Backstreet Quotes!

**Note- Ashley and Leslie's comments are in ( )'s**

Women are sexy, men are fine, you be the 6, and I'll be the 9! -AJ

(I think that should be under bad pick-up lines. Plus- That means he's Bi!)

Sex on TV is bad, you might fall off. -Brian

(Well, Brian, have you tried it?)

No one's a virgin, cause life screws us all. -AJ

(Amen to that, AJ!)

"If you don't have your health, your family, or your happiness, your career don't mean shit." -Kevin

(Awwww! Lil' Kevvy cusseded!)

"My hand dumbass." -Nick

(This was said on MTV when Nick was singing into his hand and Howie comes up and says something that referred to a microphone and Nick said that. But my point again... Nicky cusseded!)

"Sex isn't the answer. Sex is the question, yes is the answer." -AJ

(Am I the only one that is starting to think that AJ is a horndog?)

"I'm a Barbie girl." -Brian

(Yeah, Brian, I believe it)

"I think of girls as exotic birds, they are great to look at but hard to catch." -Howie

(Yeah I bet they're even harder to catch with YOU chasing them, huh Howie?)

"Don't wait for the one you can live with, wait for the one you can't live without." -Brian

(Oh, are you talking about Leigh Anne here? Cause if you are, lemme guess why you can't live without her. Is it because you love the way her implants feel on your face or because if you ever divorced her then she would track you down and kill you?)

"In the beginning, it was all this puppet crap, like management saying, 'No facial hair, no earrings, no girlfriends. If you do have one, you don't ever say you do.' I think the fans actually gained more respect for us for being honest." -AJ

(Well, first of all, about the puppet thing, didn't NSYNC do something like that? Then with the 'no girlfriends' thing, I figured that out a LONG time ago. I was like, 'Ok there are these 4 hott guys and Howie and they are making all of this money and they don't have girlfirends? Hmm. Either they are gay, or they are lieing to us!' So, no, AJ, we didn't gain respect from you when you told us about ::gains up strength to say the horrible word:: A-man-duh, I think you lost fans.)

"The fellas probably think I'm the hardest or the roughest or the meanest, but I'll cry at the drop of a hat sometimes." -Kevin

(Hmm. Hardest? Roughest? Meanest? What exactly is he talking about? It doesn't sound good, whatever it is. Yeah and I'm sure that he crys when Nick takes his vibrater away.)

"Nick's like the baby brother I never had. I look out for him and help him in any way I can." -Brian

(How exactly do you help him? Through puberty?)

"You hear that? That's the ambulance coming to take these fellas away after we kill 'em!" -Nick

(Nick! Don't hurt NSYNC like that! Nooo!)

"I think I'd make a loving, caring, understanding boyfriend, who's in touch with his emotions. Or at least I'd like to be." -Brian

(In other words, you'd like to be gay? Cause I dont know any guy that is straight that is like that.)

"Kevin is really mature, responsible and ambitious. He knows what he wants. He's a born leader and keeps us all together." -Howie

(What Howie is really trying to say here:
"Kevin is really hott, sexy and good in bed. He knows what he wants and what to do to get it. He's a bron leader and keeps us together.")

"I prefer to talk from the heart and go with the way I feel. A few people have told me they find it warming and romantic." - Howie

(I'm not sure who those few people are, but I dont want to meet them!)

"Not being loved frightens me. I'm a very loving person and for me to give out so much love - and not recieve any in return really scares me." -Howie

(Howie, you may not have very many fans, but your family loves you!)

"I've learned a lot over the past few years. I say what's on my mind a lot more now and I'm not scared of what people think of me." -Howie

(Howie, I'm glad that you're not scared of what other people think of you, because if you were, you'dbe terrofied to know what I think.)

"I had three really bad things happen to me in one day. And we had a show in front of 35,000 people. I had just broken up with my girlfriend, my dog died, and my grandfather went to the hospital. When I walked out on to the stage, I didn't think about anything except me and the fellas making those girls out there smile." -AJ

(Ashley hiding in back of tourbuss: Stupid girlfriend- check. Poison annoying dog- check. ::sees dog comming up to her:: Huh? I thought I poisoned you? If you didn't eat it, then who did?)

"Sometimes backstage during one of our meet-and-greets, there will be a child who is terminally ill and it really breaks our hearts. It's sad that anyone has to die from cancer, but a little kid who doesn't even get a chance to live a life -man, I just can't take that. I usually end up crying." -Kevin

(::sniff::sniff:: Awww! He actually does do meet-and-greets!)

"Nick is Mr. Pay TV."- Howie

(Nick? Are you paying for Howie to do something?)

"I'll have to pay for Nick's bills probably."- Brian

(Huh? So, Brian is paying Howie now?)

"I stink??? Damn, sorry..."- AJ

(Yeah you smell like that crack you just went out to smoke!)

"It's your shoes Nick."- AJ

(What's on Nick's shoes? AJ, did u shoot a load into Nick's shoes? Bad AJ!)

"It's all your fault Nick"- AJ

(AJ, it's not Nick's falt that you got it on his shoes!)


(Yeah that's like saying, "I do not! I do not fuck Howie's ass!")

"Course we were all on our best behavior."- Kevin

(Um, sure you are)

"I'm not pickin my nose!"- Nick

(No, actually, you are eating it now.)

"Oh, I left that CD in Germany...sorry Bone."- Nick

(Note- 'CD' stands for 'Crack dropoff')

"Well, it's about a 4 hour drive to Berlin...I guess she's goin with us. Maybe she'll fall off."- Kevin

(Kevin is soo mean to little girls)

"As long as we have our fans, we can conquer anything" -Nick

(Yeah I guess that's true, because they got rid of Lou!)

"It's time to get nasty!" -AJ

(OK! Fine wid me! Unless you mean with Nick!)

"Hi, my name's Brian-but,uh-you can call me B-Rok-cuz I be rockin' yo' house, hee-hee!!..." -Brian

( thank you...)

"Naughty catholic girls!" -Kevin

(Yeah Kevvy. I guess you like stuff like that, huh? Hey! Howie's catholic!)

"I was swatin' my butt off!" -Howie


(Sent in by

**on the set of Everybody(Backstreets Back)**
Nick-- "In these spandex mummy wrappie things i feel all bunched up"

(Nick, um, I think that's a *personal* porblem.)

AJ-- "Really? They gave me a boner"

(Um?! I don't think I need to/can say anything about this!)

Nick-- "I still feel bunchie and I don't think that's too good"

(Nick! Quit telling us about your *personal* problems! We don't need to hear them!)

"That's Nick's big butt...." ~ Howie
(Yeah, Howie, you would know about that, wouldn't you)

"Oh...this is women's...that's probably why I wouldn't wear this stuff." ~ Howie
(He's just trying to cover up for the camera)

"What's up we're the Backstreet Boys....OBVIOUSLY!" ~ Brian
(Really? I thought you were in NSYNC)

"I'm assuming something blew up...." ~ AJ
(Yeah! Afghanistan! [sorry to those who I offend])

"Looks like a field goal to me Bob..." ~ Brian
(Bob?! Nicky's daddy? I need to calm myself! He looks good in a kinda sick way)

"I like watchin AJ spend his money...he does a good job..." ~ Howie
(Yeah, what, on strippers?)

"We're never in one place long enough to GET a handicap..." ~ Kevin
(I'm sure Howie can give you an ass handicap if you really want one, or even if you don't)

"Ya know I like ya and all...but y'all gonna have to get out the way..." ~ Brian
(We don't LIKE you! We like Nick!)

"I definitely got the good looks in the family not him right? Thank you...thank you very much..." ~ Howie
(Damn! I would hate to see the rest of his family!)

"You find really odd times to go to the supermarket..." ~ Brian
(Well, I don't think you can talk about someone else finding really odd times to go to the supermarket! You went in the middle of a music video!)

"If you can say butt right." ~ AJ

"When we're home...we're not home." ~ Brian
(Is he trying to confuse us? Yes, I think so)

"There's a lot you don't know Nick." ~ Howie
(AHHHH! Bad thoughts! Don't expose Nick to your bad side, Howie!)

"Where do I stick this?" ~ Kevin
(Um? Up Howie's ass?! I'm sure he would like that)

"Oh gosh I'm nervous." ~ Nick
(Are you going to pee your pants? I'm sure the Tenny-Boppers would LOVE to see that!)

"But I spend more time with my puppies so it's ok." ~ AJ
(Puppies? Is that a codename for your strippers?)

"All I want you to do is scream obnoxiously for the rest of the show." ~ AJ
(Howie? Are you telling Howie that? Are you stripping for Howie? [For some reason, I have stripping on my mind today])

"I think I'm gonna go to everyone's house after the show and trick or treat." ~ AJ
(You can come over to MY house and trick-or-treat anytime you want!)

"Dropoff...parking...5 dolla." ~ AJ
(Is he immitating Howie's brother?)

"Where'd my chili cheese dog go?" ~ Nick
(Did you check the rat's[Tyke's] mouth?)

"I added to it, so it's BIGGER!" ~ Brian
(Did you add to it with a penis pump?)

"The's great ain't it?" ~ Nick
(Yeah, free porn, huh Nick?)

"It's hard for AJ to go outside." ~ Kevin
(Why? Because he's in your ass?)

"We are NOT in love with each other." ~ Howie
(Sure...tell everyone that you and Nick aren't. We will believe it. We know you aren't gay, Howie!)

"Hey Nick? They said PROFESSION." ~ Brian
(Troll counceling. That's his profession.)

"Kev did you see the pin she's got of you on her blouse?" ~ Brian
(Um, Kev, what are you doing looking at other women's blouses when you are supposted to be married?)

"Especially Nick...he wears those heavy shoes." ~ Howie
(Do heavy 'shoes' turn you on, Howie?)

"I like Nick's butt." ~ AJ
(Ahem! And everyone thought Howie was the gay one! No one expected AJ! Nooo!)

"I agree." ~ Nick
(Yeah, you agree to everything that Kevin says because you are afraid of getting beat up on afterwards)

"The Jungle....." ~ Nick
(The one in Howie's pants?)

"We're tryin not to mess up the dance steps right now." ~ Kevin
(Kevin, one of these days you will realize that actually everyone is doing it right, and you are the only one doing it wrong.)

"Howie you're on the phone...." ~ AJ
(Yeah...and? Is that unusual? Can't trolls talk on the phone too?)

"That's sweet of you Howard..." ~ Kevin
(::ahem:: GAY!!)

"We were sweatin like pigs." ~ Brian
(Ohhh K. That's what you get for gettin it on with Nick. We told you he was hott but you didn't listen)

"I've been to the dentist since then." ~ Brian
(What? Since the last time you kissed Leigh Anne?)

"That's scary looking....right" ~ Nick
(This is Nick's reaction the frist time he saw Howie with no pants on)

"I hate my hair in this video Carson..." ~ AJ
(Well, you shouldn't have a gay hairstylist then.)

"We don't have a was a LARGE PROP." ~ Nick
(Yes, I'm sure IT'S very large. Mmm Hmm sure)

"On a farm?????" ~ Howie
(Yeah, Howie. That's where you belong)

"I like just takes too long to fly there...." ~ Brian
(I guess time flies when you are fucking Nicky on planes right?)

"I sucked in Geography class." ~ AJ
(So did Nick. Can't we all tell? He can't even tell right from left.)

"I DONT have a big head!" ~ Nick
(You said it. I didn't. Come on. You need to give HIM (lil nicky) a little credit. He can't help it if he's ::ahem:: small.)

"See, I let you drive & look what happens." ~ Kevin
(Well, you know that Nick shouldn't be behind the wheel anyway. It's your fault.)

"Is there anyone we don't wanna room with? Normally eachother...just kidding." ~ Howie
(Better question- is there any GUY that Howie doesn't want to sleep with?)

"And what, may i ask, are you doing here?" ~ Nick
(Looking at you in your underwear, and what, may I ask, are you doing wearing any? I thought we had an understanding... we don't wear underwear on the tourbus.)

"Whatdoyoumean, i WON these!" ~ Nick
(You won one pleasure filled night with Howard!)

"SECURITY!" ~ Nick
(Yeah get over here! Howie's trying to rape Nick! Hurry!)

"What exactly are you doing with your hair?" ~ Howie
(AJ- "I'm putting my cum in it to make it stay down. I ran out of gel)

"I love the rat." ~ Nick
(Tyke?! Where?! I scared!!)

"I REALLY can't stand these guys." ~ AJ
(Well, why do you sleep with them every night on tour then?)

"Would you STOP?!" ~ Brian
(Brian, you know that once Howie gets going he can't stop!)

"Ya know.. he's got a point." ~ Nick
(What? A point on the front of Howie's pants?)

"Its the Bone Cam." ~ Brian
(The Bone Cam? Is that the camera that AJ films all of his sex acts with? Well, tell him he has to watch what he does while on tour. Some things are illegal in some states.)

"We'll date anybody." ~ Kevin
(Um.. aren't you married?)

"I wear heavy shoes." ~ Howie
(Yep. It does turn him on)

"He's still got too many damn bags.. WAY too many damn bags." ~ AJ
(Bags of crack?)

"Put your hands down... we never fight." ~ Nick
(Aww! Nick you have to kiss it better for Howie!)

"I'll just sit over here by the fax machine." ~ Kevin
(What and wait for you divorce papers to come in?)

"I look like a convict in all of these pictures." ~ AJ
(Um... maybe that's because they're your mug shots)

"Come on Frack.. say your line." ~ Brian
(Oh! Role play, huh? That's Brian's turn on!)

"After Howie gets out of the bathroom room it really smells." ~ Brian
(Ewww! Too much information! I think I'm going to have bad dreams tonight)

"Kevnin would like to have this kind of hair." ~ Brian
(You mean Kevin doens't have any pubic hair? I thought that was Nick)

"We get paid to love her." ~ AJ
(I wish we got paid to love you.)

"Lemme peek around the corner and make sure no one's undressed." ~ Kevin
(No, you don't have to do that. It's perfectly ok if we accidently see one of the undressed)

"Howie would be dead." ~ AJ
(Really?! I mean, darn)

"The way i drive is like a rollder coaster." ~ AJ
(Can I RIDE with you?)

"I looks like Elvis." ~ AJ
(Um ok?)

"It was like a hanger." ~ Nick
(That killed Howie?)

"My cat Missy was my best friend because I came home smellin' like fish every night." ~ Brian
(Well if you took a shower once in a while, maybe you wouldn't smell like fish.)

"I'm gonna be burried with a phone next to my head." ~ AJ
(I'm sure Kevin could arrange that for you)

"We're comin' out with our own underwear... tighty whities." ~ Howie
(Well, if you have any part in designing them, I dont think I want to wear them.)

"Me and Howie wear Fruit of the Loom." ~ Nick
(I hope you don't SHARE underwear.)

"Chicken tortilla things." ~ Kevin
(Hungry Kev?)

"Man that Howie just wants a woman to take care of him." ~ Howie
(Well, I don't think this woman will take care of you, so go on somewhere)

"Well heck." ~ AJ
(Sure that was the h-word he was gonna say.)

"You weren't listening to Nick, he totally introed that correctly." ~ Kevin
(Introded? Confused. And who listens to Nick anyway?)

"I'm doing the weather." ~ AJ
(How about you do me?)

"He hasn't decided what color his hair should be." ~ Brian
(How about black?)

"You guys have a wonderful day and keep yourself nice and cozy." ~ AJ
(Ok, I can be cozy with Nick all you want me to, AJ)

"Your talkin on a cell phone and your HOW old?" ~ Brian
(And? Your point is?)

"Stop messing with those buttons AJ." ~ Nick
(Yeah, you don't need to make Nick's game system to malfunction. He wouldn't be a very happy camper then)

"I need to use the facilities." ~ Howie
(I'm sure Nick will be happy to know that his services won't be needed tonight)

"I'm doin the group decisions here." ~ AJ
(Sounds good. AJ does all the important stuff)

"Alright forget about was a good idea no NO!" ~ Nick
(The idea mentioned- AJ- Alright, Nick. If you cover yourself with motion lotion and wear a thong, maybe Howie will go after you and the rest of us can sleep well tonight.)

"Nick's gettin hooked on phonics." ~ Howie
(Well, isn't it about time? I think he needed it about ten years ago!)

"I'm gonna kick somebody's butt." ~ AJ
(Kick Howie's. He will like it)

"I'm gonna have to go to the ear, nose and throat specialist now." ~ Kevin
(One word- Why?)

"Tell those girls to go to school." ~ Brian
(Brian? They can't right now. They are busy with AJ)

"Police...we need help." ~ Brian
(Howie got into the Viagra again)

"Hey, what are you doin here?"- Nick
(::gasp:: He caught AJ with his Brian!)

"How'd you get untied from the toilet?" ~ Howie
(Eeeeeekkk! Poor Nicky!)

"What about the one eyed pirate?" ~ Brian
(Yeah, Brian, what about YOUR one eyed pirate? We don't want yours, we want AJ's)

"Good job Bone." ~ Nick
(Yeah, he turned Howie on again)

"Man, why do you have to do know I don't like that." ~ Nick
(Poor Nicky. Howie fucked AJ again. We know it hurts you, Nick)

"He was so starstruck, he didn't even know it hurt until later." ~ Nick
(What? When that guy that had been Howie's biggest fan for years finally met him?)

"Dude, I ain't gettin freaky!!!" ~ Nick
(AJ- Aww! Nick! Why not? You do it with Howie!)

"I'm a gentle person...I don't like to fight." ~ Nick

"I'm just an all around great son, even tho I'm a pain in the ass." ~ AJ
(Yup. I believe it.)

"They're walking the plank!" ~ Howie
(Who? NSYNC?)

"What the heck dude?" ~ AJ
(I dunno and I dont wanna know)

"What do you think of this Howard Dwaine Dorough?" ~ Nick
(I think Nick sounds gay there. That's what I think)

"I think you'll be out here a lot longer then I will." ~ Howie
(Out on stage before they boo you off?)

"Lou, Lou, Lou..." ~ Kevin
(What is that Howie at night?)

"This is not Bob Barker this is Nick Watch 10" ~ Nick

"To all the fans in Germany...I'm still alive....but I can't have kids anymore." ~ AJ
(::gasp:: Why not! But I wanted you kids!)

"That looks GREAT Kevin." ~ Brian
(Yup that's really great)

"Ok, when I'm recording the album in the studio I will not wear a shirt." ~ Nick
(Ooo baby! Let me in there!)

"Nicky here is a prankster. So I'm pretty sure he's doin something behind my back right now." ~ Howie
(Yeah, I bet he is and I know you like it)

"Take off your shirt Nick." ~ Brian
Brian, that's going to hurt Howie's feelings when he finds out.

"This is what LA does to ya...freaks ya out man." ~ Kevin
That's why you move back to Kentucky!

"Delayed reaction." ~ Nick
From what, Howie? It takes a while for Howie to cum because he's so tiny.

"My butt hurts." ~ Brian
OMG! This proves that BSB ain't nothin but a bunch of Brittish Cigarettes (fags)!

"Get your hand off my head." ~ Nick
Don't talk to AJ like that! You know you like the feel of his touch there.

"And Howie said....I'm never talkin to you again." ~ Brian
I told you earlier that tellin' Nick to take off his shirt was going to make Howie upset!

"You don't look mean enough." ~ Nick
(Brian- "How's this?" ::flicks him off and sticks out his tongue::)

"He gets his eyebrows from me...can you tell we're cousins now?" ~ Kevin
(Poor Brian)

"I remember Brian had the THICKEST accent...." ~ AJ
(He still does)

"You're gonna poke my eye out." ~ Kevin
(With what, Kevin?)

"There's still questions that need to be answered?" ~ Nick
(Yeah, but answer my question first, why do ya'll got to be gay?)

"It was nice talkin to you....what's your name? Hi was nice talkin to you." ~ Nick [Mike]
Is Nick schisophrenic?

"Nice guy isn't he?" ~ AJ
You know Mike also! Small world!

"I guess this room would bring out the animal in anybody." ~ Kevin
(Yeah, what are you in there with Leslie?)

"Shutup man...quit talkin." ~ AJ
(What was said- 'AJ gots this big bag of crack under his pillow!)

"Good landing." ~ Kevin
(What? Did Brian's cum land right on AJ's head?)

"Where the hell am I going?" ~ AJ
(Did Howie give you that date rape stuff again?)

"I would be the monkey's trainer." ~ Nick
(Is that the game that you and Howie play in bed? Where you are the trainer and Howie is the monkey? He kinda looks like a monkey)

"The water would have to be REAL warm" ~ Brian
(Well, I'm sure it would for 'him' to look even a little normal sized.)

"Actually, whenever we go out in public, AJ starts singin." ~ Kevin
(Well, that's a dead giveaway for his disguise)

"They were ours first." ~ Brian
(What? TransCon?)

"God that would hurt." ~ Nick
(What? Howie grabbing and twisting?)

"Howie's always the first one to walk around and slap you in the face." ~ Brian
(Yeah, that's what turns him on)

"It's like wearing saran wrap." ~ AJ
(What? Wearing a condom?)

"What the heck was that used for? I don't wanna know." ~ Nick
(I think it was used to create you, Nick)

"Scary, spooky, shrubbery..." ~ Kevin
(Prez Bush?)

"I look bulemic in my large anorexic truck." ~ AJ
(Um. I think you are bulemic.)

"My name's on the's HUGE!" ~ Brian
(So is that what you call it? A blimp. Ok)

"Chillin here watchin Brian make a fool of himself." ~ Nick
(Wow! I'd be watching that too! For once it's not Nick making a fool of himself!)

"It's a bathtub that flies." ~ AJ
(Sounds like fun. Am I invited?)

"Are you like...listening to everything we say?" ~ Brian

"I'm grounded, what'd I do? I dunno she just makes stuff up." ~ AJ
(Don't talk about your mom like that. I'm sure she doesn't like it when you smoke your weeee-he-he-eed)

"I've just been kissed." ~ AJ
(By Howie? Where's the anti-venum?)

"Cuz we really want you to...." ~ AJ
(the question- Justin, will you please let us have Britney for one night? We promise she will come back with only a few scratches and broken bones, but all in one piece. Please?)

"The WHAT????" ~ Nick
(The LITTLE THING in your pants!)

"I'm a good reckless driver..." ~ AJ
(Everyone! Stay off the road! AJ is driving! Run for your lives!)

