Chapter 12

My eyes fluttered open and I thought about what happened. To make sure it was a dream and not reality. The dream was extremely strange and I didn't know what to make out of it.

A warm spectacular feeling came over me when I thought of me and Nick kissing. Would it ever happen for real ? Like we both really meant it..not like the morning we almost had sex. But a real , and true kiss..that, perhaps, he planned and wanted to do. Not just a spur-of-the-moment thing.

I hopped out of bed, letting the streaks of sunlight gush into my eyes. I slipped on my slippers and made my way down to the kitchen. I was happy. Not for any particular reason..just happy. Well, of course Nick helped. But this morning seemed, great. I grabbed the newspaper off the outside step and sat down at the kitchen table, ready to read the morning news.

I spotted an artical on BSB's new album and began reading, but the phone ringing interupted my reading. I click the 'TALK' button on my phone. "Hello?" I answered.

"Ms. Tauny?" the deep male voice on the other line asked.

"Yes, that's me. How may I help you?" I replyed.

"Well, my name is Don Parker. I am the dean of Pligmont University (Authors note: I don't know if there is such a collage, I am making it up. It is suppoed to be an excellent collage in the story, and is in North Dokota)..and there are some openings that have just arrived. You sent in an application in May of 1998 and you weren't excepted, but we recieved a call from your current collage and they think you are good enough for Pligmont."

My eyes grew wide. My dream ever since I was about 9 years old was to go to Pligmont. My father, grandmother, and 2 cousins went there. It was tradition. But now ? I've already been in collage for alomst 2 years and now they want me? I definetly could not give up this opportunity! My dream was to become a loyer, and if that wasn't possible then a teacher. Sure it was a couple steps below, but those were my choices I wanted. And now it was possible.

Only one problem: Nick.


I decided that I wanted to make up with Nick. I didn't want this stupid fight to go on forever and it was so akward not to have him around all the time.

I went over to his house and took a deep breath. "Here goes.." I whispered to myself to calm me down. I knocked three times and waited. He opened the door a minute or two later. I looked at him and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"!" I choked while laughing. "What happened to you?" He was dressed in pig pajamas and his hair was standing up on all ends like he just got electricuted. He had sleep in his eyes and his shirt was buttoned wrong.

"I just woke up," he mumbled.

"Well, sorry to disturb you..but can I come in?" He waved a hand and walked inside, leaving the door open for me to follow. I did and sat down on the sofa next to him. "Nick, I came here to talk to you."

He was awake now and said, "About what?"

"About everything. About you and Kerri, me and you, me and well..some things I need to tell you." He looked at my face sincerely, waiting for me to go on. Then he gently placed his hand over top of mine, assurring that it was ok for me to tell him. I took and deep breath, licked my lips and continued. "Um, well, I know that you and Kerri aren't together - well that's at least what you told me. And that's great for us - I mean you. Anyways, and I really don't want to be in this stupid fight anymore and I really think we could, ya know, get everything back to the way it was. I liked it that way." I swallowed and declined on telling him my secret - about my cutting, but waited for his reply.

I prayed siliently that everything would be ok and one day him and I would end up being the happy couple I dreamt about.


"And what? That's it."

"Aren't you going to apologize?"

" Apoligize ? What the hell for? You were the one who screwed up!" My anger was boiling inside my head and I felt like I was going to explode.

"I screwed up a long time ago and I did aplogize for that!"

"And what did I screw up? Nothing!" I said as I answered my own question.

We were both standing up now, stepping closer as we yelled louder and louder. "And what about last night? When you picked me up? You weren't mad about anything that I did! What changed?!" I asked.

"And I wasn't mad! And I'm not mad now!"

"Then why are you screaming?!"

"I'm not!"

I mumbled a quiet, "Fuck you," as I stomped out of the door and ran to my house.

Chapter 13
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