JC's Voting Registration!

Name: Justin's lova!- J.C.- Joshua Scott Chasez!

Birthday: uh... yesterday- August 8, 1976

Sex: Only with Justin!

Social Security #: I'm too damn tired to know!

Address: Justin's Ass!

Month and year moved to this Address: Last night!

Daytime Phone: You can reach me at Justin's house!

Place of Birth: ZZZZZZZ... Uh... Washington D.C.... ZZZZZZZ

Have you ever been convicted of a felony: No! I'm famous, of course not!

Have you ever been judged by a circuit court to be mentally incompetent? No, I just watch Lance and Chris, that is all! Whip them into shape!

Are you currently on anything?Uh... yeah...crac... caffiene pills! There a problem with that?

Profession: Justin! and *N Sync!


Email: HumorandJank@aol.com