Chapter 11

I couldn't believe it. Was the girl Kerri? My ex-best friend Kerri?


"Ya? What do you want?"

"I want to talk to Nick."

Without a reply I waited a few seconds when Nick's voice came on the phone.

"Hello?" he said.

"Nick," I said calmy, trying to control my emotions.

"Rachel! Hey!"

"Um, could you come pick me up? I really need someone."

"Yea, where are you?"

I told him where and described how to get there the best I coud. I said goodbye quickly and hung up. So bad I wanted to yell and scream and cry and blurt out all my emotions and feeling for Nick. I wanted to ask and demand him to tell me why Kerri was there. It just wasn't fair! What did I do to deserve all this shit? I wasn't a bad person.

I hadn't forgiven Nick yet, and now I felt even more anger inside of me. Why was he doing this to me? After he told Kerri off?

I waited by the phone booth for over an hour, waiting for Nick, thinking of things to ask and say to him but I thought of so many by the time he arrived I forgot everything. After about 30 mintues after I called him it started to rain. Thick heavy raindrops poured onto my body and dress, ruining it.

He pulled up and jerked the car to a stop. Then he ran out up to me.

"Rachel.." he embraced me into a hug, warming me. I didn't reply, just savoring his warm touch. He pulled back and looked at me. My hair had fallen out and now soaked and was surrounding my face. He brought his hand up to my hair brushed it back. How old-fashioned he was.

He glanced at my blue lips and gasped softly. "Oh my.." he whispered. Every feeling of anger dripped out of me when I looked at him. He ran his finger over my lips. "You're so cold.." he whispered. I nodded. He took my hand and led me to his car and helped me inside. He got in the drivers seat, put the heat on full-blast and started driving.

I began to think about him and Kerri. Were they together? Am I to control who Nick is friends with? Am I to control who Nick is to date? No, so why am I mad if he even is together or just friends with her? I shouldn't have been. Was I just jealous? Yes, I guess I should have been angry if he was with her after he decieved me. But not if he was just friends. After 30 minutes of thinking, I gained the courage to speak up.

"Nick, I just have one question and that's all I need to know and that's all that matters. Are you and Kerri together?"

He pulled over then turned off the car and faced me. "No, no way. Rach..I would never be with Kerri," he said sincerely.

My insides began to warm up. I loved hearing him say that. I reaplayed it in my mind. "I would never be with Kerri.."

He started driving again and we reached my apartment building. I thanked him then went inside. I took a hot bath, put on sweats then layed in my bed. I got comfortable then drifted off to an unbelievable slumber.


I walked down a huge white hallway. The ceiling must have been at least 30 feet high. I was dressed in the dress I wore to the after-party, except it was ruined, like when Nick picked me up. My hair was wet and I was walking slowly, looking around. I had never been there before.

Then I heard a voice, "Please don't turn away Rach. I love you." The voice was Nick's. I sharply turned around, expecting to see him there. But there was nothing. It was like a never-ending hallway.

I turned back around, to keep walking when I heard it again. "Rach, c'mon. Come to me." I looked further in front of me and saw a gleam of ocean-blue light. I wanted to get there so I continued faster.

After what seemed like an eternety I reached the light. I moved closer when something pulled me against it. I looked up and I was wrapped in Nick's arms. He moved his head down and we locked in a passionet kiss....

Chapter 12
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