slowly into him.  "Oh...god...⬠He quivered helplessly when Wil shoved in that last little bit. "Good?"  By god, he hoped so, because he didn't want to know what would happen to him if he stopped now. Alex gave him a jerky nod, then squeezed his eyes shut so he could concentrate on the fullness inside him.  "Wil...so much...god, you fill me."  Blindly, he started to press kisses against whatever part of Wil was closest to his mouth.  "More...give me more," he breathed. At those words, Wil bucked, causing Alex to yelp in pleasure.  His hands stroked down Alex's back to cover his ass, dipping down to brush against where they were joined.  Alex seemed to like this a great deal, if his whimpering and increased sucking on Wil's neck were any indication. When Wil started to move gently, rocking back and forth inside him, Alex thought he'd pass out from the sheer intensity of what he was feeling.  He had to find out more about that spot Wil kept rubbing over, because it was definitely a happy, happy thing.  Oh yes, *very* happy.  He robbed his cock against Wil's stomach as the vampire sped up a little, pulling out almost all the way before plunging back inside. Wil dragged a hand up to Alex's head, latching onto his hair and gently but insistently pulling his head back.  He kissed Alex's nose, then his chin, then his mouth, inviting his tongue out to play.  He pulled back from the kiss, not really wanting to end it, but wanting...*needing* something more. Alex squirmed as Wil nibbled at his neck.  Remembering what Wil had done last night, he squeezed down around Wil's cock, enjoying the growl that escaped his lover's throat.  He felt something odd against his skin, and reached up a shaking hand to touch Wil's face.  The hard ridges that met his questing fingers made his eyes fly wide open.  "Yes...Wil, yes..." That was all Wil needed, and he gently bit down on the curve where Alex's neck and shoulder met, feeling his fangs carefully slice through flesh.  And then it hit him.  The scent, the taste, the texture.  He could taste Alex's arousal in the blood that filled his mouth, and it was better than anything he could have dreamed.  It was rushing through his veins, filling him with the very essence of Alex.  Of his lover.  His mate.  His. Alex panted harshly, shivering with desperate need as Wil suckled.  Vaguely, he wondered why it didn't hurt, but Wil chose that moment to start thrusting harder, and all thought was driven from his mind. Wil withdrew his fangs and felt his face settle back into its human features. He hummed contentedly as he licked up the few drops of blood that welled from the punctures.  He felt strong, whole.  He crushed Alex to him as he thrust even more vigorously. Alex cried out as his cock was trapped between their bodies, sliding along sweat-slicked skin.  He shuddered, burying his face against Wil's neck and biting down as he came, spilling his release between them. When Alex bit him, Wil was slightly shocked.  Then the convulsions of Alex's orgasm shook his body, milking his cock almost painfully in its tight sheath. With a strangled moan, Wil buried himself as deep as he could and let go of his control, cumming inside of his mate. Alex snuggled close to Wil as his breathing started to slow.  "You did it," he said in a soft, awed voice.  "You bit me." Wil looked at the marks that were already starting to close.  "I did," he whispered back.  He grinned.  "You're mine now.  Forever." "Forever and always."  Alex kissed his lover, his husband.  "My Wil." ~~~~~~~~~~ Wil sighed.  "I don't see what was wrong with the first three shirts.  We're gonna be late to work again if you keep this up."  He grinned fondly as he watched Alex try on yet another shirt, tug at the neckline, then frown and pull it off. Alex spotted a dark blue shirt in the corner of the closet.  He pulled it out and slipped it on.  "Yes!  Perfect."  He turned to give Wil a heated smile.  "I couldn't wear the others 'cause they didn't show of this."  He fingered the twin marks left from Wil's claiming of him.  "Gotta let everyone see that I'm a properly married man now, y'know."  His eyes twinkled. "Oh."  Wil grabbed him and hauled him in for a kiss.  He licked his way down to the mark, placing a gentle kiss on it.  "Mmmm, all mine, you are." "Damn right."  Alex forced himself to pull away from Wil, and he swatted the vampire's ass.  "Come on, we can still make it on time if we hurry." They left the apartment, pausing only long enough to lock the door behind them.  They had made it to the lobby and were almost out the door when a voice hailed them. "Alex!  Wil!  Over here!" They turned to see Sophia waving at them from across the lobby, accompanied by a rather confused-looking young man.  "Have to make it quick, Pet," Wil said as the changed direction.  "Don't want Frankie gettin' testy about us being late to work too much." "Sure.  We'll just say 'hi' and then get going." Sophia smiled as they approached.  "Oh good, I caught you.  I wanted to introduce you to Danny, he's that werewolf I mentioned at the party back when you two first moved in." "Right."  Alex held out a hand.  "The one with the handy nail polish tips."  He nodded.  "Hey there." Oz frowned slightly as he shook Xander's -- Alex's? -- hand.  "Nice to...meet you?"  His eyes darted between him and Wil, who he was absolutely positive was really Spike.  He wondered why they were acting like they'd never met.  Not that he was best buddies with Spike or anything, but they did know each other.  And why was Xander holding Spike's hand?  "So...what's up with you guys?" "Oh!"  Sophia nearly squealed in delight as she noticed Alex's mark.  "You did it!  Congratulations!  Oh, wait until Mellie hears."  She sniffed softly. "Weddings always make me cry.  I'm so happy for you two!"  She hugged them, giving them an appraising look as she held them close.  "Are you sure you boys don't want to--" "No!" Sophia sighed and rolled her eyes.  "Oh, we could have made a fortune together.  Pity."  She stepped back.  "Well, at least I still have Daniel.  He's always willing to lend a hand, aren't you Danny?" "Um, yeah.  Sure thing."  Oz sniffed discreetly, picking up the subtle, mingled scent of blood and sex coming from Xander and Spike.  Combined with that mark, he'd be willing to bet they were mated.  He wondered what Willow and Buffy thought about that. "Hey, we were just heading to work.  Kinda running late."  Wil gave Sophia an apologetic grin. "Oh, of course!  Don't let me hold you up.  Shoo.  You can visit with Danny later." "Cool.  Catch you later, Danny!"  Alex nodded at the young man, wondering absently why he kept giving him and Wil those strange looks, and why he seemed almost...familiar?  He shrugged it off as he and Wil left the building, hand in hand, walking so close their legs brushed with every step. ~~~~~~~~~~ "Woo, you go Alex!"  Jon clapped him on the back, waggling his eyebrows as he leaned in to examine the marks that were just visible above the neckline of his shirt. Alex flushed a little, looked from Jon to Wil and back to Jon, then turned an even brighter red. Jon laughed.  "So, did our little chat help?  Judging by your no longer single state, I'd say you got *really* lucky."  He leered at Alex, who was beet-red by this time. Wil gave Alex a curious look.  "Talk?  What talk?" Alex chuckled nervously.  "We were just discussing, um, stocks!  And, um...investment stuff.  Really boring, actually, you don't want to hear about it."  He tried to tug Wil away from Jon, but the vampire resisted. "No, it sounds interesting."  He turned an interested gaze upon Jon.  "Any good tips?" Jon started to snicker uncontrollably.  "You could...you could...say that!" he gasped out. Wil cocked his head, frowning.  "I don't get it.  What's so bleedin' funny?" "Oh look!  Frankie wants us!  Come on, Wil."  Grateful for the distraction, Alex managed to drag Wil away from Jon.  Jon, who was going to die soon.  Alex would be nice and make it painless, since he *did* give Wil that harem outfit, and the talk, mortifying though it was at the time, did lead to Alex getting royally laid.  But he was *still* going to die.  It was just a matter of time. When the reached Frankie, he grabbed their shoulders and gave them a hardy shake, beaming from ear to ear.  "It's not every day one of my employees gets hitched," he said jovially.  "Congratulations, you two."  A slightly worried expression crossed his face.  "You weren't planning on some sort of extended honeymoon, were you?" Wil blinked.  "Can't say as we were." Relieved, Frankie smiled again.  "Good, good!  Well, I suppose I can see to giving you a day or two off, let Jon tend the bar while his wrist finishes mending."  He ignored the minor protest Jon set up when he overhead that.  "As for tonight...⬠Eyes gleaming devilishly, Frankie leapt nimbly up onto the bar, the very action at odds with his size.  But it did serve to draw the attention of the patrons that had started to trickle in. "May I have your attention please!" Frankie bellowed. Wil got a very bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, and he groaned, burying his face in Alex's shoulder. "I would like to make an announcement!"  Frankie pointed at Wil and Alex, who were trying desperately to blend into the wall behind them.  "You remember the dancing harem boy, also known affectionately at your friendly vampire bouncer?  Well, seems he went and tied the knot with our bartender!" At the resounding cheers and catcalls that sounded, Alex added Frankie to his mental hit list.  He clutched at Wil, giving the crowd a wave and a sickly grin. "Aren't they cute, folks?"  More cheers and whistles sounded, and someone started clapping madly.  Soon, the entire population of the club was applauding them loudly. Wil lifted his head and snarled when some idiot had the nerve to yell out "Speech!"  This was met with laughter, and then the chant started.  "Kiss!  Kiss!  *Kiss*!  *Kiss*!" Wil rolled his eyes and shook his head.  Then, he grabbed Alex and bent him back, dipping the man low as he planted a loud, smacking kiss on his lips. There were more cheers, but the noise started to die down as the kiss went on...and on...and on.  Finally, there was silence as the crowd watched, slightly awed. Frankie jumped down off the bar.  "All right you two, break it up!  No sex in the club, you hear?"  He glared at the crowd as they booed that decision, and they melted back, chagrined. Frankie smiled at the newlyweds indulgently as they finally parted.  "Drinks half price for everyone tonight!" he shouted, and the ecstatic cheers started once again. Part 29 "Argh!" Every eye in the room stared in bemusement at the still-quivering pencil that was now stuck at least an inch into the wall.  The eyes all turned to regard the redheaded witch who was glaring at the pencil as if it were the perpetrator of all the world's troubles. "Woah, Wills, tetchy much?"  Buffy cocked her head as she looked at the pencil again.  "I'm gonna have to watch out, you could start giving this Slayer a run for her money."  She offered Willow a tentative grin. Willow snorted, but she did flush a bit.  She stared around at the others sheepishly.  "Sorry, guys.  I'm just...this is just really frustrating, you know?"  She sighed and leaned against Tara, who started to stroke her hair soothingly. "Yeah, *tell* me about it!"  Cordelia crossed her arms in annoyance.  "You would not *believe* the kinds of looks I was getting today!  And not the good 'Wow, she's really hot!' kind of looks, either.  More like 'Ew, who let that filthy animal in here?' looks.  What is *up* with that?" "They know you're not one of them," Angel said softly. "It probably doesn't help that they know who *you* are," Wesley gestured at Buffy, "and that most of the rest of us are associated with you.  I can't imagine they'd be very forthcoming with the Slayer.  You know...considering..." he trailed off meaningfully. "It's not just that," Buffy said.  "Every time I mentioned the name 'Sophie' I either got a strange look and something along the lines of 'I know nothing', or a really evil glare and a message to mind my own business."  She gave a little pout as she sat on the edge of the table.  "I didn't even meet any nice fudge-bearing types of demony people, either." "So they're covering?"  Gunn rolled his eyes.  "Figures.  Kinda like no one ever wants to finger the big drug dealers and such.  Too afraid of getting offed." "They didn't seem afraid, though."  Giles took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.  With a sigh, he continued, "It was more like...like they were *protecting* someone." "So what, you think this Sophie chick is respected or something?  Some sort of head demon?"  He shook his head and whistled softly.  "Could make her tough to find.  And even tougher to get to." "Yes, thank you, I believe we managed to establish that today," Giles snapped.  He had the grace to look embarrassed when Wesley gave him a rather lengthy stare.  "Ah, forgive me," he apologized quietly.  "It's just...I have this awful headache building, and..." he trailed of with a shrug. "Boy, do I ever know how *that* feels!"  Cordelia reached under the table for her purse.  She rummaged through it for a moment, then pulled out bottle of pills.  Smiling fondly at the bottle, she held it out toward Giles.  "Want one?" "Er, no.  But thank you.  I'll just go fix myself a hot cup of tea."  He ignored the muted retching sounds from Buffy that followed that statement.  As Giles left the room, the phone began to ring.  Since he was closest to it, Wesley reached over and picked it up.  "Hello?  Er, this is the Magic Box.  May I help you?"  There was a pause.  "No, this is Wesley Wyndam-Price speaking.  Shall I get him for you?"  Another pause.  "Certainly.  Just a moment."  He lowered the phone.  "Does anyone here know a gentleman by the name of Oz?" ~~~~~~~~~~ "This is so cool."  Alex was practically skipping down the sidewalk he was so excited.  "Can you believe he gave us the rest of the night off?  It's not even midnight yet!" Wil grinned as he watched his elated boyfriend bounce along.  "Don't forget about the mini-vacation either, luv," he reminded him. "I *know*!"  Alex grabbed Wil and spun him around, kissing his face repeatedly.  "Three whole days, all to ourselves!"  He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.  "Whatever shall we do with the time?" Blinking innocently, Wil answered, "We could learn how to knit, I s'pose."  He snickered at Alex's expression. Alex whacked him lightly on the arm. "Ouch!  Bully."  Wil pouted and sniffled softly, but the effect was ruined by the glint of humor in his eyes. Alex just leered at him.  "Do you have any idea how adorable you look when you do that?" he asked in a voice thick with arousal. "Yeah?"  Wil pouted more. "Hell yeah."  Alex grabbed him and pressed him up against the door to the shop they were passing, kissing him fiercely. Loud cheering and whistles broke them from their embrace, and Alex blushed.  "Damn it," he muttered.  "Is *everyone* watching us tonight?" Wil laughed as he pulled away, bowing to the small group of people that had gathered to watch them.  "You gotta admit, pet," he murmured, "we probably look bloody delicious.  Can't exactly blame 'em, y'know." Alex just sighed and rolled his eyes.  "Whatever."  He gave the people who were slowly starting to disperse a sickly grin and a wave.  Through clenched teeth, he muttered to Wil, "Let's lose the audience and get back home so I can screw you through the mattress." Wil groaned and licked his lips.  "Right," he rasped out.  "Only if I get to return the favor, though." "Deal."  Alex grabbed his hand and started to walk more quickly down the sidewalk, so when Wil stopped abruptly, he almost managed to jerk them both to the pavement.  He gave his boyfriend a frustrated glare.  "What?  Home, remember?" "Yeah, um, I just gotta stop in here for a sec, ok?"  He cocked his head towards the shop they had almost passed.  "I'm supposed to pick something up. Wait here?" Alex wondered why Wil was acting so evasive, but tried to hide his curiosity. "Sure," he replied as he released the vampire's hand.  "Don't be long, though." Wil smiled brightly at him, then darted inside the shop.  He was gone for just a couple of minutes before reappearing with a nondescript package wrapped in brown paper. "What's that?" Alex asked as he stared at the package. Wil refused to meet his gaze.  "Just...something.  I'll show you later, all right?" "Oh.  Sure, I mean, that's fine.  It's your stuff and everything.  Not my business."  Alex felt inexplicably wounded by Wil's refusal to tell him what was going on, but didn't want to make a fuss about it.  Especially not in public.  "So, home?" Wil tucked the package under one arm and looped the other one around Alex's waist.  "Home," he agreed. ~~~~~~~~~~ Buffy gave a happy screech and ran over, yanking the phone away from Wesley.  "Oz?  Oz, is it really you?  Oh my god, I can't believe it's you!"  She looked over at the others.  "Guys, its Oz!" Willow was sitting on the edge of her chair, wanting to leap up and run to the phone.  But she restrained herself, and glanced at Tara. Tara smiled softly.  "Go on," she said.  "He's your friend, too." Willow smiled, kissed her girlfriend, then got up and hurried over to Buffy. "So, where are you?  Are you coming back soon?  Really?"  Buffy evaded Willow's grabbing hands, jumping up to stand on the counter. Giles chose that moment to return, and he almost dropped his cup of tea.  "Buffy!"  He glared at his Slayer.  "I'll thank you *not* to stand on my counters!" Buffy just rolled her eyes.  "Giles, it's *Oz*!" Across the room, Cordelia snorted indelicately.  "Gee, wonder who's on the phone?" she muttered sarcastically. Gunn just looked confused.  "Who's Oz?" "Buffy!  Let me talk to him!"  Willow jumped up onto the counter next to Buffy, still trying to snatch the phone away. "Will the both of you *settle down*!"  Giles sighed heavily and went over to the phone receiver, studying it intently before decisively pressing a button. "...figured it was time to stop by and visit some old friends.  Hang out some."  Oz's voice sounded loudly from the speaker. Willow stuck her tongue out at Buffy, then carefully jumped off the counter.  "Oz?"  She bent over the speaker.  "Can you hear me?  It's Willow." There was a pause, then, "Hey Wills.  How's the girlfriend?" Willow smiled over at Tara.  "She's doing good.  *We're* doing good.  What about you?  You need a place to stay or anything?" Buffy tossed the phone aside and sat on the counter, hovering over Willow.  "How long are you gonna be around this time, Oz?" she asked. Even Giles felt compelled to join in.  "Are you in town already?  Do feel free to stop by when you get a chance.  We've...the girls have missed you." "Yeah, I just got back today.  Staying with some people I know, so don't worry about me.  Hey Giles, how's the store thing going?" "Rather well, actually.  You see, I--" Buffy cut him off.  "Oh, hey, we got a sort of situation goin' on here, Oz.  Think you could maybe help?" "Guess so.  What's up?" "It's Xander!" Willow shouted.  Buffy clapped her hands over her ears and glared at her.  "Oh, sorry.  I mean, it's Xander," she repeated in an exaggerated whisper. "Yeah, I wanted to ask you guys about that.  What's up with him and Spike?  They kind of had the whole oblivious thing going on earlier.  Pretty...distracted.  Something I should know?" There was absolute silence in the Magic Box for about five seconds.  Giles broke it by clearing his throat.  "Oz?  Do you mean to say you have seen both Spike and Xander?" "Well...yeah.  Is that bad?" Willow clutched at the phone, her mouth hovering over the speaker.  "Where?  When?  *Where*?  How'd he look?  Is he ok?  Where is he?  Oz, talk to me!" Giles firmly removed the speaker from her grasp, setting it down on the counter again.  "Oz," he explained calmly, "Xander has been missing for quite some time.  We've been searching everywhere for him, Angel even brought his people from LA to help.  Are you quite sure it was him you saw?" The roomful of people was now all clustered around the phone, waiting intently for an answer.  They clearly heard Oz taking a deep breath. "You...don't know?  About him and...Spike?" Buffy growled in frustration.  "No!  That's why we're asking you!  Did Spike do something to him?  I swear, I'm gonna *stake* that bleached freak!  Where did you see them, Oz?"  There was yet another long, silent pauses on Oz's part.  Finally, he said, "I...think I made a mistake." "A mistake?  You mean it wasn't Xander?" "Um, I...I gotta go now.  I'll...stop by sometime, ok?" "Oz, don't you dare hang up that--!"  There was a click, and a few moments later, a dial tone sounded. "He saw them," Willow whispered.  "He's ok.  Xander's ok!" "Don't get too excited yet, Wills," Buffy cautioned.  "He also said Spike was with him, and who knows what that could mean?" ~~~~~~~~~~ Oz set the phone down and stared around the mostly bare apartment.  "Well...damn."  He sighed and reached for the phone again. "Sophia?  Yeah, it's Oz.  No, I didn't change my mind about working tomorrow night.  Look, about those guys earlier...which apartment did you say they were in?" ~~~~~~~~~~ Wil stepped inside the apartment and flicked on the light switch.  "Want something to eat?"  He moved towards the kitchen. "Sure," he replied, a little confused.  Alex couldn't figure out why Wil had gone all nervous again.  He *knew* it wasn't about the sex that they were planning on having; those issues had been dealt with quite thoroughly, thank you.  The only thing he could figure is that it had something to do with the package that Wil had now set down on the table as he began to rummage trough the cupboards.  He sighed quietly, hoping nothing bad was going on.  "I'm just...gonna go clean up a little," he said as he headed for the bathroom. Wil nodded distractedly as he pulled a box of cereal from one of the shelves. He poured out two bowls of cereal and set them on the counter, getting out a couple of spoons as well.  From the refrigerator, he removed a packet of blood and emptied it over one of the bowls.  Then he searched for the milk, sighing when he realized it had gotten shoved to the back again.  He bent to try and extract it without making a mess of the other groceries. Alex came out of the bathroom, wiping his hands on his pants.  His eyes lit on the bowls.  "Ooh,  Fruity Pebbles!"  He picked up one of the bowls and grabbed a spoon, digging in to the sweet, crunchy cereal. Wil stood quickly and whirled around, milk jug held firmly in hand.  He watched with a mixture of horror and amusement as Alex realized what he'd done. Alex stopped chewing, rolling the cereal around in his mouth.  His eyes widened dramatically, and he swallowed the mouthful down, almost choking on it.  He looked at the bowl of cereal in betrayal, scooping the colorful bits aside so he could see the thick red liquid they were soaking in.  "Wil?"  He slowly set the bowl back down on the counter.  "Please tell me that's not what I think it is." "Um..."  Wil hesitantly placed the jug of milk next to the other bowl.  "That was...my bowl, Alex." "Right."  Alex took a deep breath.  "That is a *very* bad thing to do to cereal, Wil.  It's just...*wrong*!" Wil glared.  "Well, I didn't *tell* you to eat it, y'know!" he retorted. "Yeah, I know.  Just...gimme a minute to repress here, ok?"  Alex closed his eyes, slowly counted to twenty, and then opened them.  "Ok.  I can handle this."  He eyed the bloody cereal, using a finger to push the bowl towards Wil.  Then, he drenched the other bowl of cereal in milk.  Nice, safe, white, non-bloody milk. Wil watched for a moment to make sure Alex wasn't going to decide to get sick all over their mostly clean kitchen.  When the other man flashed him a somewhat weak grin and kept eating, he shrugged and started in on his own cereal. Alex managed to finish his meal and keep it down.  Actually, the 'vampire cereal' hadn't really been that bad.  A surprise, yes.  But it was more of an 'ick, that was unexpected' surprise than an 'oh my god, I'm gonna puke that was so disgusting' surprise.  The taste of the blood, although very strong, still had that edge of familiarity that Alex noticed from the first morning when Wil had gotten him to eat the blood-dipped eggs.  And it still wasn't something he wanted to dwell on for very long. When Wil finished his own cereal, he took the empty bowls to the sink and rinsed them out.  Then, before he could lose his nerve, he went over to the sofa and reached under it, pulling out a notebook.  He took the notebook over to the table, where the brown package still waited.  He picked up that as well and returned to Alex's side. Alex had watched all this, his curiosity growing rapidly.  He was nearly vibrating in place when Wil held the items out to him. Wil took a steadying breath, then handed Alex the package he'd picked up at the shop earlier, along with the medium-sized notebook.  "Open that first," he instructed, pointing at the package. "A present?"  Alex stared at the package, mentally castigating himself for being upset over Wil's earlier secrecy.  He gave Wil a wobbly grin, suddenly catching the vampire's nervousness.  "You got me a present?"  With shaky fingers, he fumbled at the edges of the paper, tearing them away from the thin metal box.  He blinked, running his fingers over the smooth surface.  "Wil?" "I saw you lookin' at 'em a couple times when we walked by, an' you're always doodling pictures on scrap paper an' in margins, so I figured..."  He shrugged.  "You, um, you like 'em?" Alex reverently lifted the lid of the drawing kit, staring in awe at the wide assortment of pencils, chalks, charcoals, graphites and erasers.  "Wil," he choked out, "it's...they're beautiful."  He stroked a finger along the smooth pencils. Wil smiled, relieved that Alex seemed to like the present.  "I figured if you could draw an' all, you should have the proper stuff."  He nodded at the notebook.  "Got you some paper, too."  He stuffed his hands inside the pockets of his jeans, nervously waiting for Alex to open it. Alex gently set aside the container and flipped through the notebook, already imagining filling the pristine pages with various sketches of Wil.  A loose piece of paper fluttered out, and he caught it reflexively.  Unfolding it, he began to read. ---------- I watch you in your sleep, you know. In the dark, I listen to your heartbeat, And I see your chest rise and fall with each breath. Your skin calls to me, begging for my caress, So I touch you gently, careful not to wake you. My fingers drift along of their own accord. Over your chest, and your nipples crinkle up at their passing. Up your neck, where I can feel my mark, our binding. Higher up, running through the tangled mess of your hair, Then tracing over your thick eyebrows. Did you know you sometimes drool in your sleep? When I reach out to touch it, your mouth opens. I can't help myself; my fingers slip inside. You're so hot and wet, and you start to suck. I think of you doing that to other parts of me, And I curl up against you as your tongue bathes my fingers. I have to touch you, be close to you. If I could, I'd crawl inside you and never come out. To surround you, or be surrounded by you; It's all I ever seem to want anymore. You're mine now, as much as I'm yours. I can't imagine what it would be like without you. All I can remember is being with you. We're always together, it seems, whatever life we recall. I don't know about fate, or destiny, or higher powers. All I know is we were meant to be together. We must have been. We're incomplete without each other. Vampire, human, animal; whatever we are, we are one. We are bound together, through love and blood. All the books and movies say that vampires are evil. If I am evil, then you are my sin; you've stolen away my heart. I love you. Wil ---------- Eyes wide, Alex looked up at Wil.  "Wil?  I...it's..." Wil looked at the floor, scuffing his feet.  "I know it's not real good," he said with false bravado.  "Not real poetry or anything.  Doesn't even rhyme, and the meter's shot.  An' it--"  He stopped abruptly as Alex grabbed his shoulders. "I love you, Wil," Alex growled softly, then kissed him. Wil groaned and wound his arms around Alex.  "Love you," he gasped when his lips were finally freed. Alex smiled as he held Wil, nuzzling his hair.  "You really watch me sleep?" he asked curiously. Shrugging, Wil muttered, "Well, yeah.  Sometimes.  Just, y'know, when I wake up early or somethin'." "You like watching me, huh?"  Alex's eyes took on an aroused light.  "You think you wanna watch me do...other things?" Wil stepped back and considered Alex carefully.  "Other things, huh?" he mused.  Then, grinning wickedly, he pounced on Alex, tumbling him onto the floor.  He had just grabbed the collar of Alex's shirt, intent on ripping the material off, when a loud knocking on their door distracted him. Part 30 Oz took a step back as the door in front of him was yanked open and a rather large, glowering figure eyed him darkly.  He cleared his throat.  "Um, hey." Alex blinked.  "Daniel, right?  What's up?"  He craned his head to see into the hallway behind the smaller man.  "Is everything ok with Sophia?" "Hmm?  Oh, yeah, she's fine.  Look, I kinda have a...confession to make."  Oz took a half-step forward.  "Can I...?"  He gestured toward the apartment. Alex almost refused, but something was niggling at the back of his brain, prompting him to step aside and invite the other man in.  Holding back a sigh, Alex did so, closing the door behind him. "Alex?  Who was -- oh."  Wil eyed their visitor.  "Is something wrong?" Alex shrugged.  "He's here to confess," he told his lover. Wil raised an eyebrow curiously.  "Why?  You're not a priest or something...are you?" "No!  I mean...I don't think so.  I don't *feel* like a priest."  Alex frowned. Oz glanced between them, his confusion becoming ever more evident on his face.  "Excuse me, but...what are you guys talking about?" "Huh?"  Wil studied Oz.  "Well?  What are you confessing to?  Alex and I were about to...um, go to bed." Alex coughed loudly and smoothed down the front of his shirt. Taking no notice of the implications of that statement, Oz  nodded.  He ran a hand through his hair, deciding to just spit it out.  "Ok, I kind of called Giles' shop, and the gang was all there.  I didn't know you were trying to keep this," he waved a hand at them, "a secret.  So I sort of, accidentally, spilled the beans about having seen you.  Buffy sounded kinda pissed, and I think she might come looking soon."  Having covered the highlights, he waited for their response. Wil and Alex exchanged blank looks, then Alex asked, "Um, who's Buffy?" Oz blinked, taken aback.  "Who's Buffy?" he parroted.  "Buffy.  You know, short blonde girl, wields a mean stake, you used to have a crush on her.  Buffy." Wil gaped at Alex.  "You had a crush on a girl named *Buffy*?" He asked in disbelief.  "No wonder you ended up a pouf!" Alex absently shot him a bird, ignoring the lecherous look Wil gave him in response.  He shook his head at Oz.  "Not ringing any bells here." Oz closed his eyes, counted to twenty, then opened them again.  "You *are* Alexander Lavelle Harris, aren't you?" he asked.  "And that's William the Bloody, yes?" Alex frowned, but nodded.  "How did you know that?" "Don't you remember me?  Oz?  Dated Willow for a while?"  Oz stared, waiting for the light to dawn.  He was disappointed. "You dated a tree?"  Wil cocked his head, considering the mechanics of that.  "Don't think it's something I'd try," he finally said with a grimace. Oz fumbled for a seat, dropping into it without his usual grace.  "What's going on here?  You don't have any idea what I'm talking about, do you?" In unison, the two shook their heads.  "Sorry," Alex said quietly.  "We...⬠He looked over at Wil, and at the vampire's nod, continued.  "We sort of had an accident a few weeks back.  Ran into a nasty demon.  Our memories got wiped.  We've been working on getting them back, but not everything's there yet." "Shit," Oz breathed.  "Well that...sucks." A thought struck Alex.  "So, you know us?  I mean, you can tell us about...us?"  His face lit up with excitement, and he reached out and grabbed hold of Wil's hand. Oz stared at their entwined hands.  "I obviously don't know as much as I thought I did," he muttered.  He opened his mouth to say more, but was interrupted by a jaw-popping yawn. Alex hid the pang of disappointment he felt.  "You're tired?" Shrugging nonchalantly, Oz replied, "Been driving pretty much nonstop for about a week.  Still need to catch up on some sleep." "Well, I mean, we'd love to talk to you, y'know, ask some questions and stuff.  But...if you're too tired..." Oz thought about it.  "This is kind of heavy," he finally said in a quiet voice.  "I'm pretty bombed, and I don't know if I'll handle it without seriously messing with things that shouldn't be messed with.  Maybe it should wait until morning." Aware of his lover's disappointment over the decision, Wil patted Alex's arm consolingly.  "That'll be fine, mate," he told Oz.  "It can keep.  We⬠"!ve managed for a while now, another few hours won't matter in the long run." Oz nodded, took a deep breath, and stood.  "Right.  Um, I'll pick something up for breakfast, ok?  Least I can do." "Sure, sounds great."  Alex walked him to the door. "Oh, hey, congratulations on the claiming," Oz added as he walked into the hallway.  "And sorry for interrupting...you know."  He offered them a half-grin. "No problem.  See ya."  Alex watched as Oz walked away.  He desperately wanted to run after him, haul him back to the sofa, and pry every detail out of him that he could get.  But Wil was right.  It would keep until morning. "Alex," Wil purred in a husky voice. Oz was forgotten in the surge of lust that blossomed once more in Alex's groin.  Shakily, he turned and shut the door, bolting it closed.  "Yes, Wil?" he asked in as steady a voice as he could manage. Wil bent a finger, beckoning him closer, and Alex came as if being pulled by a string.  Looping his arms around the human's neck, Wil licked his mark, then breathed, "Race you t'bed."  With that, he let go and bounded towards the bedroom. Alex stared blankly for a split second, then a wide grin stretched across his face as he shot off after Wil.  Damn, but his husband knew how to distract him!  And Alex was ever willing to let him. They were a perfect match. ***** "Come on, 'Liam, let's just go.  None of these people are worth our time."  Alastair tried to pull his friend from where he was ensconced in a corner chair, hoping to be able to leave this dull party. William resisted.  "I can't, 'Tair.  You *know* she's here tonight!  I have to see her!"  He sighed dreamily and whispered, "Cecily."  He didn't see the anguished look that came over Alastair's face at the mention of her name. Alastair struggled to maintain his composure, no matter how desperately he wished to haul William upright and inform him quite frankly of his feelings for him.  He heart was wounded a little more each time William made mention of Cecily, and he knew deep down that William would only be hurt by his infatuation with her.  If only the daft man could see what, or rather *who*, was right under his nose, waiting patiently.  Suppressing an exasperated groan, Alastair smiled at his friend.  "I'm going to get some punch.  Would you like some?" Shaking his head, William wrote a brief sentence on the parchment in his lap. "No," he answered distractedly, "You go. I'll be fine here." His smile turned a bit melancholy, and Alastair reached out and brushed an errant lock of hair out of William's face.  "I'll be back in a bit," he said. He didn't bother waiting for a response, knowing that William was once more immersed in his own little world. When Alastair left, William continued to sit in the rather uncomfortable chair, staring at the piece of paper in his lap.  With a sigh of frustration, he scratched out another word. "Luminous," he uttered quietly, then shook his head.  "Oh no, no, no, no.  Irr-irradiant...is better."  He gnawed on the end of his pen.  Footsteps approached, and he looked up. "Care for an hors d'oeuvre, sir?" He ignored the tray that was held out.  "Oh, uh, quickly.  I'm the very spirit of vexation.  What's another word for gleaming?" The server gave him an odd look, so he tried to explain.  "It's a perfectly perfect word as words go, but the bother is, nothing *rhymes*, you see?"  The man nodded and backed away quickly.  "Hmm."  William dismissed the man from his mind, once more engrossed in his quandary. The figure coming down the stairs caught his attention, and he smiled softly. "Cecily," he breathed, his eyes lighting up with pleasure.  Suddenly inspired, he began to scribble down a few more words.  Then, taking a deep breath, he stood and walked across the room. He came up behind the group gathered around Cecily, starting slightly when one of the gentlemen addressed him. "Ah, William!  Favor us with your opinion.  What do you make of this rash of disappearances sweeping through our town?  Animals, or thieves?"  Lord Huntington gave him a condescending smile. Blushing slightly, William moved around to where he could get a better view of Cecily.  "I prefer not to think of such dark, ugly business at all," he answered, chin held high.  "That's what the police are for."  He glanced at Cecily out of the corner of his eye, gauging her reaction. Cecily shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, looking away a bit distastefully. William didn't notice, continuing, "I prefer...placing my energies into creating things of beauty."  He lifted the piece of paper he held as an example. "I see.  Well, don't withhold, William."  The other man walked over and deftly plucked the paper way. From across the room, Alastair watched with dread as Lord Huntington read aloud William's impromptu bit of poetry, to the great amusement of those listening.  His hands clenched into fists as titters of laughter spread through the crowd, and dismay filled him as he saw William's face tighten with embarrassment before he snatched his poem back and hurried after his lady love, who had fled the scene.  Even from where he stood, he could hear the parting barb that wounded him almost as badly as he could see William was wounded. "Have you heard?  They call him William the Bloody because of his bloody awful poetry!" One of the young women announced loudly. Eyes darkening with fury, Alastair prepared to stalk over and wipe those smug looks off of their faces.  When he say William disappear into a side room, though, he changed his mind and followed his friend instead. He reached to doorway, and hovered outside, unabashedly listening.  "I love you, Cecily."  It took every bit of courage he possessed for William to say those words aloud. "Please, stop!"  Cecily turned away from him, her face burning in mortification. "I...I know I'm a bad poet.  But I'm a good man.  All I ask is that...that y-you t-try to see me--" Cecily faced him again, resolved.  "I *do* see you.  That's the problem.  You're nothing to me, William," she informed him bluntly, then stood.  Looking down at the stricken man, she finished, "You're beneath me."  With that, she turned and walked away. Alastair could hardly believe his ears.  He stood, frozen in shock, as Cecily swept out of the room past him.  Shaking himself peered around the corner, wincing at the look of utter desolation that was on William⬠"!s face.  A deep anger filled him, and he hurried after Cecily, grabbing hold of her arm and spinning her around forcefully. Cecily gasped, staring at him in shock.  "Unhand me!" she demanded. Alastair just glared at her.  "You little bitch," he hissed out, barely believing that he was speaking to a lady this way.  His mother would be so disappointed in him.  Nevertheless, he had to tell this woman what he thought of her.  "How dare you callously stomp on his feelings like that?  For god's sake, he *loves* you!"  He tried not to show how much it pained him to say that. "Is that supposed to make me *happy*?" she snapped back.  "To have the 'love' of that fool?"  She wrenched her arm away, sneering at Alastair.  "If you admire him so much," she said scathingly, "Why don't you let him court *you*? It would be doing me a favor, I assure you!"  Then, with a haughty sniff, she twirled around and marched purposefully away. Alastair let his hand drop to his side, his mouth twisting into a pained grimace.  "If only he would do so," he whispered bitterly.  "At least then his affections would be returned."  With a heavy sigh, he turned and made his way back to William. Finding the room empty, Alastair felt a brief moment of panic.  He quickly got a grip on his emotions, figuring that William had decided to return home. He was determined not to allow his friend to remain alone after this crushing blow to his heart, and he hurried from the party, walking quickly down the street. The lurching figure in the distance wasn't hard to spot, and Alastair broke into a fast walk hoping to catch up to William quickly.  He frowned when the other man turned into a side street, but followed him unhesitatingly.  Upon entering the small stable, he blinked to allow his eyes adjust to the dimmer light.  "'Liam?" he called out softly. There was a soft sniffle.  "Go 'way," came the muffled response. Alastair ignored that and crept around the corner.  His heart twisted within his chest when he saw William huddled on a stack of hay, tattered papers clutched to his chest.  He walked over and seated himself next to his friend. "Fancy meeting you here," he whispered with a tiny laugh. William peered over at him with tear-filled eyes.  "Sh-sh-she said th-that I w-w-was--" a choked off sob cut him off mid-sentence. "I know," Alastair admitted.  "I heard."  Carefully, he put an arm around William's shoulder and tugged gently, drawing the other man to his chest. William leaned against him, grateful for the support.  "I just want her to l-love me," he said in a grief-stricken voice.  "Am I really that...pathetic?" "No."  Alastair's grip on William tightened.  "No!" he repeated more adamantly.  He tilted William's face up.  "I could *never* lo-- be friends with anyone pathetic," he told him firmly.  "You are a very special man, and someday, you'll find just the right person to be with, someone who will love you like you deserve."  He blinked back his own tears, willing his voice not to break.  "Until then...well, you'll always have me."  He tried to make that sound more uplifting than wistful, but wasn't sure if he succeeded. William gave a weak chuckle.  "Yes, I suppose I do," he answered.  He pulled away a little.  "Thank you for being my friend, 'Tair," he said before leaning forward and lightly kissing Alastair's cheek.  Then he sat back and turned away.  "I'd like to be alone for a little while.  If you don't mind." Alastair reached up and let his hand settle over the burning skin of his cheek.  "N-no, not at all," he stammered.  He swallowed around the lump in his throat and stood.  "I'll just...I'll wait outside." "All right." Inhaling deeply, Alastair left the stable, his steps only faltering the slightest bit.  Once outside, he leaned against the wall and let out a shuddering breath.  His fingers still strayed over the spot on his cheek where he was positive he could feel the imprint of Williams' lips.  He knew it was an innocent action on William's part, but he couldn't help imagining that it had gone further.  His eyes drifted shut as he was overwhelmed by the mental image of William pressing that sweet kiss to his mouth instead, perhaps darting his tongue out between those lush lips of his and licking softly. "Well, well, looks like someone⬠"!s enjoying the evening." Alastair's eyes flew open, and he gaped at the man looming in front of him, arm draped casually around a petite blonde woman.  He coughed, clearing his throat as he straightened and tugged his coat down, willing his arousal away. "I beg your pardon?" "We don't have time to play, Angelus," the blonde woman spoke up crossly.  "Where did that demented spawn of yours get to?" Angelus flicked his eyes towards the stable, and Alastair whirled around, faring that something might have happened to William.  He tried to rush back inside, but a strong grip on his shoulder nearly crushed the bone, and he bit back a cry. "I do believe she found her new playtoy," Angelus commented in an amused tone, cocking his head as if he were listening.  "Shall we join her, Darla?" Darla nodded regally and swept past Angelus.  "Bring the boy," she ordered.  "He can at least provide us with a meal before we collect Drusilla. Alastair struggled futilely against the astonishingly strong man, but was unable to keep from being dragged into the stable.  The sight that met his eyes made him gasp in horror.  "No!" Darla laughed as Angelus easily restrained Alastair, keeping him from rushing to William's side.  It was too late, anyway.  As they watched, clouded eyes focused briefly on Angelus' struggling captive before drifting closed. Drusilla smiled sweetly as she lifted her bloodied mouth away from William's neck, at the same time removing her equally bloody wrist from his mouth. "Damn it!" Angelus roared.  "When I said playmate, I didn't mean *that* bumbling idiot!" Drusilla cocked her head.  "But Daddy," she crooned, "the stars sang such pretty songs about blood and screams.  I killed the burning fish, and now my precious will grow up to be a splendidly wicked tiger."  She rocked gently, fingering William's hair as she hummed tunelessly.  Then her eyes hardened as she stared at Alastair.  "You'll take him away from me," she growled.  "You always take him away.  Clouding his brain with buzzing flies, biting and stinging until he cries for you."  She wailed loudly.  "He's mine!  You can't take him away now!  "You're insane," Alastair whispered, his eyes still fixated on William's limp form.  "William," he whimpered softly, his body sagging as it sunk in that his friend -- his love -- was dead.  A lone tear trickled down his cheek. "Well, isn't that just precious," Angelus muttered sarcastically.  He glared at Drusilla.  "*You* I will deal with later.  For now...⬠His face rippled and transformed.  "It's snack time."  With a snarl, he struck. Alastair barely felt the teeth entering his jugular.  His vision was filled with William, and he almost eagerly accepted the darkness than rose around him.  He'd be with William again soon... ***** Wil sat up with a gasp.  "Oh god!"  He panted harshly, not even feeling Alex's hands rubbing soothingly up and down his back. "It's ok," Alex whispered.  "I'm here, you're here.  Everything's fine."  He snorted softly.  "I am gettin a little tired of dying all the time, though." "It's not funny!"  Wil twisted around and clutched Alex's shoulders.  "I could feel something leaving me...and something else filling up the space.  It was...⬠He shuddered.  "And you.  I saw you.  When I...when I died.  You were the last thing I saw."  He collapsed into Alex's arms.  "I remember, the last thing I thought was that I wished I'd told you I loved you." "God, Wil."  Alex held his lover tightly.  "I knew.  I knew you loved me.  I'll always know, even if you never say it."  He stiffened as he thought of something else.  "Wil?  That was you in the dream." Wil pulled back, staring at Alex in confusion.  "Course it was me, you git.  It's always me." "No, I mean...it was *you*.  You looked like *you*; like you do now.  Well, except for the hair.  But it was *you*." Wil drew in a shocked breath.  "We're getting close, aren't we?" he asked in a subdued voice. "I think so.  I mean, if that was when you got turned, then..." "We should finish remembering soon." "Yeah."  Alex pulled Wil back to him.  "I love you," he said fiercely.  "No matter what, ok?" Wil smiled.  "I know.  You too." They kissed each other tenderly, then lay back down.  Arms wrapped around each other, they passed the rest of the night and early morning dozing lightly, secure in their love for each other, but not wanting to invite any more revelations that night. ~~~~~~~~~~ "Got it!  Yes!"  Willow bounced excitedly in her seat as the others crowded around her. Giles peered at the information on the screen.  "How did you manage to locate this?" he asked curiously. Willow shrugged, ducking her head to hide the faint blush.  "Well, I kinda happened to stumble into the database for the phone company, and I ran a trace on all the incoming calls to the magic shop.  Once I found the number Oz called from, all I had to do was search for the address connected to it and...voila!" Giles cleared his throat.  "Is that...legal?" "Ummm, not...strictly speaking." "Ah.  I see.  Well then, perhaps you shouldn't tell me any more." Willow beamed at him.  "Ok." Cordelia patted Willow on the shoulder.  "Wow, you're a pretty good hacker," she complimented, drawing several odd looks.  "What?  I can say something nice, can't I?  Sheesh!"  She rolled her eyes and stalked across the room. "So, what's the plan?" Gunn asked. Buffy looked up from where she was copying down the address.  "Plan?  Find Oz, convince him to tell us where Xander and Spike are." "We going now?"  "Damn right!"  Willow stood, back stiff with determination.  Glancing at Angel, she wilted slightly.  "Oh, daylight.  Um..." Angel shook his head.  "No, you guys go.  Just let us know what you find out." "Us?  Who else isn't coming?" "Much as I would like to join you, I do need to stay and run the store," Giles said. "Oh.  Well, sure, I mean, I guess.  Anyone else?"  No one else spoke up, and Buffy nodded.  "Ok then.  Let's get going. ~~~~~~~~~~ "I think this is it."  A hand raised to shade her eyes, Willow squinted at the tall apartment building.  "Um...I don't know what room he's in," she admitted in a defeated voice. "So?  Maybe they have a listing or something.  If not, we'll check 'em all."  Buffy strode forward, and the others all hurried after her.  Once inside the lobby, they split up, looking for something that might list the names of the inhabitants of the different apartments.  They ignored all the strange looks that were being sent their way, and quickly met up again in the center of the lobby. "Anything?"  Buffy sighed as everyone shook their heads.  "Fine.  Guess we do this the hard way." Willow gasped.  "Maybe not.  Look!"  She pointed to the figure entering the elevator. "Oz.  Bingo."  Buffy grinned.  "Come on!"  She sprinted for the elevator, growling in frustration when it shut before she was even close.  Hands on hips, she pressed the 'up' button, then tapped her foot impatiently as she watched the light crawl up the series of numbers before stopping on the '3'.  "Gotcha," she muttered as the elevator made its way back down. When the doors opened, the group piled in, and Buffy poked the button for the third floor. "Come on, come on!" Willow said impatiently as she waited for the elevator to reach their destination.  Finally, after an endlessly long minute, the doors slid open again.  Willow shoved her way out, almost tripping over Buffy in her haste.  "Oz?" she called. Oz spun around, hand dropping away from the door it had been knocking on.  "Willow?"  His eyes widened fractionally at the crowd that emerged behind Willow.  "Buffy," he greeted casually.  "Cordelia."  A deep breath, then, "Tara," he said softly.  He frowned, thinking, then added, "Wesley."  He quirked an eyebrow at the unknown man.  "Sorry, don't know who you are." "Charles Gunn.  Nice to meet you." Oz nodded.  "I'm sure.  What are you doing here?" he asked Willow. "Looking for you!  Well, really, we're looking for -- Xander!" Oz held back a groan as he turned again to see Alex standing in the doorway, frowning at the multitude of people in the hall. Part 31 Alex frowned at the strangers filling the hallway, wondering absently how so many people managed to fit there without standing on each other. He glanced over at Oz. "Daniel? Something going on I should know about?" Oz bit back a frustrated groan. "Probably," he replied shortly, rubbing a hand over his eyes. Willow missed the brief exchange, and she hurled herself forward, grabbing Alex tightly around the waist. "Xander! I thought you were hurt or dead or turned or eaten or something *awful*!" she babbled almost tearfully. "I can't believe you just vanished like that and didn't *tell* me, and your dad was *really* mean when we asked about you, and did you know Anya thinks you dumped her and --" "Wills!" Oz barked sharply, halting her stream of words mid-flow. Willow blinked, noticing how stiff her friend was holding himself. "Am I crowding? I'm crowding. Sorry, I just missed you so much!" Reluctantly, she let go of him, turning her attention to Oz. "And you!" "Excuse me," Alex tried to interject. Oblivious, Willow kept talking. "How *could* you! You heard how worried and upset we were, and you didn't tell us *anything*! I don't--" "*Excuse me*," Alex repeated a bit more forcefully. Startled, Willow paused. "Thank you," Alex said with just a touch of sarcasm. He crossed his arms over his chest and raised an eyebrow. "Don't tell me -- they followed you home?" he asked Oz wryly. "Something like that, it looks like." "Are they the ones you were going to tell us about over breakfast?" Oz held up the bag of doughnuts in his hand. "Yep." Alex nodded. "Thought we might need visual aids?" Oz just snorted softly in response. Buffy stepped forward, coming to stand next to Willow. "Are we missing something?" she asked in an exasperated tone. "Did we all fall down the rabbit hole when I wasn't looking? Xander, *what* is going on here?" "The name is Alex, and as for what's going on, I'd like to know that myself. Is there a reason you people are interrupting our breakfast?" "What?" Buffy looked confused as she glanced between Oz and Alex. "Xander, what are you--" "Hey, what's the holdup? I'm starved here." Wil opened the door wider and stood just beside Alex. "Who are your friends, Daniel?" he asked as he surveyed the hall. "Spike!" Willow stepped forward, hands on hips, glaring intently at the vampire. "You better not have hurt Xander, you...you...undead creep!" Wil frowned at the redhead. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" he asked. By now, the utter confusion in the hallway was almost palpable. Gunn, who had been watching the proceedings curiously, leaned over to Wesley. "Are you sure they got the right guys?" he whispered. "They certainly *look* like Xander and Spike. But their behavior does seem to be rather atypical," Wesley whispered back. "Maybe they've been brainwashed." "Highly unlikely, but it is a possible explanation." "Ahem." Cordelia cleared her throat, interrupting the quiet conversation. "Do you guys mind? We're *trying* to rescue a friend here." "Sorry, Cordy," they chorused. With a final admonishing glare at the two, Cordelia turned back and pushed her way past Willow and Buffy. "Xander Harris," she began in a stern voice, "do you *know* what I've been through? I almost started biting my nails again! You are *so* lucky I didn't, mister, and don't you *ever* do anything like this again, do you understand me?" She glared, but sniffed softly, ruining the effect. Alex leaned away from her. "Hey, no offense miss, but who the hell *are* all you people?" There was a moment of stunned silence, then everyone started talking loudly all at once. As the noise level grew, Alex winced and pressed the backs of his hands against his eyes, groaning. Wil frowned and pulled him close, stroking his hair softly. Turning his head, he caught Oz's eye and nodded towards the uninvited horde of people. Oz nodded and cleared his throat. "Hey! *People*! Shut the *fuck* up!" Again there was absolute silence as everyone gaped at the normally soft-spoken werewolf. The silence held only until Cordelia noticed her ex-boyfriend snuggled up against the bloodthirsty vampire. "Oh. My. God. Why didn't anyone *tell* me that Xander and Spike were together?" Her mouth hung open as she watched the two holding each other close, petting and exchanging whispers. Buffy scowled. "They're not!" she protested. "Stop that, you guys! Xander, you hate him, and he can't stand you either. Why are you acting all lovey dovey?" "I-I think they're kind of cute," Tara ventured, blushing when everyone looked at her. "Well, they are!" she said defensively. Alex spoke up again. "Look, I don't know what's going on here, and frankly, I'd just like to eat breakfast, have a nice, *sane* chat with Daniel, and then shag my boyfriend silly. So, if you don't mind...⬠He gave them a pointed look, then turned and pulled Wil back into the apartment. "Come in once you get rid of them," he called to Oz over his shoulder. The door clicked shut. Willow's eyes narrowed dangerously, and the witnesses to the pencil incident cowered back a step. Oz, though, simply returned her stare placidly. "I think you guys should leave," he said. "*I* think you should tell us what's going on!" Willow responded angrily. "You want the abbreviated version? Fine. Spike and Xander lost their memories and have no idea who you are. I'm trying to help them, and to be honest, having you here is probably not a good thing at the moment." "We're Xander's friends. We want to help him too. Is that so wrong?" Oz sighed. "Look, I know you want to help. But things are...weird right now." "Yeah, you're telling me," Cordelia muttered. "Spike and Xander?" She shuddered, although a speculative gleam snuck its way into her eyes. "Well, why can't they remember," Buffy asked. "Maybe Giles can figure something out. And why do they think they're d-dating?" She couldn't help stumbling slightly over the word. "If you let me go in there and talk to them, I'll probably find out a lot more than I know now." "But--" "Willow." Buffy spoke softly, but the tone was enough to make Willow back down. "Do you think you can help?" she asked Oz. "I'll do what I can." "When can we talk to Xander?" Oz thought about it. "How about I fill them in on what's what today, and we let them have a little time to soak it in. I'll see if I can get them to meet you all tomorrow night. The Bronze?" Buffy nodded. "Ok. But promise you'll call if things don't go well? We really are worried about Xander." Oz nodded. "And what about Spike? Are you worried about him, too?" Buffy grimaced. "Spike is...perhaps not as annoying as he used to be. As long as he hasn't hurt Xander, I won't be forced to stake him." She smiled and glanced at Willow. "Or beat him to death with a shovel," she added. "Ok. Well then." Oz gave them a small wave, then turned and slipped inside the apartment. "What, that's it?" Willow glared at Buffy. "Buff, I don't--" "Willow, chill out. Xander's alive, isn't he? And Oz is taking care of things. We'll see them tomorrow night, ok?" "But--" "*Ok*?" "Fine," Willow growled, frowning crossly. She softened a bit, though, when Tara reached out and grabbed hold of her hand. Buffy nodded then strode back to the elevator. "What, that's it? No action?" Gunn heaved a sigh of disappointment as he got back into the cramped elevator with the others. ~~~~~~~~~~ Wil sat on the sofa next to Alex, rubbing his back in slow, soothing circles. "It's ok," he whispered, leaning his head against Alex's shoulder. Alex sighed heavily. "What if they're right," he asked despondently. "What if we really hate each other? What if this," he waved his hand to encompass the entire apartment, "is all wrong?" Anger clouded Wil's face. "Well I don't give a bloody damn!" he exclaimed harshly. "Why would you believe them, anyway? We don't even know them! And that one blonde girl made me feel...itchy." He shuddered. Alex turned to his mate, worried. "Are you ok? What was it?" "I dunno, pet. There was just something off about her." He shrugged. "I was probably just imagining it." "Huh." Alex wasn't so sure of that, but he was willing to let the subject drop. Which still left them with the original topic of conversation. "Still, what if--" "No." Wil glared at him, eyes flashing. "Wil, we have to think about--" "*No*!" He yanked Alex close, snarling softly. "I *love* you, you pillock. And don't you *ever* think I don't!" He pressed his lips to Alex's, crushing their mouths together. "Hey guys, I...am I interrupting something?" Alex was flushed when Wil finally let go of him. "N-no," he managed to stammer. "We're good." He shook off his daze and twisted around so he could lean into Wil's embrace. Looking expectantly at Oz, he added, "Have a seat, man. And spill. What was with the show out there? ~~~~~~~~~~ "Can you believe all that?" Alex and Wil sat on their bed, trying to wrap their mind around everything Oz had told them. "How can we be friends with a Slayer?" Alex asked with a distasteful look. "Jenna will *flip* if she finds that out!" "So, we don't say nothing," Wil said decisively. "Yeah." Alex fiddled with the edge of the sheet. "What do you think Daniel meant about that government chip he was talking about?" he asked after a moment. "Dunno, pet. I don't feel like there's anything wrong with me. Do you think I've been acting strangely?" Alex rolled his eyes. "Compared to what?" Wil snickered. "Yeah, s'pose so." He sighed and lay back. "This is just...too much." Alex stretched out next to him and laid his head on Wil's chest. "I know," he said quietly. "But maybe things will look different once we remember everything." "I guess. So what, you wanna go back to sleep now? See if the rest comes back?" Alex smirked as he eyed Wil's smooth, pale body. "Not...just yet." He kissed Wil, one hand already picking at the buttons on his shirt. Wil laughed. "God, I love you, Alex." "Mmmm. Less talk, more nakedness." ***** Spike looked over as a familiar figure hauled a struggling boy into the room. He grinned wickedly. "Angelus!" Angelus jerked Xander close, an arm around his neck holding him in place. "Spike!" he called back gleefully. "I'll be damned!" Spike could hardly believe it was him. He hadn't seen Angelus for decades, and to find him here in Sunnydale was quite the surprise. He tossed his pole aside and greeted Angelus with an embrace, taking the chance to scent the delicious looking boy. Angelus pulled away. "I taught you to always guard your perimeter. Tsk, tsk, tsk. You should have someone out there," he chided lightly. "I did," Spike responded carelessly. "I'm surrounded by idiots. What's new with you?" "Everything." "Yeah? Come up against this Slayer yet?" Angelus gave a slight nod. "She's cute. Not too bright, though. Gave the puppy dog 'I'm all tortured' act. Keeps her off my back when I feed!" He laughed. Spike laughed as well. "People still fall for that Anne Rice routine? What a world!" Xander glared up at his captor. "I knew you were lying," he said petulantly. He flinched when Angelus squeezed his neck sharply. "Undead liar guy," he added in a mutter. Angelus sighed and grabbed the back of Xander's shirt, holding him with his neck exposed. "Wanna bite before we kill her?" he offered Spike. A frisson of fear swept through Xander as he pictured Angelus' mouth hovering over his neck. The oddest sense of déjà vu swept over him. He heard the two vampires talking, but he was too distracted trying not to start whimpering from fear that he didn't really catch what they were saying. He was just wondering if he should try an escape attempt when a flash of movement informed him that Spike was drawing closer. ~~~~~*flash*~~~~~ Lev and Illi raced through the downpour, laughingly seeking shelter beneath the large leaf of a banana tree. They alighted on a thin branch, panting gently. Illi shivered a bit and shook his wings. "I *told* you we wouldn't make it back before it started!" he told his companion in a superior tone of voice. Lev rolled his eyes as he dried off his own transparent wings. "You were having just as much fun as I was," he retorted. "Don't blame this on me!" The branch shook a bit as a beetle scurried past. Once it had steadied again, Illi sat and let his legs dangle over the edge. "You know how cross Sarai gets with us when we're out too late." With a shrug, Lev seated himself next to Illi. "Sarai's always cross with us," he griped. "She might not be if you didn't get us in so much trouble." "*Me*?" Lev glared at Illi. "Well, I like that! It's all my fault now, huh?" Illi snorted with laughter and reached out to tickle Lev between his wings. "Of course, silly. *I'm* the good, sweet, innocent little sprite who was led astray by your wicked ways." He let out a high-pitched, tinkling giggle. Lev eyed him skeptically. "Riiight." He leaned out and caught a raindrop, flinging it at the unsuspecting Illi, who spluttered and glared at him reproachfully. "What can I say?" he asked with amusement. "I'm wicked!" ~~~~~*flash*~~~~~ "Xander!" Willow called out, just as Spike grabbed Xander from behind. "I need to borrow the little girl," Spike said somewhat drunkenly as he choked Xander, who was struggling futilely in his arms. "You don't mind, do you?" Xander kicked against the wall, shoving himself and Spike across the room. They slammed against a metal shelf, but Spike barely seemed to notice, tossing Xander aside casually. He tried to get up, but Spike's fist in his face convinced him otherwise, and he was back on the floor. "Xander!" Furious at her friend being hurt, Willow picked up a microscope and launched herself at Spike. Spike stopped her easily. "Threatening me? That's not nice. We're all gonna be very best friends." He grabbed the microscope away. Again Xander rose, but this time Spike was a little more violent in his protestations. Whirling around, he bashed Xander across the face with the microscope. Xander crashed to the floor once more, promptly losing consciousness. ~~~~~*flash*~~~~~ Wallace gasped in a breath of fresh air as the covering over his face was jerked away. Dazed, he didn't see his captors leave, but knew they were gone when the sound of his heartbeat was the only thing he could hear. He squinted in the faint light, trying to make out where he was. A hiss of pain escaped him as he accidentally tugged against the tight bonds securing his hands behind his back. As his eyes adjusted, Wallace frowned. The room was round, and the walls seemed to be nothing more than hides stretched out over a frame of wooden poles. What in the--? The flap of the door lifted, illuminating the figure of man who quickly ducked inside. There was a spark, and a lamp flared, lighting the teepee. Wallace nearly gasped at the foreboding sight of the Indian brave who glared at him with dark, furious eyes. Unable to help himself, he cringed back when a hand reached out towards him. That didn't deter the man, and Wallace trembled as the hand cupped his chin almost gently. "Please," he whispered tremulously, "where's my Pa? I want to go home." The brave cocked his head, frowning. "Home is here now," he grunted in halting English. "White man take squaw away from Alchise, kill. Alchise take boy away from white man." Fingers caressed Wallace's cheek almost gently. "Not kill. Mine now." Wallace twisted away. "Take me back to my Pa right now!" he demanded loudly, his voice breaking. Alchise scowled and grabbed Wallace, clapping his hand over his mouth. "White boy want cry? Alchise make white boy cry," he growled threateningly. Eyes huge with fear, Wallace shook his head furiously. There was controlled strength in the hands that gripped him, and he had no desire to have that strength turned against him. Alchise grunted in acceptance and moved away. His prize had spirit, and once the boy had learned his new place in the world, Alchise had no doubt that he would prove to be a suitable replacement for his murdered wife. ~~~~~*flash*~~~~~ Spike glared at the chair. "Don't see why I have to be tied up," he said, voice laced with irritation. Xander sighed. "It's just while I'm sleeping." He finished tightening the knots in the ropes, then reached over to switch of one of the lamps. "Like I'd bite you anyway," Spike said as he watched Xander climbing into bed. Xander glanced over his shoulder and rolled his eyes. "Oh, you would." "Not bloody likely!" The other lamp was turned off, and the room darkened considerably. "I happen to be very bitable pal," he said firmly. "I'm moist *and* delicious." Sarcasm was obvious in Spike's tone when he answered, "Alright, yeah fine. You're a *nummy* treat." Xander closed his eyes, enjoying the tiny thrill of victory. "And don't you forget it," he said, finger pointing directly at the restrained vampire. Spike watched him try to sleep, resolutely squashing the strange fluttering in his stomach. Something about this scene seemed entirely too familiar. ~~~~~*flash*~~~~~ Elias winced as his knees hit the unyielding stone floor. He heard the guards shuffle from the room, and he timidly peeked up through the thick fringe of his hair. He gasped inaudibly when he met the deep blue eyes of his new master. Shocked, and not a little terrified, Elias glanced away, hoping he hadn't already managed to offend this man. Rumor had it that, despite his youth, Wenamun was not a master to trifle with. A soft rustle of cloth made his ears prick to attention, but his eyes remained fixed on the floor. Abruptly, sandal-clad feet planted themselves directly in his line of sight. An insistent finger lifted his chin up, and Elias fought not to cringe away from the piercing gaze that seemed to lance through him. "Very pretty," mused Wenamun as he looked over his new acquisition. "You are untouched I am told." A small smile flickered over his face. "I believe I shall enjoy...breaking you in." Elias' eyes widened at the implications of this statement, uttered so casually in that clear, sweet voice. He shivered as something seemed to grip his heart, and he was nearly lost in the cool, possessive gaze of his master. ~~~~~*flash*~~~~~ Xander picked himself up off the ground, shaking his head to clear it before once more going after the many tentacles undulating around him. "And while you're at it, how do you kill this fucker!?" His pitch of his voice was raised in desperation. "Gill type things. In their sides. And puncture its heart, only way to kill one." "Great," Xander muttered, making his way closer to the demon's body. Yelling loudly, he threw himself at it, shoving the piece of wood through its chest. The Grun-thak snarled, reaching down and grabbing Xander by the neck, flinging him away. It pulled the makeshift stake out of its body, tossing it aside. "Didn't work! New plan!" He scrabbled back from a hand, doing his best to avoid it. "Bloody hell," Spike sighed. "Its heart, moron, not its liver!" "What? I did!" He grabbed onto a few tentacles of his own, trying to keep them from moving too much. He blanched as he heard the sibilant murmuring start up again. Spike dropped his bar, snatching two tentacles and quickly tying them together. Picking up the bar again, he jumped at the demon. "Actually," he brought the bar down hard on an arm, the snap clearly audible, "you didn't. Its heart," a quick movement, and another arm was decommissioned, "is about...here!" The Grun-thak continued muttering quickly as it struggled to free itself. It had almost finished when Spike shoved the iron bar through its stomach. The demon's eyes bulged out, and it made a grating, rattling sound, then toppled, unmoving. As the copse lay there, a wave of iridescent fog burst forth from it, enveloping its victorious foes. ~~~~~*flash*~~~~~ "Sorry, Xan, but the bleached wonder is yours tonight. No way am I taking him patrolling with me..." ~~~~~*flash*~~~~~ "Bloody hell, twit! Watch what you're..." ~~~~~*flash*~~~~~ "Spike, would you just give it..." ***** Dark eyes fluttered open, staring into sleepy blue ones. "Mmm, mornin', Spike," he slurred out. "Xander," Spike responded with a nod and a yawn. The two men froze, gaping at each other in the dim light. The silence was broken by two voices breathing out simultaneously, "Holy *fuck*!" 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