[=chapter two=]

my stories

I slept over at Geneve’s house that night. We stayed up until 3 in the morning before we both fell asleep! Seriously, we were so loud, I swear we woke up the whole house, just that the Wyatt’s were too polite to tell us. Halfway through the night (or rather morning. Er… it was actually like 4) I woke up for the bathroom and I decided to see if Geneve’s brother – Justin – was still up. His door was open and I peeked into his room and he was… watching porn online (haha just kidding) he was online, but I couldn’t see what he was doing though. He was shirtless, and I must say, Justin is very sexy. He’s like a total computer freak and a genius but he still is sexy, unlike the other geeks. He must’ve seen me in the mirror because he turned around and looked at me. I suddenly became very aware of what I looked like.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

“Um… I was gonna go to the bathroom, and I saw your door open so I decided to see what you were up to so late.”

This wasn’t exactly a lie, because I was going to go to the bathroom, just that I had intended on seeing what Justin was doing. I guess he didn’t believe me because there was that ‘ok… I don’t know this freak’ look on his face. Well… the bathroom IS at the other end of the corridor.

“Sexy PJs,” he commented, and then he turned around to his computer again. “Better get some sleep Wylie, you’ll look like a panda.”

I tugged at my faded blue pajamas. They had pictures of these mice on it, I used to think it was cute… but er… I guess that’s not exactly the definition of sexy. I said a quick ‘night’ to him and hurried to the bathroom. I almost forgot to go. As soon as I turned on the light and saw myself, I nearly screamed. I looked like Cruella Deville! I frantically ran my fingers through my hair. Not much difference. I yawned and closed the door.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

I noticed that when I came out of the bathroom, Justin’s door was closed. I shrugged and just crawled back into bed next to Geneve. She was sleeping like a log. All of a sudden, I didn’t feel sleepy anymore. Weird. I stared at the ceiling and all that could think of was – Nick. God I didn’t even know his last name! “Stop thinking about him, stop thinking about him, stop thinking about him.” I repeated. Geneve stirred and I shut up. But my mind didn’t. It’s like, one side just keeps thinking of him but the other side is telling me not to. I closed my eyes hoping that it would help me to sleep, but my mind just went on and on and on!

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

Sunlight peeked through the curtains and I realized that Geneve had already woken up. Actually, the whole family was up. I could hear them downstairs and I could smell Mrs. Wyatt making breakfast. Stretching, I stood up and picked up my bag off the ground and opened the door. Justin was just about to knock it. I moved back, surprised. Running a hand through my hair, I smiled weakly at him. I didn’t want to say anything so close up because my breath might smell.

“Morning. Just gonna wake you up, but I guess you did that yourself. Breakfast in 15,” and then he left.

Rubbing my eyes, I ran to the bathroom for a quick shower.

* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *

“Morning!” I said cheerfully to everyone as I walked into the kitchen. Everybody was up already. I kind of felt embarrassed that I hadn’t waken up sooner. I sat awkwardly next to Geneve.

“What’s wrong?” she asked me.

“Nothing, why would anything be wrong?”

“Just that you seemed a bit quiet today.”

“Yeah, I’m always like that in the morning. Where are we going later?”

“I dunno. We could go shopping. I heard that they finished renovating yesterday so it’s gonna be pretty cool.”

“That sounds cool.” I was feeling a bit tired, maybe it was because of the fact that I think I slept at around six and it was nine right now. I ate breakfast in silence except for a few occasional comments and Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt sometimes asked me about my family, school, stuff like that. You know, parents like to make conversation even though they probably know all about you since you’ve known them since kindergarten. Oh well. I nearly fell asleep through breakfast but thank God Justin dropped his glass and woke me up. He looked at me and I almost thought that he dropped the glass on purpose. I thanked him secretly inside. Justin can be annoying at times but he can be pretty cool when he wants to be.

After breakfast, Geneve told me to sleep some more because I looked like I was bankrupt AND I found out that Nick had a girlfriend (trust me, that’s bad enough just by itself) Jeez, I didn’t think I looked THAT horrible. But nevertheless I took her advice and crashed her bed. And did it feel good.

When I woke up, it was around 12:30 in the afternoon. I checked my hair in the mirror and it looked quite good after a few brushes and a bit of gel here and there. I walked out of Geneve’s room and started looking for her. She was nowhere in sight (actually, I just looked in the bathroom because I knew she wouldn’t be there) so I just went to knock on Justin’s door and ask him if he’s seen Geneve. Turns out, she was just plain in sight right downstairs in the living room, playing DDR. I watched her for a while before she finally noticed that I was actually there. After she took a quick shower and make and whatever, we headed to the mall – and I must say, it was a pretty cool experience. Not that I’ve never been to the mall before but it was fun.