Chapter 11

Two hours later, the fan conference had already ended and girls were waiting outside for a cab. Precious glanced the subdued ocean which wasn't too far from the hotel’s entrance.

“Gals, why don’t we spend sometime here?” she suggested.

“Don’t expect to see the boys, they are staying at the hotel tonight.”

“I mean, on the beach.”

“It’s too late to check out the beach babes.” giggled Janine.

“Are the boys only thing you think 24/7?” asked Kat laughing.

“So are we staying or not?”

“We can’t Prec, you know we both have shoots tomorrow.” reminded Eve.

“Okay then, see ya tomorrow.” She said and stepped forward, to cross the road.

“You stay here? Okay but don’t be late and wait, wait, wait...what will we tell Aylin?” Eve asked knowing how an anxious person Aylin was.

“Don’t tell her anything yet, i’ll tell when i get home.”

“Bye then...and don’t speak to any stranger and don’t be late!” warned Janine behind her.

“Okay Mom!” Precious yelled back, crossing the road. And finally she had approached her favorite place, the beach.

It was peaceful like everytime, peaceful and quiet, not even having a hint of city’s noise and complexity. The only sound was the waves. She shievered and wrapped her arms around her body. Looking through the ocean, her eyes filled with tears. Never had felt herself that alone but she also liked it. Just for a second, she couldn’t breathe. She closed her eyes and collapsed onto the cold sand. A tear fell from her left eye through her cheek and finished its journey on her knee.

“Why the heck you are crying Precious? Nothing’s wrong in your life.” But, her heart declined her words. Something was wrong. Her Family was something that supposed to be in her life. But it wasn’t. “Whatever.” She thought. It wasn’t the time to think about bad things. Pulling her legs to herself, she rested her chin on her knee and mumbled a song.

Standing infront of the big ocean-viewed window, Nick examined the beach. Suddenly, he perceived an image. He took out his binoculars to look closely.

“I saw a person down at the beach.” He mumbled.

“Mandy will be here any minute” Brian reminded him without taking his eyes off of the TV screen.

“Whatever.” He mumbled again and his eyes widened from what they saw.

“Oh my god Bri, it’s she, it’s she!”

“Who’s she?”

“She’s the girl!”

“Oh...yeah...she must be a girl if she’s a she...Clever Nick!” Brian replied laughing at his friend’s silly excitement.

Nick turned his head around to face his friend and gawked at his face not taken from the TV screen.

“Who’s she?” brian asked again, this time looking at his face.

A sudden shine appeared inside his ocean blue eyes as well as a wide grin on his face. He turned back to his binoculars.

“The girl in the conference.”

“Nick, there were hundreds!”

“No! The one who asked me a question.”

“Oh...then what were the other girls there for? Clever Nick’s speaking again.” He teased laughing hysterically.

“I know, i know...She was the one who called me David, remember?”

“Yeah got it.”

“She’s down at the beach right now.” Smirked he.

“For God’s sake Frack, how in the world did you notice it’s the same girl? We’re on the third floor.” “Ha-ha funny Carter.”

“I know. I’m going out” said Nick still smirking. “You’ll deceive her somehow, I trust you Frick.” He tapped him on the back and stormed out of room.

“But I don’t trust you with what the hell you’re going to do with this girl. Jesus Frack, why are you so successful to get my head into trouble?” he murmured and went over the window the window to see them. Just curiosity.

Nick crossed the road and trying not to scare her, he tiptoed. Just inches away from her when he heard her singing with a soft voice. He just stood there still not knowing what to do or how to act. He just stared her, her back was towards him. Suddenly her head turned around and faced him. Their eyes locked to each other for a minute.

“Hey” he said softly.

Precious was surprised from what she was. He was looking gorgeous as usual, even in this baggy Adidas sweats. “ Hold on Prec, you can’t fall in love.”


“What are you doin’ here?” he asked hesitantly.

“Just chillin’.It makes me relax. How ‘bout you?”

“Same reason. May I sit?” ‘Liar’. You were here for her.

“Yeah, of course.” She lifted her head up and smiled at him.

Brian was looking at the two when the door was knocked. Knowing it was Mandy, he found a little time to close the curtains and throw the binoculars away.

“Hey Bri, where’s Nick?”

“Nick? Oh, oh, he’s...he’s with AJ in his room.” Brian answered hoping the excuse would work.

“What’s he doin’ there? He was supposed to me with me.” Said Mandy pevishly.

“Hey, hey, he needed to talk with him and he has every right for it.” Brian said accusingly.

“Ok, ok...Tell him I wanna talk with him tomorrow morning.”

“Yeah, i definetely will.”

“Why those curtains closed?” she asked suspiciously.

Brian gasped. Now you need a smart excuse.

“Cos it’s dark.” He answered. Silly.

“You have the view of ocean and curtains are closed cos of darkness.” With that, she walked over and opened up the curtains. Fortunately, most to Nick’s luck, she didn’t pay attention to beach.

“Don’t forget, tomorrow morning.” She commanded and slammed the door of suit room.

He let out a sigh and slumped to bed.


“I sweated tonight, thanx.” Nick said after a long silence.

“I don’t think so.”

“Yes you are. Can i learn, why did you call me David in front of hundreds?”

“Cos that was the name you’ve introduced yourself.”

“How about the question, asking me how many CDs that i bought?”

“It was all your fault lying in the first meeting.”

“Did you expect me to say it like ‘Hey girl, I’m famous Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys?’”

“No, but just simple, your name, that’s all. You’re not the only Nick in Orlando.”

“I had to lie to you...I’m sorry but I had to...Would you want to be amidst of soo many screaming girls?”


“I’m not.”


“I’m not.”


“I’m not.”


“I AM NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!” he shouted as his voice echoed. His fists were clunched tightly to his legs and the look in his eyes were showing his anger.

Precious bursted into laughter. As she laid down the sand and continued laughing, Nick gawked at her.

“Sorry, sorry but I couldn’t were soo sweet.” She said and straightened.

“Oh you found a dumb, have fun.” Said he and looked at the ocean, meaningless.

She stopped giggling. Feeling herself guilty, she whispered to his ear. ”Hey...I’m sorry man...Really.”

“Gotcha!” Nick shouted, grinning evilly.

“Bastard!” Precious smacked his arm playfully. She liked this guy much but still was self-possessed not to fall in love. She wasn’t supposed to love.

“Ha-ha! How was it? Good enough to relent you huh?” he contiued playfully.

She felt a sudden feeling to kiss him. His lips were looking as delicious as it couldn’t be. But...”It mustn’t happen” she commanded herself.

“Now, we’ll meet again. No lie this time ok?” she said, trying to get rid of thought of kissing Nick.

“You first.”

“Ok...My name is Precious...And yours?” “ I’m Nickolas Gene Carter and this man is pleased to meet with such a nice lady.” Nick held her hand and kiss the top of it.

“Aww, Nickolas and I’m honored to meet with a gentelman.” She replied putting her other head to her chest.. And inwardly melting to Nick beatiful eyes.

“I got that you’re not American.”

“Yup, I’m turkish.”

“Cool, I know some turkish families over here. Did you come for vacation?”

“Nope, for education.”

“Really, how long have you been here?”

“About two months or so.”


Precious glanced her watch. “Oh, holy shit. I’m late!” she got up quickly and shook the sands off of her trousers. Nick followed her as she walked towards the street.

“I can give you a ride.” He offered as he tried to keep up with her speed.

“No thanx really. I can take a cab.”

“Wait, wait, wait!” he finally reached her and grabbed her arm and yanked her to himself. She just fell into his arms which made her weak in the knees. She felt his warm breath on her face. Nick liked her being that close. It had felt so good. But he felt her whisking off.

“Let me ride you home.” He whispered.

“Okay then.” She had to agree. “You’re a real chatterbox.” He joked.

She just let out a sigh and smiled sheepishly. “I’m just tired, it was a long day and i have a photo shoot tomorrow.”

“Photo shoot? Then you’re some kind of model. I should have guessed with this beauty you couldn’t be anything but a model.”

“Nah, I’m not a top model and I’ll never be. Modelling is not my fave thing to do, I’m just having fun.”

“Who cares? Why don’t you trust yourself? I mean, you’ll be top model one day.”

“Oh, fortuneteller’s here.” She teased smirking.

“We’ll see girl, we’ll wait and see.”

“Okay then.”

“Turn left...Now go straight down till the corner and turn right...Yup here.” They were now in front of Engurlu’s enormous house. “Here we are...thanx very much for driving me home. I really enjoyed tonight.”

“Me too...Uhm...what are you doing tomorrow? I mean after photo shoot?”

“I dunno...What did you ask for?”

“I just thought maybe we can hang out or sth...”

“Fine with me. Uhm, here’s my phone number. Give me a call tomorrow and we’ll decide somethimg okay?” said she scratching some numbers down to a piece of paper.

“Yup. See ya Precious. Good Night.”

“Night Nick.” Before getting out of the car, she looked at him for a sec and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. “Thanx again.” She said and quickly got off the car.

Nick watched her till she entered inside and waved him for a last time. “I know this house.” He thought, but in the darkness he couldn’t recollect. But he realized a big ass smile on his face he was wearing since she kissed him. And smile didn’t fade away as he drove to hotel, his thoughts full of her.

“You’re back huh? How was it? Did you enjoy?” Aylin bombarded her with questions.

“Yup, it was really good.”

“Tell me everything...” she said excitedly as they sat down to kitchen table.

“ was really good. Everybody got to ask them questions and they did an acapella in the end...”

“I thought you’d come earlier, hon.” Precious gulped. Was it right to tell her everything? She already knew it was dangerous to be outside after some time but...’ whatever, i gotta tell.’

“Actually i was but then I decided to spend some time at the beach that’s why I’m late.”

“Our beach?”

“No, the one that’s across the hotel.”

“Honey, don’t you know it’s very dangerous outside after midnight, especially for girls?” Aylin said, appalled.

“I know, i know...I’m here right now, ain’t I? And also Nick drove me here. He’s a real nice guy.”

“Nick? Who the hell is he? And you got up on a stranger’s car? Oh my...oh my...what if he’d drive you somewhere else and attack?” Aylin shouted. She was still in dismay.

“He won’t do anything like that!” Precious defended him. “He’s not that type of guy. He was Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys!” Precious yelled.

“Whoever he is, i don’t want you to do it again, ok?” said Aylin, trying to calm down. She took a deep breath and rubbed her neck, placing her other hand to Precious’ knee.

“Sorry sweetie, i’m overreacting i know but you must understand me..i can’t stand the thought of you being hurt.”

Two hours later, the fan conference had already ended and girls were waiting outside for a cab. Precious glanced the subdued ocean which wasn't too far from the hotel’s entrance.

“Gals, why don’t we spend sometime here?” she suggested.

“Don’t expect to see the boys, they are staying at the hotel tonight.”

“I mean, on the beach.”

“It’s too late to check out the beach babes.” giggled Janine.

“Are the boys only thing you think 24/7?” asked Kat laughing.

“So are we staying or not?”

“We can’t Prec, you know we both have shoots tomorrow.” reminded Eve.

“Okay then, see ya tomorrow.” She said and stepped forward, to cross the road.

“You stay here? Okay but don’t be late and wait, wait, wait...what will we tell Aylin?” Eve asked knowing how an anxious person Aylin was.

“Don’t tell her anything yet, i’ll tell when i get home.”

“Bye then...and don’t speak to any stranger and don’t be late!” warned Janine behind her.

“Okay Mom!” Precious yelled back, crossing the road. And finally she had approached her favorite place, the beach. It was peaceful like everytime, peaceful and quiet, not even having a hint of city’s noise and complexity. The only sound was the waves. She shievered and wrapped her arms around her body. Looking through the ocean, her eyes filled with tears. Never had felt herself that alone but she also liked it. Just for a second, she couldn’t breathe. She closed her eyes and collapsed onto the cold sand. A tear fell from her left eye through her cheek and finished its journey on her knee.

“Why the heck you are crying Precious? Nothing’s wrong in your life.” But, her heart declined her words. Something was wrong. Her Family was something that supposed to be in her life. But it wasn’t. “Whatever.” She thought. It wasn’t the time to think about bad things. Pulling her legs to herself, she rested her chin on her knee and mumbled a song.

Standing infront of the big ocean-viewed window, Nick examined the beach. Suddenly, he perceived an image. He took out his binoculars to look closely.

“I saw a person down at the beach.” He mumbled.

“Mandy will be here any minute” Brian reminded him without taking his eyes off of the TV screen.

“Whatever.” He mumbled again and his eyes widened from what they saw.

“Oh my god Bri, it’s she, it’s she!”

“Who’s she?”

“She’s the girl!”

“Oh...yeah...she must be a girl if she’s a she...Clever Nick!” Brian replied laughing at his friend’s silly excitement.

Nick turned his head around to face his friend and gawked at his face not taken from the TV screen.

“Who’s she?” brian asked again, this time looking at his face.

A sudden shine appeared inside his ocean blue eyes as well as a wide grin on his face. He turned back to his binoculars.

“The girl in the conference.”

“Nick, there were hundreds!”

“No! The one who asked me a question.”

“Oh...then what were the other girls there for? Clever Nick’s speaking again.” He teased laughing hysterically.

“I know, i know...She was the one who called me David, remember?”

“Yeah got it.”

“She’s down at the beach right now.” Smirked he.

“For God’s sake Frack, how in the world did you notice it’s the same girl? We’re on the third floor.”

“I use this extraordinary invention called binoculars.” He replied sarcastically lifting up the binoculars.

“Ha-ha funny Carter.”

“I know. I’m going out” said Nick still smirking.

“But Mandy...”

“You’ll deceive her somehow, I trust you Frick.” He tapped him on the back and stormed out of room.

“But I don’t trust you with what the hell you’re going to do with this girl. Jesus Frack, why are you so successful to get my head into trouble?” he murmured and went over the window the window to see them. Just curiosity.

Nick crossed the road and trying not to scare her, he tiptoed. Just inches away from her when he heard her singing with a soft voice. He just stood there still not knowing what to do or how to act. He just stared her, her back was towards him. Suddenly her head turned around and faced him. Their eyes locked to each other for a minute.

“Hey” he said softly.

Precious was surprised from what she was. He was looking gorgeous as usual, even in this baggy Adidas sweats. “ Hold on Prec, you can’t fall in love.”


“What are you doin’ here?” he asked hesitantly.

“Just chillin’.It makes me relax. How ‘bout you?”

“Same reason. May I sit?” ‘Liar’. You were here for her.

“Yeah, of course.” She lifted her head up and smiled at him.

Brian was looking at the two when the door was knocked. Knowing it was Mandy, he found a little time to close the curtains and throw the binoculars away.

“Hey Bri, where’s Nick?” “Nick? Oh, oh, he’s...he’s with AJ in his room.” Brian answered hoping the excuse would work.

“What’s he doin’ there? He was supposed to me with me.” Said Mandy pevishly.

“Hey, hey, he needed to talk with him and he has every right for it.” Brian said accusingly.

“Ok, ok...Tell him I wanna talk with him tomorrow morning.”

“Yeah, i definetely will.”

“Why those curtains closed?” she asked suspiciously.

Brian gasped. Now you need a smart excuse.

“Cos it’s dark.” He answered. Silly.

“You have the view of ocean and curtains are closed cos of darkness.” With that, she walked over and opened up the curtains. Fortunately, most to Nick’s luck, she didn’t pay attention to beach.

“Don’t forget, tomorrow morning.” She commanded and slammed the door of suit room.

He let out a sigh and slumped to bed.


“I sweated tonight, thanx.” Nick said after a long silence.

“I don’t think so.”

“Yes you are. Can i learn, why did you call me David in front of hundreds?”

“Cos that was the name you’ve introduced yourself.”

“How about the question, asking me how many CDs that i bought?”

“It was all your fault lying in the first meeting.”

“Did you expect me to say it like ‘Hey girl, I’m famous Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys?’”

“No, but just simple, your name, that’s all. You’re not the only Nick in Orlando.”

“I had to lie to you...I’m sorry but I had to...Would you want to be amidst of soo many screaming girls?”


“I’m not.”


“I’m not.”


“I’m not.”


“I AM NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!” he shouted as his voice echoed. His fists were clunched tightly to his legs and the look in his eyes were showing his anger.

Precious bursted into laughing. As she laid down the sand and continued laughing, Nick gawked at her.

“Sorry, sorry but I couldn’t were soo sw

eet.” She said and straightened.

“Oh you found a dumb, have fun.” Said he and looked at the ocean, meaningless.

She stopped giggling. Feeling herself guilty, she whispered to his ear. ”Hey...I’m sorry man...Really.”

“Gotcha!” Nick shouted, grinning evilly.

“Bastard!” Precious smacked his arm playfully. She liked this guy much but still was self-possessed not to fall in love. She wasn’t supposed to love.

“Ha-ha! How was it? Good enough to relent you huh?” he contiued playfully.

She felt a sudden feeling to kiss him. His lips were looking as delicious as it couldn’t be. But...”It mustn’t happen” she commanded herself.

“Now, we’ll meet again. No lie this time ok?” she said, trying to get rid of thought of kissing Nick.

“You first.”

“Ok...My name is Precious...And yours?”

“ I’m Nickolas Gene Carter and this man is pleased to meet with such a nice lady.” Nick held her hand and kiss the top of it.

“Aww, Nickolas and I’m honored to meet with a gentelman.” She replied putting her other head to her chest.. And inwardly melting to Nick beatiful eyes.

“I got that you’re not American.”

“Yup, I’m turkish.”

“Cool, I know some turkish families over here. Did you come for vacation?”

“Nope, for education.”

“Really, how long have you been here?”

“About two months or so.”


Precious glanced her watch. “Oh, holy shit. I’m late!” she got up quickly and shook the sands off of her trousers. Nick followed her as she walked towards the street.

“I can give you a ride.” He offered as he tried to keep up with her speed.

“No thanx really. I can take a cab.”

“Wait, wait, wait!” he finally reached her and grabbed her arm and yanked her to himself. She just fell into his arms which made her weak in the knees. She felt his warm breath on her face. Nick liked her being that close. It had felt so good. But he felt her whisking off.

“Let me ride you home.” He whispered.

“Okay then.” She had to agree. The journey passed in silence. Precious rathered to look outside then talk with Nick. On the other hand, Nick glanced her without her aware evertime they stopped at the redlights.

“You’re a real chatterbox.” He joked.

She just let out a sigh and smiled sheepishly. “I’m just tired, it was a long day and i have a photo shoot tomorrow.”

“Photo shoot? Then you’re some kind of model. I should have guessed with this beauty you couldn’t be anything but a model.”

“Nah, I’m not a top model and I’ll never be. Modelling is not my fave thing to do, I’m just having fun.”

“Who cares? Why don’t you trust yourself? I mean, you’ll be top model one day.”

“Oh, fortuneteller’s here.” She teased smirking.

“We’ll see girl, we’ll wait and see.”

“Okay then.”

“Turn left...Now go straight down till the corner and turn right...Yup here.” They were now in front of Engurlu’s enormous house. “Here we are...thanx very much for driving me home. I really enjoyed tonight.”

“Me too...Uhm...what are you doing tomorrow? I mean after photo shoot?”

“I dunno...What did you ask for?”

“I just thought maybe we can hang out or sth...”

“Fine with me. Uhm, here’s my phone number. Give me a call tomorrow and we’ll decide somethimg okay?” said she scratching some numbers down to a piece of paper.

“Yup. See ya Precious. Good Night.”

“Night Nick.” Before getting out of the car, she looked at him for a sec and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. “Thanx again.” She said and quickly got off the car.

Nick watched her till she entered inside and waved him for a last time. “I know this house.” He thought, but in the darkness he couldn’t recollect. But he realized a big ass smile on his face he was wearing since she kissed him. And smile didn’t fade away as he drove to hotel, his thoughts full of her.

“You’re back huh? How was it? Did you enjoy?” Aylin bombarded her with questions.

“Yup, it was really good.”

“Tell me everything...” she said excitedly as they sat down to kitchen table.

“ was really good. Everybody got to ask them questions and they did an acapella in the end...”

“I thought you’d come earlier, hon.”

Precious gulped. Was it right to tell her everything? She already knew it was dangerous to be outside after some time but...’ whatever, i gotta tell.’

“Actually i was but then I decided to spend some time at the beach that’s why I’m late.”

“Our beach?”

“No, the one that’s across the hotel.”

“Honey, don’t you know it’s very dangerous outside after midnight, especially for girls?” Aylin said, appalled.

“I know, i know...I’m here right now, ain’t I? And also Nick drove me here. He’s a real nice guy.”

“Nick? Who the hell is he? And you got up on a stranger’s car? Oh my...oh my...what if he’d drive you somewhere else and attack?” Aylin shouted. She was still in dismay.

“He won’t do anything like that!” Precious defended him. “He’s not that type of guy. He was Nick Carter from the Backstreet Boys!” Precious yelled.

“Whoever he is, i don’t want you to do it again, ok?” said Aylin, trying to calm down. She took a deep breath and rubbed her neck, placing her other hand to Precious’ knee.

“Sorry sweetie, i’m overreacting i know but you must understand me..i can’t stand the thought of you being hurt.”

“Precious’ loyal tears filled her eyes again. It’d been a long time since someone really got worried for her of care her. She hugged her tightly.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been...”

“It’s over honey. Now go to sleep.”

“Night Aylin.”

“Good night hon.”

As Precious got prepared for bed upstairs, Aylin couldn’t help but smile as the thought of Nick visualized. The thing Precious didn’t know was that Aylin’ve known him since his childhood.

__Room 304__

“Where have you been bud? Mandy kept asking you and i had to take all the shit.” Brian complained.

“I drove her home.” Nick exclaimed grinnig from ear to ear. Brian shot him a look sayin’ ‘that girl?’

“Yeah Rok...that girl. Actually i couldn’t get if she’s a fan or not but she’s just...”

“Amazing.” Brian finished his sentence. “Don’t tell me you flirted with her.”

“Well...i can’t lie to you Rok...I tried...but nothing’s happened. I guess she’s afraid of love or something like that. And besides that I have Mandy.”

“I know...but your expositon...if any stranger heard you, it’d definetely think you're in love with this girl. There’s a secret conceited air in it boy.”

“Nah, you’re dreaming. We’re just friends.” But he knew, HE was the one dreaming.

Precious laid down on her bed and looked up to the stars that were winking at her honorably. There stood Nick’s blurred image between the stars.

“Duh! You can’t! What did I tell you? You AREN’T supposed to fall in love!”

She fell a deep sleep, as she tried to intend not to love.