[=chapter six=]

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“Nick?” Amanda pushed open the door to room 1028 to reveal nobody. An empty room stared back at Amanda early in the morning. Worriedly, she turned around to check if Nick was standing behind her. There was no one. Quietly, she pushed open the door wider and walked in. Suddenly, a loud outburst from behind shouted at her. So sudden that she stumbled back but caught hold of the dresser next to her in time or else she would have fallen on the floor. She gasped loudly.

Nick laughed. Although he could not see Amanda’s reaction, hearing it was just as good. He continued to laugh uncontrollably and grabbed the door handle for support.

“Jerk, jerk, jerk!” Amanda cried out punching Nick’s arm playfully many times.

“Ow, ow! Okay, stop it! It’s just a joke!”

“A lame one too, if you ask me. Must be the oldest trick in the book.”

“That must be why you fell for it!” Nick smirked knowingly.

“How would you know? You didn’t SEE my reaction, did you?”

“Hearing it was just as good.” Nick defended himself, “You should have ‘heard’ yourself! It was so funny!”

“Yeah, yeah whatever.” Amanda grumbled as she held onto Nick’s arm and leading him outside the room.

“Where are we going?” Nick asked, scared that there might be fans.

“Don’t worry, we’re just going to do a check-up. To see when you’re ready to do the operation.”

Just then, a swarm of piercing screams filled the air as they passed the front door of the hospital. Luckily, there were several security guards standing by the door, forbidding them to enter the once quiet hospital. Amanda pushed Nick so that they could be walking slightly faster. Once they got away from the door, the screaming faded slightly but never stopped.

“God! How can you stand them? They are so annoying!” Amanda muttered loudly.

“Well, without them, there’d be no us. But you’re right, they can get really annoying sometimes.” Nick replied.

“Yeah.” Amanda agreed reluctantly, “We’re here.” Amanda halted and opened a door that led to a room full of machinery that checks the eye. (Author’s Note: I may not be too accurate here because I do not know much stuff about the machinery that checks the eye. That’s partly why writing this story was hard. I have gone to the optimist a few times but I’ve never known much and wasn’t interested anyway.) “Dr. Suff?” Amanda called into the room, “Nickolas Gene Carter is here for the check-up.”

A woman around her thirties stepped into sight. She was wearing glasses, a white T-shirt, jeans, and a white doctor robe over it all. In her left hand held a beige folder that read on the label, ‘Nickolas Gene Carter’.

“Ah, right. It’s okay now Amanda. You may leave.” Dr. Suff waved her hand at Amanda to tell her to leave the room. Nick held onto Amanda’s sleeve tighter.

“Nick, it’s okay. Remember what I said about not giving up?” Amanda asked. Nick nodded. “I’ll be back at the end of the check-up” Amanda said soothingly. Nick loosened his grip and let go of Amanda. Smiling at Nick and Dr. Suff, she left the room feeling content.