Chapter 10

gO 2 chapter 11
BaCk 2 MaIn

“Precious, are you ready?” Aylin yelled from downstairs “Unless you hurry up, we’ll be late!”


With a last glance to her big mirror, she stomped down the stairs. She was wearing her tight jeans with red flower motives on its trotters, a white top, the short cardigan she bought that day, her red hat and high-heeled black sandals.

Aylin was driving them to the hotel where the fan conference was held. There they were finally, front gate of the hotel was full of teenage girls aged between 12-20 waiting impatiently to get in.

“I still couldn’t believe you dragged me here.” Precious whined when she shot a glance to the increasing crowd.

“Why, don’t you like the Backstreet Boys?” asked Aylin.

“No, I do like their voices, I mean they’re really talented but I wouldn’t need to come here just for them. Can anyone tell me what we will do inside?”

“I’ll tell you when we get there. Come on, we’ll have fun.” Kat said and they got out of the car.

“When will you come back?” Aylin asked craning her head out of the car window.

“I dunno...Don’t worry we’ll take a cab or sth.”

“Maybe we’ll meet with the guys and they’ll drop us home...” giggled Janine.

“In your dreams.” Eve retorted rolling her eyes while Janine stuck her tongue at her.

“Are you sure. I can take you if you want. Y’know your mom trusted me when they sent you here. I don’t want you to get into trouble.”

“As if she was caring” mumbled she , the sadness collapsed on her heart without wasting any time. She thought of the fight she had with her mom

“Don’t worry Mrs.Engurlu, she got into enough trouble today, her limits finished.” Eve said smiling evilly. She had felt Precious’ sadness and tried to cover it, and she successfully made it.

“Ok then, have fun.” said Aylin, finally convinced and drove off.

They were all sitting on the fifth row and waiting for the boys. All of them started to be impatient, even Precious.

“I don’t know what it is, but this excitement is contagious I guess.” she thought inside.

Kat, Janine and Eve were in an other world, however. They were talking about the boys non stop which annoyed her a bit.

Finally, the guys showed up. Girls started screaming their lungs off. Even Eve! She looked at Eve in shock and stirred her by arm. But Eve turned and shouted at her. “I met with AJ at a photo shoot, he’s phat!”

But she had stirred her to shut up. She didn’t mind though and had a look at the boys cos they had started to introduce themselves, as if they had no clue who they were. “Eve even knows AJ’s blood type.” She thought inwardly.

“Welcome guys, this is Howie D!” girls screamed.

“Welcome everybody, it’s great to see you again, I’m Kevin!” girls screamed more.

“Allrightythen, how are ya doin’ tonight, Brian’s here!” the girls’ lungs were about to popped out of their mouth.

“Hey wassup y’all this is AJ!” she had to cover her ears with her hands.

“How are florida girls doin’ tonight? I’m Nick!” Precious’ hands dropped to her lap, as well as her jaw wide open, and her shoulders slumped down, but she couldn’t take her eyes off of Nick.

But he was that David she had met two hours ago! Now she had recalled from the CD booklet, the David she had met was the famous Nick Carter. She could guess how would her friends will react : with fainting. But why did he lie to her? She didn’t like it. But she shrugged and listened to the conversation between the girls and boys.

It was Eve’s turn and she hammed over the words for two minutes and finally managed to ask a question to her forever love AJ. Then she handed the microphone to Precious.


“Stand up and ask something to one of them.” Eve whispered her through clenched teeth.

“But I..I..” she murmured as her face lit up with a wonderful idea came to her mind.

“Well...I wanna ask the one with black Nike hat.” She said grinning from ear to ear and acting the innocent.

Nick looked at the girl and immediately recognized the face. What was she doing there?

“Yeah?” said he acting the calm.

“Sorry, I couldn’t remember your name but it must be David, isn’t it?”

Now the innocent and the calm were staring at each other and all the heads turned towards Precious as if she was from outer space.

“Wow Frack, he must be the only girl in the world couldn’t remember your name” teased Brian to a crimson Nick.

“No, it’’s Nick” he stuttered.

“Oh, sorry Nick. I don’t know how I mixed it with David. Anyways, here is my question, how many CDs did you buy today?”

Nick panicked. He looked at her, she seemed having lots of fun. Why did she need to do it?

“I or two maybe...” was all he managed to say.

“OK, thanx David, oh, sorry...Nick.” she flashed a coy smile and sat down.

“What was all this David story about? Eve asked curiously as well as her other friends.

“He knows what i mean.” She replied back grinning.

“You owe us an explanation.” Said Janine.


Throughout the conference, Nick acted as a total silly and stared at Precious although she was ignoring him completely.