Kevin's Unedited Thankyou

First of all, I wanna thank my God and my Savior, Jesus Christ. I'd like to thank Mom for having me and then cooking all those many wonderful meals. Mom, will you marry me? I love you so much. Next, I'd like to thank my father, Jerald Wayne Richardson. I know that every move I make and every step I take, he'll be watching me. Thank you to the rest of my insested family. My brothers, Jerald Jr. (you lucky stretched asshole, getting to be named after Dad and all. I loved him more.) and Tim (you drunk fag, get off the damn street and get a life and a JOB! Quit bumming off of me.) My cousin and fellow bandmate, Brian. Why did you marry that slutty cousin of yours? Good thing she has no relation to me. My aunts and uncles love you all even though you were cousins to me, some of you and you're now aunts and uncles to me. My grandparents for having my parents and for them having me and for that I thank you. Kristen, you are a bitch and a whore, I'll never know why I didn't see that before now. I hate you as much, if not more than, I hate NFAGS. Now to the fans, y'all are so great. We would be still working with Chris, Joey, J.C., and Lance. I was Doc, Brian was Sneezy, J.C. was Sleepy (because he always was that way.), Lance was Snow White (because she was the only girl that was pretty enough.), A.J. was Dopey (he picked that one, but he and J.C. fought over it.), Howie was Happy, Nick was Bashful, Chris was Grumpy, and Joey was the wicked witch. I hated that job. Thanks to you for buying this CD. Even though I forgot to touch you at that last concert, you still bought this. You bought that NSYNC CD too, I see. Well, that’s alright. If you want to listen to fags sing about rivers and have videos where they are in insane assylums then go ahead! Make my day! I don’t care WHAT you do! You could go SCREW all of them if you want! No, better yet, why don’t you have their kids?! No, really, I want you to! Just leave us here and go to them! It’s fine! AND since I have to thank Lou, thank you you Big BASTARD for getting us started and for taking our hard earned money! Thanks!
Peace and Love,

