Ruff Beginings!
Joey looks like he is getting ready to fun, Chris looks like he is too happy, Justin looks like he is trying to hold back a sneeze, Lance looks like a woman, and JC is trying to be a 'ghetto homie.'
This is one of those pictures where there is no comment needed. Just look at the picture!
I have a few questions...
Does Chris ever wash his hair?
Does he even CARE what he looks like?
Do his hair stylists CARE that he looks like he just got up and brushed his hair last year?
Chris isn't sooo scary here. Just a whole lot.
Um...Chris, your hair is going to knock someone out one of these days...
Is that Chirs or the ugly older brother of your best friend?
That was when you could actually READ Chris's autograph.
Note to Chris- Drugs are bad before a photoshoot.
That is a really good way for Chris to get hurt.
AHHHHH! Chris is on a computer! NNOOOO! He is going to blow up China!!