Joey's Voting Registration!

Name: Joesph Anthony Fatone Jr., but you can call me Superman!

Birthday: Same Damn day as Nick Carter- Jan 28, 1977

Sex: Yes Please!

Age: 23

Social Security #: None of your damn business!

Address: McDonalds, Street corner, or backseat wid you!

Month and year moved to this address: June 1995

Daytime Phone: I lost mine can I have yours?

Place of Birth: Brooklyn, New York!

Have you ever been convicted of a felony: Does late child support count? Sorry Sheila, Tiffany, Mary, Anne, Ashley, Cindy,...

Have you ever been judged by a circuit court to be mentally incompetent? Yeah- I live wid Chris!

Proffesion: Cindy, Ashley, Anne, Mary, Tiffany, Sheila, Lanc... Lansett... Leigh, and *N Sync!

Are you currently on anything? Viagra!

