Nick's Unedited Thankyou
First, I wanna say thanx to pizza Hutt for inbenting pizzer! Thankz! I wanna thank Kevvy
for treating me like his sun and watching me and making sure I don't things I
shouldn't! Thankee Kevvee. I wanna thank AJ for showing me how to smoke
wee...uh...yeah. Oh, yeah. And for the free weed! Oops! I wasn't supposted to say that!
Oh well! Editors- take that out! Then I wanna thank Brian for teaching me that it doesn't
matter what the people you marry look like, cause look at Leighanne! Thanks man! I lobe
you and I dun kare whut you are maryed to. Then I wanna thank Howie for entertaining
me on those long tour knights. If you know what I mean D! I wanna thank NSYNC for
copying EVERYTHING we do! Thanks guys! I really mean it to. Thanks! I wanna be just
like you Justin! You is fyne! Ahem. Chris, you are a dog! I mean that in the best way
possible. JC, how come I see you every time I go see Juan for AJ? I dun get it. Lance, you
are the prettiest thang on da planet! Growl! Joey, you are kool cause you are like me! If
ya know what I mean! I wanna go to that place where all of those girls were taking off
their clothes again! AJ said he wants to go this time! Then last but least I wanna thank
the fans! That means you! I love you guys! ::kissing sounds:: You help me feed myself!
Thanks! Nicky.