::Say what? My favorite 2Ge+her quotes::

After watching 2Ge+her about a million and a half times, I think I have this movie totally stored in the memory bank forever! But hey, I am totally not complaining. Due to the fact that MTV has a history of re-playing everything a thousand times over, I had alot of chances to scribble down a few of my favorite quotes to share with you guys! It took me a really long time to accumulate all of these quotes so I would really apreciate it if you wouldn't copy and paste them onto your own sites. Enjoy the quotes! Peace.

"There are 5 basic types in every successful boy band. You've got your bad boy, your rebel, one, you have your shy, bashful type, two, you got your little guy, your dewy eyed youngster, three, four, your reasuring older brother type, and our heartthrob, our teen idol. He's the one who holds it all together. He's the one who's eyes are looking at you from the poster saying, oh, hold me, take care of me, and that boy cannot have a tatoo!"-Bob Buss

"Yo! The name is spiritual spelled with a C!"-Cpiritual

"His name is Jerry O'Keefe. He's got the body of Stallone and the face of Jonothan Taylor Thomas."-Bob Buss

"So say, you become a big teen idol, so say you're on MTV! Your face is everywhere on cheesy keychains and backpacks and lunchboxes! You have girls throwing their retainers at you!"-Erin

"I heart you."-Jerry

"We're gonna sleep in the car. It's not a big deal cause I took a nap on the way down. And during the nap I had this dream, it was amazing. I was up on stage and I was singing and there were tons of people. Thousands of them, they were going crazy. And I sorta took that as a sign, you know, that I'm gonna make it, I'm gonna be a star. Is that crazy?"-Jerry

"Before Donnie and Marie met me, they were Marie and Donnie. So I advised them, switch it! History's made!"-Billy Fullerton

"For your information his name was Ricky Nelson, and there will never ever be another one like him. Robert, what the world needs now is boy bands!"-Billy Fullerton

"And teens, well, you know when teens, they get in trouble and they try to make something up... lying! teen lying!"-Mr. Utica

"Nice toosh Rochester!"-Doug

"Would you say he was the shy type? Can you sing?"-Bob Buss

"Do you know, how I spend all my time? Crying all the time, thinking of you. Sorry, I can't."-Chad

"I can look after Chad! Plus I can make coffee! Drive the tour bus! I can cut hair, sew! I can do transmission work, whatever it takes!"-Doug

"It might be the one thing in my life that I don't screw up, like my ex-wife and two kids who moved away to Sacramento last year. If you're watching this Jilly and Jennifer, Daddy misses you!"-Doug

"I have this dream that I don't tell many people about, and that's to own a Sea-Doo and I'm gonna get one too cause I plan to make a butt load of money with this."-Chad

"I base it on the fact that one time I fit 5 dollars up my butt, and well not to brag or nothin', but I think I can fit WAY more up there, WAY more, easy!"-Chad

"How about Matchbox 20...Matchbox 30...okay, something else with 30...you know, just this van, and driving. Driving!...Driving 30!"-Chad

"Listen, I don't know any of you guys that well but when I think about where I want to go, where I really want to be, I think about singing."-Jerry

"2gether! That's it! That's what we'll call ourselves!"-Bob Buss

"That idea's stupid. If there's gonna be 5 guys, it should be, 5Gether!"-Chad

"I don't know about you guys but I'm calling myself something different."-Chad

"I use to play in this heavy metal band called Pegasus. Pegasus! We couldn't afford insturments, you know, so we had to sing accapella."-Doug

"I really don't think it was right to joke about the darth vader costumes like that, it's offensive to all the families of the people who have been killed by darth vader, the people who's human rights he's been violating for so long, that's all"-Chad

"When I grow up I'm gonna be the baddest skate board champion ever. And if that don't work out, I'll become a youth paster!"-Skater

"Kid Rock was discovered in a skate park, true story. He was selling I beleive black market tar. Well, not tar heroine, just tar. You know, for bruises and stuff. Smart kid"-Bob Buss

"I have this website, it's called www. backslash, another blackslash dot I'm totally awesome..."-another skater

"Mickey P.'s got one hoe and one hoe only, and that's Mickey P. foo!"-Mickey

"You ain't no gangsta! You're all Mr. 2% Milk, Mr. Khaki Pants, Mr. Touched by an Angel, get outta my face!"-Mickey

"I'm in the band! Who's in the band! Mickey's in the band!"-Mickey

"Man, I'm talking to the camera!"-Mickey

"B-I-T-C.."-Mickey "No Mickey no!"-Bob Buss

"What about the future back in, does that include likeness approval, merchandising rights? Talk to me."-QT's Mom

"Oh QT, you're the best looking member of 2gether! Shh, don't speak...don't stop, never..oh yeah baby!"-QT

"I guess now QT's kinda like Michael and the rest of us we're like Jermaine and Tito, but I have this theory that Jermaine was way more important in the Jackson 5 than Michael. I mean, who invented the moonwalk? Jermaine! Who sang "Thriller"? Jermaine! Who even married Lisa Marie Presley? It was Jermaine!"-Chad

"Uh uh man! No! Mickey P. don't dress like no star spangled elvis!"-Mickey

"Say some girl picks up a copy of the magazine and she reads that both Jerry and QT's favorite color is blue. Her favorite color is green! But nobody in 2gether likes green, there go, nobody in 2gether likes her! There go, she has no personality, no taste! She's worse than nothing! She's a waste of human flesh!"-Bob Buss

"Glory, Glory, Halelujah. Glory, Glory, Halelujah. Glory, Glory, Halelujah. His truth is marching on"-Qt

"Bilary Thrombosis"-Qt

"Hi, I'm your brother Chad."-Chad

"Uh uh! Back up bitch! Robins Egg Blue that's my favorite color yo!"-Mickey

"I thought it was you asking me as yourself! Like Chad, do you like your brother? And I'm like sometimes... I don't always ALWAYS like him!"-Chad

"Wore a tuxedo T-shirt to my senior prom."-Doug

"She dosn't need to be a knock out just someone with a nice personality who can make me laugh."-Jerry

"I love him always, I love him like a brother."-Chad

"Hey boys, this is Bob Buss. Remember my Bob Buss rule, never take candy from a fat ass."-Kelleigh from Woa

"Being locked up in that room was totally cool, but I wish there were girls in there, and that there weren't enough sleeping bags, so me and a girl would have to share one!"-QT

"You know I don't think Mr. Buss is using all my abilities, you know? I can save a lot of money with the stuff I've been working on. This one for example I've been working on the other day."-Chad

"You guys I'm not sleeping with Mickey again, that dude drools."-Chad

"The word is Bulimic."-Moderator "Very funny"-Skinny contestent

"The sentence is, Hey man check out that Susurrus!"-Moderator

"I ruined it, I ruined it? It's not my band it's YOUR band!"-Jerry

"Everyone's talking about QT's problems, but I was up on that stage trapped in that fat guy suit literally suffocating to death. And while I was rolling around, I was still, I was still, trying to contribute to the group by making as many laser noises as humanly possible!"-Chad

"All I gots to say is Mickey P.'s gonna do what Mickey P.'s gots to do!"-Mickey

"I can't be perfect every time out. I'm not Ossy Osbourne!"-Doug

"First, Tom Hanks blows. Second, Meg Ryan is stalking him throughout the whole movie. And third, no guy would meet a girl on top of the Empire State Building, guys don't do that."-Erin

"Hey guys! Wait up, I'm gonna find some chicks!"-QT

"Wet T-shirt, cool!"-QT

"No man! Did I ask for an apple pie? No!... No onions on the burger!"-Mickey

"Let me break it down for you, a cheeseburger, medium frie, no onions on the cheeseburger!"-Mickey

"Fried onions, raw onions, we have spring onions, green oninons, red onions..."-The Pig

"Don't make me get off this bike! I'm getting off the bike, that's it, I'm getting off the bike. What! That's it I'm killing you man!"-Mickey

"I like the yellow one."-Chad

"He fell asleep."-Guard carrying unconscious QT

"Eeya eeya moo!"-Doug

"Look look! It's you! It's you! I know!"-Chad

"Do We Lipsync?"-Chad

"You can try and open for Woa, or you can try and SUCK IT!"-Kelleigh

"No! We've got a commitment to ourselves! I mean, I lost my wife and kids! I lost Pegasus! I'm not gonna be a quitter again!"-Doug

"Hello naked girls!"-QT

"Them, people, girls! They'll kill us!"-Mickey

"These things go in Water?"-Chad

"I should dress like R2D2. Doug can be Jaba the Hut, Jerry could dress like Princess Leia"-Chad

"It's not about the money, the fame, or the girls. It's about respect and integrity"-Mickey

"Mickey Parke rules the world, you know what I'm saying?"-Mickey

"I pick em', I don't floss em'. That's the difference."-Doug

He's calling me like I'm his dog, I ain't your dog man!"-Mickey

"Too many girls, so little time."-QT

"I can't hear a damn thing!"-Mickey