Chris's Voting Registration

Name: Christopher Alan "Dawg" Kirkpatrick

Birthday: October 17, 197...None of your damn business!

Sex: Never had any!

Age: If you don't know, to damn bad!

Social Security #: Ohhh... light!... Pretty!

Address: That Mental institution in the video for "I Drive Myself Crazy"!

Month and Year when moved to address: Can't Remember!

Daytime phone: 555-7654

Place of Birth: Clarion, Pennsylvania! Whoa, surprised that I remember that far back!

Have you ever been convicted of a felony? Does bad joke-telling fit in that category?

Have you ever been judged by a circuit court to be mentally incompetent? Hell yeah! But it isn't true!

Profession: Hairstylist, Stand-up comedian, *N Sync- founder, FuMan Skeeto- Founder and CEO!

Are you currently on anything? Yeah... Rogaine and Geinko!

Extra's: I love my dog 'BUSTA' and I despise that little thing known to you as JUSTIN RANDALL TIMBERLAKE!