Hey guys! This fan site is dedicated to the three (previously four, we'll miss you Matt!) talented guys of the best Man Band of our time, LMNT, featuring mysterious Ikaika, sexy Mike, and fun-loving Bryan. Check when and where the boys are with the calendar. Look at the publications the guys are in with articles. Check out their singles and their lyrics with the discography.
And keep up with news and gossip (there's some REAL juicy stuff that has just been added, so you may want to check it out!).
Keep checking back here for futher updates. As well, have fun surfing on the links to learn more about LMNT and you are welcome to (PLEASE!!!) join our fan club! Any comments/questions/suggestions? Would you like to join the web team? E-mail us at the address below or sign our guestbook. Thanx for visiting and have fun on our site! We'll be updating at least weekly from now on, so come back soon :)
Peace, love, and LMNT~
E-Mail: LMNTfan1@yahoo.com
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